MODEL 415.16108 • 640-810983-114 • PRODUCT GUIDE
Read and follow all safety statements, assembly
instructions, and use and care directions before
attempting to assemble and cook.
Leave this manual with consumer.
Keep this manual for future reference.
Failure to follow all manufacturer's instructions
could result inserious personal injury and/or
property damage.
Some parts may contain sharp edges -
especially as noted in the manual! Wear
protective gloves if necessary.
Printedin China• 463721108• 463721308 • 80013232• 09-27-07

if you smell gas:
1. Shut off gas to the appliance.
2. Extinguish any open flame.
3. Open lid.
4. if odor continues, keep away from the
appliance and immediately call your gas
supplier or your fire department.
1. Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable liquids or vapors in the vicinity of
this or any other appliance.
2. An LP cylinder not connected for use shall not
be stored in the vicinity of this or any other
Call Grill Service Center for Help and Parts
. If you needassistance with your product or warranty parts call
1-800-241-7548. Hours of Service Center Operation are
8:00 A.M. To 6:00 P.M. EST Monday- Friday.
, Toorder non-warranty replacement parts or accessories
pleasevisit uson the webat www.charbroil,com or call
1-800-241-7548 and one of ourfriendly and knowledgeable
agents will be glad toassist you.
Installation Safety Precautions
• Use grill only with LP (propane) gas and the regulator/valve
assembly supplied.
• Grill installation must conform with localcodes, or in their
absence with National Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 54 / ANSI
Z223.1 andNatural Gas and Propane Installation Code,
CSA B149.1. Handling and storageof LPcylinders must
conform to LPGas CodeNFPNANSI 58. Grill is notfor use in
or onrecreational vehicles and/orboats.
, All electrical accessories (such as rotisserie) must be
electrically grounded inaccordance with local codes, or
National Electrical Code, ANSI / NFPA 70 or Canadian
Electrical Code, CSA C22.1. Keep any electrical cords
and/or fuelsupply hoses away from any hot surfaces.
. This grill issafety certifiedfor use in the United Statesand/or
Canada only.Do not modify for use inany other location.
Modification will result in asafety hazard.
1. Combustion by-products produced when using
this product contain chemicals known to the
State of California to cause cancer, birth defects,
and other reproductive harm.
2. This product contains chemicals, including lead
and lead compounds, known to the State of
California to cause cancer, birth defects or other
reproductive harm.
Wash your hands after handfinq this product.
Safety Symbols
means.Readandfollowallof themessagesfoundthroughout
IMPORTANT: Fill out the product record information below.
Model Number
Serial Number
See ratinglabelongrillfor serialnumber.
Date Purchased
Forresidential use only. Do not use for commercial
2 " 463721108"463721308
DANGER: Indicatesan imminentlyhazardous situation
which, if notavoided,will result indeath or serious injury.
WARNING: Indicatesan potentially hazardoussituation
which, if notavoided, couldresult indeath or serious
__ m
D T,o.
CAUTION: Indicatesa potentially hazardoussituationor
unsafe practicewhich, if not avoided,may resultin minor
or moderateinjury.

For YourSafety...................................... 2
Grill ServiceCenter................................... 2
Product RecordInformation ............................ 2
Installation Safety Precautions .......................... 2
Safety Symbols...................................... 2
Use and Care .................................... 4-10
Parts List.......................................... 11
Parts Diagram...................................... 12
Assembly ....................................... 13-23
Troubleshooting.................................. 24-25
Limited Warranty.................................... 26
Registration Card ................................... 27
Do notattempt to repair or alter the
hose/valve/regulatorfor any "assumed" defect. Any
modification to this assembly will void your warranty
and create the risk of a gas leak and fire. Use only
authorized replacement partssupplied by
CertifiedGrill PartsAnd Accessories@,Char-Broil and Design@,Char-Broil(GasGrillBriquettes)@,Char-Diamonds@,CookingZone andDesign@,Diamond Flame@,ExecutiveChef@,Faststarf@,Flare
Fighter@,FlavorMaster@,Gas Grill SilouetteandDesign@,H20 Smoke@,LavaFlame@,MasterFlame@,MasterFlamePrecision CookingSystem@,PowerSpark@,Quantum@,VIP@,PrecisionFlameand
Design@,Sierra@,andTruFlame@areregisteredTrademarksof theW,C. BradleyCompany. TheeT_os@is a registeredtrademarkofthe Thermos Companyanditsaffiliates.
Artisan Collectionby Char-Broil T'_',C3 and DesignTM ,Char-Broil and Design_'_',FlameDesign_'_',FlavorTentsf'_',Grill 2GoT'_',Grillin'Stick_'_',Keeperof the FJame_'_',Keepers oftheFlame_'_',NaturalGrip_'_',
OutdoorCooking Collectionand DesignTM, PatioBistroTM, PrecisionFlameTM, Pro-Checkf'_',QuickSetGrills and DesignTM, SmokerTentsT'_',The Big EasyT'_',TheMinuteGdllT'',The EdgeTM, TheTuscan
Collection_'_',andThe Urban GdllT''are Trademarksofthe W.C.BradleyCompany. UniversalGrillParts and DesignTM isa trademarkoftheTheeTIosCompanyandits affiliates.
Protectedunder oneor moreof the followingU.S.Patents: 4,598,692;4,624,240;4,747,391;4,747,391;4,817,583;4,924,846;4,989,579;5,003,960;5,076,256;5,076,257;5,090,398;5,109,834;5,224,676;
5,277,106;5,421,319;5,441,226;5,452,707;5,458,309;5,566,606;5,566,606;5,579,755;5,582,094;5,613,486;5,649,475;5,706,797;5,711,663;5,765,543;5,931,149;5,996,573;6,095,I32; 6,135,104;
6,173,644B1;6,279,566;6,397,73I; 6,418,923;6,439,222;6,523,461;6,935,327;D282,619;D339,714;D341,292;D343,337;D358,059;D361,466;D364,535;D372,637;D373,701; D377,735;D383,035;
D397,910;D405,643;D405,643;D406,005;D406,009;D413,043;D413,229;D413,229;D414,982;D415,388;D416,I64; D416,44I; D416,441;D417,587;D422,516;D423,274;D423,876;D428,303;D435,396;
D436,004;D438,059;D438,060;D438,427;D439,II0; D442,505;D443,I79; D443,354;D447,384;D447,385;D447,909;D448,610;D448,614;D448,615;D448,616; D448,975;D449,492;D451,759;D456,202S;
D460,313,D461,359and D504,048, Canada:87743;87744;92607;92608and1,316,424,Other Patents Pending.Assemblyinstructions@2006,
463721108°463721308 • 3

LP Tank
• The LP tank used with your grill must meet the following
• Use LPtanks only with these required measurements: 12"
(30.5cm) (diameter) x 18" (45.7 cm) (tall) with 20lb. (9 kg.)
capacity maximum.
. LP tanks must be constructed and marked inaccordance with
specifications for LP tank of the U.S. Department of
Transportation (DOT)or for Canada,CAN/CSA-B339,
cylinders, spheresand tubes for transportation of dangerous
goods, Transport Canada (TC). See LPtank collar for marking.
LP tank valve must have:
, Type 1 outlet compatible with
regulatoror grill.
, Safetyrelief valve.
, ULlisted Overfill Protection OPDHand Wheel
Device (OPD).This OPDsafety
feature is identified by a unique triangular hand wheel. Use
only LP tanks equipped with this type of valve.
, LP tank must bearranged for vapor withdrawal and include
collar toprotect LP tankvalve.
LP Tank Removal, Transport And Storage
, Turn OFFall control knobs and LP tank valve. Turn coupling
nut counterclockwiseby hand only - do not use tools to
disconnect. Lift LP tankwire upward off of LP tankcollar, then
lift LPtank up and off of support bracket, installsafety cap onto
LP tank valve.Always use cap andstrap supplied with valve.
Failure to use safety cap as directed may result in serious
personal injury and/or property damage.
LP TankValve
, A disconnected LP tank in storage or being transported must
have a safety cap installed (as shown). Do not store an LP tank
in enclosed spaces such as a carport, garage, porch, covered
patio or other building. Never leave an LP tank inside avehicle
which maybecome overheated bythe sun.
, Do not store an LP tank in an area where children play.
4 " 463721108"463721308
LP cylinder in upright positionfor vapor withdrawal
LP (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
• LPgas is nontoxic, odorless and colorless when produced. For
Your Safety, LP gas has been givenan odor (similarto rotten
cabbage) sothat it can be smelled.
• LPgas is highlyflammable and may ignite unexpectedlywhen
mixed with air.
LP Tank Filling
• Useonly licensedand experienced dealers.
• LPdealer must purge tank beforefilling.
• Dealer should NEVERfill LPtank more than 80% of LP tank
volume. Volumeof propane in tankwill vary by temperature.
• Afrosty regulator indicates gas overfill. Immediatelyclose LP
tank valveand call localLP gas dealer for assistance.
, Do not release liquid propane (LP)gas into the atmosphere.
This is a hazardous practice.
, Toremove gas from LP tank, contactan LP dealer or call a
local firedepartment for assistance. Check the telephone
directory under "Gas Companies"for nearest certified LP

LP Tank Exchange
Connecting Regulator To The LP Tank
o Many retailers that sell grills offer you the option of replacing
your empty LPtank through an exchange service. Useonly
those reputable exchange companies that inspect, precisionfill,
test and certify their cylinders. Exchange your tank only for
an OPB safety feature-equipped tank as described in the
"LP Tank" section of this manual.
Always keep newand exchanged LP tanks in upright position
during use,transit or storage.
, Leak test new and exchanged LP tanks BEFORE
connecting to grill,
LP Tank Leak Test
For your safety
• Leak test must be repeated each time LP tank is exchangedor
Do notsmoke during leaktest.
• Do not use an open flame to check for gas leaks.
Grill must be leak tested outdoors ina well-ventilated area,
away from ignition sources such as gas fired orelectrical
appliances. Duringleak test, keep grill away from open flames
or sparks.
1. LP tank must beproperly secured onto grill. (Referto
assembly section.)
2. Turnall control knobsto the OFF position.
3. Turn LPtank OFFby turning OPD handwheel clockwise to a
full stop.
4. Remove the protective cap from LP tank valve.Always use
cap andstrap supplied withvalve.
, Usea clean paintbrush and a 50/50 mild soap and water
solution. Brushsoapy solution onto areas indicated by arrows
in figure below. Leaksare indicated by growing bubbles.
If "growing" bubbles appeardo not use or move the LPtank.
Contact anLP gas supplier or your fire department!
A Do not use household cleaning agents. Damage togas
train components can result.
Do not use a POLtransport plug
(plastic part with external threads)!
itwill defeat the safety feature of
the valve.
5. Hold regulator and insert nipple into LP
tank valve. Hand-tighten the coupling
nut, holding regulator ina straight line
with LPtank valve so as not to cross-
thread theconnection.
Nipple hasto be centered
intothe LPtankvalve.
463721108• 463721308• 5

Leak TestingValves, Hose and Regulator
1. Turnall grill controlknobsto OFF.
2. Be sure regulator is tightly connected to LP tank.
3. Completely open LP tank valve by turning OPD hand wheel
counterclockwise. Ifyou heara rushing sound, turn gas off
immediately.There is a major leak at the connection. Correct
before proceeding.
Holdcoupling nutand regulator
asshown for properconnection
to LPtank valve.
6. Turnthe coupling nutclockwise andtighten to afull stop. The
regulatorwill seal on the back-checkfeature in the LP tank
valve, resulting in some resistance.An additional one-half to
three-quarters turn is required to complete the
connection. Tighten by hand only - do not use tools.
If you cannot complete the connection, disconnect regulator and
repeat steps5 and 6. If you are still unable to complete the
connection, do not use this regulator!
, Donot insertany tool orforeign objects into the valve outlet
or safety reliefvalve. Youmay damage the valve and cause
a leak. Leaking propane may result in explosion, fire, severe
personal injury,or death..
, If a leak isdetected at any time, STOPand call the fire
, If you cannotstop a gas leak,immediately close LPtank
valve andcall LP gassupplier or your fire department!
4. Brush soapysolution onto areas where bubbles are shown in
picture below:
A Neverremovethreaded
orifice atend of valve.
if "growing" bubblesappear, there is a leak. Close LP tank
valve immediately and re-tighten connections. If leaks cannot
be stopped do not try to repair, Call for replacement parts.
Order new parts by giving the serial, model number,name and
part numberof items needed (see partslist) to the Grill
Service Center at 1-800-241-7548.
Always close LPtank valve after performing leak test by
turning handwheel clockwise.
, Never attempt to attach this grill to the self-contained LP gas
system ofa camper trailer or motor home.
, Donot usegrill until leak-tested.
6 " 463721108"463721308

For Safe Use Of Your Grill And To Avoid Serious
• Do not let children operate or play near grill.
• Keep grillarea clear andfree from materials that burn.
• Do not block holes in bottom orback of grill.
• Check burnerflames regularly.
• Use grillonly inwell-ventilated space. NEVERuse in
enclosed spacesuch as carport, garage, porch, covered
patio, or under an overhead structureof any kind.
• Do not use charcoal or ceramic briquetsin a gas grill.
(Unlessbriquets are supplied withyour grill.)
• Usegrill at least 3 ft. from any wall or surface. Maintain
10ft. clearance toobjects that can catch fire or sources of
ignitionsuch as pilot lights on water heaters, live electrical
appliances, etc.
Safety Tips
,A. Beforeopening LP cylinder valve, check the coupling nutfor
A When grill is not in use,turn offall control knobs and LP
cylinder valve.
A Never movegrill while inoperation or still hot.
A Use long-handled barbecue utensils andoven mittsto avoid
burnsand splatters.
A Maximum loadfor sideburner and side shelf is 10 Ibs.
A The grease tray must be insertedinto grill andemptied after
each use. Do not remove grease tray until grill has
completely cooled.
,A. Clean grilloften, preferably after eachcookout. Ifa bristle
brush isused to clean any of the grill cooking surfaces,
ensure no loose bristles remain on cooking surfaces prior to
grilling. It is not recommendedto clean cooking surfaces
while grill is hot.
,A. Ifyou noticegrease or other hot material drippingfrom grill
onto valve, hose or regulator, turn off gas supply at once.
Determinethe cause, correct it,then clean and inspect valve,
hoseand regulator before continuing. Performa leak test.
A Keep ventilation openings incylinder enclosure (grill cart) free
and clear of debris.
,A. Donot store objects or materials insidethe grillcart
enclosure thatwould block the flow of combustion air to the
undersideof either the control panel orthe firebox bowl.
,A. The regulator maymake a humming or whistling noise during
operation. Thiswill not affect safety or use of grill.
A If you have agrill problem see the "TroubleshootingSection".
,A. Ifthe regulatorfrosts, turn off grill and LP cylinder valve
immediately.This indicates a problem with the cylinder and it
should not beused on any product. Return to supplier!
Apartment Dwellers:
Checkwith management to learn the requirements and fire
codes for using an LPgas grill in your apartment complex. If
allowed, use outside on the ground floor with a three(3) foot
clearance fromwalls or rails.Do not use on orunder
• NEVER attempt to light burner with lid closed. A buildup
of non-ignited gas inside a closed grill is hazardous.
• Never operate grill with LP tank out of correct position
specified in assembly instructions,
• Always close LPtank valve and remove coupling nut
before moving LP tank from specified operation
• Putting out grease fires by closing the lid is not
possible, Grills are well ventilated for safety reasons,
• Do not use water on a grease fire. Personal injury may
result, if a grease fire develops, turn knobs and LP
cylinder off,
• Do not leave grill unattended while preheating or
burning off food residue on Hi. if grill has not been
regularly cleaned, a grease fire can occur that may
damage the product,
463721108"463721308 • 7

ignitor Lighting
A Do not lean over grill while lighting.
1. TurnOFF all burnercontrol valves.
2. TurnON gas source or tank.
3. Open lid during lighting.
4. Toignite, turn LEFT knob to,_ High.
5. Push IGNITOR buttonrapidly.
6. If ignitiondoes NOT occur in 5 seconds, turn the burner
controls OFF,wait 5 minutes and repeat the lighting
7. Toignite right burner, turn knob to _.
If ignitordoes notwork, follow match lighting instructions.
After Lighting:Turn knobsto HIposition for warm-up.
• Putting outgrease fires by closing the lid is not
possible. Grills are well ventilated for safety reasons.
• Do not use water on a grease fire. Personal injury may
result. If agrease fire develops, turn knobs and LP tank
• Do not leave grill unattended while preheating or
burning off food residue on high. ifgrill has not been
regularly cleaned, agrease fire can occur that may
damage the product. Follow instructions on General
Grill Cleaning and Cleaning The Burner Assembly to
prevent grease fires.
If burner does not light, turn knobs to OFF, wait 5
minutes, and try again. Always close valve during the 5
minute waiting period. Ifthe burner does not ignite with
the valve open, gas will continue to flow out of the burner
and could accidentally ignite with risk of injury.
A Do not lean over grill while lighting.
1. Open lid during lighting.
2. Place match into match holder (hanging from side of cart).
3. Push inand turn left knob to _ HIGHposition. Be sure
burner lightsand stays lit.
4. Light right burner by pushing knob inand turning to _ HIGH
Before Your First Cookout
, Light burners, check to makesure they are lit,close the lid and
warm upgrill on HIGH for 15 minutes. This curing of paint and
parts will produce an odor only onfirst lighting.
Burner Flame Check
, Light burner, rotate knobs from HIGHto LOW.You should see
a smallerflame in LOW position than seen on HIGH.Always
check flame prior to each use. Ifonly lowflame is seenrefer to
"Sudden dropor low flame" inthe TroubleshootingSection.
Hose Check
• Before each use, check to see if hoses arecut, worn or kinked.
Replace damaged hoses before using grill. Use only
valve/hose/regulator specified in the Parts List.
8 " 463721108"463721308
Normal Kinked
Hose Hose

Turning Grill Off
, Turn all knobsto OFF position.Turn LP tank off byturning
OPD handwheel clockwise to afull stop.
• Turngas off at LP tank. Pressand hold ignitor button. "Click"
should be heard and spark seen each time between collector
box or burner and electrodes. See "Troubleshooting"if no click
or spark.
Valve Check
• Important: Make sure gas is off at LP tank before checking
valves. Knobs lock in OFF position. Tocheck valves, first
push in knobs and release, knobs should spring back. Ifknobs
do not spring back, replace valve assembly before using grill.
Turn knobsto LO position then turn back to OFF position.
Valves should turn smoothly.
General Grill Cleaning
, Keep the outsideof your grill looking new by cleaning it once a
month with warm soap andwater or a non-abrasive cleaner. If
you don't have a grillcover, wipe offdust and grime before
starting yourgrill.
, Coating the cooking grids with spray-on cooking oil will keep the
food from sticking and makeclean upeasier.After cooking,
scrape the grates with along handled, brasswire bristlebrush.
, Check inside the grill bottomfor grease build upand clean
often, especiallyafter cooking fatty meat.
, Do not mistake brown or blackaccumulation of grease and
smoke forpaint. Apply a strong solution of detergent andwater
or use a grill cleanerwith scrub brush on insidesof grill lidand
bottom. Rinseand allow tocompletely air dry. Do not apply a
caustic grill/oven cleaner to painted surfaces.
• Plated wiregrates: Wash grateswith concentrated grill
cleaner or use soap andwater solution. Dry thoroughlyand
store indoors between cookouts.
If you notice thatyour grill is getting hard to light or that the
flame isn't asstrong asit should be,take thetime to checkand
cleanthe venturi's.
nestsand layeggsin thegrill'sventuritube(s)obstructingthe flowof
gasto theburner.Thebacked-upgascanigniteinthe venturibehind
thecontrolpanel.Thisis knownasa flashbackanditcandamage
yourgrillandeven causeinjury.
, Plastic parts: Wash with warm soapy water and wipe dry.
A Do not use citrisol, abrasive cleaners, degreasersor a
concentrated grillcleaner on plastic parts. Damage to and
failure ofparts can result.
* Porcelain grates: Because of glass-like composition, most
residue can bewiped away with baking soda/water solutionor
specially formulatedcleaner. Use non-abrasive scouring
powder forstubborn stains.
• Cooking surfaces: If a bristle brush is used to clean any of
the grillcooking surfaces, ensure no loose bristles remain on
cooking surfaces prior to grilling.It isnot recommended to
clean cookingsurfaces while grill is hot.
venturiassemblyshouldberemovedfromthegrill andcleaned
beforeusewheneverthegrillhas beenidleforanextendedperiod.
\ J
463721108• 463721308• 9