Kenwood Smoothie Pro SB300 series User Manual

901990 nl-en-fr-de ma 2014
SB300 series
901990 nl-en-fr-de ma 2014
instructions and recipe ideas 2 - 7
gebruiksaanwijzing en recepten 8 - 14
mode d’emploi et idées de recettes 15 - 21
901990 nl-en-fr-de ma 2014
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901990 nl-en-fr-de ma 2014
You can use your Smoothie Blender for making delicious and nutritious cold drinks. It’s easy to use and the smoothie drink can be dispensed directly into a cup or glass. We’ve also included a stirring device to assist with the blending.
A selection of recipes can be found at the back of the instructions, but the handy markings on the goblet allow you to mix ingredients of your choice. Combinations of fruit and yoghurt (both fresh and frozen), ice cream, ice cubes, juice and milk can be used.
Switch off and unplug:
before fitting and removing parts
after use
before cleaning.
Never let the power unit, cord or plug get wet.
Keep hands and utensils, other than the stirrer out of the goblet when it’s on the power unit.
Don’t touch sharp blades.
Don’t let children or infirm people use the machine unsupervised.
Never blend hot liquids.
Never use a damaged machine. Get it checked or repaired : see ‘service’.
Never use an unauthorised attachment.
Never leave the machine on unattended.
Don’t let children play with the machine.
When removing the Smoothie Blender from the power unit, wait until the blades have completely stopped.
Only use the appliance for its intended domestic use.
Only operate the Smoothie Blender with the lid in place.
Never use the stirrer unless the lid is fitted to the goblet.
The moulded skirt on the bottom of the goblet is fitted during manufacture to comply with safety standards and no attempt should be made to remove it.
The unit may also be used for making soups. Allow hot liquids to cool before blending - if you haven’t fitted the lid securely before blending, you could get splashed.
carrot and coriander soup
25g butter 1 large onion, chopped 1-2 cloves garlic, crushed 800g carrot cut into 2cm cubes cold chicken stock 15ml ground coriander salt and pepper
Melt the butter in a pan, add the onion and garlic and fry until soft. Place the carrot into the goblet, add the onion and garlic. Add sufficient stock to reach the 2 litre level marked on the goblet. Fit the lid and filler cap. Blend on “SMOOTH” for 5 seconds for a coarse soup or longer for a finer result.
Transfer the mixture to a saucepan, add the coriander and seasoning and simmer the soup for 30 to 35 minutes or until cooked. Adjust the seasoning as necessary and add extra liquid if required.
before plugging in
Make sure your electricity supply is the same as the one shown on the underside of the machine.
The machine complies with European Economic Community Directive 89/336/EEC.
before using for the first time
1 Remove all the packaging . 2 Wash the parts: see ‘cleaning’. 3 Push excess cord into the back of
the appliance.
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stirrercaplidgoblettap assemblysealing ringblade assemblypower unit
to use your smoothie blender
1 Fit the sealing ring over the blade
2 Screw the goblet onto the blade
3 Screw the tap assembly onto the
goblet, then place on the power unit.
Check that the dispensing tap lever is in the off position .
4 Place the liquid ingredients into the
This includes fruit (not frozen), fresh yoghurt, milk and fruit juices. These can be placed into the goblet to the level marked LIQUIDS for either 3 or 6 servings.
5 Add ice or frozen ingredients to the
This includes frozen fruit, frozen yoghurt, ice cream or ice. These can be added up to the level marked FROZEN INGREDIENTS for the
corresponding number of servings. 6 Push the lid onto the goblet. 7 Either push the cap into the lid, or
place the stirrer in the hole.
The stirrer can be used when blending thick mixtures or when large quantities of frozen items are used.
8 Press the “MIX” button for up to 30
seconds, this is to start the mixing process, then press the “SMOOTH” button. Allow the ingredients to blend until smooth.
Use the stirrer by moving it in an anti clockwise direction.
9 Place a glass under the tap, press
the “MIX” button and press down on the dispensing tap lever.
Thinner drinks may dispense without having to switch on the power unit.
Use the stirrer to assist when dispensing thick smoothie drinks.
To help dispense the last amount of a thick smoothie drink, add a few tablespoons of liquid to increase the flow.
10 When the glass is full, release the
lever and switch off.
To make a thinner smoothie drink add more liquid.
To make a thicker smoothie drink add more frozen ingredients.
Before fitting the lid, push the solid ingredients into the liquid using the stirrer.
Use the “PULSE” button to operate the power unit in a start stop action to control the texture of your drink. Take care as this automatically selects the higher speed and may cause the drink to be thrown up the sides and onto the lid of the goblet.
After blending, some drinks may not be completely smooth due to seeds or the fibrous nature of ingredients.
Some drinks may separate on standing, therefore it’s best to drink them straight away. Separated drinks should be stirred before drinking.
Never blend dry ingredients (eg spices, nuts) or run the Smoothie Blender empty.
Don’t use the blender as a storage container. Keep it empty before and after use.
Some liquids increase in volume and froth during blending eg milk, so do not overfill and ensure the lid is correctly fitted.
901990 nl-en-fr-de ma 2014
To ensure long life of your Smoothie
Blender, never run it continuously for
longer than 60 seconds.
Never blend food that has formed a
solid mass during freezing, break it
up before adding to the goblet.
Always switch off, unplug and
dismantle before cleaning.
Never let the power unit, cord or
plug get wet.
Empty the goblet before unscrewing
it from the blade unit.
Always wash immediately after use.
Don’t let food dry onto the goblet
assembly as this will make cleaning
Don’t wash any part in the
Regularly dismantle the tap and
clean the parts thoroughly.
blender unit
Before dismantling the blender, half
fill the goblet with warm water. Fit
the lid and cap then place on the
power unit. Switch to “MIX” and
whilst running, open the tap and
allow the water to drain into a
container to clean the valve. This can
be repeated until the water runs
clear. If further cleaning is necessary
dismantle the unit first.
power unit
Wipe with a damp cloth, then dry.
blade unit
1 Remove and wash the sealing ring. 2 Don’t touch the sharp blades - brush
them clean using hot soapy water,
then rinse thoroughly under the tap.
Don’t immerse the blade assembly in
water. 3 Leave to dry upside down away from
lid, cap, stirrer
Wash by hand, rinse with clean
water then dry.
cleaning the tap
Remove the tap assembly from the goblet, then soak the tap in hot soapy water with the valve open . Wash thoroughly then rinse and dry. Wash and dry the goblet then refit the tap ensuring that the seals are correctly positioned on the goblet .
dismantling the tap
1 Unscrew the cap . 2 Push up on the plug and remove
the lever. 3 Remove the plug and spring . 4 Wash all the components, then dry
thoroughly. 5 Reassemble the unit by reversing the
above procedure .
service and customer care
If the cord is damaged it must, for
safety reasons, be replaced by
KENWOOD or an authorised
KENWOOD repairer.
If you need help with:
using your Smoothie Blender
servicing or repairs
Contact the shop where you bought
your Smoothie Blender.
901990 nl-en-fr-de ma 2014
strawberry lemon surprise
3 x 150g pots strawberry yoghurt 600ml lemonade 500g frozen strawberries Makes 5 large glasses
Place the yoghurt and lemonade into the goblet. Add the frozen strawberries. Switch to “MIX” for 10 seconds then to “SMOOTH” for 10 seconds. Serve immediately.
thick banana milkshake
3 large bananas (cut into chunks) 600mls semi skimmed milk 7 small scoops vanilla ice-cream (approximate weight 350g) Makes 5 large glasses
Place the bananas and milk into the goblet. Add the ice cream. Switch to “MIX” for 10 seconds then to “SMOOTH” for 10 seconds. Serve immediately.
pineapple and coconut refresher
1 can (425g) pineapple pieces in juice 300ml pineapple juice 150ml coconut milk 7 small scoops vanilla ice cream (approximate weight 350g) Makes 5 large glasses
Place the contents of the can of pineapple in juice into the goblet together with the additional pineapple juice and coconut milk. Add the ice cream. Switch to “MIX” for 10 seconds then to “SMOOTH” for 30 seconds. Serve immediately.
raspberry cream
4 x 150g pots raspberry yoghurt
300ml orange juice
175g frozen raspberries
175g (approximately 2 scoops)
frozen yoghurt dessert, vanilla flavour
Makes 5 large glasses
Place the fresh yoghurt and orange
juice into the goblet. Add the frozen
raspberries and frozen yoghurt.
Switch to “MIX” for 10 seconds then
to “SMOOTH” for 30 seconds. Serve
choco mint shake
475ml semi skimmed milk
few drops peppermint essence to
5 small scoops chocolate ice cream
(approximate weight 250g)
Makes 2-3 large glasses
Place the milk and essence into the
goblet. Add the ice cream. Switch to
“MIX” for 10 seconds then to
“SMOOTH” for 10 seconds. Serve
ice cool fruity
4 peeled kiwi fruit, quartered
350g fresh strawberries
425ml orange juice
10 ice cubes
Makes 5 glasses
Place the fruit and orange juice into
the goblet. Add the ice cubes.
Switch to “MIX” for 20 seconds, then
“SMOOTH” for 20 seconds. Serve
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ginger smoothie
350ml milk 7 - 8 pieces of stem ginger or to taste 35 ml juice from stem ginger 5 small scoops vanilla ice cream (approximate weight 250g) Makes 2 to 3 glasses
Place the milk, stem ginger and juice into the goblet. Add the ice cream. Switch to “MIX” for 15 seconds, then “SMOOTH” for 30 seconds. Serve immediately.
pineapple and apricot smoothie
250ml pineapple juice 250ml Greek yoghurt 250g fresh pineapple, cut into pieces 4 fresh apricots, stones removed and flesh cut up 12 ice cubes Makes 4 to 5 large glasses
Place the pineapple juice, yoghurt, pineapple and apricot into the goblet. Add the ice cubes. Switch to “MIX” for 20 seconds, then “SMOOTH” for 30 seconds. Serve immediately.
breakfast in a glass
175ml skimmed milk 125ml low fat yoghurt 1 large banana cut into chunks 1 large apple, cored and cut up 10ml wheatgerm 15ml runny honey 5 ice cubes Makes 2-3 large glasses
Place the milk, yoghurt, banana, apple, wheatgerm and honey into the goblet. Add the ice cubes. Switch to “MIX” for 30 seconds, then “SMOOTH” for 20 seconds. Serve immediately.
coffee smoothie
250ml Espresso coffee
175ml milk
30-45ml Baileys liqueur (optional)
sugar to taste
5 small scoops vanilla ice cream
(approximate weight 250g)
Makes 2-3 large glasses
Place the coffee, milk, liqueur and
sugar (if used) into the goblet. Add
the ice cream. Switch to “MIX” for 10
seconds, then “SMOOTH” for 10
seconds. Serve immediately.
banoffee smoothie
2 large bananas, cut up
250ml milk
5 small scoops toffee ice cream
(approximate weight 250g)
Makes 2-3 large glasses
Place the banana and milk in the
goblet. Add the ice cream. Switch to
“MIX” for 10 seconds and then
“SMOOTH” for 20 seconds. Serve
fruit smasher
2-3 nectarines, stones removed and
flesh cut up
125g fresh raspberries
125g fresh strawberries
125ml lemonade
125ml apple juice
7 ice cubes
Makes 4 glasses
Place all the fruit and juice into the
goblet. Add the ice cubes. Switch to
“MIX” for 10 seconds and then
“SMOOTH” for 20 seconds. Serve
901990 nl-en-fr-de ma 2014
raspberry refresher
950ml cranberry juice 300g frozen raspberries 4 small scoops raspberry sorbet (approximate weight 275g) Makes 6 large glasses
Place the cranberry juice into the goblet, then add the frozen raspberries and sorbet. Switch to “MIX” for 15 seconds then “SMOOTH” for 15 seconds. Serve immediately.
tropical ginger
475ml ginger beer 350g mixture frozen pineapple, melon and mango Makes 2-3 large glasses
Place the ginger beer into the goblet, then add the frozen fruit. Switch to “MIX” for 15 seconds then “SMOOTH” for 30 seconds. Serve immediately.
fruits of the forest zinger
850ml lemonade 2 large meringue shells, broken up 550g frozen black forest fruits Makes 6 large glasses
Place the lemonade and meringue into the goblet, then add the frozen fruit. Switch to “MIX” for 15 seconds then “SMOOTH” for 30 seconds. Serve immediately.
oriental splendour
1 can lychees, drained weight 250g
(juice not required)
600ml orange juice
125g crème fraiche
12 ice cubes
Makes 4-5 large glasses
Place the drained fruit, orange juice
and crème fraiche into the goblet,
then add the ice cubes. Switch to
“MIX” for 15 seconds then
“SMOOTH” for 15 seconds. Serve
cool as cucumber
550ml apple juice
half cucumber, cut up
2-3 kiwi fruit, cut
up 5 mint leaves 12 ice cubes Makes 5 large glasses
Place the apple juice, cucumber, kiwi and mint leaves into the goblet, then add the ice cubes. Switch to “MIX” for 15 seconds then “SMOOTH” for 15 seconds. Serve immediately.
berry blast
725ml cranberry juice 250g condensed milk 600g frozen mixed berries Makes 5 large glasses
Place the cranberry juice and condensed milk into the goblet, then add the frozen fruit. Switch to “MIX” for 15 seconds then “SMOOTH” for 15 seconds. Serve immediately.
901990 nl-en-fr-de ma 2014
Met uw smoothie blender kunt u heerlijke, voedzame koude dranken maken. Hij is gemakkelijk te bedienen en de smoothie drank kan direct in een kop of glas worden geschonken. Er zit ook een roerder bij om gemakkelijker te kunnen mengen.
Achter in de gebruiksaanwijzing staan enige recepten, maar dankzij de handige merkstrepen op de kom kunt u ook zelfgekozen ingrediënten mengen. Combinaties van fruit en yoghurt (zowel vers als bevroren), ijs, ijsblokjes, sap en melk kunnen worden gebruikt.
Schakel de blender uit en trek de stekker uit het stopcontact:
voordat u onderdelen aanbrengt of verwijdert;
na gebruik;
vóór reiniging.
Laat het motorblok, het snoer en de stekker nooit nat worden.
Steek niet uw handen of gereedschap, met uitzondering van de roerder, in de kom, als deze op het motorblok is aangebracht.
Raak de scherpe bladen niet aan.
Laat kinderen en zieke personen het apparaat niet zonder toezicht gebruiken.
Meng nooit warme vloeistoffen.
Gebruik nooit een beschadigd apparaat. Laat mankementen nakijken of repareren: zie paragraaf ‘klantenservice’.
Gebruik nooit een niet-goedgekeurd hulpstuk.
Laat het apparaat nooit onbeheerd achter.
Laat kinderen niet met het apparaat spelen.
Haal de smoothie blender pas van het motorblok, nadat de bladen geheel tot stilstand zijn gekomen.
Gebruik het apparaat uitsluitend voor het beoogde huishoudelijke doel.
Gebruik de smoothie blender alleen met het deksel erop.
Gebruik de roerder alleen, als het deksel op de kom zit.
De gegoten rand onderaan de beker werd tijdens de fabricage aangebracht, in naleving van de veiligheidsnormen. Deze rand mag niet verwijderd worden.
De machine kan ook worden gebruikt om soep te maken. Laat warme vloeistoffen eerst afkoelen, voordat u ze gaat mengen. Als u het deksel niet goed vastzet, kunt u ondergespetterd worden.
wortel- en koriandersoep
25 gr boter 1 grote ui, fijngehakt 1-2 knoflookteentjes, geplet 800 gr wortelen, in blokjes van 2 cm koude kippenbouillon 15 ml gemalen koriander zout en peper
Smelt de boter in een pan, voeg er de ui en de knoflook aan toe en laat fruiten totdat de ui en de knoflook zacht zijn. Doe de wortelen in de maatbeker, voeg er de ui en de knoflook aan toe. Giet er de bouillon bij, tot aan 2 liter op de maatbeker. Plaats het deksel en de vuldop goed op de machine. 5 Seconden lang op “SMOOTH” mengen voor een grove soep, langer voor een gladdere soep.
Giet de vloeistof in een pan, voeg er de koriander en zout en peper aan toe en laat de soep 30 tot 35 minuten lang pruttelen, totdat de wortel gaar is. Naar smaak zout en peper of extra bouilllon aan de soep toevoegen.
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