Keri Systems LC-508 User Manual

Proximity Elevator Control Panel
Keri has modified its PXL-500P Tiger Controller and SB-593 Satellite Board to tailor a system for Proximity elevator control applications. The LC-502 Elevator Control Panel is made up of an LC­500P Tiger Elevator Controller Board and an SB-500 Elevator Satellite Board, together in a standard PXL-500 enclosure. The LC-508 Elevator Control Panel combines four LC-500 panels with four SB-500 boards in a rugged enclosure.
The LC-502P provides two floor increments of elevator control at an economical price. Users can mount a single MS Series Proximity Reader inside an elevator cab and connect it to up to 12 LC­502Ps to control floor access for up to 24 floors. Used in conjunction with Doors software, this combination can be a very cost-effective elevator control solution.
The LC-508P provides eight floors of elevator control in a small, integrated package. As with the LC-502P, a single MS Series Proximity Reader is mounted inside an elevator cab and then is connected to the LC-508P, providing controlled access for up to eight floors in a single enclosure.
Any combination of LC-502Ps and LC-508Ps may be combined to control greater than eight floors.
Check with local authorities when installing Elevator Control panels. Your elevator control application must meet all local and national safety codes. The Main or Lobby Floor cannot have access control applied – all people must be able to exit the elevator at all times on at least one common, ground-level access floor.

1.0 Important Considerations

To ensure proper operation, the following considerations apply when using Doors software for elevator control.
Up to 24 floors can be controlled using any combination of LC-502Ps and LC-508Ps.
One reader in the elevator cab controls access for all floors. This reader is attached to all antenna inputs at all controllers in the elevator control system. This wiring scheme results in the one reader being responsible for access requests for all floors. Since the reader’s signal is being shared between multiple controller antenna inputs the reader's read range is reduced, possibly up to 25%.
User card presentation to the reader is critical. T o ensure that all controllers have the opportunity to respond to a presented card, the card must be presented to the reader for a greater period of time – up to 2 seconds depending upon the length of the cable run and the number of controllers attached to the network. This allows all antenna inputs on all controllers the time necessary to respond to the card. If a card is not presented correctly, controllers that have not recognized the card will not allow access to the floors they control.
The reader's LED and beeper are used to indicate correct card presentation only, and does not indicate if all controllers have recognized the card or if access has been granted or denied (as done by a standard PXL-500 Tiger Controller).
LC-502P/LC-508PQuick Start Guide
2305 Bering Drive 01941-001 Rev. B San Jose, CA 95131 USA (800) 260-5265 (408) 435-8400 FAX (408) 577-1792 Web: E-mail: Page 1 of 22
Proximity Elevator Control Panel

2.0 Hardware and Software Operating Requirements

All standard hardware and software requirements for Doors software apply (refer to the Doors Users Guide – P/N 01914-100). To support elevator control, the following additional software and firmware requirements must be met.
The Doors software must be at revision 4.10 or greater.
The controller firmware must be at revision 8.4.12 or greater.

3.0 Specifications

3.1 Unit Dimensions

LC-500P Controller PCB
- 7.00 inches high by 6.00 inches wide by 1.25 inches deep, including wiring connectors
- (17.78 cm by 15.24 cm by 3.18 cm)
LC-500P Controller PCB with an LCD-1 Alpha/Numeric Display
Quick Start GuideLC-502P/LC-508P
- 7.00 inches high by 6.00 inches wide by 1.5 inches deep, including wiring connectors
- (17.78 cm by 15.24 cm by 3.81 cm)
LC-500P Controller PCB with an SB-500 Satellite Board (with or without an LCD-1 Alpha/ Numeric Display
- 7.00 inches high by 6.00 inches wide by 2.00 inches deep, including wiring connectors
- (17.78 cm by 15.24 cm by 5.08 cm)
LC-502P Enclosure
- 13.00 inches high by 9.00 inches wide by 4.00 inches deep
- (33.02 cm by 22.86 cm by 10.16 cm)
LC-508P Enclosure
- 18.50 inches high by 15.25 inches wide by 4.00 inches deep
- (47.00 cm by 38.75 cm by 10.16 cm)

3.2 Operating Temperature and Humidity Range

0°F to 140°F (-18°C to 60°C)
0% to 90% Relative Humidity, non-condensing

3.3 Power Requirements

12 VDC @ 750 mA for the LC-502P panel
12 VDC @ 3 A for the LC-508P panel
2305 Bering Drive 01941-001 Rev. B San Jose, CA 95131 USA (800) 260-5265 (408) 435-8400 FAX (408) 577-1792 Web: E-mail: Page 2 of 22
Proximity Elevator Control Panel

3.4 Current Draw

500 mA maximum current draw for a Controller with all options installed (SB-500, LCD-1, and Reader)
120 mA maximum for a LC-500P Controller
150 mA maximum for an SB-500 Satellite Board
refer to Table 1 on page 3 for Reader current draw
Table 1: Current Draw by Reader Type
MS-3000 MS-4000 MS-5000
50 mA 50 mA 100 mA

3.5 Controller Memory Retention

5 year lithium battery backup to support controller RAM and real-time clock

3.6 Floor Control Relay Contact Rating

24 VDC @ 1 Amp
When connecting to elevator control systems and the floor selection buttons, please verify the elevator system voltages. Most elevator systems operate on DC or AC voltages higher than the 24 VDC @ 1 Amp rating at which Keri Systems’ elevator controllers are rated. Each installation should use isolation relays.
Keri Systems recommends establishing an interconnection point at which the access control system and elevator control system connect, and to which both the access control company and the elevator company have access. This assists in making the connections between the systems and in allowing for independent system troubleshooting.
If the system voltages are different (or if you wish to fully protect the access control system from transient voltage spikes), these connections should be made via isolation relays or relay control boards.
If the system voltages are the same and both systems are fully protected, or if the system connections are made between dry relay contacts, you may only need to use a terminal strip for these connections.
Please consult your local building codes for proper installation requirements and check with local permit departments to verify compliance. Elevator systems have Life Safety requirements and may also require a connection to a fire control system.
LC-502P/LC-508PQuick Start Guide
2305 Bering Drive 01941-001 Rev. B San Jose, CA 95131 USA (800) 260-5265 (408) 435-8400 FAX (408) 577-1792 Web: E-mail: Page 3 of 22
Proximity Elevator Control Panel

3.7 Cable Requirements

RS-232 Serial Cable
- four conductor (for direct connect) or five conductor (for modem connection), shielded, stranded AWG 24 wire (Belden 9534 or a heavier gauge)
- 50 foot maximum length (per RS-232 industry specification – greater lengths are not recommended)
RS-485 Network Cable
- two conductor, shielded, twisted pair, stranded, AWG 24 wire (Belden 9501 or a larger gauge)
- 16,000 foot total network length
- refer to the Network Wiring Application Note (P/N 01824-002) for specific network wiring information
Input Power
- two conductor, stranded, AWG 18 wire (Belden 8461 or a heavier gauge)
- 200 foot maximum length
Quick Start GuideLC-502P/LC-508P
NOTE: On long power cable runs, the cable resistance causes a drop in voltage at the end of the cable run. Be sure your power supply provides 12 VDC at the end of the cable run.
Reader to Panel
- six conductor, shielded, stranded AWG 24 wire (Belden 9536 or a heavier gauge)
Output Connections
- two conductor, stranded AWG 22 (Belden 9532 or a heavier gauge)
NOTE: The Floor Control Relay may require a heavier gauge of wire depending upon the current demands of the elevator panel and the length of the wiring run.
NOTE: If plenum cable is required, please reference the Belden equivalent to the cable listed above.
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Proximity Elevator Control Panel

4.0 Controller Installation

Sections 4.1 and 4.2 are quick lists of things to do and to not do when installing LC-502P and LC­508P panels.

4.1 Do

Plan ahead to meet power and telephone requirements for your system (1 phone line for the host computer and one for each master LC-500P controller in each network).
Mount controllers in environmentally suitable areas – they require protection from weather and from temperature/humidity extremes.
Mount the controller at least 3 feet away from the controller's power supply to prevent EMI radiated from the power supply from affecting the controller.
Use isolation relays where needed.
Use the enclosure as a mounting template to mark drilling holes for permanent mounting.
Consider mounting requirements - central versus distributed.
- Central mounting places all controllers in one location, running lengths of cables out to each
door to support readers, inputs and outputs.
- Distributed mounting places each controller near the door it supports running short lengths
of cable out to each door, but running a long network communication cable.
Note the locations of the knockouts in the enclosures and remove the appropriate knockout for the easiest cable routing into the controller.
Route all controllers in a network in a single, continuous daisy-chain.
Route cables in accessible areas for ease of maintenance.
Connect all controllers to a quality earth ground.
Add transient suppression across electric devices attached to a controller output.
Verify the controller's supply voltage is 12 VDC – long power line runs cause a drop in voltage at the end of the run.
Verify proper operation of the host computer's COM port.
LC-502P/LC-508PQuick Start Guide
2305 Bering Drive 01941-001 Rev. B San Jose, CA 95131 USA (800) 260-5265 (408) 435-8400 FAX (408) 577-1792 Web: E-mail: Page 5 of 22
Proximity Elevator Control Panel

4.2 Do Not

Make modem phone line connections through PBX telephone switching systems - most modems are not compatible with PBX systems leading to disconnection problems with the modem.
Locate a LC-500P controller near EMI sources - EMI sources can affect the performance of the controller.
Locate a reader near EMI sources - EMI sources can affect the performance of the reader.
Use non-approved switching power supplies, or high noise/high ripple current - they are EMI sources.
Route network and reader cables beside power cables - transients on the power cables may be picked-up by network and reader cables.
Stretch or over-tension cables.
Route cables over sharp objects.
Let the cables get tangled.
Mix LC-500Ps with PXL-100s in the same network.
Connect earth ground to the network cable shield - the LC-500P automatically connects earth
Quick Start GuideLC-502P/LC-508P
ground to the shield at one point on the network to prevent ground loops.
Use gender changer plugs when making RS-232 serial communication connections (unless you know it is a "straight-through" plug) - gender changers may have internal wiring changes that can disrupt communications.
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Proximity Elevator Control Panel

5.0 Wiring Connections

Before performing any wiring or connection operations, ensure that controller power is OFF. Serious damage to sensitive components on the controller may occur if wiring changes are made while controller power is on.
Refer to Figure 1 on page 7 and Figure 2 on page 8 when reviewing the information throughout Section 5.2 beginning on page 10.
Refer to Figure 4 on page 9 when reviewing the information throughout Section 5.3 beginning on page 15.
Figure 1: The LC-500P Elevator Controller
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