Karma Morgan Series, Morgan Sling Seat, Morgan KISS Seat, Morgan Seat User Manual

Powered Wheelchair User's Manual
Morgan Series
(Morgan Sling Seat / Morgan Seat / Morgan KISS Seat)
release 04-2019
1. Index
1. Index ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. how to contact Karma. ................................................................................................................................... 8
3. Declaration of conformity .............................................................................................................................. 9
4. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 10
5. Preface ......................................................................................................................................................... 12
6. General warning. .......................................................................................................................................... 13
6.1 IMPORTANT ............................................................................................................................................ 13
6.2 Ramps ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
6.3 Electrical ................................................................................................................................................. 15
6.4 Batteries ................................................................................................................................................. 15
6.5 spray test ................................................................................................................................................ 16
6.6 Stairways ................................................................................................................................................ 16
6.7 Escalator ................................................................................................................................................. 17
7. You and your Karma service provider .......................................................................................................... 17
8. Classification & intended use ....................................................................................................................... 17
8.1 CE marking ............................................................................................................................................. 17
9. Safety ............................................................................................................................................................ 19
9.1 Before Driving ........................................................................................................................................ 19
9.2 Traffic Rules ............................................................................................................................................ 19
9.3 Practice Driving ...................................................................................................................................... 19
9.4 No Passengers ........................................................................................................................................ 19
9.5 No Hauling Heavy Goods ....................................................................................................................... 19
9.6 Rain ........................................................................................................................................................ 19
9.8 General Warning .................................................................................................................................... 20
9.9 Railroad Crossing .................................................................................................................................... 20
9.10 Circumstances to Avoid ........................................................................................................................ 20
9.11 Mobile Phones and Other Electric Equipment .................................................................................... 20
9.12 Ramps, Inclines and Drops ................................................................................................................... 21
9.13 Maximum User Weight Limit ............................................................................................................... 22
10. The Morgan Series Labeling ....................................................................................................................... 22
11. EMI/RFI ....................................................................................................................................................... 23
11.1 Electromagnetic interference from radio wave sources ...................................................................... 24
11.2 The sources of radiated EMI can be broadly classified into three types: ............................................ 24
11.3 Powered vehicle electromagnetic interference (EMI) ......................................................................... 24
11.4 Warnings .............................................................................................................................................. 25
12. The wheelchair parts.................................................................................................................................. 26
12.1 Morgan with Captain seat .................................................................................................................... 26
12.2 Morgan with Sling seat ........................................................................................................................ 28
12.3 Morgan with KISS Seat ......................................................................................................................... 29
13. Operation. .................................................................................................................................................. 30
13.1 Controller cable tie location. ................................................................................................................ 30
13.2. How to operate your wheelchair......................................................................................................... 31
13.3. VR2 ControllerControl panel with lighting control......................................................................... 31
13.3.1. Power ON/OFF ............................................................................................................................. 31
13.3.2. Locking / Unlocking ...................................................................................................................... 31
13.3.3. Adjusting the driving speed: ........................................................................................................ 32
13.3.4. Accelerating ................................................................................................................................. 33
13.3.5. Slowing down and stop: ............................................................................................................... 33
13.3.6. Turn Signal (Indicator Light) ......................................................................................................... 33
13.3.7. Lights ............................................................................................................................................ 33
13.3.8. Warning Signal(Hazards Light) ..................................................................................................... 33
13.3.9. Horn Button ................................................................................................................................. 33
13.3.10. Battery Gauge ............................................................................................................................ 34
13.3.11. Tilt and recline operation button ............................................................................................... 34
13.4 R-net control system ............................................................................................................................ 35
13.4.1. Joystick ........................................................................................................................................ 35
13.4.2. Communication cable .................................................................................................................. 36
13.4.3. Charger socket ............................................................................................................................. 36
13.4.4. R-net joystick module buttons ..................................................................................................... 36
13.4.5. On/Off Button .............................................................................................................................. 36
13.4.6. Horn Button ................................................................................................................................. 36
13.4.7. Speed Decrease Button ................................................................................................................ 37
13.4.8. Speed Increase Button ................................................................................................................. 37
13.4.9. Mode Button ................................................................................................................................ 37
13.4.10. Profile Button ............................................................................................................................. 37
13.4.11. Hazard Warning Button and LED ................................................................................................ 37
13.4.12. Lights Button and LED ................................................................................................................ 37
13.4.13. Left Indicator Button and LED .................................................................................................... 37
13.4.14. Right Indicator Button and LED .................................................................................................. 38
13.4.15. External On/Off Switch Jack ....................................................................................................... 38
13.4.16. External Profile Switch Jack ....................................................................................................... 38
13.4.17. LCD Screen ................................................................................................................................. 38
14. Chassis ........................................................................................................................................................ 40
14.1. Freewheel Lever .................................................................................................................................. 40
14.2. Tyres .................................................................................................................................................... 40
15 How to Adjust Your Wheelchair .................................................................................................................. 41
15.1 The footrests ........................................................................................................................................ 41
15.1.1. Swing-Away and Detach Footrest ................................................................................................ 41
15.1.2. Vertical Swing-away Footrest ....................................................................................................... 41
15.1.3. Stump Footrest ............................................................................................................................ 41
15.1.4. Elevating & Swing away Footrest ................................................................................................. 42
15.1.5. Powered Elevating & Swing away Footrest .................................................................................. 43
15.2. Armrest height adjustment ................................................................................................................. 48
15.3. Seat Depth and seat width adjustment .............................................................................................. 52
15.4. Seat angle adjustment ........................................................................................................................ 55
15.5. Backrest Angle Adjustment ................................................................................................................. 58
15.6. Headrest Adjustment .......................................................................................................................... 60
15.7. Back support Height Adjustment for KISS Seat ................................................................................... 63
15.8. Hip Supports Adjustment for KISS Seat ............................................................................................... 63
15.9. Pommel Adjustment for KISS Seat ...................................................................................................... 64
15.10. Pelvic Belt Adjustment for KISS Seat ................................................................................................. 65
16. Transferring in and transferring out of the powered wheelchair .............................................................. 66
16.1. Transferring in to the powered wheelchair ........................................................................................ 66
16.2. Transferring out of the powered wheelchair ...................................................................................... 66
16.3. Starting and Driving ............................................................................................................................ 66
16.4. Installing the seat assembly on the chassis. ....................................................................................... 67
16.4.1. Captain Seat ................................................................................................................................. 67
16.4.2. Sling Seat. .................................................................................................................................... 68
17. Transportation. ........................................................................................................................................... 74
17.1 transportation using a 4-point tie down webbing restraints. .............................................................. 74
17.2. transportation guideline. .................................................................................................................... 76
17.3. safety belt. ........................................................................................................................................... 77
17.4. transportation on an airplane. ............................................................................................................ 80
17.5. transportation using Dahl docking station. ......................................................................................... 81
17.6. mounting of the Dahl locking adapter on the wheelchair. ................................................................. 82
17.7. locking procedure: ............................................................................................................................. 86
17.8. unlocking procedure ........................................................................................................................... 87
17.9. Manually unlocking in case of electric failure or accident:................................................................. 87
17.10. safety belt.......................................................................................................................................... 88
18. BATTERIES AND CHARGER .......................................................................................................................... 90
18.1. Charging the Batteries ........................................................................................................................ 90
18.2. Charge the batteries if any of the following conditions occurs .......................................................... 91
18.3. Be sure to precisely follow the procedures listed below. ................................................................... 91
18.4. Charger ................................................................................................................................................ 92
18.5. Batteries .............................................................................................................................................. 93
18.6. Cleaning the batteries ......................................................................................................................... 94
19. INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE .............................................................................................................. 95
19.1. Daily check .......................................................................................................................................... 95
19.2 Regular maintenance record ................................................................................................................ 96
19.3. Replacing the Batteries ....................................................................................................................... 97
19.4. Tires ................................................................................................................................................... 100
19.5. General Maintenance ....................................................................................................................... 101
19.6. Suggested maintenance procedures ................................................................................................. 102
20. short and long term storing ..................................................................................................................... 102
21. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES .......................................................................................................................... 103
21.1. Morgan Sling seat .............................................................................................................................. 103
21.2. Morgan Captain seat ......................................................................................................................... 103
22. TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................................................. 104
22.2. VR2 Controller, Battery & Diagnostics Indicator ............................................................................... 105
23. specifications. ........................................................................................................................................... 107
23.1. The Morgan series static stability ..................................................................................................... 110
24. CLEANING & RECYCLING .......................................................................................................................... 111
24.1. Cleaning ............................................................................................................................................. 111
24.2. Post-Consumer Recycling .................................................................................................................. 111
25. WARRANTY ............................................................................................................................................... 112
25.1. Serial Number ................................................................................................................................... 112
25.2. Contents of warranty ........................................................................................................................ 112
25.3. Items Not Covered ............................................................................................................................ 112
25.4. Problems not covered ...................................................................................................................... 113
25.5. The responsibilities of the user ......................................................................................................... 113
25.6. arranty Effectiveness ........................................................................................................................ 113
25.7. Transfer of Warranty Rights .............................................................................................................. 114
2. how to contact Karma.
head office Karma
Karma Medical NO.2363, Sec. 2 University Road Min-Hsiung Shiang Chia-Yi 621 Taiwan www.karma.com.tw
European representative:
Karma Mobility Ltd.
Unit 6, Target Park, Shawbank Road Redditch B98 8YN, United Kingdom
phone: +44 (0)845 630 3436 info@karmamobility.co.uk
Produced and published by Karma Medical, Taiwan Technical changes and print errors prohibited.
3. Declaration of conformity
Morgan Series
4. Introduction
Congratulation with your new Karma product! This product has been made with great care and dedication. The Karma product will increase your freedom of mobility and independence. Karma and it resellers all over the world are there to support in any way. So, if you have any questions or suggestions about our products, do not hesitate to get in contact with us at info@karma.com.tw
Before you use the Karma product, we strongly recommend you read this manual carefully and always keep it with your product. This way you are always able to find additional information when needed.
Karma runs the policy of continuously product improvement. Therefore, pictures of products or options as shown in this manual might be different from what you see in this manual. Karma reserves the right to make changes to the product without prior notice.
chassis number
The chassis number is a very important number. Your wheelchair will be stored in our data system under this main number. You can find the number on the rear end of the chassis. in case of repair or maintenance, make sure you have the serial number of the chassis at hand.
serial number sticker of the wheelchair
position of the serial number sticker
The used symbols on the chassis plate are explained below:
describes the model and type of the product.
stands for indoor- and outdoor use (Class B).
stands for the date of production.
this icon stands for the maximum driving speed.
this icon stands for the maximum slope to drive on.
this icon stands for the maximum user weight.
SN: stands for the chassis serial number.
5. Preface
Please carefully read this owner's manual before using the wheelchair. Improper use of the wheelchair could result in harm, injury or traffic accidents. Therefore, for safe and enjoyable use of the wheelchair, please read this owner's manual.
1.1 This owner's manual includes operation instructions for the aspects of the wheelchair, assembly instructions, and instructions on how to deal with possible accidents. This owner's manual is written for Karma powered wheelchair(s): the Morgan series (LEN Sling Seat , LEN Captain Seat and LEN KISS seat)
1.2 The symbols used in this manual are explained below. Pay special attention to the parts marked with these symbols.
Improper use could lead the user to severe injury or death.
Improper use could lead the user to severe injury and/or damage to your wheelchair.
Follow these instructions to keep the wheelchair in good condition.
1.3 This manual includes the repair and maintenance chart as well as the Warranty. Please keep it in a safe place or with the wheelchair.
1.4 If someone else uses the wheelchair, make sure that you give him or her this owner's manual for his or her reference.
1.5 As designs change, some illustrations and pictures in this manual may not correspond to the vehicle
that you purchased. We reserve the right to make design modifications without further notice.
6. General warning.
Do not attempt to use the wheelchair before a qualified person has explained to your satisfaction how to operate it without risk to yourself or others.
Do not operate this powered wheelchair before first reading and understanding this owner’s
manual. If you are unable to understand the warnings, cautions, suggestions and technical instructions, please contact a dealer, healthcare professional or applicable personnel before attempting to use this powered wheelchair -- otherwise, injury or damage may occur. If any procedure other than those described in this owner’s manual, it must be performed by a qualified technician.
Operating Information
Performance adjustments should ONLY be made by professionals of the healthcare field or persons fully conversant with this process and the driver's capabilities. Incorrect settings could cause injury to the driver or bystanders and damage to the powered wheelchair and surrounding property.
To determine and establish your particular safety limits, practice bending, reaching, mounting and dismounting activities in several combinations in the presence of a qualified healthcare professional BEFORE attempting active use of the powered wheelchair.
For individuals with balance problems, practice mounting and dismounting activities WITH AN ASSISTANT in the presence of a qualified healthcare professional.
If anti-tippers are standard equipment, DO NOT operate the wheelchair without anti-tippers being installed. Anti-tippers MUST BE attached at all times.
DO NOT attempt to reach objects if you have to move forward in the seat or pick them up from the floor by reaching down between your knees as this may cause loss of balance.
DO NOT lean over the back of the chair to reach objects behind you as this may cause the powered wheelchair to tip over.
DO NOT shift your weight or sitting position toward the direction you are reaching as the powered wheelchair may tip over.
DO NOT use an escalator to move a powered wheelchair between floors. Serious bodily injury may occur.
As a manufacturer of powered wheelchairs, KARMA endeavors to supply a wide variety of powered wheelchairs to meet the many needs of the user. However, the responsibility of final selection of the type of powered wheelchair to be used by an individual rests solely with the user and his/her healthcare professional capable of making such a selection. KARMA strongly recommends consulting a certified rehab technology supplier or assistive technology professional.
DO NOT operate in car lanes on roads, streets, highways, etc.
DO NOT attempt to move up or down an incline with water, ice or oil film.
DO NOT make sharp turns, in forward or reverse, at excessive speeds.
DO NOT attempt to lift the powered wheelchair by its casings and seat.
DO NOT attempt to lift the powered wheelchair by any detachable parts. Lifting by means of any
detachable parts of a powered wheelchair may result in injury to the user or damage to the powered wheelchair. Please hold onto the frame when lifting your wheelchair.
DO NOT operate the powered wheelchair until you have checked that the surroundings are clear and that the area is safe for travel.
Please pay attention to the environment, and to keep away from the hazard of external flame in spite of the seat having passed EN 1021-1/-2 test and battery terminal caps having passed V-0 (UL94) test. When the user is smoking, pay attention to safety and make sure to extinguish the fire when finished. Be alert to the environment when someone nearby is smoking or using a cigarette lighter, keep away from the hazard and use fire-proof cloth.
DO NOT use parts, accessories or adapters other than those authorized by Karma. Before attempting to sit in or exit the powered wheelchair, turn the power OFF. This will ensure that the powered wheelchair will not drive. Turn the power OFF while the wheelchair is not in use. Otherwise, injury and/or damage to the wheelchair and surrounding property may occur
DO NOT connect any medical device (i.e., a ventilator, life support machine, et cetera) to the battery. This could cause unexpected failure of the device and the powered wheelchair. KARMA specifically disclaims responsibility to all personal injury and property damage that may occur during use which does not comply with applicable federal, state and local laws and ordinances.
DO NOT stand on the footplates of the powered wheelchair.
DO NOT use the wheelchair when the back is folded. This alters the centre of gravity and may cause the
wheelchair to tip backwards. The back should only be folded for storage or transport of the wheelchair.
DO NOT hang anything on the back joints that could cause the backrest folding suddenly and may cause injury.
DO NOT be towed by other vehicles(cars, motorcycles or bicycles, etc.). Only use freewheel mode on flat surfaces since your electromagnetic brakes are not engaged in this mode, without these brakes it will roll down a hill causing injury or damage. Never drive under the influence of alcohol or medication.
DO NOT sit in the powered wheelchair within a moving vehicle unless it has been affixed the labels of hook mark.
DO NOT touch the surface of motors. It could be hot.
Store your chair in a clean, dry area. If you fail to do so, parts may rust or corrode.
The product meets all the requirements of ISO 7176-14.
The force necessary to operate the freewheel lever is less than 60N.
We estimate a life expectancy of five years for the product, provide it is used strict accordance with the
intended use as set out in this document and all maintenance and service requirements are met. The estimated life expectancy can be exceeded if the products is carefully used and properly maintained. The life expectancy can be reduced by extreme or incorrect usage.
6.2 Ramps
DO NOT climb, go up or down ramps or traverse slopes greater than the safe climbing angle for your model specified in Section 10. Specifications.
When negotiating ramps, if the joystick is released while moving forward, the powered wheelchair will roll backwards approximately one foot before the brake engages. If the joystick is released while in reverse, the powered wheelchair will roll backwards approximately two and a half feet before the brake engages.
Be sure to reduce your speed when driving on curved roads or making a turn; do not drive at full speed. Please drive at a slower speed so you have complete control of the wheelchair.
6.3 Electrical
Check to ensure that all electrical connections are secure at all times.
Grounding Instructions: DO NOT, under any circumstances, cut or remove the round grounding prong
from any plug. Some devices are equipped with three-prong (grounding) plugs for protection against possible shock hazards.
Where a two-prong wall receptacle is encountered, it is the personal responsibility and obligation of the customer to contact a qualified electrician and have the two-prong receptacle replaced with a properly grounded three-prong wall receptacle/outlet in accordance with the National Electrical Code and local laws.
Do not use a n extension cord when charging your batteries. A risk of fire and /or electric shock could be encountered.
6.4 Batteries
The warranty and performance specifications contained in this manual are based on the use of deep cycle sealed lead acid batteries. KARMA strongly recommends their use as the power source for this unit. (Refer to chapter 6)
Carefully read the battery and charger information prior to installing, servicing or operating your
The wheelchair using the captain seat cannot be used as seats in any vehicles. That is, KARMA
recommends that users are NOT transported in any vehicle while seated in the wheelchair. In the case of accident or a sudden stop, the user could be thrown from the wheelchair and get injured. The suggested solution is to transfer the user from the wheelchair into a normal seat of the vehicle and to securely stow the wheelchair in a separate compartment. The Morgan with sling seat however, has been successfully tested according to the ISO 7176-19-2008 crash test, using both 4 point tie down and Dahl docking station.
6.5 spray test
KARMA has tested its powered wheelchair in accordance with ISO 7176 Part 9 spray Test. This test provides the end user or his/her attendant sufficient time to remove his/her powered wheelchair from a rainstorm and retain operation. However, the Morgan series is not designed for usage in rain or storms or under other circumstances where it may be exposed to high levels of moisture, such as:
deep pools of water
pressure washing of the chair
leaving the chair in moist areas such as bathrooms
Direct exposure to rain or dampness could cause the powered wheelchair to malfunction electrically and
mechanically and may cause the powered wheelchair to prematurely rust.
Salt water can be particularly damaging to the wheelchair components and electrical circuits, causing rust or damage.
Do not use the chair if the joystick rubber boot is damaged in any way as moisture can damage the control system.
Should your chair should get wet, please dry it as soon as possible to help avoid any damage.
6.6 Stairways
DO NOT attempt to move an occupied powered wheelchair between floors using a stairway. (See Figure
Use an elevator to move an occupied powered wheelchair between floors. When it's necessary to move the chair between floors by means of a stairway, the occupant MUST be moved and transported independently of the powered wheelchair. Extreme caution is advised when it is necessary to move an UNOCCUPIED powered wheelchair up or down stairs.
Karma recommends disassembling the wheelchair and transporting the components independently up or down stairs. Make sure to use ONLY secure, non-detachable parts on each component for hand-hold supports.
DO NOT attempt to lift a powered wheelchair by any removable (detachable) parts. Lifting by means of removable (detachable) parts may result in injury to the user or assistants or damage to the wheelchair.
6.7 Escalator
DO NOT use an escalator to move a powered wheelchair between floors. Serious bodily injury and damage to the wheelchair may occur.
7. You and your Karma service provider
No tools are required for assembly. Your wheelchair should be assembled by your authorized Karma dealer. Your authorized Karma dealer is also your service provider. Unauthorized repairs, upgrades and add­ons will void your warranty.
Anything wheelchair related that requires tools should be done by your authorized Karma service provider. Your Karma service provider has the necessary service manual for your wheelchair.
If you have any defective parts or lose any parts, please contact your dealer for repair and/or replacement. Please only use parts authorized by karma. Use of parts that are not authorized by Karma will void your warranty.
Part numbers are listed on our bill of materials (explosion drawings), which we give to our authorized dealers and service providers. Customers should order parts through their dealer as well as all repairs and scheduled maintenance.
Customers should go to their dealership for all service needs to guarantee their warranty is not void. Always go to an authorized service provider. Unauthorized repairs will void your warranty. Procedures other than those described in this manual must be performed by a qualified technician. They also have the service manual with a complete list of maintenance required to keep your Karma wheelchair in top performance.
Check the warranty section of this manual to find out what Karma guarantees and the maintenance service and parts that are not covered by the warranty.
Karma does not have an official list of service providers at this time. Please contact your dealer for service. If you cannot contact your dealer, please contact another authorized Karma dealer for service. If all else fails, contact Karma directly via our website or give us a call and we can refer you to your new service provider.
8. Classification & intended use
Karma Morgan series are classified as a class B mobility product for indoor and outdoor use. It is designed for an individual with mobility disabilities.
This wheelchair is suitable for one single user up to 136 kg in weight. It also has an extremely durable aluminum and iron frame with safe accessories that provides consistent performance even in dramatic extremes of temperature (neither the user nor the attendant need to touch any metal parts in normal use).
Check with your local government as to legislation pertaining to mobility vehicles to assure your legal requirements to drive on public roads have been met, i.e. a pelvic belt, lighting, registration or licensing.
8.1 CE marking
This powered wheelchair complies with the requirements of the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC.
●Before purchasing and using Karma wheelchairs, please consult qualified professionals so as to
ensure that you choose suitable products and use them correctly as well. For safety reasons, if there is any risk due to the user's movement in the wheelchair or other environmental factors that might cause the wheelchair to tip or the person on the wheelchair to fall off, Karma recommends that you install anti-tippers, pelvic belt, or other additional safety accessories.
When prescribing wheelchairs for use by full or partial amputees (above or below knee, single or double) or other conditions that affects the user's natural centre of gravity and might cause the wheelchair to tip or the person on the wheelchair to fall off, we suggest contacting your therapist or dealer as well as attaching anti-tippers, pelvic belt, safety belt, or other additional safety accessories. When using the wheelchair, ALWAYS follow the Highway Code or your local traffic regulations when outdoors and the guidelines written in this manual.
9. Safety
9.1 Before Driving
- The user must be familiar with the use and operation of this wheelchair before driving.
- Always keep these safety guidelines in mind.
- For visually impaired people, be sure someone accompanies you in case you need assistance.
- The occupant shall have sufficient ability, functional capability, visual ability and cognizance to operate the wheelchair safely in its intended environment. If not, do not drive it.
- Do not let anyone touch the wheels, actuator and armrest when they are in motion or being operated to avoid pinch injury.
9.2 Traffic Rules
- Pedestrian traffic rules apply to this wheelchair, therefore please follow the rules.
- Drive only on pedestrian areas such as the sidewalk. Never drive the wheelchair on the highway.
- Be aware of other vehicles when crossing all roads.
- Be extremely cautious when driving your wheelchair in heavy traffic or the shopping mall.
- DO NOT drive your wheelchair when you feel tired or consume alcohol.
- Please, do not drive your wheelchair at night.
- Please, follow pedestrian traffic lights, and comply with the traffic regulation.
9.3 Practice Driving
- Before you are familiar with the operation of your wheelchair please practice in a wide and open area, like a park. When you drive the wheelchair for the first time, do not set out alone and make sure that you have assistance close by if you need help.
- To avoid falling off your wheelchair please practice all kinds of driving motions, such as accelerating, stopping, turning, reversing and going up and down ramps.
- Please, set the speed to medium when you first start practicing.
- Be sure you can control and operate your wheelchair easily and confidently before you set the speed higher.
9.4 No Passengers
- KARMA wheelchair is limited to only one single driver. Do not carry passengers (including children) on your wheelchair.
9.5 No Hauling Heavy Goods
- Do not use this wheelchair to carry or haul heavy goods. The maximum weight that can be carried, including goods, stated beside "Max. User Weight" in Section 10. SPECIFICATIONS.
9.6 Rain
- Although the wheelchair has passed the ISO pray test, we recommend to not use this wheelchair in heavy rain. Please avoid driving through puddles or spray water to clean this product. (Figure 2.1)
9.7 While Driving
- Please carry out daily inspections. Refer to Section 7.1 DAILY CHECK
9.8 General Warning
- Do not lean over the side of the wheelchair as such an action may cause you to lose balance and fall.
- Be careful not to have your clothing get tangled with the wheels.
9.9 Railroad Crossing
- Before crossing the tracks, please stop completely and look both ways.
- Cross the tracks perpendicular to avoid your wheels getting stuck.
- Do not drive at full speed over railroad tracks.
9.10 Circumstances to Avoid
- Avoid roads with heavy traffic, mud, excessive gravel or bumps, snow and ice. These conditions may damage your wheelchair.
- Avoid roads that are too narrow or by a canal/waterway without any fence/hedge.
- Also avoid places where your wheels might get stuck, slip or not have traction.
- Do not drive in a gale, at night or in rainy/snowy/foggy/misty weather. These conditions may cause your wheelchair to rust. (Figure 2.2)
- Do not drive in a S curve, do doughnuts or make sudden turns.
- Do not take an escalator.
9.11 Mobile Phones and Other Electric Equipment
- Do not use a mobile phone or other wireless communication devices while driving. (See Section 3. EMI/RFI)
- Do not charge the mobile phone or other electric devices from your wheelchair's batteries.
9.12 Ramps, Inclines and Drops
- Do not drive onto a steep ramp. Refer to "Safe Slope" in Section 10. SPECIFICATIONS for your wheelchair's maximum climbing angle.
- When climbing up to an inclined road, please set the speed higher than the medium speed and drive carefully. (Figure 2.3)
- When going down an inclined road, set the speed to "1" and never use reverse.
- Do not drive on a road with many bumps and holes close to each other, such as potholes or washboard roads. (Figure 2.4)
- Do not make sudden turns when driving on gravel roads or ramps.
- The maximum obstacle climbing ability is 6 cm for the Morgan series. Exceeding this obstacle height will damage your wheelchair and void your warranty. (Figure 2.5)
- When negotiating an obstacle, please slow down. Put your seat into the full upright position and approach it heads on (perpendicular).
- Just before the obstacle, speed up until the entire wheelchair has conquered the obstacle. Negotiating an obstacle at an angle may cause your wheelchair to tip over. Don't do it!
- When climbing down a curb, slow down just before you get to it and only speed up after the entire wheelchair has lowered to the road.
- Again, descending obstacles should be done perpendicularly. (Figure 2.6)
- Karma does not design wheelchairs to take jumps over or off obstacles. Doing so will void your warranty.
Do not set the wheelchair in freewheel mode when on an incline or decline. If you breakdown on railroad tracks, first, check for an oncoming train. If a train is coming, get out of its way immediately! If no train is coming, set to freewheel mode and push the wheelchair off the tracks.
9.13 Maximum User Weight Limit
Refer to "Max. User Weight" in Section 10. SPECIFICATIONS, the user weight is set to a maximum of 136kg. Exceeding maximum user weight can damage your wheelchair and cause malfunctions yielding a safety hazard. The warranty does not cover damage caused by improper operation of the wheel
10. The Morgan Series Labeling
Please carefully read all the labeling on the wheelchair before driving it. Do not remove them. Protect them for future reference.
[Circuit Breaker] If this circuit breaker operates, reset it by pushing the button.
[Finger-Pinch] Avoid it when flip back the armrest.
[Anti-Pinch Warning Label]
Be careful when the actuator is
[Wiring Diagram]
Do not change the wiring.
[Freewheel Lever] Follow the label to engage or release it.
This section provides the user with basic information about the problems with EMI, known sources of EMI and protective measures either to reduce the possibility of exposure or to minimize the degree of exposure. This section also shows some conditions in which unexpected or erratic wheelchair movements may occur.
It is very important that you read this information regarding the possible effects of electromagnetic interference on your powered KARMA wheelchair.
11.1 Electromagnetic interference from radio wave sources
Powered vehicles may be susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI), which is interfering electromagnetic energy (EM) emitted from sources such as radio stations (Radio Frequency Interference), TV stations, amateur radio (HAM) transmitters, two-way radios, and cellular phones. The interference (from radio wave sources) can cause the powered vehicle to release its brakes, move by itself, or move in unintended directions. It can also permanently damage the powered vehicle's control system. The intensity of the interfering EM energy can be measured in volts per meter (V/m). Each powered vehicle can resist EMI up to a certain intensity. This amount of resistance is called its immunity level. The higher the immunity level, the greater the protection. At this time, current technology can achieve at least a 20 V/m immunity level, which would provide useful protection from the more common sources of radiated EMI. This powered vehicle model, with no further modification, has an immunity level of 20 V/m without any accessories. There are several sources of relatively intense electromagnetic fields in our everyday environment. Some of these sources are obvious and easy to avoid. Others are not apparent, and exposure could be unavoidable. However, we believe that by following the warnings listed below, your risk to EMI can be greatly minimized.
11.2 The sources of radiated EMI can be broadly classified into three types:
Hand-held portable transceivers (transmitter-receivers) with the antenna mounted directly on the transmitting unit, such as citizens band (CB) radios, walkie-talkies, security and fire or police transceivers, cellular telephones and other personal communication devices.
Some cellular telephones or similar devices transmit signals while they are ON, even though they are not in use.
Medium-range mobile transceivers used in police cars, fire trucks, ambulances and taxis usually having the antenna mounted on the outside of the vehicle; and Long-range transmitters and transceivers, such as commercial broadcast transmitters (radio and TV broadcast antenna towers) and amateur (HAM) radios.
Other types of hand-held devices (cordless phones, laptop computers, AM/FM radios, TV sets, CD players, cassette players, and small appliances such as electric shavers and hair dryers, etc.) So far as we know, are not likely to cause EMI problems.
11.3 Powered vehicle electromagnetic interference (EMI)
Because EM energy rapidly becomes more intense as one moves closer to the transmitting antenna (source), the EM fields from hand-held radio wave sources (transceivers) are of special concern. It is possible to unintentionally bring high levels of EM energy too close to the powered vehicle's control system
while using these devices. This can affect your powered vehicle's movement and braking. Therefore, the warnings listed below are recommended to prevent possible interference with the control system of the powered vehicle.
11.4 Warnings
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) from sources such as radio and TV stations, amateur radio (HAM) transmitters, two-way radios and cellular phones can affect powered vehicles and motorized wheelchairs. Following the warnings listed below should reduce the chance of unintended brake release or powered vehicle movement which could result in serious injury. Do not operate hand-held transceivers-receivers such as citizens band (CB) radios or turn ON personal communication devices such as cellular phones, while the powered vehicle is turned ON. Be aware of nearby transmitters, such as radio or TV stations, and try to stay away from them. If unintended movement or brake release occurs, turn the powered vehicle OFF as soon as it is safe.
Be aware that adding accessories/components or modifying the powered vehicle may make it more susceptible to EMI. There is no easy way to evaluate their effect on the overall immunity of the powered vehicle. Report all incidents of unintended movement or brake release to your powered vehicle dealer or KARMA and note whether there was a source of EMI nearby.
Some stores may have automatic (sensor) doors and alarm systems set at certain frequencies
that might affect your powered wheelchair.
12. The wheelchair parts.
12.1 Morgan with Captain seat
1. Headrest
2. Captain Seat (Backrest)
3. Armrest
4. Rear Wheel
5. Mid drive wheel
6. Free wheel lever
7. Joystick controller
8. Positioning belt
9. Charger socket
10. Captain seat
11. Legrest
12. Calf belt
13. Footplate
14. Battery box front
The Captain seat has flip up, height adjustable armrests. The height adjustable footrests can swing away sideways and can be taken off. the backrest can be manually set to different angles.
Standard equipment are subject to change without notice.
1. Armrest width knob
2. Rear indicator (optional)
3. Rear battery box
4. Rear light (optional)
5. Front tie-down loop
The Morgan chassis has transportation loops in the front and rear, which can be used in combination with a 4-point tie down restraint system. Both front and mid drive-wheels can either be selected as solid or air filled tyres. The rear caster wheels are solid. Additionally, the tyres are available in grey or black. The LED lights in the front and rear provide a clear and bright light. Indicators are also intergraded into the light system. The battery compartment can hold up to 50 Ah batteries for a good autonomy drive range. Its six-wheel independent suspension is adjustable to ensure a comfortable and safe drive.
Standard equipment is subject to change without notice.
12.2 Morgan with Sling seat
1. Headrest(optional)
2. Sling Seat (Backrest)
3. Armrest
4. Pelvic Belt
5. Rear caster Wheel
6. Mid drive wheel
7. Front caster wheel
8. Side Panel
9. Joystick controller
10. Charger socket
11. Sling seat
12. Legrest
13. Calf belt
14. Footplate
The Sling seat has flip up, height adjustable armrests. The height adjustable footrests can swing away sideways and can be taken off. the backrest can be manually set to different angles. Its seat cushion and soft backrest provides a comfortable sit.
Standard equipment is subject to change without notice.
12.3 Morgan with KISS Seat
1. Headrest(optional)
2. Backrest
3. Armrest
4. Pelvic Belt
5. Rear caster Wheel
6. Mid drive-wheel
7. Controller (Joystick)
8. Charger socket
9. KISS seat cushion
10. Legrest
11. Footplate
12. Front caster wheel
The KISS seat is a modular, multi adjustable seating systems which can provide optimal seat comfort and support. it has the option for a power cline backrest with biomechanical shear reduction. Its armrests are fully adjustable in height, angle and can also be flipped up for an easy transfer. Different seat cushions shapes and size are available. Also, the backrest has different option to choose from.
Standard equipment are subject to change without notice.
13. Operation.
Except the joystick control panel can be operate by the occupant, other operations should be carried out by an assistant. Anything wheelchair related that requires tools should be done by your authorized Karma service provider.
13.1 Controller cable tie location.
The controller for the Morgan series is packaged in the carton; after opening the carton, the controller needs to be equipped to the correct position by fastening two screws. In the case that the controller cable ties become loose, please refer to the below figure for the locations to fasten the cable ties, and follow the instructions:
1. At Section A (see the figure below), loosen the cable and leave some of the cable hanging because it facilitates the armrest height adjustment.
2. At Section B (see the figure below), cross the cable tie around the screw. It provides better fixation and keeps the cable tie from sliding out of place.
3. The other areas circled also indicates the cable tie locations.
Controller Cable Tie Locations
The controller cable must be fixed as instructed above, otherwise the cable could be damaged and
cause malfunction of the wheelchair.
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