LCD-1:Alpha Numeric Plug-In Display
1.0 Features and Functions
The LCD-1 allows the PXL-250 to provide feedback to the user – at the controller – that can aid the
installer. Each click of S1 on the controller board steps through the following information.
• unit address
• firmware and PIC revision numbers
• date
• controller firmware diagnostics
This document is intended as an aid for installation. For complete instructions on operating the
LCD-1 with the PXL-250, please refer to the PXL-250 Technical Reference Manual (P/N 01836-
001) or the PXL-250 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics reference document (P/N 01841-001).
NOTE: Early revisions of the surface mount PXL-250 mislabeled J6 as J5. All instructions for J6
apply to J5.
2.0 Installation
The LCD-1 connects to J6 on the PXL-250 controller board (see Figure 2). Grasp the LCD-1 by the
sides of the unit, line up the pins of the LCD-1 with the connector on the controller , and gently press
the LCD-1 on to the controller (see Figure 3).
NOTE: Do not press on the glass face or metal frame of the unit. Be sure the pins and the connector
are correctly lined up before applying power to the controller. Incorrect installation can severely
damage the LCD-1 rendering the unit inoperable.
3.0 Powering the Unit and Verifying Operation
Once the LCD-1 is installed, simply power on the controller to power on the unit. If the unit is
operating correctly the display will appear as follows.
Figure 1: LCD-1 Sign-on Message
If the LCD-1 does not display information as in Figure 1, verify the unit's pins are properly inserted
into J6 on the controller and that the unit is properly powered on.
LCD-1Quick Start Guide
2305 Bering Drive 01818-001 Rev. D
San Jose, CA 95131 USA
(800) 260-5265 (408) 435-8400 FAX (408) 577-1792
Web: www.kerisys.com E-mail: sales@kerisys.com Page 1 of 2

LCD-1:Alpha Numeric Plug-In Display
Quick Start GuideLCD-1
Figure 2: Location of J6 on the Controller
Figure 3: Connecting the LCD-1 to the Controller
2305 Bering Drive 01818-001 Rev. D
San Jose, CA 95131 USA
(800) 260-5265 (408) 435-8400 FAX (408) 577-1792
Web: www.kerisys.com E-mail: sales@kerisys.com Page 2 of 2