DoorsNXT Remote Port Change
Reference Document
The DoorsNXT Server and Database use TCP Ports to communicate. It is possible that another application may be using
the same ports which will prevent the DoorsNXT Server from functioning properly. The following instructions explain
how how to change the TCP Ports used by Doors NXT for proper communication.
Section 1 - DoorsNXT Server and Client On The Same PC
Section 2 - DoorsNXT Server and Client On Different PCs
Section 3 - Contact Keri Systems
1.0 DoorsNXT Server and Client On The Same PC
1.1 Stop the DoorsNXTSvr and Firebird Server services
1. To stop the DoorsNXTSvr and Firebird Server services, click on Windows Start and select Control Panel.
2. Double-click on Administrative Tools.
3. Double-click on Services.
4. Locate and click on Firebird Server so that it is highlighted.
Figure 1: Services Window
5. Click on “Stop the service.” A window appears to confirm that the DoorsNXTSvr is to be stopped as well. Click on
the “Yes” button.
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DoorsNXT Remote Port Change
Reference Document
1.2 Modify System Services
1. Using Windows Explorer, locate the Windows\system32\drivers\etc folder.
2. Right click on “services” and select open.
Figure 2: Windows Explorer Open Services File
3. A window appears asking what program to use to open the file. Choose the “Select the program from a list” option
and click on OK.
4. From the list select Notepad. Remove the check from the option to “Always use the selected program to open this
kind of file” and click on OK.
Figure 3: Select Program
5. In Notepad, click on Edit > Find. Enter “gds_db” and click on the “Find Next” button.
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DoorsNXT Remote Port Change
Reference Document
Figure 4: Find “RemoteServicePort”
6. The following line should appear:
gds_db 3050/tcp #InterBase or Firebird server
NOTE: The wording of the #comment will vary depending on whether the entry was put there by InterBase or an old
version of Firebird. If that line is not listed, it must be added to the bottom of the list (in the #comment, remove the “or
Firebird” portion).
7. Next, add a new line with an entry for the Firebird service port exclusively, using a different port and service name
(the port number may be any valid port of your choosing):
fb_db 3051/tcp #IFirebird server
8. Click on File > Save to save the changes.
9. Reboot the PC for the changes to take effect.
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