KERN & SOHN KET-TM User Manual

KERN & Sohn GmbH
Ziegelei 1
Operating and Installation Instructions Display Unit
Version 2.0
D-72336 Balingen
Fax: +49-[0]7433-9933-149
KEN-TM / KET-TM-BA-e-1420
Display unit
Version 2.0 11/2014
Operating and installation instructions
1 TECHNICAL DATA ................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Dimensions .................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Anschlüsse / Schnittstellen .......................................................................................................... 9
1.2.1 KET-TM ....................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2.2 KEN-TM ..................................................................................................................................... 10
2 CONTROL ELEMENTS AND PROGRAM STRUCTURE ..................................... 12
2.1 Keyboard overview ...................................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Overview of display ..................................................................................................................... 14
2.3 Program structure ....................................................................................................................... 16
2.3.1 Menu overview .......................................................................................................................... 16
2.3.2 Navigation in the menu .............................................................................................................. 17
2.4 Authorisation levels .................................................................................................................... 19
3 BASIC INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................................................ 20
3.1 Proper use .................................................................................................................................... 20
3.2 Improper Use ................................................................................................................................ 21
3.3 Warranty ....................................................................................................................................... 21
3.4 Monitoring of Test Resources .................................................................................................... 21
4 BASIC SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ......................................................................... 22
4.1 Pay attention to the instructions in the Operation Manual ..................................................... 22
4.2 Personnel training ....................................................................................................................... 22
5 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE ............................................................................. 22
5.1 Testing upon acceptance ........................................................................................................... 22
5.2 Packaging / return transport ...................................................................................................... 22
6 UNPACKING, SETUP AND COMMISSIONING.................................................... 23
6.1 Installation Site, Location of Use ............................................................................................... 23
6.2 Unpacking and placing ............................................................................................................... 23
6.3 Scope of delivery / serial accessories ....................................................................................... 23
6.4 How to connect the platform ...................................................................................................... 24
6.5 Mains connection ........................................................................................................................ 24
6.6 Commissioning ............................................................................................................................ 24
6.7 Log out .......................................................................................................................................... 26
6.8 Putting out of service / Standby mode ...................................................................................... 26
6.9 Basic Operation ........................................................................................................................... 27
2 KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420
6.9.1 Simple weighing ........................................................................................................................ 27
6.9.2 Zeroing ...................................................................................................................................... 27
6.9.3 Selecting weighing unit ............................................................................................................. 28
6.9.4 Weighing with tare ..................................................................................................................... 29
6.10 Connection of peripheral devices .............................................................................................. 30
7 SYSTEM SETTINGS (MENU) ................................................................................ 31
7.1 Weighing ...................................................................................................................................... 32
7.1.1 Median filter ............................................................................................................................... 33
7.1.2 Filter .......................................................................................................................................... 33
7.1.3 Auto Zero................................................................................................................................... 34
7.1.4 LO threshold .............................................................................................................................. 34
7.1.5 Last digit display accuracy ........................................................................................................ 34
7.2 Communication parameters ....................................................................................................... 35
7.2.1 RS232 (1) / RS232 (2) .............................................................................................................. 35
7.2.2 Ethernet / IP .............................................................................................................................. 36
7.2.3 TCP ........................................................................................................................................... 36
7.3 Devices ......................................................................................................................................... 37
7.3.1 PC ............................................................................................................................................. 38
7.3.2 Printer ........................................................................................................................................ 41
7.3.3 Barcode scanner ....................................................................................................................... 43
7.3.4 Transponder card reader .......................................................................................................... 45
7.3.5 Additional display ...................................................................................................................... 46
7.4 Configure display ........................................................................................................................ 47
7.4.1 Select information texts ............................................................................................................. 47
7.4.2 Selecting function keys ............................................................................................................. 50
7.4.3 Display all platforms .................................................................................................................. 53
7.4.4 Select bargraph type ................................................................................................................. 54
7.5 I/O settings ................................................................................................................................... 59
7.5.1 Inputs ......................................................................................................................................... 60
7.5.2 Outputs ...................................................................................................................................... 61
7.6 Authorisations ............................................................................................................................. 62
7.7 Weighing Units ............................................................................................................................ 66
7.8 General parameters ..................................................................................................................... 68
7.8.1 User language ........................................................................................................................... 68
7.8.2 Enter date / time, select display format ..................................................................................... 69
7.8.3 Signal tone when pressing button ............................................................................................. 71
7.8.4 Set the touch screen alignment ................................................................................................ 72
7.8.5 Setting brightness of display ..................................................................................................... 73
7.8.6 Set mouse support .................................................................................................................... 73
7.8.7 Setting “Log on required“ .......................................................................................................... 74
7.8.8 Setting start logo ....................................................................................................................... 74
7.8.9 Setting viewing times for error messages ................................................................................. 75
7.9 Adjustment ................................................................................................................................... 76
7.10 Verification ................................................................................................................................... 76
7.11 Weighing scale info ..................................................................................................................... 78
KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420 3
8 APPLICATION SETTINGS ................................................................................... 79
8.1 Select application ........................................................................................................................ 79
8.2 Application specific settings ...................................................................................................... 82
9 WEIGHING ............................................................................................................ 85
9.1 Setting storage conditions for alibi memory ............................................................................ 86
9.2 Dispensing ................................................................................................................................... 88
9.3 Checkweighing ............................................................................................................................ 89
9.4 Tare mode ..................................................................................................................................... 92
9.5 Labelling ....................................................................................................................................... 93
9.6 Statistics ....................................................................................................................................... 94
9.7 Differential weighing ................................................................................................................... 95
9.8 Peak value function ..................................................................................................................... 96
9.9 Info about saved weighing activities ......................................................................................... 97
10 PARTS COUNTING ........................................................................................... 98
10.1 Select application ........................................................................................................................ 98
10.2 Application specific settings ...................................................................................................... 99
10.2.1 Automatic reference optimization........................................................................................ 100
10.2.2 Minimum reference single weight ....................................................................................... 102
10.3 Carry out parts counting ........................................................................................................... 103
10.3.1 Determination of the reference piece weight by weighing .................................................. 103
10.3.2 Enter reference single weight as numeric value ................................................................. 105
10.4.1 Load reference single weight from database. ..................................................................... 106
10.4.2 Allocating reference single weight in database to a product .............................................. 107
11 PERCENT DETERMINATION ......................................................................... 109
11.1 Select application ...................................................................................................................... 109
11.2 Application specific settings .................................................................................................... 110
11.3 How to carry out percentage calculation ................................................................................ 111
11.3.1 Determination of the reference weight by weighing ............................................................ 111
11.3.2 Enter reference weight as numeric value ........................................................................... 112
12 FORMULATION ............................................................................................... 114
12.1 Select application ...................................................................................................................... 114
12.2 Application specific settings .................................................................................................... 116
12.3 Defining recipe in database ...................................................................................................... 117
12.4 Process recipe from database ................................................................................................. 124
12.5 Log recipe ................................................................................................................................... 128
13 ANIMAL WEIGHING ........................................................................................ 131
13.1 Select application ...................................................................................................................... 131
13.2 Application specific settings .................................................................................................... 132
13.2.1 Average time ....................................................................................................................... 133
13.2.2 Auto start ............................................................................................................................. 133
13.3 Dynamic weighing using manual start .................................................................................... 134
4 KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420
13.4 Dynamic weighing with automatic start .................................................................................. 135
14 DATABASE ...................................................................................................... 136
14.1 Configuring database (administrator only) ............................................................................ 137
14.1.1 Accessibility of databases ................................................................................................... 138
14.1.2 Categories ........................................................................................................................... 138
14.1.3 Products / Operators / Clients ............................................................................................. 140
1.1.1 ..................................................................................................................................................... 140
1.1.1 ..................................................................................................................................................... 140
14.1.4 Extra variables .................................................................................................................... 141
14.1.5 Data record format .............................................................................................................. 141
14.1.6 Importing / exporting database file from USB storage medium .......................................... 142
14.2 Search for Data Record / Add Data Record ............................................................................ 143
14.4 Deleting data record (administrator only) ............................................................................... 145
14.5 Print data record ........................................................................................................................ 146
14.6 Basic data record operations via context menu .................................................................... 147
14.7 Edit databases (administrator only) ........................................................................................ 149
14.7.1 User database..................................................................................................................... 149
14.7.2 Product database ................................................................................................................ 150
14.7.3 Client database ................................................................................................................... 152
14.7.4 Database “Dosing Processes“ ............................................................................................ 152
14.7.5 Database “Recipes“ ............................................................................................................ 153
14.7.6 Database “Identification Processes“ ................................................................................... 153
14.7.7 Database “Packaging“ ........................................................................................................ 153
14.7.8 Database “Storage“ ............................................................................................................ 154
14.7.9 Database “Universal Variables“ .......................................................................................... 154
14.7.10 Database “Graphic“ ............................................................................................................ 154
15 LOGS ................................................................................................................ 155
15.1 Enabling accessibility to logs .................................................................................................. 156
15.2 Deleting older data (advanced users only) ............................................................................ 157
15.3 Weighing logs ............................................................................................................................ 158
15.3.1 Alibi memory ....................................................................................................................... 159
15.3.2 Filter .................................................................................................................................... 160
15.3.3 Record print out .................................................................................................................. 161
15.3.4 Display weighing procedures as a diagram ........................................................................ 163
15.3.5 Export weighing data to USB storage medium ................................................................... 164
15.3.6 Counter for weighing activities ............................................................................................ 165
16 COMMUNICATION ........................................................................................... 166
16.1 Overview interface commands ................................................................................................ 166
16.2 General response format .......................................................................................................... 167
16.3 Detailed information about interface logs .............................................................................. 168
16.3.1 Zeroing ................................................................................................................................ 168
16.3.2 Taring .................................................................................................................................. 168
16.3.3 Retrieve tare value .............................................................................................................. 169
16.3.4 Set tare value ...................................................................................................................... 169
16.3.5 Send stable weighing value in standard weighing unit ....................................................... 169
16.3.6 Send weighing value immediately in standard weighing unit ............................................. 170
KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420 5
16.3.7 Send weighing values for all platforms in default weighing unit immediately ..................... 171
16.3.8 Send stable weighing value in current weighing value ....................................................... 171
16.3.9 Send weighing value immediately in current weighing unit ................................................ 172
16.3.10 Start continuous output in standard weighing unit .............................................................. 172
16.3.11 Stop continuous output in standard weighing unit .............................................................. 172
16.3.12 Start continuous output in current weighing unit ................................................................. 173
16.3.13 Stop continuous output in current weighing unit ................................................................. 173
16.3.14 Set value for “Lower Threshold“.......................................................................................... 173
16.3.15 Set value for “Upper Threshold“.......................................................................................... 173
16.3.16 Retrieve value for “Lower Threshold“ ................................................................................. 174
16.3.17 Retrieve value for “Upper Threshold“ ................................................................................. 174
16.3.18 Press simulation “PRINT key“ ............................................................................................. 174
16.3.19 Send all implemented messages ........................................................................................ 174
16.4 Data format ................................................................................................................................. 175
17 SERVICING, MAINTENANCE, DISPOSAL ..................................................... 176
17.1 Cleaning ...................................................................................................................................... 176
17.2 Servicing, maintenance ............................................................................................................ 176
17.3 Disposal ...................................................................................................................................... 176
18 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE / ERROR MESSAGES ................................... 177
19 APPENDIX A – VARIABLES FOR PRINTOUTS ............................................ 178
19.1 List of variables ......................................................................................................................... 178
19.2 Format variables ........................................................................................................................ 184
20 APPENDIX B – LIST “FUNCTION KEYS“ ...................................................... 189
21 INSTALLATION DISPLAY UNIT / PLATFORM .............................................. 193
21.1 Technical data ............................................................................................................................ 193
21.2 Weighing system design .......................................................................................................... 193
21.3 How to connect the platform .................................................................................................... 194
21.4 Configure display unit ............................................................................................................... 196
21.4.1 Entering metrology / configuration data ............................................................................. 200
21.4.2 Adjusting a weighing system ............................................................................................... 202
21.4.3 How to linearize a weighing system .................................................................................... 204
21.4.4 Display configuration data ................................................................................................... 207
21.4.5 Reset to default settings ..................................................................................................... 207
21.4.6 Geo value ............................................................................................................................ 208
22 CONFORMITY EXPLANATION/ TEST CERTIFICATE ................................... 212
6 KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420

1 Technical data

Display (segments) 7-digit 7-digit
Resolution (verified)
Resolution (non-verified) 100.000 d 100.000 d
Verification class III III
Weighing ranges 3 3
Divisions 1,2,5,…10n 1,2,5,…10n
Weighing Units
Housing material Synthetic material Stainlees steel
Dimensions case [mm] 215 x 156 x 71 282 x 200 x 76
Load cell resistance
Recommended adjustment weight
6000 e 6000 e
Models with type approval: g, kg
Models without type approval: g, kg, ct, lb, N, oz
Graphic LCD – Touch
Height of digit small 19 mm
Height of digit large 21 mm
min. 80
max. 1200
We recommend ≥ 50 % max.
Admissible ambient temperature
Humidity of air 30 ~ 80 % relative (not condensing)
Input voltage – power unit 110 - 230 V AC
Input voltage - device 13.5 - 16 V 110- 240 V AC 65 – 150 mA
Net weight 650 g 4.5 kg
Languages user interface
German, English, French, Italian, Polish, Rumanian, Spanish, Turkish, Czech, Hungarian see chap. 7.8.1
-10° C to +40° C
KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420 7

1.1 Dimensions

8 KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420
3. USB port
Pin1 - GNDWE
Pin15 - OUT3

1.2 Anschlüsse / Schnittstellen

1.2.1 KET-TM

Pin allocation (front view):
1. Ethernet
2. RS232 (COM1)
RS232 DB9/M (9-pin plug)
Pin2 - RxD Pin3 - TxD Pin5 - GND
Digital I/O, RS232 DSUB15/F (15-pin socket)
Configuration IN1 – IN4 / OUT1 – OUT 4, see chap.7.5
Pin2 - OUT1 Pin3 - OUT2 Pin4 - COMM Pin5 - 6÷9VDC Pin6 - IN4 Pin7 - IN3 Pin8 - TxD2 Pin9 - 5VDC Pin10 - GNDRS Pin11 - IN2 Pin12 - IN1 Pin13 - RxD2 Pin14 - OUT4
4. Digital I/O, RS232 (COM2)
KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420 9

1.2.2 KEN-TM

1. Protective conductor
2. Electric Supply
3. Ethernet
4. 3IN/OUT
5. RS232
6. USB port
7. Peripherals (8IN/8OUT)
8. Platform 1
9. Add-on devices
10. Add-on devices
11. Platform 2
12. Platform 3
13. Platform 4
10 KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420
Pin1 – B
Pin6 – +5VDC
Pin1 – NC
Pin6 – +5VDC
Pin1 – OUT3
Pin8 – GNDWE
Pin1 – NC
Pin8 – IN4
Error-free operation is only guaranteed when using the optionally available KERN interface cables.
Pin allocation:
RS 232 / BUS Module (option)
Addition RS 232
Pin2 – RxD Pin3 – TxD Pin4 – A Pin5 – GND
Pin2 – RxD Pin3 – TxD Pin4 – NC Pin5 – GND
Pin2 – OUT2 Pin3 – OUT1 Pin4 – COMM Pin5 – IN3 Pin6 – IN2 Pin7 – IN1
Pin2 – NC Pin3 – NC Pin4 – +24VDC Pin5 – IN3 Pin6 – IN2 Pin7 – IN1
Pin1 – Rx+ Pin2 – Tx+ Pin3 – Rx­Pin4 – Tx-
Pin1 – Vcc Pin2 – D­Pin3 – D+ Pin4 – GND
KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420 11

2 Control elements and program structure

2.1 Keyboard overview

Fig.: KET-TM
Fig.: KEN-TM
12 KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420
Status display
Touch-free sensors.
Adjustable function, see chap. 7.4.2. Operate this function by moving your hand across the respective sensor. The sensor
will confirm (if enabled in the menu see chap. 7.8.3) by sounding an audio signal that it has detected and executed a command. The sensors are supplied disabled by default.
Shortcut key for frequently used applications, functions and settings Settings, see chap 7.4.2
Call up menu
OFF: when instrument ready for operation
Flashi ng:
When weighing scale is connected to power supply
When operating system is loading
9 -
10 -
11 -
12 -
Turn on/off
Issue weighing data
Enter tare value numerically
Change platform
Switch-over weighing unit
Alphanumerical keyboard
KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420 13
Do not operate the touch screen with sharp or pointed objects!
This could damage the touch screen.
select the desired application.

2.2 Overview of display

The coloured touch screen is a touch-sensitive display. The touch screen does not only display information, you can also enter orders, by tapping certain areas of the surface.
1. Range
Active application. Tapping the control button will call up a menu where you can
Logged-in user
Tapping this control key will allow you to select additional users.
Active connection to PC
Active connection to a PC is indicated by an icon.
Current date/time
Tapping this button can be used to change date / time. For setting of display format see chap. 7.8.2
The display has four areas:
14 KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420
calibrated part of weighing scales with type approval is
Settings, see chap 7.4.1
function keys see chap. 7.4.2
2. Range
Current measuring value.
The non-
Current weighing unit
To select an item from the menu, tap the button. (For definition of selection see chap. 7.7).
Stability display The stability display shows that the weighing value is stable.
Zero indicator
3. Range
Info field This area shows additional information to the enabled application. Tap this button to select which info fields and function keys [0] are to be shown, see chap.7.4.1. The bar filled black at the upper margin shows the enabled info field.
For instance when the field in the centre is enabled
4. Range
KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420 15
Function keys The function keys allow direct access to frequently required functions and settings in the enabled application. For defining
see chap. 7.1.
DATABASES see chap. 14.
see chap. 15.
see chap. 8.
see chap. 7.2.
see chap. 7.3.
see chap. 7.4
see chap. 7.5
see chap. 7.6
type approval
see chap. 7.11
Not documented

2.3 Program structure

2.3.1 Menu overview

The menu is split into the following blocks:
To call up individual menu blocks and change their settings, tap the icons.
16 KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420
see chap. 7.7.
see chap. 7.8
see chap. 7.9
only available for models without

2.3.2 Navigation in the menu

Call up menu
Scroll forward in menu
Scroll backwards in menu
Scroll „down“.
Confirm entry, back to previous view
Cancel entry, back to previous view
Add position in database
Search date in database
Search name in database
Search code in database
Print position from database
Delete editing field
Hide / show keyboard
Import data from USB storage medium
Display menu showing all available variables
Display returns one step to previous view
KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420 17
Display returns directly to main window
Exit menu / back to weighing mode.
The display returns one step to previous view by tapping
Press Back to Main Window repeatedly.
In the upper bar and press once and the device will return immediately
to the start screen.
After returning to the previous view or the start screen all the changes you entered will be saved automatically.
18 KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420
Authorisation level
Available rights and functions
The administrator is allowed to use all the functions and
Advanced user
Start and carry out weighing.
User  Start and carry out weighing.
Carry out weighing.

2.4 Authorisation levels

The software is designed for users with different access rights: Administrator and various users There is only one administrator.
The administrator is allowed to use all the functions and has all access rights.
A user, on the other hand, is not allowed to use all the functions and has limited
rights, see table 1 below.
Tab. 1:
has all access rights.
There is only one administrator.
Delete old data from database
Access the following functions:
<Operating modes>
<Profiles  read-out>
<Other> except <date / time>
Define universal variables
Export weighing data
View data from database
Access the following functions:
<Profiles  read-out>
<General parameters> except <date / time>
No access to menu and database.
KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420 19

3 Basic instructions

3.1 Proper use

The display unit acquired by you is used in combination with a load cell and serves to determine the weighing value of material to be weighed. It is not intended for use as non-automatic weighing system.
Place load manually but carefully on weighing platform.
Prevent loads from dropping.
Place load in centre.
Prevent lateral stress as well as pushing from the side.
As soon as a stable weighing value is reached the weighing value can be
20 KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420

3.2 Improper Use

Do not use weighing system for dynamic weighing. In the event that small quantities are removed or added to the material to be weighed, incorrect weighing results can be displayed due to the “stability compensation“ in the unit. (Example: Slowly draining fluids from a container on the balance.) Do not leave permanent load on the weighing pan. This may damage the measuring system. Impacts and overloading exceeding the stated maximum load (max) of the weighing plate, minus a possibly existing tare load, must be strictly avoided. Both, the weighing plate and the display unit may be damaged during this process. Never operate display unit in explosive environment. The serial version is not explosion protected. Changes to the display unit's design are not permitted. This may lead to incorrect weighing results, safety-related faults and destruction of the display unit. The display unit may only be operated in accordance with the described default settings. Other areas of use must be released by KERN in writing.

3.3 Warranty

Warranty claims shall be voided in case
Our conditions in the operation manual are ignored
The appliance is used outside the described uses
The appliance is modified or opened
Mechanical damage or damage by media, liquids, natural wear and tear
The appliance is improperly set up or incorrectly electrically connected
The measuring system is overloaded

3.4 Monitoring of Test Resources

In the framework of quality assurance the measuring-related properties of the display unit and, if applicable, the testing weight, must be checked regularly. The responsible user must define a suitable interval as well as type and scope of this test. Information is available on KERN’s home page ( with regard to the monitoring of display units’ test substances and the test weights required for this. In KERN’s accredited DKD calibration laboratory test weights and display units may be calibrated (return to the national standard) fast and at moderate cost.
KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420 21

4 Basic Safety Precautions

4.1 Pay attention to the instructions in the Operation Manual

Carefully read this operation manual before setup and
commissioning, even if you are already familiar with KERN balances.
All language versions contain a non-binding translation.
The original German is binding.

4.2 Personnel training

The appliance may only be operated and maintained by trained personnel.

5 Transport and storage

5.1 Testing upon acceptance

When receiving the appliance, please check packaging immediately, and the appliance itself when unpacking for possible visible damage.

5.2 Packaging / return transport

Keep all parts of the original packaging for a possibly
required return.
Only use original packaging for returning.
Prior to dispatch disconnect all cables and remove
loose/mobile parts.
Reattach possibly supplied transport securing devices.
Secure all parts against shifting and damage.
22 KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420
Display Unit
Display unit with integrated power unit
Protective cover
Operating and Installation Instructions
Mains adapter
IEC cable
Ferrite core for cable shielding
Operating and Installation Instructions

6 Unpacking, Setup and Commissioning

6.1 Installation Site, Location of Use

The display units are designed in a way that reliable weighing results are achieved in common conditions of use. Precise and fast work is achieved by selecting the right place for your display unit and your weighing plate. On the installation site observe the following:
Place the weighing system on a firm, level surface;
Avoid extreme heat as well as temperature fluctuation caused by installing next
to a radiator or in the direct sunlight;
Protect the display unit and the weighing plate against direct draft from open windows or doors.
Avoid jarring during weighing;
Protect the display unit and the weighing plate against high humidity, vapours
and dust.
Do not expose the display unit to extreme dampness for longer periods of time. Non-permitted condensation (condensation of air humidity on the appliance) may occur if a cold appliance is taken to a considerably warmer environment. In this case, acclimatize the disconnected appliance for ca. 2 hours at room temperature.
Avoid static charge of goods to be weighed or weighing container.
Major display deviations (incorrect weighing results) may be experienced should electromagnetic fields (e.g. due to mobile phones or radio equipment), static electricity accumulations or instable power supply occur. Change location or remove source of interference.

6.2 Unpacking and placing

Take the display unit carefully out of its packaging, remove the plastic jacket and install it at the designated work space. Mount the display unit in a way that facilitates operation and where it is easy to see.
The display unit is not mounted rigidly on the weighing platform. If required, it may be placed independently within the vicinity of the weighing scale as long as the length of the cable allows such a setup.

6.3 Scope of delivery / serial accessories

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6.4 How to connect the platform

See chap. 21 “Installing display unit / platform“. Please also follow the instructions for installing a platform, as these contain all the details for the set-up and first start-up.

6.5 Mains connection

Power supply is achieved via external power units (KET-TM only). The stated voltage value must be the same as the local voltage. Only use original KERN mains adapters. Using other makes requires consent by KERN.

6.6 Commissioning

+ Connect scale to power supply.
Connect display unit to power supply; the red status light will light up.
Press and the operating system will be loaded when the red status light is
flashing. Wait until the start screen followed by the user interface is displayed.
As soon as the weight display appears, the balance is ready for weighing. On
delivery, the weighing scale will be in a logged-out status, that is, merely the simplest functions such as Weigh or Tare are enabled, see chap. 6.9.
To obtain full access to the user parameters and to the editing functions of databases, the user has to log on as administrator by following the steps below:
Later on, the last used user profile will be loaded on start-up.
24 KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420
+ Log in
Tap <Log in> button.
<Operators> window appears.
The weighing scale is supplied without user profiles. To adjust all settings, the user has to register as administrator.
Tap <Admin> button.
KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420 25
Initial Commissioning
In order to obtain exact results with the electronic balances, your balance
g temperature (see warming up time chap.
During this warming up time the weighing system must be connected to
hing system depends on the local acceleration of
Strictly observe hints in chapter Adjustment.
+ Setting user language
On delivery the display is set to German. For setting additional languages see chap.7.8.1.
must have reached the operatin
the power supply (mains, accumulator or battery). To adapt the balance to ambient conditions, open wind screen doors. The accuracy of the weig gravity.

6.7 Log out

Tap logged-on user in the upper bar of the display.
This will bring up the <User> window.
Tap <log out> button

6.8 Putting out of service / Standby mode

Press and tap desired option.
When selecting <Stand by> the weighing scale will be ready for operation. It is ready for operation immediately after start-up without requiring warm-up time.
When selecting <Off> you will have to restart the weighing scale as described in chap.
6.6 and observe the required warm-up time.
26 KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420

6.9 Basic Operation

+ Stabilisation requires a certain warm-up time.
+ For further information on specific setting options for the weighing
application please refer to chap.8.2

6.9.1 Simple weighing

Check zero display [ ] and set to zero with the help of .
Place goods to be weighed on balance.
Wait until the stability display appears ( ).
Read weighing result.
To save and print the weighing value if an optional printer is connected, press For data format see chap. 16.4

6.9.2 Zeroing

In order to obtain optimal weighing results, reset to zero the balance before weighing. Setting to zero requires a range ± 2% max. Values greater than ± 2% max will trigger the error message “Err2“.
Unload the balance
Press and zero display as well as indicator will appear.
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With type approval
Without type approval

6.9.3 Selecting weighing unit

Tap unit to select from the displayed menu.
Not all weighing units are available for weighing scales with type approval.
For definition of start unit and user defined units see chap. 7.7.
28 KEN-TM / KET_TM-BA-e-1420
Tare weight
displayed with
The attempt of taring negative
The limit is

6.9.4 Weighing with tare

Taring The dead weight of any weighing container may be tared away by pressing a button, so that the following weighing procedures show the net weight of the goods to be weighed.
Put weighing container on the weighing pan.
Wait until the stability display appears ( ), then press . Zero display and
indicator (Net) appear. The weight of the container is now internally saved.
Weigh the material.
Wait until the stability display appears ( ).
Read net weight.
Tare weight can be allocated to a product in the database. will be loaded automatically as soon as a product is selected.
When the balance is unloaded the saved taring value is negative sign.
Taring negative values is prohibited. values will result in error message “Err 3“
The taring process can be repeated any number of times. reached when the whole weighing range is exhausted.
 Numeric entering of tara weight
Press or the the function key (allocating function key, see chap.
7.4.2) and the numeric input window will appear.
Enter known tare weight and confirm by tapping . The balance returns to
weighing mode. The entered weight will be saved as tare weight whereupon the indicator [Net] and the tare weight including minus sign will appear.
Place the filled weighing container.
Wait until the stability display appears [ ].
Read net weight.
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Delete tare
1. Unload weighing plate and press . The (Net) indicator turns off, the zero display shows.
2. When the weighing platform is loaded, you can only press if the zero setting range is kept within 2% max (>2% max will generate error message “Err 2“). The (Net) indicator turns off, the zero display shows.
3. Press function key <Turn off tare> when weighing platform is loaded (<2% max) or unloaded (For allocation of function key see chap.7.4.2. The (Net) indicator turns off, the zero display shows.
If there is a function key allocated to <Reset tare> , the most recently used tare value will be called up. (Allocation of function key, see chap. 7.4.2).

6.10 Connection of peripheral devices

Before connecting or disconnecting of additional devices (printer, PC) to the data interface, always disconnect the balance from the power supply.
With your balance, only use accessories and peripheral devices by KERN, as they are ideally tuned to your balance.
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