E-Mail: info@kern-sohn.com
Phone: +49-[0]7433- 9933-0
Internet: www.kern-sohn.com
Printed form design touch scales
D-72336 Balingen
Fax: +49-[0]7433-9933-149
1. Installation
- How to copy the complete contend of the “Touch Printed Form“ folder to an
index of your choice
- Connect the weighing scales to the PC with the help of a serial interface cable
(wiring 1:1)
- Start “printform.exe“ software
Where required, you may need
2. Write the form file to the weighing scales (upload)
- Open file>
- Open existing form file
- Write the forms to the weighing scales by pressing the UPLOAD button
to set the correct Com port and
the correct Baud rate, .. via the
“extended“ switch.
Settings available on the weighing scales
- Menu>communication>form: ON
- Menu>communicatio n > pr i nted f orm: Select your desired form 1-16