Sauter GmbH
Ziegelei 1
D-72336 Balingen
Instruction Manual
Operating Instructions
1. Text of the Instruction Manual in HELP Menu
A. Main function of the KERN SSG Software for the
Gold Tester
With this software, the individual ultra sound velocity of
your gold piece can be calculated.
Gold pieces as bars or coins are typically not made of pure
gold with a sound velocity of 3240 meter per seconds
(m/s). Often copper or other components are in small
shares elements of gold pieces. This is necessary to
obtain a better physical characteristics and it needs to be
respected in the check of genuineness.
The components of the mixture of your gold piece can be
taken off the expose that comes with the bar or the coin.
Or it can be asked for at the manufacturer.
B. Start the software
Start KERNSSG.exe
C. Start of the procedure
Please select „File“ then „New“
Tel: +49-[0]7433- 9933-0
Fax: +49-[0]7433-9933-149
D. Choice of the outer appearance
Selection between gold bar or gold coin
E. Weight and Dimensions
Fill in the weight and the dimensions of the piece of gold
(test object)
The following procedure for the measurements is
Determination of the weight:
* Turn the balance on
* Warm up for approx. 30 minutes
* Place the test object on the weighing pan
* Read the result in grams
Determination of the length dimensions:
* Take the thickness dimension
* Read the result in millimeters
F. Safety level
Every measurement has its tolerance. A typical tolerance
of e.g. 5% of the measured value represents a safety level
Type approved balance, e.g.
Caliper, e.g.
TD_GOLD_40-BA-e-1210 1
Sauter GmbH
Ziegelei 1
D-72336 Balingen
Instruction Manual
of 95%. This tolerance is the value by which the measured
value may vary from the real or true value. As in this
procedure, two measured values are compared with each
other, it is recommended to use a broad tolerance.
Factory-provided is this software with a safety level of
95%. This can be overwritten by any other value.
Tel: +49-[0]7433- 9933-0
Fax: +49-[0]7433-9933-149
After adding all components, the software shows the exact
and individual sound velocity of the test object.
G. Material Composition
Pure gold bars or coins are rather uncommon. Typically,
gold pieces are a composition of gold and other materials,
e.g. to provide a higher stability. That means that other
materials are added in the production process. Common
are amongst others: silver and copper.
The exact composition of the gold piece can be seen in the
exposé that typically is added with bars or coins.
Alternatively, this composition can be inquired at the
precious metals separation works, the mint or the refining
In this window, the composition is to be set in.
Please click into the line „new component“. Here please
now select the first component of the composition – other
then gold – and define the share of mass in percent of the
composition. The software now adds automatically the
relevant mass.
This individual sound velocity is to be set into the SAUTER
TD Ultrasound instrument.
H. Setting in the instrument TD special gold
Please turn the instrument on. Then please press the VEL
key. Now a sound velocity appears, e.g. 5000 m/s. By
pressing the arrow keys ▲ and ▼the sound velocity can
the changed in 10 m/s steps. Please round the calculated
sound velocity accordingly.
By pressing VEL again, this setting is stored.
I. Measurement with the TD special gold
Please put a little bit coupling gel (ATB-US 03, can be
reordered) onto the test object. Place the sensor on the
gel, gently pressed by hand. The sensor has to be
connected with the TD display unit.
If the connection is fine, in the display can now be seen:
((●)) This symbol shows the successful coupling. This
means, that the ultra sound travels regularly
through the material, is reflected and captured
with its echo.
Value (mm) This number indicates the thickness in mm
of the test object
J. Interpretation of the measured value
The measured value of the TD ultrasound instrument shall
be within the tolerances calculated by the SSG software.
TD_GOLD_40-BA-e-1210 2