KEP NAMUR R-T Operating Manual

Ratemeter/Totalizer for NAMUR Sensors
99946 09/27/04
SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................... 1
DECODING PART NUMBER ..................................................................................2
WIRING ................................................................................................................... 4
UP/DOWN CONTROL AND QUADRATURE INPUTS ............................................ 4
WHAT CAN YOU VIEW ...........................................................................................6
OUTPUT JUMPER SELECTIONS .......................................................................... 6
MILLIVOLT INPUT OPTION JUMPER SELECTIONS ............................................6
OPERATING FRONT PANEL .................................................................................. 7
PROGRAMMING FLOW CHART ............................................................................ 7
PROGRAM CODES & DESCRIPTIONS ................................................................. 8
TERMINATIONS ......................................................................................................9
CALCULATING SCALE FACTORS .........................................................................10
PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE ............................................................................. 11
SETTING SCALING FACTORS ..............................................................................11
SETTING THE COUNTER ...................................................................................... 12
SETTING THE RATE .............................................................................................. 13
SETTING THE LOCK CODE & LOCKING THE UNIT .............................................14
SETTING THE RELAYS & PRESETS ..................................................................... 15
OUTPUT WIRING ...................................................................................................16
ANALOG OUTPUT OPTION ................................................................................... 17
RS232/RS422 SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS.......................................................... 18
TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ................................................................................ 21
Any rate, total or blending application where 2 preset alarms and scaling are required for a NAMUR sensor.
The NAMUR R/T (NRT) is a 6 digit totalizer / ratemeter with two level, 5 digit preset alarm control of total or rate. Inputs A & B have separate scaling K-factors. The totalizer can be pro­grammed for “A” subtract “B”, “A” add “B” or A & B as separate totalizers, with display and control of the “net” total and rate of "A". The NAMUR R/T is also available in 2 other versions. NC2: a two preset totalizer with scaling, NR2: a high/low alarm ratemeter with scaling. If only one input is required, the unit will display the total and rate from that one channel. The NAMUR R/T can accept up to 10,000 pulses per second. It has a 5
digit oating decimal scale factor allowing total readout in true
engineering units and rate per second, minute or hour. Input “A” simultaneously drives a ratemeter which can be pro­grammed to display the basic frequency (rate per second) or factored to show rate per minute or rate per hour. Simply push the “VIEW” button to see either total or rate without losing a count. Two separate 5 A relay contacts can be set to operate at either rate or total presets in a latch or auto-recycle mode with output timing from 0.1 to 99.9 seconds. Two control outputs can be assigned to either the totalizer or ratemeter and can automatically recycle at the preset total or stay latched until reset. Several units can communicate to a host computer on a single RS232 or RS422 loop. Each unit can be assigned it’s own I.D. number. When two inputs are received (A & B), the unit can either add or subtract the two inputs or display the two inputs as separate totalizers.
Display: 6 digit, 0.55" High LED Input Power:
110 VAC ± 15% or 12 to 15 VDC 220 VAC ± 15% or 12 to 15 VDC 24VAC ± 15% or 12 to 15 VDC
Current: 250 mA DC max. or 6.5 VA AC Output Power: (AC powered units only)
Terminal 7: +12 VDC @ 50 mA, unregulated -10 + 50% Terminal 10: +8VDC @ 50mA Temperature: Operating: +32°F (0°C) to +130 F (+54°C) Storage:
-40 F (-40°C) to +200°F (93°C)
Humidity: 0-90% Noncondensing Memory: EEPROM stores data for 10 years if power is lost.
NAMUR Input: Logic 0 < 1 mA; Logic 1 > 3 mA Input Resistance 1000 ohms (typ.) 4-30VDC Input: Logic 0 open or < 1V, Logic 1 > 4V Input Resistance 10K ohms (typ.) 3N: NAMUR input on Input A 4-30 VDC input on Input B 3NB: NAMUR input on Input A and Input B 5N: NAMUR input on Input A 4-30 V Direction Control input on Input B. 5NB: NAMUR input on Input A and Input B Direction Control input on Input B 9NB: Quadrature, accepts NAMUR inputs on Input A and
Input B with 90° phase shift for direction detection
Approvals: CSA File# LR91109-7, CE Compliant Reset:
Front Panel: Resets displayed value and control output Remote: 4-30 VDC negative edge resets Totalizer "A" and control output
Control Outputs:
Relays: 2 each N.O. Relay; 5 Amps 120/240 VAC or 28 VDC. (N.C. relay contacts available with solder jumpers.) Analog Output: An optional 4-20mA (0-20mA) output is available for the NAMUR R/T series. The output can be programmed to track rate or total. This feature is available by
adding sufx A to the part number. Connections are
via a 2 terminal pluggable screw connector. Programming is accomplished by using the front panel in conjunction with rear dip switches. Accuracy: ±.25% FS worst case. Compliance Voltage: 3 to 30 VDC non inductive. Scaling Factor (K-Factor): In the standard unit, a user pro­grammable K-Factor is used to convert the input pulses to engineering units. The 5 digit K-Factor dividers, with decimal keyed into any position, allow easy direct entry of any K-Fac­tor from 0.0001 to 99999. Separate factors may be entered for the 2 separate input channels. Presets: Two control outputs are provided. To set relay values, press “menu” button until “Relay” appears on the display, the A and B outputs can be assigned to the ratemeter (high/low), one preset for rate and one for total, or two presets on the A and B totalizers. A 5 digit value can be entered for both presets and the decimal point location is the same as the counter. The outputs can be set to energize from 0.1 to 99.9 seconds or latch (0.0). If a value other than 0.0 is entered, the totalizers will auto reset at the preset . In the A­B or A+B versions, the relays will be assigned to either net total or A rate. Lockout: Unauthorized front panel changes can be pre­vented by entering a user selected 5 digit code in the “LOC” mode. The front panel can be completely locked out or the presets can remain accessible.
Ratemeter: Accuracy: 0.01% FS (±1 display digit).
The rate display updates once per second. The rate meter can be programmed to accept almost any number of pulses per unit of measurement, sample from 2 to 24 seconds maxi-
mum, and auto-range up to 5 digits of signicant information.
In the “RPS” mode, the ratemeter displays in units per sec­ond, and in the “scale” mode, units per hour or per minute. The unit will display the rate of the A Input only. Totalizer: The two 6-digit totalizers can count at 10 kHz max. Each can have a 5-digit dividing scale factor. The totalizer advances on the positive edge of each pulse. Count up or down modes available, as are quadrature inputs from en-
coders for position or ow measurement. The unit can be
programmed to view the net value of "A+B" or "A-B", or A and B as separate totalizers.
RS232/RS422 with KEP Protocol:
If the serial interface option is supplied, multiple units can be linked together. (The terminal addressing the unit must be capable of driving all loads in the loop.) Unit status and new set points can be communicated by serial communication. Mode changes, however, must always be made on the front panel. Data is received and transmitted over standard EIA RS232 or RS422 levels. Unit number, baud rate and parity are entered in the “Program Setting” set up mode and remain in memory even if power is off.
RS232/RS422/RS485 with Modbus RTU Protocol:
The serial port can be used for serial printing or also for data acquisition. The unit can assign addresses up to 247 units (The terminal addressing the unit must be capable of driving all loads in the loop.) The unit can communicate with a master device through a Modbus-RTU protocol. The data given for
each parameter is in IEEE oat format comprising of 2 words.
The unit can be connected in a network. Device ID: 01-247 Baud Rates: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 Parity: None, Odd, Even
Protocol: Modbus RTU (Half Duplex)
Ordering Information
Example: NRT A 3 1
Series: NRT= 6 digits, ratemeter/totalizer with presets and scaling. NC2= 6 digits, totalizer only with presets and scaling. NR2= 5 digits, rate only with presets and scaling. Operating Voltage: A= 110 VAC ± 15% or 12 to 15 VDC B= 220 VAC ± 15% or 12 to 15 VDC C= 24 VAC ± 15% or 12 to 15 VDC Count Inputs: 3N = NAMUR input on Input A, 4-30 VDC input on Input B. 3NB = NAMUR input on Input A and Input B 5N = NAMUR input on Input A, 4-30 V Direction Control input on Input B. 5NB = NAMUR input on Input A and Input B Direction Control input on Input B 9NB = Quadrature, accepts NAMUR inputs on Input A and Input
with 90° phase shift for direction detection.
Options 1= RS232 Communications 2= RS422 Communications
3= Modbus RTU RS232 4= Modbus RTU RS422/RS485 A= Analog Output (4-20/0-20 mA)
NOTE: RS232/RS422/RS485 & Analog Output options can not be
Separate keyboard panel - order #34242 NEMA4 wall mount enclosure available, see NEMAtrol Explosion proof enclosure available, see XHV Serial printer available, see P1000, P295 Ethernet Port Server available, see IEPS RS-422/485 to RS-232 Communication Adaptor available, see CA285 Modbus DDE/OPC Server available, see KEPserver
3.622 (92)
1.772 (45)
CUSTOMER PANEL Panel Thickness 0.062" (1.5) to 0.187" (4.7) max.
3.925 (99.7)
The unit is designed to be mounted with a gasket providing a water tight seal. Two mounting brackets are provided to secure the unit to the panel. A panel less than .1" may distort if the clamps are screwed too tightly.
Slide the body of the unit through the rubber gasket. Insert the unit into the panel. As shown in "FIG. A", slide the brackets up the groove to press against the back of the panel. Insert screws into rear of brackets and tighten them evenly and alter­nately. Do not over tighten! A normal level of torque is required. Maximum torque should be 3" pounds.
This product is designed to be panel mounted and is NEMA 4 rated if proper mounting procedures are followed and the required and supplied hardware is correctly used.
If the panel in which the unit is mounted is less than .125 of an inch thick, the possibility exists that there will be some ex­ing. Should this exing occur, the resulting deformation of the panel could cause a loss of the water tight seal. In case this
should occur, the use of silicone or other sealant would be recommended.
This product is designed to the NEMA 4 rated. However, the fact that we are unable to control either the location in which the device is installed or the actual installation itself requires that the company's liability shall extend only to the repair or replacement of a defective product.
We are prepared to offer additional assistance in those special situations where normal mounting methods do not seem to sat­isfy the customers needs. This assistance may be obtained by calling the factory and asking for Application Engineering.
The rear terminal contains 12 screw terminals for connecting #14 to #28 gauge wire.
The unit is controlled by a microprocessor and, therefore, an electrically "noisy" environment could cause operating problems. The input power line should not be common to power lines for motors, pumps, contactors, etc.
The unit is designed to be immune from line or RF voltage interference. In some environments voltage spikes of over 100
volts, even 1000 volts, can occur. When common to a power line driving motors voltage uctuations can be extreme and
rapid. Lines driving DC or AC solenoids, relays, or actuators can also cause problems.
Four sources of noise can occur:
1) AC power line noise - If the unit cannot be connected to a clean power source, an inductive load suppressing device (MOV as GE # V130LA1 or Resistor Capacitor as Paktron # .2 uf/220 ohm @ 400V) can be installed. Although locating the suppressor across the AC supply at the unit should help, best results are obtained by connecting the suppressor across the leads of the "load" at the device causing the spike.
2) Input line noise -The noise is carried on the input and D.C. ground lines. Make sure the input wires are never run into the unit in a bundle with power input lines. Also, keep these input lines isolated from inductive lines from devices drawing heavy loads. If there is a possibility of electrical noise, we recommend using shielded cable, with the shield being hooked to the D.C. ground terminal on the instrument, and to "earth" at one point in the circuit, preferably at the D.C. ground terminal of the unit.
3) Output lines - The unit has two relay outputs. When these outputs are used to run external relays or solenoids, spikes can be generated upon activation. This noise can spread through the instrument causing operating problems. If the source is a D.C. operated device, a general purpose diode (IN4004) placed across the solenoid prevents electrical noise spikes. Connect the cathode (banded side) to the more positive side of the coil. If the source is an A.C. operated device, use a MOV or Resistor Capacitor across the coil.
4) 12 VDC output supply - Noise can be generated on the 12 VDC output supply if it is used to drive inductive loads or if the current draw exceeds 50 mA. Insure that all inductive loads have a diode (such as IN4004) across the coil and that the current does not exceed 50 mA.
QUADRATURE INPUT: When programming the counter section for quadrature input, you must set the unit for A net B and A sub B (see step 2 in programming section). This insures proper operation. The rate can only be viewed in one direction. If the unit is a ratemeter only (NR2), connect only one of the quadrature channels to Input A (pin 5).
UP/DOWN CONTROL: When using the up/down control option, Input A (pin 5) is the count input and Input B (pin 6) is the up/down control (direction) input. The counter must be set for A net B and A sub B (see step 2 in programming section). When the direction input is high (4-30VDC (Input typr 5N) or >3mA (input type 5NB)) the count inputs will count up, when the direction input is low (open, <1VDC (input type 5N) or <1mA (input type 5NB)) the count inputs will count down. The direc­tion input must precede the count input by 1 msec when the unit is set for low CPS and 1 usec when set for high CPS.
2- N.O.(N.C./NPN)
4- N.O.(N.C./NPN)
7- +12VDC OUT/+DC IN (unregulated)
10- +8VDC @ 50mA
11- A.C. INPUT
12- A.C. INPUT
13- V+
14- I SINK
1 2 3 4
115 VAC
NOTE: Connect power only after other connections are nished. Do not touch the live AC power terminals! The unit has
been designed with an isolated AC input. Thus, polarity is not a concern for the AC input. The chassis is plastic, therefore earth ground is not used. For D.C. operation, connect + 12V to pin 7 and - D.C. to pin 8.
A NAMUR sensor is an electronic switch activated by a piece of metal moved close to the activation point. The sensor is a 2-wire proximity switch between two currents of <1 mA and > 3 mA. The switch is "off" if current is <1 mA, and "on" if the current is >3 mA.
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