Kenmore 6428 - 1.0 cu. Ft. Countertop Microwave, 721.64282, 721.64283, 721.64289 Use And Care Manual

Use and Care Guide
Manual de uso y cuidado
Models/Modelos 72164282
721.64283 721 °64289
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A_
P_ecae_ionstoAvoidPoeabeExposure toExcessiveMcA_waveEnergy 3
Grounding/nst_'uclions 3 _mpor_ntSa%ly_nstruc_io_s 4
Specifi(_tio_s 5
nstaHat[on 5
[>a_%a_d aoeessor[es ............................... 6
Conical Pane ........................................... 6
CeeNng Compadsor_ Gude 7 Ceokware Guide 8
tow to Use Acx:essor es ......................... 9
Tps 1o_Microwave Cooking 10 Cleaning 10
USING YOUR MICROWAVE OVEN .................... tt-d5
Options I1
Options X_bfe............................. II
Child Lock ............................................. 11
Mu_fl_Stage Cooking 12 Microwave Power Levels i2
Add Minute .......................... I2
Se_so_ Cook Operatio_ les[ruction .................. 13
S_nsol Reheat 13
Sensor Reheat _ab[e i 3 Sensor Cook 14
Senee_ Cook TaMe 14 Senso_ Pop(x)m 14
Auto Defrosl I5
Auto Daffiest 'b_b_e.................... 15
Tips fo_ Cenw_x-_3onCoeki_g !6 Convec[kx_ 17
Cenvec[ion Cooking Gude 18
Conveetien Baking Table 19
Meat ReasSng '[able {or Conve_zt[or_Cookhg ........ 20
USING YOUR COMBiNATiON OVEN ............. 21"_23
Xps Ib{' Combination Cook ng 21
Helpful Hints for Combination Ceokieg 2I P_ecaut_ons 21
Cemb nation Roast 21 Combination Roast Cook ng Gude 22
Comb rsation Bake ....................... 23
Combination Bake Cooking Guide ....................... 23
Comb_nat on Auto Cook 24 Combination Auto C®ok GuMe 24
Questions and Answers 27_-.2_ Befere CaHig 1erService 29
Whet ies_aed operateda_,d_airq:_ ed ao:x:>rd_t{_toai
r_s_s,_c_ienssut}p!ed a,i_t_lhe/:_-_@uctf Ss a_S_la_x;£k_s du<:to
_;_@fed k',mateda or we_k_gnCsp witr o_e yew _m-_r_th_;_doe of p_d as_' call1_Ot) 4_MVd_OMEC;toat_nge fo flee repai
Five_yea_Lmi_edWam_mtyon the Na[_tro_ Fo %_;yea_sf_ar7#4::datee/purd_ase, f themagcet_or_ lhs
"n _;a<we eve!' fas due to a deled n motel,s!or warkmarsbil)
Se_s wl lepa_x__b_emagnetr,_rt SAN%,eg,,!atans re%re the magnetu/)_to be inst;s/edby Sea_s/d_erthe firs yr;a_the
CL_SlOI1e[ass(lme_;ar_ya[x_rec}stSssseoak,d w4f,nma!(/re[?c_#
f this app_ance s _;s_,*d_o_abe {ha_ prate %ny putpe_es fi_s
wa _s%, a!_p es far ,_;_y gO days from tie date of pu/,d,aae
This warranty covers or_Iy erects ir_ reatena and workmanshi_ Sears w_ NOT pay fort
1 Expe_dabe terns t,at _a_rwen _ut fror_ nermaf ,.r,e _d@ng
b_[ not hni_ed t;>fi_e_s, t£_s ght bubs aid hr4!;)s.
2. A 5_'_kx_ tech dan to }nst_ad._qe _se_'n rx:_m_'dprod_et
}i'_!_a[at_o_ ope_ater_ or in_;_sterk_rlce
3 A set'dee _ectWoar_ to dea_ or ma alah Ibis produce
4 Damage to or faiu_e d l_s prodd f _1s/or i_st;!_led,
operated or n/aint;_ ned atysrd ng to al instr _d ons suppled
5 Damage o a* _;_i re if ths p o#k4d/eat I_!g ffum acc_@'t
abusu m sue<}o use to otse_ than b, [ le_@_d p;r[_x::8,
6 Damage k:_o_ lai su_,_el ths preducl _x4 _x;-dby I/_euse of
detergents deadeners,,dsem@s or @nss elher thor lhes_ _u(_}m/ e dad 1_a/}sstru@er s Supplied wth the pUX!bd
, IDamsge lc_o,_ ;_//re, of parts er syMems rest£ng ff_m
u _a _'thedzeds_ fibs ( s ma@ 10ass p, >due'.
sha/be prrul/d repai_as p oqded here/a / s p!ie,,,S_4_;_m_nt_es i dud ng vvs£ar4ies of me_d_ar%:@ity el fit_-_ess[o_a pa'l_{>._a_
pu_p<se are r_/ed to a_e yeal or t_e shortest ped¢_:la!e_ved by law Scants s_a/r_et to<;;/iabe 9:,!ksode_Ia! e_'cu seq eht,ai
damages Sotne abs_esaid p£}v ncx;s do not ak)¢w_t_eexdus_o__ or bsitat_rx o' #'ride ta or (x:nuequen:_al damages, o_ mitat_o: s
_,nthe d aat_t}nof m;_ed wam, r fl_-_sof r _ercha_tah [b/or firmness so these e×el _u_ s e_mik_t_.s r_ay rtot apply to yo_
The wa _an/yapples any whle _Nsapp/a;ss_s ta,_edr_1he tJntedS_atesandCanaan
_}ha waanN g_v_:_syou sbedf c ega dgfi!s and y_,i may aso _avs_ arise/'tgh% whd vary ffe_' si;4e k, sta_e
Sea_, R_buck and Co_ Dept_ 8!7¢_A, Hoffman E_#3tes_EL 601Z9
Sea_ Canada Inc. Toronlo, Ontado_ Cat,ado NSB 2B3
- DO NOT attem_ t _eoperate tiis oven wth the door open sim;e opee,,door operat en can result n harmfut exposure to microwave energy, _tis _mpod_nt not to defeat or
_mper w_th the safety _tedocks.
DO NOT operate the oven if it is damaged
DO NOT pace any ob}eet between the oven front face and the door_ or aliow soii or
cleaner residue Soaccumulate on sealing s_daces
lHE OVEN eheu_d not be adjusted or
repa _ed by anyone exeept propedy qualified /t is pa4 cu ady repentant that the oven doer dose propedy and that there is no damage So
I door (bent)
2 hinges and _atches (broken or Ioosen_J}
3. d@grseals and sea/r g surfaces
The app_ance mtst b_rere _nded if an e_ecbk_ she4 draft oco,_rs %_x,__din9 reduces the risk of eIect_c _od_ by ptevid n9 a_ escape wire fer the e ect_ic c_rTent /hs app anrxJ is equipped wt_ a <x}d having
_fyou L_se the grouedt#g p_u9 _m_reper_y, you risk e_ect_d¢ shock
a g_eund ng wi_ewitha g_aundingplu9_ Put thep_u_/_ritean out_etlhatispFepedyins_ied and
Ask a quarried e_ec'b:cia_ or the Scala Serqce
Depadment if yo_ do not unde stand the ground n9 i '_st_,_ctior's or dyo; w(x der whether the app_}ance s
p_epedy g_ou_ded
_fyea use an ex{er_tde_ cord be sure theft
oThe extension cerd has the same ebcin[>sl ratng as
t°he ma_9,ed rating of the extens on se_d shall be equa b:_e_ g_'eater than the e_eclrical _afl_g ef the appliance
NOTE: Th_s oven _:_rawsf2,5 amperes a_120 Vo_ts, 60 Nz
This appliance has a @_e_tpewe' su_@y (x_rd io _eduee the dsk d a_yone_s trtpp ng over or be(x_ming entan@ed in the cord, You may use an extension ce_d f yuu a_ecarefl_L
The extonsien cerd is a graunding4ype 3,wir'e _xsrd
othe extens on co_d does not @ap_ ever a
ceanterte# or _abk£oG where it can be pu_ed on
by ch }@en or tripped ever acciden_aliy
oThe ebctdcal cord is dry and not pinched or
ryushed in any wa_
he saey / s uci}ns beew wlJ t_l ya_ low 0 dS}>yasi -_ _ s #_ , ,_ r ,
WARNING- _, educe he Esk of bums elect ; shock, _ire irt}ury to persons, or expos le o excx_ssive
microwave energy:
1 Read at/the ins#uctio_s before usng your microwave
2, Do not a[luw ch[_dr_s_ to use tMs ove_ without clos_
3 Read and lo/_evv_he specific PRECAUTIONS TO A}7OD
4 Be not tam_;r with the built, io safety switches on the
oveh @x}t/% eve> has seve_M bu}h nsa/ety swiiches to make sun:_the _wer is off when t_e dos' is ope_
5 When c_ean ng the door and lhe sudaces th£ to_eh
th_ doofl ate on_y mi!d nonabrasive aoa_9 or 4etergehts and a sF_ahge or softc_oth.
& _fyour ouen is _ropped or 4amaged have it ti o ,/>_g 4y
checked by a qu_:_ihedserw;e te(:hhic an >_;fi_e.,si_!}; t
7_% avoid a fire hazard
a) Do cot severely eye,cook foods i c_n ca _,';ea ripe:in
the ovsn
b} De net use recyc ed pai_r products _'_your owm
"lheycart con_:::_n a¢[c£e; tat caf_ Cause _CM 9 o_'may
e} Do not overtook potal_ss, Ore x;ooki_$ (xsAl c_}use a s_
d) Do not st®re combustible items :_ J _ _ _ic
in the eueo_ >c/(_fJse g_ _ _; st ke< ie pew :r/n_s
nayo,_ t_eWenta1_£10N
e} Do _tot use wires twist4ies n the ove_ Be sue o
r_:,;hove lh_T/; i>e[o/_;¢ Dac/_<[} _he tern in [h <Twb
t} Do net use the cavity for storage purposes. ©_ _ot _
_SV9 pap_r prod eL%_:xsok.o}(]. u/r_lbo_s,o/Iti_')d ffth( _l eatzity whets Hot in _se
8 if a are shoed start: '_s
c} De not immerse the e_ectdca_ cord or p_ug in water
:_ meep the cord awe,' from heated su#aces_
OUd"}(/f}l q
_/_x it_ i?_f/}_/_/_ _ _ _
b) Turn t_;' ouen off
c} D scowmct the power cord or shut off the power at
lhe fuse or @rcuit breaker panei
9. Do not use ths oven/u el>mine oal pu_Ix}se::e ]iis n c_@wave s mace for h< _t;ehoB use ony
f& b£a_ or beate ths asp} anc_:,>_ a(:xox;utasce wth tie
prevWed nsta ato_, kate, croons
I1 To avoid @eetdc shock:
a} TMs app_iamse must be 9round_di Conned t ely 1o
a piT@or y g_eLmded oUt_et (See lhe Grounding instruet}o_'_s on paDe 3 }
b} Be not o[_rate this appliance if it has a damaged
cord or piu9_ f t s tot mxking proped% or f t as been da r_aged or dropped
_,_L_ _/}I _ _¢/_¸_
*iEC 60705 P_J {NG S]ANDARD
Spec ficatiens subject to c }argo w thou[ pro_' notice,
A. C_rcuits
For safety purposes this even must be p}agged eta a
20 Amp c_uaL No ot_e_ e_ectdos_app aw>_s ot ighl_ng c r<u_ts shoutd be on this _ne f b doabt (xs,nsu t a cxmsed ebc_dcian
Be Voltage Warning
]he voI_aOe_sed at the wa_ re_f_pta¢[e mast be _he same as spec fled on the oven name p{ale ocated ors the t_on of on the skle of g_e _}nt_ot pane_ o_ the @_en Use d a h}gher votage s dangeroas and may result n
a fire a_ othe_ h/Pc @ acc_den_caasin 9 oven damage {_ewvettage will csause slow cooking {n <x<seyear m c_owave oven does not p÷H_oemnomsaIly n s_iff;, of p_oper voltage, _emeve and mk_sert the pug,
C. P aeement of the Oven
Your microwave oven (x_nbe placed easily is your kitchen, family room, e_anywhere e_se is year home,
P_ace _heavon orsa fiat sudac_:_such as a kitchen cmunte_!op or a specialiy designed mic[owave oven cart
at bas_ 1O@_m(394 ind_es) from fle4x Do sot pbc_} oven abow_ a _as or electric mnge_ Free air flow around the oven is impodant A/ow at }east 4 inches d spaces at the top, sides, and back d the even kx'
D, Do sot block the air vents
AI_ak veins ahoa_d be k_@t<Jea_dude 9 ccmking if a__ vents me cave_'ed dum_g oven operat}on the oven may oved_eat In the ease a sensSve thermal safety device aukxnat {x_Hyhams 8_e oven off The o'_m w/I be i:noperaMe until it has _>> (_I sl fficanffy,
E Radio intolerance
I Mk';_o>_ave even ope_a_ioe may interfere wIb IV
or _ado reception
2oW_e_ th_ste s nterfeasme it may be mdac_sd or
e/minated by {akin9 9'_efef/owin9 measu_,,:_s:
a Ck_an the door and the seen 9 s xrfa(_}s d the
b Reodent the re{_s@ng antenna of _adio or IV c, Rekx_ate the m crowave oven in re arian to the
7V or _adio_
d, Move the nfic_wave oven away from the
e Pk_g the micrewave _n i'_te a different out_et
{m that microwave oven and rec®iver ale on dilferen[ bran@'_drcai_,
Newer p}ace the t_um_ble in the oven upside down
#...........# *'
............. g, ? g2
Yeu_ t_ee (xsmes w_h the feiiow eg accessefies
Use and Care G@Se 'i G_ass ]]_m/_able I TumtaMe Ro/le_ Rest
1 Me4a/"_[ray i Metal Rack _.,_<_o_._o
".> .................Mta h'ay
Ov@l Contro_ _........... , .............O:_s
Pane_ _ ,,
I D_SPLA¥. lhe d sp!sy ne/udes a @:scka_J _@ca ors the! tel
yo_ the of ddy, _:xxking tree se*_rigs a_d ,::_x_}_g filqdie s seceded
2" CONVECTION Tbu_ th b_tton to co_:£ f:x>ds On {x_nw'_d_:_n
3 f4CR [bu ;i_ ths butte, to _x>okfoods on _" c_sve
mode a_d 1ose ceok ng tree and powe_ eve_
4 ROAST. _/exc/8_s bsSo_/to 8ss_ foods on _x_mb atbts _ode. 5 BAKE_ bud ts bulton b b_e beds e_ (_mbnat_en n,:x_e
6 AUTO COOK li_>ud th£ pad to _;_o %otis a to _a_k;;_/yon
7. TURN 79 SELEC% PRESS fO EN"_ER Iim" the die k> _;et dock f>s@go% t_mpet_£u_'c <_;.k g lime, poilu< (_v_L loed q a_tty and then p_es5 t Ix>ente
8. SENSOR REHEAL '_o_c,hths butlen to roheal beds w@_out
'.>ter_g u_ek}hg tree and pgwer level
9. SENSOR COOK ibuct t_s butloh 1ooc)ok ntost of yeu_-lavodte feeds vwt _eut er_te _g _/_ok ng t_me o _po÷_sr _:_ve_,
10, SENSOR POPCORN, lt:x ch t's butte _te <x:_okpeFxx#ti
t1_ OPTIONS %uch ths bu[ton to ch_r <_{::thu ov_;{,s der;:_ull
sethngs for ¢¢.o_d, dock, s<roS spr_ed a_d t hsL<g
12_AUTO DEFROS'T_ [elx:,h t_is b_£to / to defn:_st Meat Poultry
Fsh ar Bread autematca_/
13. KITCHEN T_MER. %uc} t_s bu%n l_ use your ow,'n ,_s a kitchen tk_e
I4 START, bL£h t:h}s butb_ to start er tile _and to turn C_/d .ock
or_or of[
15, ADD M{NUTE. :o_d_ this bulton 1otmok n4100% _x_okn9 power
for 1 r@u_e b 99 _ n_tes 59 s_bs,:>nds.
I6. STOPtCLEAR: %oh t!ls button k_ stop t_® ove_ Orto des
/s_,_._;- :,,;_S' }........
{_ ,,:t ....................._tsbl ht:_lh_rF4{st
Ms$l _sck
Cooke 9 with your new oven @/_rs a wide variety of food preparation options microwave _J×)kag _s>nveston cooking and cembination oookin9_
M_¢rowave cook#iF uses very short high.4n:_quency Fadie waves _[he mow:truant of ff_emicrewaves through
the £>od generates heat and cogks most _ads 1%star than regu!ar methods wh/e rata ni_ g their natural
texture and me stare Microwave cooking heats ffx>d di_e(';:t}y__et the ceokwa_e or the _fader of the aver
Reheating s easy and defrosting s pa_tie_4ady (x;_[we_nt be(x_use _esstree s spent in ffysd
preparalieno Cor_vect_on cook_H 9 can_Aant_ydrcutates heated a_
around the food c_eafing even bxc_wnir9 and sea_ed._n flavor by the censtar t motion of hot ak ever the food
Micsowave e_as_{}yis disSibu ed eveny tl _oughout the oven fer fan theraagh cook ng of R_ed
Cemb#_at_on cook#_g c_mbines mi(£owave enerf_y wth cenvect on to r;x:_okwith speed and accuracy, wh}e b_ewning and c_isp n9 to pedect on
Y'eu {_}_nuse m c[ewave oeeki_g oanvee_Joh e_x)k[ng or
cemb[naSon caok[n 9 R:_coek by 8ma_ Smp[y preset the
bngth d c4x>kng time desired and your eve__tams off
The foik_w_n9 guide shows at a glan(xs _he difference between mic_awave convection, and comb _ation
Hot a @'cu_atesam_nd faad to pnsduc4_browned
e_:.,dors and seabd in
i M crewave energy and
cx_nvec_en heat combine to sho_t_e the cooking time d regu ar overs whi_e brewningand seaiin 9 ir
H£AiT SOURCE Mi_. >wave energy and
drcu ating heated air
BKNEF_T$ oFast high eff_deney oAds in brewnin 9 and sea_s _Shedened cooke 9 ttrne
_nflavo_: trem m c_ewave ÷n,ergy,
oOven and surroundings do oC(:oks some foods faste_
not get hot. lean regular ovens, flora _xmveet on heat.
oEasy ctear _up.
Read ths guide tr__eam #e many different thngs your Mic_owave/ConvectienlCombnation Oven can do You will find a wide variety af <xsoking metheds and programs des gned to s_t your lifestyle
Most heat4esiatant, nor-metallic ceokwa_e s sate ?_ use in yexr m on>wave oven
H{xwevec _otest (x;;,ok_@sa_'ebefbre using $o_aw t,hese an@s:
1..Pace the empty ooukware n the rnic_{_wave<wen
2. Measure 'I cup of water o a g_assmeasur ng c,up and piece it n lhe oven b_,_sk£_the _}okware
3 Microwave on 1(_.}%power for I n_hate F 9_edsh is
warm it sho_J_d r_ot be used for m}cmwave ceoking_
Cenvection Coek_r_9 oMe_;_/Pans a_e recomme_ded _er aif types of baked
praducSs but especially where browning or (trusting s impor_ _t
oDat or du_ flesh metat pans a_e best and
pes b®cause theyabsorb heat and pr<x4a(x_a cdsper
Shny aluminum pans am better _ar _/x_kescxs>kes or muffins be_ _aethese pans [eflett heat and help
p_Xx;_> a ght tnnder crust
oG_ass or 9 ass<;eram}c casse ale e bakng dishes are
best suito×J fix ceg and ct ease _scipes due to the deanabi/ty of gass
Glass o_g_ass>c_w_mk baki _gcenta nets are u_.xnmended Be su_e not to _._seitems w_th mete _r_m
as _tmay cause arcing (sparking} with oven _s_ or oven sheF. damaging the rx}okware, the shed o_'the
H,eat.¢_,'sistant p_asrc m_c_owave _ix_okwa_e(serfs te 450"F} may be use€ bat B not recommended ta_ foods ttat require c_usling or alia.around browning becat se
p[as_o is a pcy_[ {;z}ndac_'>_ ' c}_ heat
: Possible to use : Recommended method
GJass Turntab_÷ Me_I Rack X
; Do cot #se
Notes : oDo not operate the ovens wl_en t is empty except preheating
+ 20 hidden pages