IC1DriverLCD driver (Include KEY input function)
IC2DriverLCD driver
IC3Remote control ICFor Remote control sensor
Q1SWKey scan start SW “ON” when Q1 base level goes L
Q2Red LED SWRed LED is turned on when Q2 base level goes H
Q5VLCD AVRReference voltage
Q6SWPower supply control SW “ON” when base level goes L
Q11Dimmer controlLCD back light control “OFF” when Q11 base level goes L
D26VLCD AVRReference voltage
Q1DSI LED SWDSI LED blinks when Q1 base level goes H/L
Q2KEY Illumination SW (Green)KEY Illumination SW “ON” when the Q2 base level goes H
Q3KEY Illumination SW (Red)KEY Illumination SW “ON” when the Q3 base level goes H
Q4KEY Illumination SW (Blue)KEY Illumination SW “ON” when the Q4 base level goes H
Generation of RF signal based on the signals from the APC circuit and pickup, and
IC1RF amplifier adapted for CD-RW
IC2CD signal processor built-in MI-COM
IC44CH BTL driverFocus, Tracking coil, Feed and Spindle motor driver IC
IC6LPFAudio active LPF
Q1APCLD power control
Q2Q3 SWWhen P ON signal gose “H”, Q2 is ON
Q3A.8V SWWhen P ON signal gose “H” (Q2 is ON), Q3 is ON
Q4D.5V SWWhen P ON signal gose “L” (Q5 is ON), Q4 is ON
Q5Q4 SW (P-ON)When P ON signal gose “H”, Q5 is ON
generation of servo error (focusing error and tracking error) signals. Detection of dropout,
anti-shock, track crossing and off-track conditions, included gain control function during
Focusing, tracking, sled and spindle servo processing. Automatic adjustment (focusing,
tracking, gain, offset and balance) operations. Digital signal processing (DSP, PLL, subcodes, CIRC error correction, audio data Interpol ration) operations, and Microcomputer
IC1System control ICSystem control microprocessor
IC2E-VOL & tuner ICE-VOL. FM/AM tuner & stereo decoder
IC3Power supply ICFor A8V AVR
IC4Audio power ICAudio power amplifier
IC7Reset ICWhen BU5V line voltage is less than 3.5V, this IC output line is “L”
IC8Muting logic ICControl for MUTE, P-ANT & RESET muting
IC12RDS decoderDecode for RDS signal
IC13,14Motor driverControl for Panel mechanism motor
Q1,2BU 5V AVRWhile BU is applied when BU5V regulator output is +5V
Q3SW5V AVRWhen Q3base level goes L, SW5V regulator output is +5V
Q4,5SW14V AVRWhen Q5 base level goes H, SW14V regulator output is +14V
Q6~8Audio 8V AVRWhen Q6 base level goes H, A8V regulator output is +8.4V
Q9,34Servo +B AVRWhen Q34 base level goes H, S+B regulator output is +7.4V
Q11~14Illumination +B AVRWhen Q11 base level goes H, AVR output is +10.5V
Q25,26P-CON SWWhen Q26 base level goes H, P-CPN SW output is +14V
Q27,28P-CON protectionProtect Q27 by turning on when P-CON output is grounded
Q29BufferEX amp control buffer
Q30Small lamp det. SWWhen Q30 base level goes H, Q30 turned ON
Q32BU detectorWhen Q32 base level goes H, Q32 turned ON
Q33ACC detectorWhen Q33 base level goes H, Q33 turned ON
Q51,52Muting driverWhen base level goes L, muting driver is turned ON
Q63E2P 5V SWWhen Q63 base level goes L, E2P 5V is out for E2P ROM
Q102,103AM +B SWWhen Q102 base level goes H, AM +B is out to tuner unit
Q104BufferComposite signal buffer for RDS
Pre-out muting SWWhen base level goes H, Pre-output is muted
● SYSTEM MICROPROCESSOR : UPD703030GC043 (X34-304 : IC1)
1PLL DATAI/O Data input/output terminal for Tuner front-end
2AM+BI/O AM+B (AM operation : H)
3(FM+B)OFM+B (FM operation : H, Last FM : H with RDS,RBDS model)
4PAN E2P DATAI/O Variable illumination D/A converter, E2PROM DATA terminal
5PAN E2P CLKI/O Variable illumination D/A converter, E2PROM CLK terminal
8AFSOTime constant switching for noise detection (FM seek, AF search, AUTO 0 : L, Receiving : H)
9BEEPOBEEP audio output terminal
10REMOIRemote control input terminal
11P MUTEOAudio power IC muting control terminal (POWER OFF, ALL OFF, TEL MUTE : L)
12SVROAudio power IC SVR discharge circuit control terminal
13IC2 SDAI/O CD mechanism, IC2, IC5, ROM correction DATA line
14IC2 CLKI/O CD mechanism, IC2, IC5, ROM correction CLOCK line
15P STBYOAudio power IC Stand-by terminal (POWER IC ON, ALL OFF : H, POWER IC OFF : L)
16P CONI/O Power control terminal (POWER ON : H, POWER OFF, ALL OFF : Hi-Z)
17DIMMER CONTODimmer control terminal (W-LED only : Pulse control F=1KHz, Normal : H)
19TYPE2IDestination select terminal
20MUTEOMUTE output terminal (ON : OPEN, OFF : L)
21PRE MUTEROPREOUT (Rch) muting control terminal
22PRE MUTELOPREOUT (Lch) muting control terminal
24ACC DETIACC detection terminal (With ACC : L, Without ACC : H)
25SW5VI/O SW5V control terminal (OFF : H, ON : L)
26EXT AMP CONTOExternal amplifier control terminal
Momentary power dropped detection terminal (No Backup, Momentary power dropped : H, Backup : L)
27DIMMERISmall lamp detection terminal (ON : L, OFF : H)
28ANT CONTI/O Antenna control/ Destination select terminal (TUNER ON : H)
29P ONI/O SW14V, SW5V control terminal (POWER ON : H, POWER OFF : Hi-Z)
30ILL ONI/O FL, illumination control terminal (ON : H, OFF : Hi-Z)
31RESETIReset input terminal
32,33XT1/XT2-Sub clock (32.768KHz)
34REGC-Connect to 1µF capacitor
35,36X2/X1-Main clock (20MHz)
40LX REQ MOCommunication request to external slave unit (Request : L)
41LX MUTEIMute request from external slave unit (MUTE : H)
42LX CONOExternal slave unit (ON : H, OFF : L)
43LX RSTOReset output to external slave unit (Normal : L, After system reset : H 400ms or more and then L)
44CD MECHA+BOCD4.7V output terminal (CD : H, Except CD source : L)
45,46TYPE0/TYPE1IDestination select terminal
50E2P5VI/O E2PROM, D/A converter power supply control terminal (ON : L, OFF : Hi-Z)
51DSII/O DSI control (ON : L, OFF : Hi-Z)
52L CEOCE output to LCD driver IC
53L INHOINN output to LCD driver IC (Normal : H reset, Momentary power dropped : L)
54VOL AIVolume input terminal
57VOL BIVolume input terminal
58M RSTOReset output to CD mechanism (Normal : H, Reset : L)
59M STOPOStop request to CD mechanism (STOP : L, CD : H)
60CD SW3ICD DOWN SW detection terminal (CD disc chucking : H)
61LO/EJI/O CD mechanism loading/eject selector (STOP, Brake : Hi-Z, LOADING : L, EJECT : H)
62MOSWOCD mechanism motor driver SW (LOADING, EJECT, Brake : H)
63FPM MOTOR BOFPM mechanism (Slider) control terminal1
64FPM MOTOR FOFPM mechanism (Slider) control terminal1
65FPM MOTOR OOFPM mechanism (Angle) control terminal1
66FPM MOTOR COFPM mechanism (Angle) control terminal1
67O DATAI/O External display DATA terminal1
68O CLKI/O External display CLK terminal
69O CEI/O External display chip enable terminal
70M MUTERIMute request from CD mechanism (Rch ON : L)
73AVREFIConnect to P-ON (29PIN)
74M MUTELIMute request from CD mechanism (Lch ON : L)
75PAN DETIPANEL, E2PROM detection terminal (With panel : L, Without : H)
76PHONEIPHONE detection terminal (TEL MUTE : 1V or less, NAVI MUTE : 2.5V or more)
78FPM SW1IFPM mechanism position detect terminal1
79FPM SW2IFPM mechanism position detect terminal1
80FPM SW3IFPM mechanism position detect terminal1
81FPM PHOUTIFPM mechanism position detect terminal (2.2V or more : H)1
82S METERIS meter detection terminal
83NOISEIFM noise detection terminal
84IFC OUTIFront end IFC OUT input terminal (Receiving station : 2.5V or more)
85POWER DETIAudio power IC DC offset detection
86CD SW4I8cmDISC detection terminal (8cmDISC : L)
87R CLKIRDS decoder clock input terminal
88LX REQ SIReceive request from external slave unit (Request : L)
89SC REQICommunication request from panel microprocessor
90CD SW1ILOADING SW detection terminal (LOADING start, POWER OFF : L)
91CD SW2I12cmDISC detection terminal (12cmDISC, POWER OFF : L)
92R QUALIRDS decoder QUAL input terminal
93R DATAIRDS decoder DATA input terminal
94LX DATA SIData input from external slave unit
95LX DATA MOData output to external slave unit
96LX CLKI/O Clock input/ output with external slave unit
97L DATALIData input from LCD driver
98L DATASOData output to LCD driver
99L CLKOCLK output to LCD driver
100PLL CLKI/O Clock input/ output to Tuner front-end
FPM mechanism position detect/ CD Mechanism detection terminal
(3.75V or more : No mechanism, 1.25V or more : H, Less than 1.25V : L)
54IOSELIAudio DAC data input mode selection terminal (H : External data, L : Internal data)
55NRSTIReset input (L : Reset)
56BCLKOBit clock output for SRDATA
57LRCKOL/R identification signal output
58SDDATAOSerial data output
59SUBCOSub-code serial output
60SBCKI Clock input for Sub-code serial output
61DQSYOCD-TEXT read permission signal output
62DEMPHODe-emphasis detection signal output (H : ON)
63TXODigital audio interface signal output
64PSELISRDATA input/Test terminal
65MSELILRCK input/SMCK output frequency switching
68X1ICrystal oscillation circuit connection terminal
69X2OCrystal oscillation circuit connection terminal
71XSUB1IMicroprocessor clock input terminal
72XSUB2OMicroprocessor clock output terminal
74,75NCONot used (N.C.)
7673/74SELI73/74 selection terminal (H : CD-TEXT OFF, L : CD-TEXT ON)
77DRV MUTEODriver muting control terminal (L : Spindle motor, Focusing actuator and tracking actuator outputs OFF)
78,79NCONot used (N.C.)
80TESTITest mode switching terminal
81ASELIAudio output polarity detection terminal (H : Non inverted, L : Inverted)
82PONOAudio/digital power supply control terminal (H : Power ON)
83SEARCHOServo IC gain switching control terminal (H : Search, L : Normal operation)
84EQCNTORF amplifier doable-speed switching control terminal
85SW3ILimit switch detection terminal (H-L : Pickup most inner position)
86/AMUTE LOL ch. analogue muting control terminal (L : Muting requested)
87/AMUTE ROR ch. analogue muting control terminal (L : Muting requested)
88CD-RWOCD-RW control terminal (H : CD-RW, L : Normal operation)
89/RSTISystem reset input terminal (L : System reset)
90MECHASELI6000/6010 selection terminal (L : 6000 series, H : 6010 series)
91/MSTOPIStandby detection terminal (H : Operation mode, L : Stop mode)
92LDCNTOLD control terminal (H : LD ON, L : LD OFF)
93DATAI/O I2C bus data line (communication line with System microprocessor)
94/CLKI/O I2C bus clock line (communication line with System microprocessor)
95HOTITemperature protection detection terminal
96AVREF-A/D converter reference voltage connection terminal (Connected to BU 5V lines)
97OUT ROR ch. Audio output
98AVDD1-A/D converter positive power supply connection terminal (Connected to analogue 5V lines)
99OUT LOL ch. Audio output
KDC-7027/7 027Y
● How to enter the test mode
While pressing and holding the Preset 1 and Preset 3 keys,
reset the unit.
● How to exit from the test mode
While holding the Preset 6 key, reset the unit.
Note : Turning ACC off, po wer off, momentary power down
or panel detaching does not terminate the test mode.
● Initial status in the test mode
• Sources : ALL OFF
• Display : All segments are lit.
• Volume : -10dB (displayed as “30”)
• Loudness : OFF
• CRSC : OFF regardless of the presence of switching function.
• SYSTEM Q : Flat
• WOW : All OFF
• BEEP : When pressing any keys, the buzzer generates a
beep at any time.
When any of the following messages is displayed in Tuner
mode, the F/E may be abnormal.
• “TNE2P NG” : The EEPROM is set to the default (unstable
values) because the F/E was shipped without passing
through the adjustment process, etc.
• “TNCON NG” : Comm unication with the F/E is not possible.
● Forced switching of K3I
Each press of the Preset 6 key in Tuner mode should switch
K3I from AUTO→Forced Wide→Forced Middle→Forced
The initial status is AUTO and the display shows these
modes as follows.
• Forced Wide : FMW
• Forced Middle : FMM
• Forced Narrow : FMN
● Test mode specifications of the CD receiver
•Forced ejection is inhibited in the reset start operation. When
the unit is reset while a CD is loaded in it, resetting does
not recognize the CD.
• Each press of the Track Up key jumps to the f ollowing track
numbers :
No. 9→No. 15→No. 10→No. 11→No. 12→No. 13→No. 22
→No. 14→No. 9 (The cycle restarts from here.)
• Each press of the Track Down key jumps to the previous
track number to the track being played.
•When the number of total trucks of the MP3 disc or the
WMA disc is less than 9, 1st truck is played.
• When the disc media is CD, A short press of the Preset 1
key jumps to the track number 28.
• When the model is equipped the CD mechanism assembly
adapted for MP3 or MP3/WMA disc, the mechanism name
and version number are displayed during the FL model is
lower stand and Display mode of LCD model is DNPS.
● Audio-related specifications
• Pressing the ✽ ke y on the remote initiates the audio adjustment mode.
• BL/F key on the Fader initials.
• Continuous holding of a remote control key is inhibited, and
workings are short press of any keys.
• Bass, Middle and Treble are adjusted in 3 steps of -8 / 0 /+8
with the Track Up/Down keys (Default value at 0).
• Balance is adjusted in 3 steps of L15 / 0 / R15 with the
Track Up/Down keys (Default value at 0).
•Fader is adjusted in 3 steps of R15 / 0 / F15 with the Track
Up/Down keys (Default value at 0).
• HPF is adjusted in 2 steps of OFF / 170Hz (or 200Hz) with
the Track Up/Down keys (Default value at OFF).
• LPF is adjusted in 2 steps of OFF / 120Hz with the Track
Up/Down keys (Default value at OFF).
• Bass f, Bass Q, Bass EXT, Middle f, Middle Q and Treble f
are not dealt with by the audio adjust.
• The WOW key passes during the audio adjustment as following steps (WOW model only).
OrderedTruBassFOCUSSRS Display
● Menu-related specifications
• A short press of the Q key initiates the menu mode.
• Pressing the DNPP key on the remote initiates the Menu
• Continuous holding of a remote control key is inhibited, and
workings are short press of any keys.
• Contrast is adjusted in 3 steps of 0 / 5 / 10 with the Track
Up/Down keys (Default value at 5).
● Backup current measurement
When the unit is reset while ACC is OFF (i.e. by turning
Backup ON), the MUTE terminal goes OFF in 2 seconds in
place of 15 second. (The CD mechanism is not activated at
this time.)
● Special display when the display is all on
Pressing the Preset keys while the power is ALL OFF displays the following information.
FM keyDisplay ROM collection version.
Version display (8 digits, Month/Day/Hour/Minute)
(Display) SYS xxxxxxxx :
PAN xxxxxxxx : FL model only
xxxxxxxx :
Serial number display (8 digits)
(Display) SNo xxxxxxxx
Short press : View power ON time. (The All OFF
period is not counted.)
2 seconds long press/hold : Clear power ON time
at the power ON time displaying.
(Display) PonTim xxxxxMax. 60000 (hours)
Short press : Display CD operation time.
2 seconds long press/hold : Clear CD operation
time at the CD operation time displaying.
(Display) CDTim xxxxxMax. 60000 (hours)
Short press : Display CD ejection count.
2 seconds long press/hold : Clear CD ejection
count at the CD ejection count displaying.
(Display) EjeCnt xxxxxMax. 60000 (times)
Short press : Display Panel open/close count.
2 seconds long press/hold : Clear Panel open/close
count at the Panel open/close count.
(Display) PnCnt xxxxxxMax. 600000 (times)
(Display) ROM R xxxInvalid : “R – – –”
4 contrasts FL model only
AM keyDisplay panel E2PROM condition.
(Display) P–ROM OK (Registered code)
P–ROM NG (Code is write in error)
P–ROM WAIT (Unregistered code)
(Panel security nonfunctional)
● Panel mechanism
• Auto-panel close inhibition when set-in the CD.
• The panel operation inhibition at power ON/OFF and ACC
• The panel position changing Eject→Last with a short press
of the PLAY/PAUSE keys.
● Other specifications
• No displays such as “CODE OFF/ON” during Power-ON.
• The LINE MUTE inhibition time is one second from 10 seconds when start-up the test mode.
• Do not write the security code with the security jig on the
test mode.
• Do not write the serial with the serial writing jig on the test
• OEM display output is not stop if OEM display not connection on the test mode.
● Demonstration mode
1. How to enter to the Demonstration mode
1. Hold down the [Q] key and [TI (AME)] k ey button when the
power is on and press the Reset button.
2. This will enter to the Demonstration mode.
2. How to chancel the Demonstration mode
1. Hold-down the Preset [5] key button when the power is on
and press the Reset button.
2. This will cancel the Demonstration mode.
KDC-7027/7 027Y
● Security information
1. Forced Power ON mode (All models)
Even when the security (Cord) is approved, resetting the
unit while holding the Q and Preset 4 keys makes it possible to turn the power ON for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes have elapsed, it is not possib le to return to
the previous condition unless the unit is reset again. (Security code is doing not clear at this mode. Put the power on
When panel security was set up for the unit when it is can
not power on.
In this case, you can use new ROM for the TDF panel that
the unit can be power on for test mode.
Note : Don’t enter the panel security set up for new ROM
panel. User can not power on the unit.
2. Method of registration of the security code after
EEPROM (F/E) replacement (Code security model)
1. Enter the test mode. (See How to enter the test mode)
2. Press the MENU key to enter the Menu mode.
3. When the message “Security” is displa yed, press and hold
the Track Up/Down key for 1 second to enter the security
registration mode.
4. Enter the code using the FM/AM/T r ack Up/Track Down keys.
FM key : Number up
AM key : Number down
Track Up key : Cursor right shift
Track Down key : Cursor left shift
5. Hold down the Track Up key for at least 3 seconds and the
message, “RE-ENTER” appears, so once again enter the
code according to Step 4 above.
6. Press and hold the Track Up key for 3 seconds until “APPROVED” is displayed.
7. Exit from the test mode. (See 2. How to exit from the test
Note 1 : All Clear is not applicable to the security code of
this model.
Note 2 : When the F/E changed, need re-inscription because the panel security is clear.
3. How to inscription the panel security code
1. Enter the test mode.
2. Pressing the AM key on all lighting, check the “P-ROM W AIT”
3. The NEXT key is long press 2 seconds, writing the code.
4. Display is “P-ROM OK”.
5. Exit from the test mode.
Note : E2PROM connection is NG when displa y is “P-R OM
NG”, so detach the panel and rewrite after the display is
“PROM WAIT”. This code can not clear.
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