EntraGuard Tenant Guide
This guide is designed to help the tenants of a building with an EntraGuard Gold, Titanium, Silver
or Platinum Telephone Entry Controller in use on one or more doors.
The following information will be covered in this guide:
• How to use your User ID
• How to accept a call
• A listing of telephone command codes and how to use them
Tenant Guide
Figure 1: EntraGuard Front Panels
2305 Bering Drive 01801-002 Rev. 4.1
San Jose, CA 95131 USA
(800) 260-5265 (408) 435-8400 FAX (408) 577-1792
Web: www.kerisys.com E-mail: sales@kerisys.com Page 1 of 4

EntraGuard Tenant Guide
1.0 How To Use Your User ID
Your building manager will assign you a number that will be your User ID. You must remember this
ID in order to gain access through an EntraGuard controlled door. If you forget this number, see
your building manager . The following instructions are for gaining access through the door by using
your User ID.
NOTE: This User ID is a personal identification number allowing access to a secured area. Care
should be taken to not let any unauthorized persons know this number. Anyone who knows this
number may gain access through the EntraGuard controlled door.
1. Approach the EntraGuard unit (see Figure 1 on page 1).
2. On the keypad, press the * key followed by your User ID. For example, if your User ID was
05826, you would enter *05826.
3. If you have entered a valid User ID, the LCD will display “Please Enter” and the door will
Tenant Guide
unlock allowing you to enter.
4. If you have entered an invalid User ID, the LCD will display “Access Denied” and the door will
remain locked. Press the CLR (clear) key and re-enter your User ID beginning with the * key.
NOTE: See your building manager with any problems using your User ID.
2.0 How To Accept A Call
When you have a visitor at the EntraGuard controlled door, they will use the EntraGuard controller
to call you.
1. When the phone rings, answer it. Your visitor will inform you they are at the EntraGuard unit.
2. You may do a few tasks at this time depending on how the EntraGuard unit was installed (see
the Telephone Commands section on page 3 for more information on the tasks available.
3. Press the telephone key(s) that correspond to the tasks you want performed (see the Assigned
Telephone Command Codes section on page 4 for the setup of your EntraGuard unit).
4. Hang up the telephone.
2305 Bering Drive 01801-002 Rev. 4.1
San Jose, CA 95131 USA
(800) 260-5265 (408) 435-8400 FAX (408) 577-1792
Web: www.kerisys.com E-mail: sales@kerisys.com Page 2 of 4