Review this chart to find do-it-youraeff solutions for mine{' pertormance problems Any other sewice
needed_ otl_er than 1hosedescribed in this owneCs manual should be performed by a Sears o_'otheF
quaBfled service _epfe_ntatk_e_
Etectdc Shock Hazard
Disconnect eiectricai supply before sewicing or cleaning the un_it.
Faiture, to do so, coutd resu_ in electric shock or persona!: injury.
Clea#er wen t ] I, Linpk_gged at wa_i out_et.
slarL } 2, :l"rip-ae;dcircuit breakedbiown
Poor Job ol et_
l fuse at househoid service
f panel.
3, ON/OFF switch r_._>!k_med ON.
I. Ful__>_ologged dus[ bag,.
2, Wrong pi_eheiight setting,,
3. Worn ag:ita_._l',
4, Cbgged nozzle or di_ tulle,
5, Cbgged hose.
6, Hole in ho_
7. B!oken!mispiaced be_1,
8. Hose not inseded Dlfy.
9, Motor prote_ion system
o, Dirty fi_ers.
Cleaner picks up
movable rugs: or
pushes too hard:,
Agitator does not
in_|ea_or, some
models, _sred,
Air flowre_r_e_e_
with attachment
use, ,Sound
Exce_ive noise
_s vae_m is
shut off_
i, Wroag piieheiglqtsetting,
I. £}l\oken be_t. 1,
2. Bell instalied iacorrec!:ty, 2,
I ,Futi or c_c_ged dL;_stb_g, t.
2,Di_ fiiters. 2.
3. Ctogged airfl_:_ passage..difi 3,
tube° no_x,zle, hose.
4. Certai_ attachment tools. 4.
i[, A_achrneht use re_tricts a_i i.
2, New ca£aet fuzz clogged air 2,
i, Belt R_bbi;r_go_ ca_pedbare 1.
floor seieotor shaft,.
i. Piug in _h'miy,,_ress the ON/OFF switch to ON.
2, Reset _rcuit b_'eake_or iep_ce fuse.
3, PushON/OFF switch toON_
1. Change. dus[ bag _'{page!2}.
2, Adiust se't_na_{#age 7}.
Clean aezz_e aea, (pace !7},
._.heckfor c_cg:s,_page 17L
Rep ace hose.
7, Rep!ace#ix L'_t, (page t4-I 52,
8, ln_rt hose fui_y, {page 7,,81,
9, Check for c_cgs, (page 17).
I0, Ciean iitters, (page 13),
1.Adi_:_s_ttir_g°(page 7).
Repia_e belt, (ps£e 15),
CLEANING, (page _ ' <'
I _-1Jt,,
Char_ge,dust b_g_ (page 12!,
Clear fiiters_ {page 13).
Clear c_og from ai..fftowpaisa,go, {p_ge !7}.
Should return to no_a{ w_en ioo! is removed,
Check,A'F_ACHMENTS,(pa_e 7-8)
CheckCLOG REMOVALand cIea_ hose,
{page _7},
P_sh selector aHthe way forwatt,