Bottom Freezer Refrigerator
Use & Care Guide
Refrigeradorcon montaje inferior
Manual de uso y cuidado
R_frig_rateur_ compartiment inf_rieur
Guide d'utilisation et d'entretien
596.73502200, 596.73503200, 596.73504200, 596.73509200
PartNo. 12642720 Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffrnan Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A. www.sears.com
FormB/10102 Sears Canada, Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5B 2B8 Au Canada, www.sears.¢a

These instructions were provided to aid
you in the installation ol your
A one-half inch (72")of air space must be
provided for the back of the refrigerator.
When installing your refrigerator,
measure carefully.
Subflooring or floor coverings (i.e.
carpet, tile, wood floors, rugs)may make
your opening smaller than anticipated.
Some clearance may be gained by
using the leveling procedure under
How to Level Your Refrigerator.
IMPORTANT: If refrigerator isto be
installed into a recess where top of
refrigerator is completely covered, use
dimensions from floor to top of hinge
cap to verify proper clearance.
Observe these points when choosing the
final location for your refrigerator:
> DO NOT install refrigerator near
oven, radiator or other heat source. If
not possible, shield refrigerator with
cabinet material.
> DO NOT install where temperature
fans below 55° F (13° C). Malfunction
may occur atthis temperature.
> Toassure proper door closure, follow
the leveling instructions in the
section, How te Level Your
Your new refrigerator is uniquely
designed with two fresh food doors.
Eitherdoor can be openedor closed
independently of one another.
There is a vertically-hinged section on
the 1ellfresh food door called the
SmartSeal.When the left door is closed,
the hinged section automaticallyforms a
seal between the two doors when both
doors are closed.
When the left door is opened,the
SmartSeal automatically folds inward so
that it is out of the way.
Follow these tips when movingthe
refrigerator to final location:
> NEVER transport refrigerator on its
side. If an upright position is not
possible, lay refrigerator on its back.
Allow refrigerator to sit upright for
approximately 30 minutes prior to
plugging refrigerator in to assure oil
returns to the compressor. Plugging
refrigerator in immediately may cause
damage to internal parts.
> Use an appliance dolly when moving
refrigerator. ALWAYS truck
refrigerator from its side-NEVER
from its front or back.
> Protect outside finish of refrigerator
during transport by wrappingcabinet
in blankets or inserting padding
between the refrigerator and dolly.
pror to 80S_l_g:: , ,-::,
*- Secure refrigerator to dolly firmly,with
straps or bungee cords Thread straps
through handles when possible. DO NOT
overtighten Overtightening restraints may
dent nr damage outside finish

Removing fresh food handles:
1. Locate either theplastic ,1!!/ I
literature pack or a plastic toget refrigeratorinto final location.
putty knife. Pulling the
tool packaged with the _ Some installations require door removal
handle slightly outward,
insertthe tOOl,as illustrated. Tool To avoid electrical shOCk,whi_ _d
should slide in about Y," cause Severepersonal injU_ _L i
2. With tool still in place, 1tlli t refrigerator before removing _Ps!
grab portion of handle + _4__ .
death, disconnect power t_+.
4. Lift right side refrigerator door from
center hinge pin Remove door
closure Irom center hinge pin on the
right side
> Retain doorclosure for later use.
Right side
door closure
closest to the tool area, y_/_ Connect power only after re£1acng :'
and firmly slidehandleupwardto remove from _//_ doors.
3. Repeat to remove opposite fresh food
Removing freezer handle:
1. Locateeitherthe plastic I/IJ .t
toot packaged with the
literature pack or a plastic
putty knife• Pulling the
handle slightly outward,
insert the tool,as iTlustrated.Tool
should slide in about Y0".
2. Wth tool still in pace, grab portion of
handle closest to 1hetoo area, and
firmly slide handle right toremove
from door.
Replacing fresh food handles:
1. Makingsure theouter curve ofthe
handleisfacing the hingesideof
door,alignhandle ondoor face just
above clips on door.
against door while sliding
2. Pushhandle lirmly i_l:J_b_
handle downward until it
locks into place. _:_..i:_3_
3. Repeat to install opposite _
fresh food handle.
.1[_. -
Tc i, ii 6_
to left refrigerator door
Unplug power cord
from powersource.
Remove top hinge
covers by removing
>- Retainscrew and
cover for replacement.
Unscrew _,+"hex head screws from
right side top hinge to remove hinge.
> Retain all screws for later use.
5. Disconnect wire harness on top of left
side refrigerator door top hinge.
>*Release two-pin connector by
pressing junction point with aflat
blade screwdriver or fingernail.
> Green ground wire remains
attached to the hinge.
6. Unscrew Y,+"hex head screws from
top hinge to removehinge.
> Retain all screws for later use.
> Lift left side refrigerator door,
along with top hinge, from center
hinge pin.
7. Remove right and left center hinges
with Phillips screwdriver.
> Retain screws for later use.
Replacing freezer handle:
1. Making sure theoutercurve ofthe
handle is pointed toward thefloor,
align handle on door face just to the
right of the clips on door. _,_= :,
2. Push handle firmly _.
against door while sliding _ t
locks into place.

8. Pull drawer open to full extension.
10. Pull upper basket out to full
extension, and lift out to remove.
11. Lilt top of door to unhook door
supports from rail system.Lilt door
out to remove•
13. Remove both stabilizing brackets
with Y,,"hex head driver.
Retain screws for later use.
9. Remove lower basket by pressing
inward on basket sides,then lift
Press Tab Here
12. Remove toe grille and bottom
bracket covers.

1. Install stabilizing brackets with_8"hex
head driver.
2. Replace toe grille and bottom bracket
>_Snapbottom portion of toe
grille into place first. Press
down on top part of grille until
top portion snaps intoplace.
3. Pull both rails out to furlextension.
5. With drawer puffedout to full
extension, insert lower basket by
aligning tabs on both side of lower
basket with notches in rail assembly.
6. Slide upper basket into refrigerator.
Make sure that rea_"of basket hooks
behind rail catch.
Install center hingeswith Phillips
>- Replacedoor closure onthe dght
side. Door closurecannot be
used on the left side.
Place hinge side of refrigeratordoor
on center hinge pin.
While holding refrigerator door
upright, tighten door tophinge with
'A,"hex head driver.
Repeat steps 8 and9 to install
second door.
Reconnectwireharness on leftside
,Replacetop hinge coverson both
4. Hook door supports into railtabs, as
illustrated, and lower doorinto final

To reduce the risk of injury or
death, follow basic precautions,
including the following:
>'-Read all instructions before
installing device.
_- DO NOT attempt installation if
instructionsare not understood or
if they are beyond personal skill
Observe all local codes and
_- DO NOT service device unless
specifically recommended in
owner's manual or published
user-repair instructions.
:_ Disconnect power to refrigerator
prior to installing device.
>_'/2'outerdiameterflexible copper
_- Brasscompressionnut and sleeve for
Y,"outer diameter coppertubing.
Shut-offvalve (requires a '/," hole to
be drilled into watersupply before
valve attachment)
Adjustable wrench
_- Y,"hex nut driver
NOTE: Add 8' to tubinglength needed to
reach water supplyfor creation of
service loop.
1, Create service I_op withtubingusing
care to avoid kinks in tubing.
4. Place end of coppertubinginto water
valve inletport. Shape tubing slightly-
DO NOT KINK - so that tubing feeds
straight into inlet port.
5. Slide brass nut over sleeveand
screw nut into inletport. _ghten nut
with wrench.
To avoid property damage or
possible injury, follow basic
precautions, including the
Consult a plumber toconnect
copper tubing to household
plumbingto assure compliance
with local codes and ordinances.
:_ Confirm water pressure to water
valve is between 20 and 100
pounds per square inch.If water
filter is installed, water pressure to
watervalve must be a minimum of
35 pounds per square inch.
DO NOT use a self-piercing, or _',J'
saddle valve! Both reduce water
flow. become dogged with time,
and may cause leaks if repair is
_ghten nuts by hand to prevent
cross threading. Finish tightening
nuts with pliers andwrenches. Do
not overtighten.
Wait 24 hours before placing
refrigerator intofinal position to
check and correct anywater leaks.
2. Remove plastic cap from water valve
inlet port.
3. Place brass nut (A) and sleeve(B) on
copper tube end as illustrated.
IMPORTANT:DO NOTovertighten.
Cross threading may occur.
6. Pull on tubing to confirm connection
is secure. Connect tubing to frame
with water tubing clamp (C) and turn
on water supply. Check for leaksand
correct, if present.
7. Monitor water connection for 24
hours. Correct leaks, if necessary.