Your safety is important to us. To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, injury to
oersons or damage when using your vacuum cleaner, follow basic safety precautions
including the following:
Readthis manualbeforeassemblingor using
To reducethe riskofelectricalshock- Do not
useoutdoorsor on wetsurfaces.
Disconnectelectricalsupply beforeservicing
or cleaningout brusharea. Failureto doso
couldresultin electricalshock or brush
Always turn cleaneroffbefore connectingor
disconnectingthe hose.
Always turn cleaneroffbefore unplugging.
Donot unplug by pullingoncord.To unplug,
graspthe plug,notthe cord.
Hold plugwhen rewindingonto cordreel.
Donot allow plugto whipwhen rewinding.
Do notuse withdamagedcordor plug.If
cleaneris notworking asit should,hasbeen
dropped,damaged, leftoutdoors,or dropped
Donot pullorcarrybycord,usecordas a
handle,closedooroncord,or pullcordaround
sharpedgesorcorners.Donot runcleanerover
Donot leavecleanerwhenpluggedin.Unplug
from outletwhennot inuseand beforeservicing.
Do notallowtobeusedasa toy.Closeattention
isnecessarywhenusedbyor nearchildren.
Donot handle plugor cleanerwith wethands.
Donot operatethe cleanerwith apunctured
hose.Replaceifcut or worn.Avoidvacuuming
sharp objects.
Donot usewith any openingblocked;keep
free ofdust, lint, hairand anythingthat may
Keep hair,looseclothing,fingers, andall parts
of bodyawayfromopeningsand movingparts.
Donot usecleanerwithout dustbag and/or
filters inplace.
Always changethe dust bagaftervacuuming
carpetcleanersor freshener,powdersandfine
dust.These productsclogthe bag, reduce
airflowand cancausethe bagto burst.Failure
to changebag couldcausepermanentdamage
to the cleaner.
Donot usethe cleanerto pick upsharp hard
objects,small toys,pins,paper,etc.Theymay
damagethe cleaneror dustbag.
suchascigarettes,matches,or hotashes.
Donot usevacuumcleaner
to pick upflammableor combustibleliquids
(gasoline,cleaningfluids,perfumes,etc.),or use
in areaswheretheymaybe present.Thefumes
fromthese substancescancreateafire hazard
Use extracare when cleaningon stairs.Donot
puton chairs,tables,etc. Keeponfloor.
You are responsiblefor makingsure thatyour
vacuum cleaneris notused byanyoneunable
to operateit properly.
Proper assembly and safe use of your vacuum cleaner are your responsibilities. Your
cleaner is intended only for household use. Read this Owner's Manual carefully for
important use and safety information. This guide contains safety statements under warning
and caution symbols. Please pay special attention to these boxes and follow any
instructions given. WARNING statements alert you to such hazards as fire, electrical
shock, burns and serious personal injury. CAUTION statements alert you to such hazards as
moderate personal injury and/or property damage.