Kessler-Ellis Products • 800-631-2165
Analog Inputs with Separate
• Set Scaling From Front Panel
• Separate Scaling of Rate and Total
• 2 Set Points Assignable To Rate or Total
• Display Rate, Integrated Total and Peak &
• 0-5V, 0-10V, 1-5V, 4-20mA or 0-20mA
• NEMA 4X/IP 65 Front Panel
• +24V Output Power For Peripherals
• Scaled Pulse Output on Output A or B
• 4-20mA Output (optional)
• Square Root Extraction (optional)
4-20mA, 0-5V, 0-10V or 1-5V sig nals. A 4-20mA out put op tion
scaled pulse output setting is available and can be assigned
to either Output A or B. The full scale setting is pro gram mable
from the front pan el. By press ing the "view" but ton, the unit will
display: in te grated to tal, rate, peak or valley.
Type: Open collector sinks 250mA from 30VDC when ac tive.
The full scale setting is pro gram mable from the front
through the external devices. The out put up dates with each up-
date of the rate. Accuracy is ±0.25% FS worst case. Compliance
volt age must be 3 to 30 VDC non in duc tive. (The unit can provide
the DC source as long as the drop across the devices being driven
Type: 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-5V, 0-10V or 1-5V se lectable from the
Current: 100Ω; Voltage: 115KΩ
The unit does all of the calibrations in ter nal ly. There
Two set points are provided. The set point outputs
stan dard with two open col lec tor control out puts. The out puts are
Updates 5 times per sec ond, Accurate to 4.5
Integrates from the rate reading and ac cu mu lates up
to 6 digits of total count. The time base (seconds, minutes, hours
or days) and totalize conversion factor are fi eld pro gram mable
se lected time base, set points, in put type, security lock code, and
Standard 1/8 DIN, high im pact ABS plastic case (NEMA
Will not drift more than 20 parts per mil-

Kessler-Ellis Products • 800-631-2165
1•Reset In
2•Analog Out (Sink)
3•Signal GRD (-DC)
4•(Current) +I in
5•(Voltage) +V in
6•Not Used
7•+24V Out
8•Preset B Collector
9•Preset A Collector
10•+DC In
11•110/220 VAC
12•110/220 VAC
Relay A
2-Wire 4-20mA Transmitter
B= 220 VAC ± 15% or 12 to 24 VDC
S= Square Law (Linear or Square Law menu selectable)
1= 2 - Open Collector Outputs (standard)
A= Analog Output (4-20 mA)
XHV 7/4 Explosion Proof Housing available, see XHV7/4
ES756INT69 Ratemeter/Totalizer