Service manual
215241 rev. 4
1 Disclaimer................................................................... 6
2 Introduction................................................................ 7
2.1 ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH™ OP 3D............................................................. 7
2.2 Intended use......................................................................................... 7
2.3 Abbreviations......................................................................................... 7
2.4 Disposal and recycling............................................................................ 8
2.5 Associated documentation....................................................................... 8
3 Safety..........................................................................9
3.1 Service precautions and warnings.............................................................9
3.1.1 Signal words...............................................................................9
3.1.2 General servicing precautions........................................................9
3.1.3 Electrical safety........................................................................... 9
3.1.4 Electrostatic discharge................................................................10
3.1.5 Device modifications during service..............................................10
3.1.6 Radiation safety.........................................................................10
3.1.7 Symbols that may appear on the device or its parts....................... 11
4 Device description.....................................................13
4.1 Mechanical description...........................................................................13
4.1.1 Main parts................................................................................ 13
4.1.2 Device movements.....................................................................14
4.1.3 Device covers............................................................................14
4.1.4 Status indicator light.................................................................. 15
4.1.5 Device labels.............................................................................16
4.1.6 Emergency stop switch...............................................................16
4.2 Device software....................................................................................17
4.2.1 Firmware overview.....................................................................17
4.2.2 Firmware update....................................................................... 17
4.3 Electrical description............................................................................. 19
4.3.1 Circuit board locations................................................................19
4.3.2 Circuit boards overview.............................................................. 19
4.3.3 Position control..........................................................................20
4.3.4 Exposure logic........................................................................... 20
4.3.5 Power supply.............................................................................20
4.3.6 Fuses....................................................................................... 21
4.4 User Interfaces.....................................................................................22
4.4.1 Graphical User Interface (GUI).................................................... 22
4.4.2 Positioning panel....................................................................... 33
4.5 Circuit boards.......................................................................................34
4.5.1 i2000 image capture board......................................................... 34
4.5.2 i3000 Main control board............................................................ 37
4.5.3 i4000 power supply board.......................................................... 40
4.5.4 i4100 back panel board.............................................................. 42
4.5.5 i6000 user interface board..........................................................42
4.5.6 i8000 LED indicator board.......................................................... 42
4.5.7 i9000 chin rest sensor board.......................................................44
5 Diagrams...................................................................45
5.1 Wiring diagram.....................................................................................45
5.2 Fusing diagram.....................................................................................47
5.3 Emergency stop....................................................................................47
5.4 Mains voltage distribution...................................................................... 47
5.5 Power distribution +24Vdc..................................................................... 48
5.6 Ethernet communication........................................................................ 48
5.7 CAN communication.............................................................................. 48
5.8 i2C self diagnosis communication........................................................... 49
5.9 Rotation movement...............................................................................49
5.10 Linear movement................................................................................ 50
5.11 Pivot movement..................................................................................50
5.12 Z movement...................................................................................... 51
5.13 Collimator movements......................................................................... 51
5.14 Positioning lights.................................................................................52
5.15 Imaging chain 3D............................................................................... 52
5.16 Exposure control 1..............................................................................53
5.17 Exposure control 2..............................................................................53
5.18 Exposure warning light........................................................................ 54
5.19 Device control panel............................................................................54
5.20 Chin rest detection..............................................................................55
6 Maintenance..............................................................56
6.1 Annual maintenance..............................................................................56
6.1.1 Cleanliness of the device............................................................ 56
6.1.2 Condition of the cables...............................................................56
6.1.3 Device movements and functionality............................................ 57
6.1.4 Exposure indicator functionality................................................... 58
6.1.5 Changing the fuses.................................................................... 59
6.1.6 Monitor calibration..................................................................... 59
6.2 Calibrations.......................................................................................... 60
6.2.1 When to calibrate the device....................................................... 60
7 Troubleshooting........................................................ 62
7.1 Initial actions....................................................................................... 62
7.1.1 Error codes............................................................................... 62
7.1.2 Acknowledging errors................................................................. 62
7.1.3 Image transfer.......................................................................... 62
7.2 List of error codes................................................................................ 63
8 Part replacement instructions................................. 100
8.1 Before replacing parts......................................................................... 100
8.2 Removing the covers........................................................................... 100
8.2.1 Disconnecting power supply...................................................... 100
8.2.2 Removing upper shelf covers.....................................................100
8.2.3 Removing the carriage covers....................................................102
8.2.4 Removing the rotating unit covers..............................................107
8.2.5 Removing the lower shelf covers................................................111
8.3 Replacing parts................................................................................... 113
8.3.1 Disconnecting and connecting the cables.....................................113
8.3.2 Replacing the PAN/3D sensor.................................................... 113
8.3.3 Replacing the horizontal lasers.................................................. 116
8.3.4 Replacing the i4000 power supply board..................................... 120
8.3.5 Replacing the carriage cable set.................................................122
8.3.6 Replacing the main cable set..................................................... 125
8.3.7 Replacing the i2000 image capture board....................................128
8.3.8 Replacing the i3000 main control board...................................... 129
8.3.9 Replacing the tube head........................................................... 130
8.3.10 Replacing the lower shelf upper cover assembly......................... 134
8.3.11 Replacing the collimator.......................................................... 137
8.3.12 Removing the upper shelf plate................................................140
8.3.13 Replacing the linear and pivot movement and motor................... 140
8.3.14 Replacing the speaker with cable............................................. 145
8.3.15 Replacing the firmware card.................................................... 146
8.3.16 Replacing the emergency stop switch with cable......................... 147
8.3.17 Replacing the i8000 LED indicator board................................... 147
8.3.18 Replacing the i4100 back panel board.......................................148
8.3.19 Replacing the mains switch..................................................... 149
8.3.20 Replacing the pivot and linear movement sensors....................... 150
8.3.21 Replacing the linear movement sensor wiper..............................152
8.4 After service work...............................................................................152
8.5 Safety tests for maintenance................................................................153
8.5.1 Introduction............................................................................ 153
8.5.2 Warnings and precautions......................................................... 153
8.5.3 Measurement equipment...........................................................153
8.5.4 Protective earth resistance test..................................................153
8.5.5 Measuring protective earth........................................................154
1 Disclaimer
1 Disclaimer
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH™ OP 3D Service manual, 215241 r4.
Copyright © 2017 by PaloDEx Group Oy. All rights reserved.
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH™, OP™, ORTHOselect™, QUICKcompose™, SMARTview™, ORTHOfocus™ and Low Dose Technology™ are either registered trademarks or trademarks of KaVo Kerr Group Finland in the United States and/or other countries.
KaVo™ is either registered trademark or trademark of Kaltenbach & Voigt GmbH in the United States and/or other countries.
All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Documentation, trademark and the software are copyrighted with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws the documentation may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form in whole or part, without the prior written permission of PaloDEx Group Oy.
The original language of this manual is English, code 215241 rev 2. In a case of interpretation disagreement the English text is applied.
PaloDEx Group Oy reserves the right to make changes in specification and features shown herein, or discontinue the product described at any time without notice or obligation. Contact your PaloDEx Group Oy representative for the most current information.
The manufacturer has no liability for consequential damage, personal injury, loss, damage or expense directly or indirectly caused by the use of the product. No agent, distributor or other party is authorized to give warranty or other liability on behalf of the manufacturer with respect to its products.
PaloDEx Group Oy
Nahkelantie 160
FI-04300 Tuusula
Tel. +358 10 270 2000
2 Introduction
2 Introduction
The ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH™ OP 3D (later called device) is a dental X-ray device producing high quality digital images of dentition, TM-joints and skull. To take images, you need a suitable workstation connected to the device and a dental imaging software to capture and manage the images.
The ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH™ OP 3D can be used for the following procedures:
Panoramic Imaging
• Standard Panoramic
• Segmented Panoramic
• Pediatric Panoramic
• Bitewing
• TMJ, lateral projection
3D CBCT Imaging
Volume Height x Diameter (H x D)
• 5 x 5 cm; implant and other single tooth imaging
• 6 x 9 cm; single jaw imaging
• 9 x 11 cm; whole dental area imaging (both jaws)
• 9 x 14 cm (optional); both jaws including TMJ
• FOV position and height fine-tuning is possible according to scout images
CAUTION! USA only: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a dentist or other qualified professional.
2.2 Intended use
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH™ OP 3D is an X-ray device that is configured to take panoramic and 3D images of the cranio-maxillofacial complex for use in diagnostic support.
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH™ OP 3D must only be used and operated by dentist and other qualified professionals.
2.3 Abbreviations
PCBA Printed Circuit Board Assembly
THA Tube Head Assembly
GUI Graphical User Interface
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
DUT Device Under Test
2 Introduction
2.4 Disposal and recycling
The device and its components are lead-free, including its radiation protection components. The device meets the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU, WITHOUT any exemptions mentioned in Annex IV.
At least the following parts of the device should be re-cycled according to local and national regulations regarding disposal of non-environmentally friendly materials:
• Tubehead (oil)
• All electronic circuits and electronic boards
• Plastic parts
2.5 Associated documentation
• ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH™ OP 3D User and Installation Manual
• Dental imaging software documentation
• ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH™ OP 3D Sparepart Catalogue.
3 Safety
3 Safety
3.1 Service precautions and warnings
3.1.1 Signal words
The following signal words and labels are used in this document:
WARNING! Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION! Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
NOTICE! Highlights suggestions which will result in enhanced installation, reliability, or operation. Not used for safety related hazards.
3.1.2 General servicing precautions
CAUTION! Only trained and qualified service persons authorized by the manufacturer of the device are allowed to service the device.
• Use only the original spare parts that are provided by the manufacturer when you repair the device or replace any parts in it.
• Before you attempt to service the device make sure that you know how to operate it. Read the ORTHOPANTHOMOGRAPH OP 3D User and Installation Manual.
• Attach the covers before you hand over the device after service.
• Ensure the electrical safety of the device by inspecting the proper grounding of user touchable metallic parts before handing the device to the user.
• Clean the device from dust.
• Attach and tighten all screws that have been removed or loosened during service work.
• Check the tightness of the screws in the device, especially in the carriage and the wall mount.
• For connection requirements and safety, see the Connection requirements section in the User manual.
• Read and understand the warnings and precautions listed in the following sections of this service manual and in the User and Installation manual.
3.1.3 Electrical safety
• Disconnect the device from the main power supply before repairing or replacing any mechnical parts, circuit boards or installing accessories.
• Disconnect the device from the main power supply before removing the covers.
• Disconnect the device from the main power supply before replacing circuit boards or other electrical components.
• The circuit boards and electrical components of the device can contain capacitors with high voltages. Wait ten (10) minutes, after disconnecting the device from the power supply, before handling the board or component.
• If you have to leave the device unattended during service or maintenance, disconnect the device from main power supply to protect people, who may touch the device, from electric shock.
• The device must only be used in areas that are provided with a protective earth connection to ensure an equipotential ground connection.
• Assemble the device according to the instructions in User and Installation manual, always use the correct materials and original spare parts.
3 Safety
Do not compromise:
• EMI enclosures and tightness of cases and screw contacts
• Gaskets
• Cable shields and their grounding to the chassis
• Electromagnetic immunity by incorrect cabling.
3.1.4 Electrostatic discharge
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can damage or destroy electronic components.
When you service the device take precautions to avoid electrostatic charge to build up and discharge (ESD). Follow the local and national recommendations for the prevention of ESD. If no recommendations are available, follow the guidelines below:
• Leave all new or replacement circuit boards and electrical parts in their protective packaging until the boards are needed.
• Before handling circuit boards and electrical parts make sure that any static electricity charge that has built up in your body is discharged.
• When examining and checking circuit boards use an antistatic wrist wrap which is connected to a ground point through a 1 Mohm current limiting cable. Also use a cable to connect the device to the same ground potential as the wrist wrap.
• When handling circuit boards hold them by their edges and do not touch any components or connectors.
• If an antistatic mat is used, connect the wrist wrap to the mat and the mat to the ground potential.
• To make sure that the wrist wrap is in good condition, check and wash it frequently.
3.1.5 Device modifications during service
CAUTION! Only authorized service technicians are allowed to service, install and replace parts of the device.
CAUTION! Only approved spareparts supplied by the manufacturer are allowed
to be used.
CAUTION! Make sure that any modifications done to the device do not degrade the EMC performance of the device.
• Never make unauthorized changes or modifications to the device or its parts.
• Never dismantle or remanufacture any part of the tube head assembly or beam limiting device.
• Never adjust any part of the beam limiting device unless under the direction of the manufacturer.
• Ensure that the EMC performance of the device is not degraded when the device is upgraded, serviced and repaired.
NOTICE! Ensure that the EMC performance is not degraded thoughout the whole service life of the device.
3.1.6 Radiation safety
CAUTION! When you take test exposures, take adequate precautions to protect youself from radiation. Stand behind a suitable radiation shield that is positioned at least two meters from the device.
3 Safety
Before you use or service the device familiarize yourself with local and national radiation safety standards and requirements relating to dental x-ray equipment.
3.1.7 Symbols that may appear on the device or its parts
Date of manufacture
Serial number
Catalog or model number
Radiation warning
Laser warning
Radiation emitting device
Type B Applied part
Dangerous voltage
On or enabled
Off or disabled
External warning light
Exposure switch
Remote exposure switch
Protective earth (ground)
Focal spot
Total X-ray filtration
Do not reuse
3 Safety
Operating instructions
Refer to operating instructions for more information. The operating instructions can be supplied electronically or in paper format.
Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a licensed healthcare practitioner.
This symbol indicates that the waste of electrical and electronic equipment must not be disposed as unsorted municipal waste and must be collected separately. Please contact an authorized representative of the manufacturer for information concerning the decommissioning of your equipment.
CE (0537) symbol
Conforms to AAMI ES60601-1:2006. Certified to CSA.
Fragile, Handle with Care (Packaging)
This way up (Packaging)
Keep dry (Packaging)
Maximum number of boxes that can be stacked on the bottom box (Packaging)
4 Device description
4 Device description
4.1 Mechanical description
4.1.1 Main parts
1. Column
2. Carriage
3. Upper shelf
4. Rotating unit
5. Sensor
6. Tubehead
7. Power switch (Back of
the device)
8. Exposure switch
9. Positioning panel
10. Emergency stop switch
11. Patient handles
12. Mirror
13. Status indicator light
14. Chin rest
15. Head support
16. Head support locking
17. Lower shelf tray
4 Device description
4.1.2 Device movements
Z - Column UP/DOWN movement
P - Pivot movement of the upper shelf
L - Linear movement of the rotating unit
R - Rotating movement of the rotating unit
CV - Vertical movement of the collimator plate
CH - Horizontal movement of the collimator plate
CF - Collimator filter movement
3DL - 3D Horizontal and PAN FH Laser movement
CCP - Child collimator plate movement (Panoramic only)
4.1.3 Device covers
Carriage covers
1 Upper shelf cover left
2 Upper shelf cover right
3 Carriage side cover left
4 Carriage side cover right
5 Finger shield plate 1
6 Finger shield plate 2
7 Back panel cover
8 Lower shelf tray
4 Device description
Rotating unit covers
9 Rotator back cover
10 Rotator front cover
11 Rotator finger protection
12 Rotator finger protection
13 Tube head front cover
14 Tube head back cover
15 Tube head plate
16 3D sensor back cover
17 3D sensor front cover
18 Outer sensor collar cover
19 Inner sensor collar cover
Lower shelf covers
20 Lower shelf cover set with
control panel
21 Lower shelf bottom cover set
22 Layer laser cover assembly
23 Patient handle
4.1.4 Status indicator light
Device status indicator light, located on the top of the carriage, illuminates according the device status:
• YELLOW: Device is radiating.
• BLUE: Device is in error state or pending user action. Check the GUI for details.
• BLUE (blinking): Press HOME button or no EHT connection.
• GREEN: Device is ready for imaging.
• GRAY: Power down mode. Device is not ready for imaging, follow the instructions on the status message bar
4 Device description
4.1.5 Device labels
1. Type label
2. Sensor label
3. THA label
4. Collimator label
5. Filtration label
6. Warning label
4.1.6 Emergency stop switch
An emergency stop switch is located on the left side of the carriage.
Pressing the emergency stop switch immediately terminates the imaging and all device movements and resets all circuit boards.
NOTICE! An interrupted imaging process cannot be resumed. A new image needs to be taken.
To release the emergency stop switch, rotate it clockwise.
NOTICE! Make sure that the emergency stop switch is not pressed down when you start the imaging process.
The Graphical User Interface (GUI) has indication if the emergency stop is active and the device status indication lights are blue.
NOTICE! Activating the emergency stop causes the device to restart.
4 Device description
4.2 Device software
4.2.1 Firmware overview
Firmware description
The device firmware (FW) consists of board and processor component specific binary files, that are loaded on various system board locations.
NOTICE! The device Firmware versions can be found under the System info on the Settings menu on the GUI.
The device components communicate via CAN buses and other interfaces.
The FW system is split into four main areas:
1. Real time operations
2. Image data capturing
3. General functions
4. GUI client
The main control functions are located in different parts of the system:
• PCBA i4000: Controls generator, tube head, column
• PCBA i3000: Controls pivot and linear movement
• PCBA i2000: Controls image capturing hardware, rotating unit movement
Non-time critical tasks are handled by the main application controlling the overall operations. The main application includes, for example:
• graphical user interface
• interfaces to modality SW
• device data storage
• device reservation.
The device has a remote Graphical User Interface (GUI) which is interfaced over Ethernet. The i3000 board includes a SD-card for the permanent storage of data.
4.2.2 Firmware update
The firmware update can be performed through the device GUI. See chapter Settings
NOTICE! You can update the firmware only in the Service menu.
To update the firmware, do the following:
1. Download the firmware distribution package.
NOTICE! The package is named in format OP3D-FW_x_x_x_216403­D519721-y.zip where the x_x_x indicates the firmware version.
2. Unzip the firmware distribution package to the hard drive of the workstation
connected to the device.
3. Ensure that the workstation software and drivers are up to date so that they meet
the requirement of the firmware release.
4. Update SW and drivers, if needed.
5. Browse to Settings> Service menu.
4 Device description
6. Enter PIN code 1917 to access the Service menu.
7. Browse to Service> FW Update.
8. Click Select File and browse to the location to the firmware file to be loaded, for
example C:\temp\OP_3D_EMBEDDED_SOFTWARE_Rx_y_z_abcd.tar.gz. Select the update file.
9. Click Start Update.
10. Wait for the update to finish.
11. Close the GUI to disconnect the device from the imaging software.
12. Re-connect the device by using the imaging software to finalize the update.
13. Perform all the device calibrations in accordance to the calibrations procedure, refer
to Complete device calibration chapter of the OP 3D User and Installation manual.
4 Device description
4.3 Electrical description
4.3.1 Circuit board locations
1. i4000 Power Supply
2. i2000 Image Capture Board
3. i3000 Main Control Board
4. i4100 Back panel board
5. i5000 Cascade board (in the Tubehead assembly)
6. i6000 User interface board
7. i7000 Tubehead interface board (in the Tubehead assembly)
8. i8000 LED indicator board
9. i9000 Chin rest sensor board
4.3.2 Circuit boards overview
The OP 3D HW structure is based on three main electrical boards. Each board implements certain control functions, such as exposure control and motion control, and they interact with each other through the communication buses.
The main boards are:
i2000 Image Capture Board
i3000 Main Control Board
i4000 Power Supply board
The device also contains seven smaller boards:
i4100 Back panel board
i5000 Cascade board (part of the tube head)
i6000 User interface board
i7000 Tubehead interface board (part of the tube head)
i8000 LED indicator board
i9000 Chin rest sensor board
4 Device description
For further information on the boards, see the relevant sections in this document.
4.3.3 Position control
Positioning of the device is done by stepper- and DC-motors, using feedback from optical, resistive and Hall sensors. The control chain per actuator is described below.
Upper shelf linear and pivot movement, rotator movement
The movement is driven by a stepper motor. A resistive sensor determines the approximate position of the actuator. A number of exact positions is determine by matching the approximate position with feedback from an optical sensor changing state at regular intervals. Positioning between these points is based on by counting steps fed to the stepper motor.
Lasers and collimator movement
The movement is driven by a stepper motor. An optical sensor is used to determine the Home position. Driving to wanted position is done by first finding the Home position, and then counting steps fed to the stepper motor.
The movement is driven by a DC motor. An optical sensor is used to determine the Home position. The Z-position is determined by using the home position as reference and counting pulses generated by a Hall sensor connected to the motor.
Imaging chain overview / Image data transfer
Image capturing is handled by the i2000 Image Capture Board. This board is responsible for both triggering the sensor and capturing image data. The data is stored in the i2000 Image Capture Board until transferred through the I3000 board to the image capturing workstation.
4.3.4 Exposure logic
Exposure logic is solely controlled by i4000 board. The i4000 board includes power supply, inverter and filament power supply that are responsible for supplying the X-ray tube head.
Filament pre-heat
Prior the high voltage generation at the tube head the filament is pre-heated. The pre­heating process is controlled and monitored by the i4000 board.
After the filament pre-heat, the exposure is enabled. Exposure is monitored by the i4000 board by utilizing the KVFB and MAFB signals and comparing them against the selected reference signals.
Backup timer
The exposure timing is controlled by the firmware. In the event of malfunction there is an added safety timer implemented in hardware, which will cut the exposure in case EXPENA-signal is active too long.
4.3.5 Power supply
The mains power supply comes from the wall socket through the back panel to the i4100 board. For further information, see i4100 back panel board en la página 42. See also
Power distribution +24Vdc en la página 48.
Mains power configuration
Detach the indicated screw on the back panel cover and lift it off to access the device back panel.
4 Device description
Refer to User and Installation manual, chapter Mains power configuration for detailed instructions.
NOTICE! In i4100 back panel board there is a switch (SW1) that is used for changing, for example, from permanent to plug connection. Refer to User and Installation manua, chapter Mains power configuration.
4.3.6 Fuses
The allowed main fuse types are listed in the table below. See also Fusing diagram.
Table 1: Main fuses
Location Ref Value Type
Littelfuse 215 (Time-Lag) 10A
Cooper Bussman (Time Delay) S505H-10-R
Back panel
F1 & F2
Littelfuse 326 (SlowBlow) 15A
Cooper Bussman (Time Delay) MDA-15
External warning light fuse (i4100)
F3 Cooper Bussmann (Time Delay)
For fuses in circuit boards, see:
i2000 image capture board
i3000 Main control board
i4000 power supply board
4 Device description
4.4 User Interfaces
4.4.1 Graphical User Interface (GUI)
GUI Overview
1. Selected patient name and Patient Identification (ID).
2. Selection of imaging modality, PAN or 3D.
3. Imaging program settings.
4. Main view area. Shows a dental chart for the selected modality and previews of the
taken images.
5. Status message bar shows the device status and provides messages and instructions to the user. Click on the bar to show messages if there are more than the ones shown.
6. Imaging parameters. Imaging parameters, kV (PAN only) and mA, can be manually adjusted according to the patient size and skull anatomy using the - & + icons.
7. Sample image of the selected Panoramic program or 3D FOV size and location illustration.
8. Scan time and DAP display. Shows the duration of X-ray radiation and the dose production with the selected imaging program and parameters.
9. Device settings. Opens a menu which is used to access the device settings, quality control and calibration programs and to show the device information, like serial number and software versions.
4 Device description
Test mode
Indicates if Test mode is active.
Press Test mode icon to disable/enable device radiation production.
This mode can be used for example to demonstrate the device movements.
You can also use the positioning panel to activate the Test mode.
Patient size
Indicates the currently selected patient size preset.
Press the Patient size selection icon to open a list of patient sizes; Small, Medium & Large.
Press on the listed patient size icon to activate it.
Selecting a patient size, according to the scanned patient, adjusts the kV and mA to preset levels.
NOTICE! Patient size presets can be adjusted from settings menu.
End Study
Press End Study icon to finalize the imaging procedure and return to the main view.
Device status indicator
Status message bar shows the device status with a colored Device status indicator.
Refer to Status indicator light for more information.
4 Device description
Settings menu
Shows a list of Quality Control (QC) programs, their completion status and last completion date.
4 Device description
Shows a list of user performable device calibrations, their completion status and last completion date. The calibrations are performed through this menu.
Software versions
Show the device serial number and firmware versions.
Notices Legal information and terms and conditions for use.
Exposure counters
Show amount of exposures taken with the device.
4 Device description
Friendly name Set a name for the device, which is shown
next to the settings icon and on the imaging software.
3D Metal Artefact Reduction
Enable or disable MAR, Metal Artefact Reduction. MAR is used to reduce the effect of metals and other dense radiopaque objects on the 3D image.
It is recommended to keep MAR activated.
Force device language
Change the language of the GUI if needed.
It is recommended not to force the language of the GUI but change the language profile of the workstation.
Default to Scout before 3D
Enable or disable automatic Scout image activation when a 3D imaging modality is selected.
It is recommended to have the Scout image taking enabled.
NOTICE! If the selection is set to "disabled", a Scout image mode can still be activated manually in the 3D imaging program selection view.
4 Device description
Patient size configuration
Adjust the default mA and kV values for imaging programs.
NOTICE! This menu is intended for authorized service personnel only.
The Service menu can be accessed only with a PIN code.
The Service menu contains:
• Device settings
• Calibrations for installation and service of the device
• Optional imaging programs activation
• Demonstration mode activation for exhibition use
• Verification programs for radiation related testing
4 Device description
Service menu
NOTICE! The Service menu is intended only for authorized service men for service use.
To access the Service menu from the Settings, input PIN code 1917 to the field:
NOTICE! PIN code 0612 is intended for installation only and contents of the Service menu is limited. See the table below.
NOTICE! As a user of the OP 3D Service manual, you have a full access to the Service menu.
In the Service menu you can:
PIN 1917 PIN 0612
• Access the device logs and errors (Logs)
• Update the device sofware (Service)
• Drive the device to packing position (Service)
• Perform motion tests(Service)
• Perform device calibrations (Calibrations)
• View and modify configuration preferences, for example: Define calibration intervals, enter license keys, select country (Preferences)
• Perform PAN and 3D tests (Verification).
• Drive the device to packing position (Service)
• Perform device calibrations (Calibrations)
• View and modify configuration preferences, for example: Define calibration intervals, enter license keys, select country (Preferences)
• View and modify patient size configurations (Preferences)
• Demo mode (Preferences)
• Perform PAN and 3D tests (Verification)
4 Device description
In the Service menu you can:
• update the device firmware
• perform accelerated motion test for different main movents
• test the door and mirror door switch status change
• drive the device to packing position
• test the 3D sensor connectivity
• test the functionality of internal communication buses
• check the statuses of the internal power supplies.
For more information on how to update the device firmware, see chapter Firmware
Motion tests are used for testing the individual movements of the device. To perform a motion test to the following:
• For main movements, select the number of movements for the test.
• For other movements, select the range of movement (min/max). Change the range between tests when you test the same movement.
• Press the exposure button to perform the movement.
• Verify the selected movement visually.
Internal communication bus test results and power supply status results are provided in the system logs. After you have executed the test, check the results from Logs menu by clicking log/messages.
In the Logs menu you can access device logs and error messages.
To dowload logs or error messages to the workstation, select the logs/error messages and click Download.
4 Device description
In the Calibrations menu you can select the device calibrations that you want to perform.
For information on how to perform the calibrations, see User and Installation manual.
In the Preferences> Configurations you can:
• enter a friendly name (for the device)
• select the desired intervals for User calibrations, Service calibrations, PAN QC, 3D QC
• enter licence keys
• change the device language
• enable the default Scout before 3D
• select the country
• enable the Door switch
• enable the Demo mode
• specify the DAP calibration factor.
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