Doors32 to DoorsNET™ Database Conversion and Troubleshooting
Application Note
This document provides basic information regarding the process for converting a Doors32 database/
system for use in a Doors.NET access control system. It is intended to ensure you (the customer)
understand the steps you need to take to ensure a successful data transfer and that the system to which
you are transferring the database is fully capable of operating the Doors.NET software. Please read
through this entire document before proceeding with the database restoration.
1.0 Doors32 Database Submission
This is a two step process:
• Prepare the Doors32 installation for backup.
• Submit the Doors32 backup folder and host PC datafile.
1.1 Prepare for Backup
1. Ensure the software revision of the existing Doors32 installation is at v5.20 or higher. If you are
not at the minimum revision or greater, you must update your Doors32 installation to the current
2. Keri strongly recommends the firmware on your PXL-500 controllers be at revision v8.4.49 or
greater. This is the minimum firmware revision that supports the current Daylight Savings Time
dates as set by the U.S. government. It is also the minimum firmware revision that has complete
support for anti-passback (note that anti-passback is not yet supported by Doors.NET software).
Keri suggests you upgrade to the most recent firmware revision available (currently v8.6.09) for
best operation.
3. Perform a full-update to ensure the information within all controllers is completely up to date, is
synchronized with the Doors32 database, and all events are cleared from the PXL controller
1.2 Submit the Doors32 Subfolder
1. Copy and submit the entire “C:\Kerisys\Doors32_vN.NN” sub-folder set. The specific database
“Db/Files” and “Db/Badge” folders are not sufficient to ensure a proper database conversion. Keri
needs the entire folder tree from C:\Kerisys\Doors32_vN.NN on down. Submit this folder set to
the following FTP site:
- link = ftp://dbconv@ftp.kerisys.com
- user = dbconv
- password = contact Inside Sales at Keri Systems for a unique password
2. You must provide the exact version number of Doors.NET that you will be installing and
licensing (typically the current release version). This is critical since Keri is continually making
improvements to both Doors.NET and to the database conversion programs.
To ensure compatibility between the converted Doors.NET SQL Server database files and your
actual, installed Doors.NET system, Keri needs to know the exact version of Doors.NET you will
be installing and licensing. Typically, you can include a text file with your Doors32 database
submittal including this information.
3. As much as possible, ensure no changes are made on the existing Doors32 database during the
conversion time period. If you change anything in your Doors32 system after submitting your
database for conversion, you will have to manually recreate all of those changes in your converted
Doors.NET system.
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Doors32 to DoorsNET™ Database Conversion and Troubleshooting
Application Note
2.0 Install Doors.NET Software
When installing Doors.NET software you must be logged into your Host PC as an Administrator, or
have your user permissions elevated to Administrator.
1. Installation via DVD is the quickest and easiest way to perform an installation. Insert the DVD
and the Auto-Run program begins.
2. Click “Install Software” to begin the installation.
3. Once started, the installer performs a quick file verification and configures the file set for the
4. The welcome window then appears displaying the software title, version, and the detected
Windows operating system. If your PC does not have an accepted operating system the installer
displays a disqualification window and exits the program.
5. Next is the license agreement. Keri recommends you read through the agreement in its entirety,
then enter a tick in the confirmation box to accept the terms. Click the Next button.
6. Enter the user registration information and organization information.
7. The hardware selection page is next. Select “Keri PXL Controllers.”
8. Then comes the Installation Type selection page.
- Default option will install the Application Server, the PXL Gateway, and an Administrative
- Second option is a Basic Install and will only install the client.
- Third option will install the client with the PXL Gateway.
- Fourth option, Custom Install, will allow custom installation where you select exactly what
components you wish to include. Choose the “Custom Install” and click Next.
9. The minimum selections you will need to make for the custom installation are: the Administrative
Client plus the Application Server, Gateway PXL Series, and the Archive Services. If you will be
adding IP cameras for recorded video then also select “V ideo Client” and “Gateway Video.” Click
Next when you have made your selections.
10. The review page is next. Review this list carefully as it explicitly states what will and will not be
included in the installation. The items to be installed will be listed on the left in green, the items
that will NOT be installed will be listed on the right in red. If the information shown is not correct,
click Back and review the installation selections.
11. If all is correct check the confirmation box and click Next.
12. Now the Destination Folder page is displayed. This is the default folder into which the
Doors.NET software and other supporting files will be installed. Most systems will use this
default directory: C\Keri\DoorsNET. Keri recommends using this default folder for your
installation. This page will also display the required Hard Disk space and the disk space available.
13. Now comes the Shortcuts page. Select the types of program shortcuts to be installed on the host
14. The final installation screen will list an SQL Server if it is detected on the PC. You will be
presented with three options:
- Install the database in this computer – this is the default option.
- Scan the Network for an existing SQL Server – this option requires the network folder always
be available for the PC/Doors.NET program.
- Install the Application Server only – this will require a manual installation of the database
using the InstallDHSDB program which is also installed into the C:\Keri\DoorsNET on a
default installation.
15. Click Next once more when you are ready to proceed with the installation.
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Doors32 to DoorsNET™ Database Conversion and Troubleshooting
Application Note
16. A progress bar keeps you informed of the status of the installation. There are several steps
involved where there may be a delay of several minutes. Please be patient during the installation.
17. Once the installation process has been completed you are prompted to run the License Manager.
3.0 Activating Your Doors.NET License
1. With a check mark placed against “Run License Manager now,” click on the Finish button. The
installation window closes and the License Manager window opens. The Doors.NET License
Manager can also be opened by clicking Start > All Programs > Doors .NET > License Manager.
2. There is a Doors.NET software license key on the DVD case. You may also retrieve a license key
either via e-mail or over the phone.
3. Type your license key into the license key fields.
4. Click the “Activate” button. If the PC has unrestricted access to the Internet then you will see a
notification window appear stating “Thank You For Registering.” Click Okay to continue. If the
License Manager cannot connect to Keri's Licensing Server, then you will either need to:
overcome the Internet connection issue or perform activation via e-mail.
5. Once activation is successful, restart the Application Server.
6. With the Application Server highlighted on the left hand side of the License Manager, click on the
License tab. Under “Capacities,” verify the “PXL controllers (Legacy)” count is set to the number
of PXL controllers used in your Doors32 system.
7. Scroll down until you can see the “Supported Hardware” section. Verify “Keri Systems - PXL
500” is set to True.
8. Close the License Manager. You are now prompted to run the Gateway Wizard. Ignore this step at
this time as much of the information needed by the Gateway Wizard will be included in the
converted database.
4.0 Installing the Converted Doors.NET Database
In order to install the converted Doors32 to Doors.NET database you must detach the existing, default
database and attach the newly converted database.
4.1 Retrieve the Converted Database Files
Retrieve the converted database files from the Keri FTP site:
link = ftp://dbconv@ftp.kerisys.com
user = dbconv
pass = contact Inside Sales at Keri for a password
If your Doors32 system has badging, there will be a Photos folder included with the converted
database with all converted badging photos.
4.2 Remove the Default Doors.NET Database
Use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express to detach the database that is created during
the installation. If you are running this program for the first time you will also see a message stating it
is configuring the environment for first time use.
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