KEF K-120 Brochure

KEF K SERIES Maintaining a tradition of excellence
Since its inception in 1961, and in everyone of the suceeding thirty years, KEF has proved time and time again that the key to exceilence in loudspeaker sound reproduction iies in attention to detail at every ievel and stage of the design and manufacturing process.
For the whole of that exciting period, whilst the KEF Reference Series has provided a series of major advances in ioudspeaker technoiogy, KEF's more aflordabie models have rareiy been out of the best­selier iists, providing maximum performance at minimum cost -in other words, vaiue for money. These modeis too, have benefitted from a production faciiity designed to achieve unprecedented ieveis of consistency -the KEF cornerstone
The very first KEF compact speaker, in 1961 was the K1, a three-way baffle available in several formats. Since then, an honourable tradition of music-related 'C' series names has held sway. In this thirtieth anniversary year, the initial 'K' returns to identify three models, each of which embodies the principles, experience, and tradition learned and earned during the past three decades.
Careful attention to both visual and acoustic design means that the 'K' Series models are as easy and attractive to integrate into a home environment as they are capable of reproducing today's sometimes complex and demanding recordings in a lifelike and convincing manner
With their attractively 'Iouvred' baffle design, the 'K's
look as good with their grilles removed -and there
are no unsightly driver fixing screws to spoil their
good looks.
High sensitivity means good headroom to cope with
the dynamic demands of modern recordings. An
easy 8-ohm (min 5 ohms) ioad gives even moderately-powered amplifiers no driving probiems.
The sound balance of each modei was only finaiised
after many hundreds of hours of critical iistening, in many iocations, and a bass aiignment chosen after lengthy consideration of the iikeiy conditions of use.
The KEF 'K' Series represents an unbeatable combination of quality, performance, and price. Thirty years on, the KEF tradition of excellence is once more upheld.
K120 In the design of small loudspeakers every parameter
becomes more critical. Only a 'complete system' approach, as employed by KEF, is likely to bring success Careful study of drive units, crossover and enclosure, separately and together, with their interactions, is the means to produce a musically integrated sound KEF system design techniques have, in the K120, produced a supremely musical small box, designed to produce its specified response when operated on a shelf, or stand­mounted close to a wall The K120 is a compact two-way speaker which sounds much larger than it looks The lightweight 160mm (65") bass/midrange unit provides uncoloured, fast bass response, whilst the 25mm (1 ") fluid-cooled tweeter offers accurate, uncompressed high frequency performance of exceptional clarity A deeper-than-average cabinet gives an internal volume, and therefore a bass performance that belies its compact frontal aspect Ideal for a first or second system, an audio-visual installation, or as satellites for a subwoofer, the K120 is a truly outstanding miniature
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