KEP PMT-555 Operating Manual

Process Monitor
Installation and Operating Manual
10 Industrial Way East
Eatontown, NJ 07724
Fax: 732-935-9344
with Totalizer
For Analog Inputs
99909 12/02/04
Values in gray are factory preset
Page 2
11 SSaaffeettyy iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss aanndd wwaarrnniinnggss
................................................................................. 3
1.1 Use according to the intended purpose ........................................................ 4
22.. TTeecchhnniiccaall DDaattaa
2.1 Miscellaneous Data ......................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Electrical Data .................................................................................................................. 5
2.2.1 Power Supply ..................................................................................................... 5
2.2.2 Inputs ................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.3 Outputs
2.2.4 Interfaces ............................................................................................................ 6
2.3 Mechanical Data .............................................................................................................. 7
2.4 Environmental conditions ................................................................................................ 7
2.5 Delivery .............................................................................................................................. 7
2.6 Order Code ........................................................................................................................ 7
33.. MMoouunnttiinngg
........................................................................................................................... 8
44.. EElleeccttrriiccaall CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss
4.1 Measuring inputs ............................................................................................................. 8
4.2 Control Inputs and Auxiliary Power Supply ................................................................. 9
4.3 Power Supply and Alarm Outputs ................................................................................ 9
4.4 Interfaces .......................................................................................................................... 9
55.. PPaarraammeetteerr SSeettuupp
5.1 Parameter mode ..............................................................................................................10
5.2 Parameter input for Instantaneous Value ....................................................................11
5.2.1 Select range for the input signal ....................................................................11
5.2.2 Set the decimal point for the actual value ....................................................11
5.2.3 Change the range limits ....................................................................................12
5.2.4 Scaling Slope ......................................................................................................13
5.3 Setting the Scaling Slope
5.3.1 Enter the number of Scaling points ................................................................14
5.3.2 Define first Scaling point ..................................................................................15
5.3.3 Define second Scaling point ...........................................................................15
5.3.4 Define further Scaling points ...........................................................................15
5.4 Totalizer
5.4.1 Setting the Input Threshold for the Totalizer ................................................15
5.4.2 Totalizer Setup ...................................................................................................16 Setting the decimal point for the totalizer ..................................18 Overall scaling for the total value .................................................18
5.4.3 Resetting the Total value ..................................................................................19
5.5 Alarms/Alarm Outputs
5.5.1 Alarm 1/Output 1 ................................................................................................20 Alarm 1 off/on ..................................................................................20 Select threshold 1 ..........................................................................20 Select mode for output threshold 1 ..............................................20 Hysteresis for threshold 1 ..............................................................21 Reset Latch signal at output 1 ......................................................22 Select signal form for output threshold 1 ...................................23
Page 3
5.5.2 Alarms 2/Output 2 ............................................................................................. 23 Alarm 2 off/on .................................................................................. 23 Select threshold 2 ...........................................................................23 Select mode for output threshold 2 ............................................. 23 Reset Latch signal at output 2 ......................................................24 Reset Latch signal at output 2 ...................................................... 24 Select signal form for output threshold 2 ...................................25
5.6 MIN/MAX value acquisition ........................................................................................... 25
5.6.1 Maximum value monitoring .................................................................................. 25 Resetting the maximum value ......................................................25
5.6.2 Minimum value monitoring ..............................................................................25 Resetting the minimum value .................................................... 26
5.6.3 Effect of Overflow/Underflow for MIN/MAX value ..................................... 26
5.7 Mains Hum Filter .............................................................................................................26
5.8 Interface ............................................................................................................................26
5.8.1 Baud rate ............................................................................................................ 27
5.8.2 Address ...............................................................................................................27
5.9 Setting default value .......................................................................................................27
5.10 End of setup ...................................................................................................................... 27
5.11 Check/alter parameters ................................................................................................. 28
66.. OOppeerraattiioonn
.......................................................................................................................... 28
6.1 Switching over the display during operation ............................................................. 29
6.2 Setting the limits during operation ...............................................................................30
6.3 Resetting the MIN/MAX value ......................................................................................30
6.4 Resetting the Totalizer ....................................................................................................32
6.5 Display Hold ..................................................................................................................... 32
Page 4
Only use this display
– in a way according to its intended
purpose – if its technical condition is perfect – adhering to the operating
instructions and the general
safety instructions.
The digital display may be used only as a panel-mounted device. Applications of this product may be found in industrial processes and controls, in manufacturing lines for the metal, wood, plastics, paper, glass, textile and other processing indus­tries. Over-voltages at the terminals of the digital display must be kept within the limits in Category II
If the digital display is used to monitor machines or processes in which, in case of a failure of the device or an error made by the operator, there might be risks of damaging the machine or causing acci­dents to the operators, it is your responsibility to take appropriate safety measures.
11..11 UUssee aaccccoorrddiinngg ttoo tthhee iinntteennddeedd ppuurrppoossee
11 SSaaffeettyy iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss aanndd wwaarrnniinnggss
1. Before carrying out any installation or maintenance work, make sure that the power supply of the digital display is switched off.
2. Only use this digital display in a way ac­cording to its intended purpose.
3. If its technical condition is perfect.
4. Adhering to the operating instructions and the general safety instructions.
5. Adhere to country or user specific regu­lations.
6. The digital display is not intended for use in areas with risks of explosion and in the branches excluded by the standard EN 61010 Part 1.
7. The digital display shall only operated if it has been correctly mounted in a panel, in accordance with the chapter “Main technical features”.
Page 5
22.. TTeecchhnniiccaall DDaattaa
22..11 MMiisscceellllaanneeoouuss DDaattaa
Display 5 digit red LED
14.2 mm high Display range –19999 ... 99999, with leading zeros suppression Out of Range Indication Under-range uuuuu / Over-range ooooo Data storage EEPROM, 1 Million storage cycles or 10 Years Test voltages
EN 61010 Part 1 ; overvoltage category 2,
level 2
EMC Interference emissions EN 50081-2 / EN 55011 Class B
Interference resistance EN 61000-6-2
22..22 EElleeccttrriiccaall DDaattaa
22..22..11 PPoowweerr ssuuppppllyy
AC power supply 90 ... 260 V AC/max. 6 VA
external fuse 100 mA/T
DC power supply 10 ... 30 V DC, max. 2 W,
galvanically isolated with inverse polarity protection external fuse 250 mA/T
Mains Hum Filter digital filter 50 Hz or 60 Hz, programmable
22..22..22 IInnppuuttss MMeeaassuurreemmeenntt rraannggeess
Current input (DC)
Ranges 0 ... 20 mA, 4 ... 20 mA Resolution 2 µA Voltage drop max. 2 V bei 20 mA Max. current 50 mA
Voltage input(DC)
Ranges 0 ... 10 V, 2 ... 10 V, ±10 V Resolution 1 mV Input resitance > 2 M Max. voltage ± 30 V
A/D converter Dual-Slope Measuring speed approx. 2 measurements/s Linearity < 0,1% ±1 Digit for the whole measuring range at an
ambient temperature of 20°C
Zero calibration automatic Temperature drift 100 ppm/K
Page 6
DDiiggiittaall iinnppuuttss Input MPI* Function of the inputs depending on set up
1. Function Display-Hold to stop the instantaneous value
2. Function Reset Reset the alarm value Alarm Latch
3. Function Reset-Totalizer Resetting the Totalizer
*MPI: Multi Purpose Input
Input KEY Keypad lock-out of alarm settings Switching level logical 0 0 ... 2 V DC
logical 1 4 ... 30 V DC Min. pulse duration > 5 ms
Input MPI and Input KEY are galvanically isolated
22..22..33 OOuuttppuuttss AAllaarrmm 11//AAllaarrmm oouuttppuutt 22
RReellaayy oouuttppuutt
with volt-free changeover contacts can be setup as normally closed or normally open Switching voltage 250 V AC/300 V DC Switching current max. 3 A AC/DC, min. 30 mA DC Switching power 2000 VA / 50
with open collector and open emitter Switching power 30 V DC/15 mA U
CEsat at Ic = 15 mA max. 2.0 V DC
CEsat at Ic = 5 mA max. 0.4 V DC
AAuuxxiilliiaarryy ppoowweerr ssuuppppllyy oouuttppuutt ffoorr mmeeaassuurriinngg ttrraannssdduucceerr//sseennssoorr AACC
models voltage output 10 V DC ±2%, 30 mA
and voltage output 24 V DC ±15%, 50 mA
models only voltage output 10 V DC ±2%, 30 mA The auxiliary power supply is galvanically isolated from the inputs, outputs and the interface.
22..22..44 IInntteerrffaaccee Available options RS232, RS485, RS422 Baud rate 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 programmable Address 00 ... 99 programmable Data format 8 Data bit, no parity, 1 stop bit Character format advanced ASCII character format of
IBM-PC without graphic characters
The interface is galvanically isolated from the inputs, outputs and auxiliary voltage.
Page 7
22..33 MMeecchhaanniiccaall DDaattaa
Housing Housing for control panel 96 x 48 mm according to
DIN 43 700, RAL 7021 Dimensions (W x H x D) 96 x 48 x 90 mm Panel cut-out (B x H) 92
x 45
mm Mounting depth approx. 83 mm Weight approx. 220 g Protection IP 65 (on the front side)
CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss Power supply and output: 1 x screw terminal, 8-pole, RM 5.08 Measurement and control input: 1 x screw terminal, 11-pole, RM 3.81 Interfaces: (*) 1 x screw terminal, 5-pole, RM 3.81
The front of the unit is only to be cleaned with a soft wet (water !) cloth.
22..44 EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall CCoonnddiittiioonnss Ambient temperature –10°C ... +50°C Storage temperature –20°C ... +70°C Climatic stability relative humidity < 75%, without condensation
22..55 DDeelliivveerryy iinncclluuddss::
Process display Screw terminal, 8-pole, RM 5.08 Screw terminal, 11-pole, RM 3.81 Screw terminal, 5-pole, RM 3.81(*) Clamping bracket Gasket Multilingual operating instructions 1 set of self-adhesive symbols
* only with the interface option
22..66 OOrrddeerr CCooddee
PMT555.01 0 00
00 = without interface 05 = RS232 06 = RS422 07 = RS485
Power supply
0 = 90 .. 260 V AC 3 = 10 .. 30 V DC
44.. EElleeccttrriiccaall ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss View of rear of unit
for 90 ... 260 V AC ver­sion. Please apply the power sup­ply after the complete installation. Danger of Death! Please check
unit label before applying the power supply.
Page 8
33.. MMoouunnttiinngg
Panel cut out
Measuring- and control inputs as well as auxil­iary signals
Power supply and limit out­puts
44..11 MMeeaassuurriinngg IInnppuuttss
2 GND1 (Analogue) 3 Voltage input (U)
0 ... 10 V, 2 ... 10 V, -10 ... +10 V
1 Current input (I)
0 ... 20 mA / 4 ... 20 mA
2 GND1 (Analogue)
Current input Voltage input
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