Audio (UK),
Eccleston Road,
Tovil,Maidstone, Kent,ME15 6QP U.K. Telephone:+ 44 (0)1622 672261 Fax: + 44 (0)1622 750653
KEF America, 10 Timber Lane, Marlboro,New Jersey 07746 U.S.A. Telephone:+(1) 732 683 2356 Fax: +(1) 732 683 2358 www.kefamerica.com
Acoustics GmbH,
Heinrichstraße 51, D-44536 Lünen,Deutschland. Telephone:+49 (0) 231 9860-320. Fax: +49 (0) 231 9860-330
KEF and Uni-Q are registered trademarks.Uni-Q is protected under GB patent 2 236929 and U.S. Pat. No.5,548,657.Worldwide patents pending. KEF reserve the right,
in line with continuing research and development,to amend or change specifications. Dolby,Pro Logic, and the double-D symbol are registered trademarks of
Dolby Laboratories. DTS is a registered trademark of Digital Theatre Systems Inc.

You know you’re in for a treat as soon as you see it.
Sleek, but discreet.Packed with clever technology.
Glistening like a Steinway grand.
ess ‘play’,and the room comes alive. And so do your senses.
You’re plunged into a 3-D soundscape of extraordinary depth
and textural detail.
You’re in the world of KEF instant theatre - the complete
DVD-based 5.1 digital entertainment system that’s specifically
designed to match new style flat screen TVs. Powerful enough
to make your heart soar,and sensitive enough to hear
a pin drop.
Black magic - and everything you need in one box.
Black is back
Black out

Identical effects speakers front and rear, matched to a centre
channel that captures the human voice like no other.A slim
DVD player, and a hide-away subwoofer with sophisticated
power amplifiers.And because of KEF’s uniquely advanced
speaker technology,you’re surrounded by the same spacious
and dynamic sound image wherever you sit.
Black is beautiful.