Setting YourGasBurner Controls
TO OPERATE most of the uas ourners:
I1 Push the desired gas surface control knob in ind turn counterclockwise out of the OFF poslz_on
(See Fig. 1)I
2, Reluse the knob and rotate to LITE polition, Visually enceK tnat toe nceaeo ourr_r has lit.
3, To aajust* FUSh the knob in and turn counberclockwise to a flame size setting thlt best fits your
NOTE: For _omal_t_ inSlZUetlon$ and suggestions for properly using your gas cooKtop, De sure to rue4
ALL the InstracUons provided in your Use and Care Guide,
Setting the Bridge BurnerControls _somemodels}
Setting YourOvenControls _ •
rime _t_r_ I_lean
BIo_ w_r m _oJw Cony
Cook _ _*_ Convert B_ke
fi_kt Broil
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
TO OPERATE the his Brld=e burner:
Push tke left reml gas contro[ knob in and turn c©unterdo_kwlse 41Vlsualh check that both the left rear and centtr burner are lit
out of the OFF posfflen (See Rg, 1), $. With beth burners lit o_n_nuc to turn th© knob coun_r_lockwlS_ to ld)USt
2, R¢Ie=R the knob lnd rotor© to LITE #odtlon, _s ull,_ e_e_ m=t t_e film© sic©for boffi the left rear _ed left _znt:r burn©rs to_©ther (Bridge
u_e b_r_er h_s I1_ Burner flam_ l( ustment lrea. See flU, 2)
3. Continue to rotate _e knob emexw_se pNt the first UJ settln9 to 6. you ma_ I_fiJ tb© I©ft front burner If n_e_d. Te add th_ I_ff relr burner
tile lrrow marked BPJD6E follew _e I_sttt_Uons on **TO OPERATE most glS bum©r_" prOVided lbOVe.
Hi Lo _r-_ Hi Lo
su,n_ su_ n=_ _ume n=me
Life _,u_en[ JTE Ml_enl
NOTE: For earn; _e m_uezmns anu smRgestlons for propernf gsln_ your
Bridg_ _urner* b©sure to r_ld ALL _e instrueUons prc_mee i_ your g_e i_d
5erring the TripleRingBurnerControls |'somemodels)
TO OPERATE the uas Trlule RIn=_¢_
Push the .igor float Iurf_c conbol knob In and turn counterclockwise oat of the OFF ilosJtlon 1s¢c Fig, I),
2, Release the k_o,_ and _(1_ I_ the UTE pusi_on I_e© Rg* 3)* Note: Altl_ugn =11 ele_o_l_ sur_e gnlt_
win spar_ _ ta_ s=me ume, nnl_ t_e sel_l_l su_ Burner will lite,
3 Vlsuall_ ©leek that _e in,ler ring ©fthe right _o,lt Bural_r hes lit [See Rg, 4J
• Contlnu© to rotate tee gas eontral knob _un_,_exw_ i_a_ the fl_t L© R_n 9 to _e lrrow mark©d
TRIPLE(See R_, 3),
5. Vlsulll_ _eck taut born the Inner =eu uu_r rlml of the THpI= Ri,lg Burner arc lit* _©_ Rg, s)
6. I_en bath burners are _. _nunue to turn me _bol _ob eou_ter_lod(wl_ _ auju_ _ th© _#r©d
flame sl_ (See R_. 3)
Not©: when using I_otn me Inner an€ oul_r aumer ,_ngs t_Sl_mer a_jusl the fl_ml: si_ b©_e©,l sc_nd HIand
I_ gulae mar_.
Rg. 4
_-uo_ _nut_
I'o _t the CLO_ [for 1:30):
Setting the ]_MER
(example f_ 5 minutes]
Setting BAKE (example will Itlrt
_ven *t 3_O'F)!
Setting BROIL [example w
au_omlTJ¢,lllV stall it $$O'F):
(exlmpl_ 3SO'F):
To _tt WARM & HOLDz
Settln_ FLEX CLEAN :
• _ese Quick Start Instructions are not intended to renlaee your Use and Care Guide. Read the Use and Care GUlOe eomoleteN
for _ro_cr U_ of vol_r aDal ante, Jf you are hay ng a proUlem after revr_wlng _ne_ _ ps refer to the "Before You Cal - _l_ctlon of
the Use ar_ Care Gu de before _aihng I_800-4-MY-HOM E" for assistance
Pmss_* PRss(_(_(_ pads to _t th_tin_of_ly, Pi_s|_*
Prissy. Press the number =ads to set the time In the display [example Q
_lnUteS). Press _. The tinwr wiJI b_gin to count down. When the set time has run out
_he ¢lo_k will _und with 3 beeps tvery 15 seconds until _ IS pre_eo =gain.
p_ss(_. Press _ 0yen control will automlti_Jlv uec,ease me set own
_mpetature by 25._
press (_ Pr_s _. A_r oven door locks the oven will Sclf-_l_=n for 3 houri.
Pre Cakes Bre_ds

Usted beloware questionsfrequently askedby our customers. Pleasetake a momentto read
this importint informationto h_p you operate and care for yournewgas range,
I1 MY (:lo(_k tlmer dJmlav is bllnklna. DjlLILgower failure caut= this ?
It, Ye_ Aftel i aower interruption or first Installing _he ringe your clerk time of dl¥
MUST be r_t before the oven Will om_rIte. _ th_ Use and C,lrc I_utdo for
=omlllete instructions.
O_ When I hJrn one qas ourner or_ wrN do ALL the surfb_ uurners
A, t il normiI for Ill the lurfao_ burner ele_trndes to spirk it t/le
santr time _n If only one gis burner hi| been tucnrd On. Only
the burners tur_d on will ro_]ve gls I_ IlgnL
L_"X',I_fl',_ll!.L.m, i.._,,_J_.F.F.1_-]J [.,a
O_ I'he cookto= surfa_ seems too hot to tou_l while usino the
A, During rmrmal u_ tkr oooktop _urf=_ will Ir_rease In
t_mperator_. It'l r_miI for heir to rzfl©_t from/o_ €ookware
Ind ti'_ gIS uumers m turrourmlrdj arel_ Th_rz- will bl _ ! f ' r_
iddltlonal hell bvlldu_ when beth th....... d cooktoa b...... _
Consult Your Us: =n_ Care Guide 1"Ol proper pan size ann oven
vent IO_l tlon. Read the CAU11ONS and WARNINGS _hroughout
the Ut_ and Car_ Gtiide.
_ the oven door whenever broiling.
A After s=t_ng the oven _ntroJ am placing the fo_ In the oven for broiling, _]e turc t_ close
Note: NeVer use IIuminum foil to cover invthing o_ as • linrr inlido or out3i_ the ippulnee,
O. My oven smokes _JC_l_$|l_v while I)rOllllY_?
I1 The center (_okton lurfa_ or badcauard ot_t warm w_
• (£_, JL_loJ/_t $ orfe Ce bUrrmra ate not belno used?
A WIr;_ Iir rites through the oven vent providing air ¢i_culiUon
wrocn improy_ biking results, DO NOT block the oven vent, It i|
r_.ommend_d that you do not leave empty cooxware or utensils on
t;l_ burner grat_
The oven vent il Io_tte4 a_v_ tlv_ c_nter o=oktoorl_r andthe
bickgua,'d, DONOT blockthe own venz.
I_ My own door olass his s "fair, bow" affect o_ _njor Lint annearar_, I_ that a d_fect?
_, NO. The Inner door gllI| is _Jat_d with i heit birder coitJng that when viewed undor _r rain I_ht sour_ or Ingles
will have a rainbow color IppeIrar_e. This heIt ba rri¢zr coat_ng r_flects oven heat hick into the oven to r_u_ heir
[ors _ugh the glass, Thi_ Is rmnnII ind Is used on Self-Cleining ringe$,
What's the best way _ clean the
ou_Jde af my' nven d_or ;'
Use 1_1| end water to thoroughly O_
_1_1_ _11€too. $1dos and 1Front of the A,
oven door. Rinse well. You may use •
glaSS ct_aner on the outside _lin of
the o_en dce_ DO NOT SPRAy or
allOW water or the Cleaner to enter
m_ oven door vent_, Spray _seiner
on cloth T_rst and W =R oval1 door,
DO NOT us_ Strong oven ¢leiners
cleaningpower; orany harsh
• l_raaI_ cabining _llterills on the
outsideof the OvendoO_ DO NOT
CLEANth_ oven door gasket.
_, When I used my oven for the fl_st time there wIs In nd_ Ind some '-
It's posslble to _xp_r[enr_ _me odo_ mnd/or • smali amount of smoke _-(_._
from your r_w range. The =dor will diminish lifter first using your L-----
OWn. _fore co0klng in your oven for the first time, we recommend
% _ _°-_'-_'--'_ O, Mvtlnl_nmkesnni_|whenlu_eth ..... Izthl ...... I or[ ...............
. / ,n,,.,*.,......... ',n ew e.tho..e*,.n
H ' eonb.acts" This it normal, The _an_r_l panel will make _JIrklrrg sounds wl_n ullng _h_
M_ _W oven cooks difYe rentlv than my OM oven? Is ;omethlM wrono wlt_ th_ _.tt]nus? Us_ the
ill,It few u_,s_ follow your eeelpe times I_d te m_e;'•ton_ i_eomme_IUoni e_ntful_. If you frel your oven
Your hew own has been factory calibrated and tested to ensun: aft i_ur;tt_ baking _mper_ture. For the _
IS too hot or too _1 from your bikln H e:_eHen_, the _¢_n _mpemtore m_" be _ju_ted to your liking,
"Refer to your ipp Jii_¢: U_t_ i_l _r_ Oul_[e for I'_molcte in_r,l_lo ns on how to IKI_| the _mperi_ _1.
HOT_: Please DONOTadjust your oven temperature base_on oven thermometers,such_ thosefound in
groceryitor_ tncy may not be KcurII_,
Be sure to visit our web page at http:Hwww.sears,com
ReadYour Use and CareOuIde for completeinstructions and Jnformation. N_