Batteries (R6/AA) (2)
Refer to the table
on this page below.
AC Plug Adaptor (1)
Use to adapt the plug on the
power cord to the shape of the
wall outlet.
(Accessory only for regions where
use is necessary.)
Resetting the Microcomputer
The microcomputer may malfunction (unit cannot be operated, or
shows an erroneous display) if the power cord is unplugged while the
power is ON, or due to some other external factor. If this happens,
execute the following procedure to reset the microcomputer and
return the unit to its normal operating condition.
• Please note that resetting the microcomputer will clear the contents
of the memory and return the unit to the state it was in when it left
the factory
Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, then
plug it back in while holding down the POWER key.
For the U.S.A. and Canada
With the power cord plugged in, turn the POWER key
OFF. Then, while holding down the ON/STANDBY
key, press POWER.
For other countries
Memory back up function
Please note that the following items will be deleted from the unit's
memory if the power cord is disconnected from the AC outlet for
approximately 3 days.
4-2 Pin Description of Microcomputer : MN101C51FGA(X14,IC804)
Pin No.Pin NameI/ODescription
1VREF--Connected to ground.
2TH SENSIProtection signal detection port for thermal sensor.
3S DETECTOR1IProtection for signal detection 1.
4S DETECTOR2IProtection for signal detection 2.
5S LEVELIDetection port for RDS signal level.
6AD KEY GETIA/D key input.
7AD TUNER DESTIDiscrimination port for tuner destination.
8PROT1IProtection signal detection port for over current.
9PROT2IProtection signal detection port for over voltage.
10VREF+-A/D reference voltage.
11VDD-Power supply(+5V) for microcomputer.
12OSC2OMain clock output(8.38MHz).
13OSC1IMain clock input(8.38MHz).
14VSS-Connected to ground.
15XI-Connected to ground.
17MMOD-Connected to ground.
19DSP/CODEC DOIData input port from DSP/CODEC.
20DSP/CODEC CLKOClock output to DSP/CODEC.
21DSP CSChip select for DSP.
22DSP PDOPower down mode port for DSP.
23CODEC PDOPower down mode port for CDDEC.
Pin No.Pin NameI/ODescription
24CODEC OVERIOverflow detection port for CODEC analog signal.
25RESETIReset signal input for microcomputer.
26CODEC CSNOChip select for CODEC.
27RDS DATAORDS signal data output.
28S BUSYI/OSerial busy signal input/output.
29S DATAI/OSerial data signal input/output.
30MODEL TYPE0IDiscrimination port for model type.
31REMOCONISignal input for remote controller.
32CODEC INTIDetection port for digital signal error.
33RDS CLKIClock input for RDS demodulator IC.
34DSP INTREQIDetection port for DSP INTREQ.
35MODEL TYPE1IDiscrimination port for model type.
36FL DINOData output to FL driver.
37FL DOUTIData input from FL driver.
38FL CLKOClock output to FL driver.
39FL STBOStrobe output to FL driver.
40PLL DATAOData output to PLL IC.
41PLL CLKOClock output to PLL IC.
44PLL CEOChip enable output to PLL IC.
45PLL DOIData input from PLL IC.
46T MUTEOMute signal output to PLL IC.
47STEREOIStereo signal input from PLL IC.
48PLL SDISD signal input from PLL IC.
49MULTI ENCAIEncoder (X14, S813) signal input.
50MULTI ENCBIEncoder (X14, S813) signal input.
51SEL ENCAIEncoder (X14,S814) signal input.
52SEL ENCBIEncoder (X14,S814) signal input.
53VOL. ENCAIEncoder (X14,S815) signal input.
54VOL.ENCBIEncoder (X14,S815) signal input.
55CH SPACEIDiscrimination port for channel space.
56SP RLYOControl port for speaker relay.
57C/SW RELAYORelay control for center and sub woofer speakers.
58SURR.RLYORelay control for surround speaker.
59PWR RLYOControl port for power relay.
60PACK CONT.OPower pack control.
61V. MUTEOMute control for video output.
62LIMITEROPower control for A class.
63A. MUTEOMute control for audio output.
64SEL DATAOData output to analog switch IC(X08,IC705).
65SEL. CLKOClock output to analog switch IC(X08,IC705).
66SEL. STBOStrobe output to analog switch IC(X08,IC705).
67VIDEO CTRLAOVideo switch control.
68VIDEO CTRLBOVideo switch control.
69-6 ATTO-6dB attenuater control.
70VOL. DATAOData output to system IC (X09,IC202).
71VOL. CLKOClock output to system IC (X09,IC202).
72VOL. LATCHOLatch output to system IC (X09,IC202).
73STANDBY LEDOControl port for STANDBY LED(X14,D808).
74DTS LEDOControl port for DTS LED(X14,D807).
75DOL DIG LEDOControl port for DOLBY DIG LED(X14,D806).
76DSP LEDOControl port for DSP LED(X14,D805).
77CE2IDetection port of chip enable 2 for microcomputer.
78CE1IDetection port of chip enable 1 for microcomputer.
79DEGITAL DETIDetection port for digital signal.
80CRS OVR CHKISelection of cut-off frequency for HPF/LPF. L : 80Hz H : 120Hz
5. Pin Description of ICs.
5-1 CODEC : AK4586(X08, IC602)
Pin No.Pin NameI/ODescription
2XTI/EXTCLKIExternal clock input 12.268MHz).
3DVDD-Digital power supply (+5.0V).
4DVSS-Digital GND.
5TVDD-Power supply for buffer (+3.3V).
7MCKOOMaster clock pin.
8LRCKIClock input pin.
9BICKIBit clock pin for audio serial data.
10SDTOOOutput pin for audio serial data.
11~13SDTI (1~3)IInput pin of audio serial data for DAC.
14INT0OOutput pin for digital signal error.
16CAD1/CDTOIControl data input.
17SDACDTIIControl data input.
18SCL/CCLKIClock input.
19CAD0/CSNIChip select.
20DZF2/OVROOverflow detection port for CODEC analog signal.
21AVSS-Analog GND.
22AVDD-Analog power supply (+5.0V).
23VREFHIReference voltage input.
24VCOMOOutput pin for common voltage.
25DZF1-Zero input detection 1 pin (Unused).
26C OUTODAC Center channel output.
27SW OUTODAC SW channel output.
28SL OUTODAC SL channel output.
29SR OUTODAC SR channel output.
30FL OUTODAC FL channel output.
31FR OUTODAC FR channel output.
32LINIL channel analog (+) input.
33RINIR channel analog (+) input.
34PVDD-Power supply (+5.0V).
39RX3IOptical input.
40TST-Clock select 2 pin (GND).
41RX2IVIDEO2 (COAX IN) input.
42I2CIControl select pin Unused .
43RX1IDVD (COAX IN) input.
44PDNICODEC power down.
9+PREConnection port for pre power supply (+B).
10IN/CH1Surround Rch input.
11NF/CH1Surround R ch feedback.
12BIASBias connection port.
13NF/CH2Surround L ch feedback.
14IN/CH2Surround Lch input.
9-RE/CH1Surround R ch (-) output.
10-RE/CH2Surround L ch (-) output.
11+RE/CH2Surround L ch (+) output.
12-PREConnection port for pre power supply (-B).
13+PREConnection port for pre power supply (+B).
Pin No.Pin NameDescription
14IN/CH1Surround R ch input.
15NF/CH1Surround R ch feedback.
16BIASBias connection port.
17NF/CH2Surround L ch feedback.
18IN/CH2Surround L ch input.
19IN/CH3Surround ch input.
20NF/CH3Surround ch feedback.
21+RE/CH3Surround ch (+) output.
22-RE/CH3Surround ch (-) output.
5-4 Digital Audio Decoder: CS493264(X08,IC601)
Pin No.Pin NameI/ODescription
1,12,23VD(1~3)-Digital power supply (+3.3V).
2,13,24DGND(1~3)-Digital GND.
3XMT9580SPDIF transmitter output (Open).
4WR GP1010I/O Host write strobe.
5RD EMOEI/ORead/write enable.
6SCDIN1SPI serial control data.
7SCCLKISerial control clock.
18CSIChip select.
19SCDI0I/O Serial control data input/output.
20INTREQ ABOOTI/O Control port interrupt request/automatic boot enable.
21EXTMEMI/O External memory chip select.
22SDATANIPCM audio data input.
25SCLKNI/O PCM audio input bit clock.
26SLRCLKNI/O PCM audio input sample rate clock.
27CMPDATIPCM audio data input2.
28CMPCLKI/O PCM audio input bit clock.
29CMPREQI/O PCM audio input sample rate clock.
30CLKINIMaster clock input.
31CLKSELIDSP clock select.
32FLT2-Phase lock loop filter.
33FLT1-Phase lock loop filter.
34VA-Analog power supply (+3.3V).
35AGND-Analog GND.
36RESETIMaster reset port.
37DDI/OPull-up port.
38DCIPull-up port.