jWIN JD-VR80, jWINSheriff 4.2 Operation Manual

Operation Manual
System Feature
jWINSheriff V4.2 provides advanced digital technology that supercedes old-fashioned CCTV monitoring and VCR systems. It allows 'instant replay' and simultaneous recording.
jWINSheriff V4.2 also provides security personnel to define 'security events' that
require recording compression of non-event periods into a few frames of video for
continuity. This eliminates long hours of tape review and allows you to quickly find any date,
time or alarm by random access.
System Requirements
This chart reflects the minimum system requirements to operate jWINSheriff.
Windows98SE or Higher Windows98SE or Higher
Pentium II 400MHz or Higher Pentium III 700MHz or Higher
Expansion Slot
1 PCI Slot 2 PCI Slot
System Memory
128MB or More 256MB or More
Video Memory
16MB or More 32MB or More (ATI Series)
Main board
IBM PC Compatible Intel845, SiS645 Series or Higher
Hard Disc Space
10GB or More 20GB or More
Version 8.0 or Higher Version 8.0 or Higher
For Remote View
Modem or Network Card Modem or Network Card
In case of using above two card, Program might do not work according to the specification of
Main board or VGA adapter.
Installing jWINSheriff Board
1) Turn off power on the computer.
* It is very important to turn the computer’s power before you open the case. Static
Electricity can provide a big enough shock to damage the components of your PC. NEED
2) Open computer case and Please install as follows:
3) Check to make sure there is a PCI slot available.
< PCI slot >
4) Please install securely in the slot.
< PCI slot Installation >
5) Secure the card in place by tightening the screw.
6) Close the case then turn on the computer
AGP (VGA) Slot
PCI Slot
ISA Slot
Install System
A User may connect CCTV camera, video phone, or video out port of any security
system to one of camera input ports on GVC capture card.
Also, a user may use TV out to connect an external analog CCTV monitor.
Video Out
Install Software
1) After installed jWINSheriff Board, and turn on your computer, automatically
display as below “Found New Hardware Wizard” program. At that time, click all of
“Cancel” button, and finished Wizard program. (according to a type of board and
quantity of board, can be repeated.)
2) To install
jWINSheriff V4.2 software, You must insert ‘the installation CD' in your
CD-ROM drive.
3) Then, the installation program will run automatically. (If not, run 'Autorun.exe' file)
4) Select "Install Recorder".
5) Before installation takes place, a dialog box will ask whether it should install with driver.
If you selected “Yes”, it will install the
jWINSheriff program with driver (The Driver is
needed to run this program. If this is your first installation of jWINSheriff on your
Computer, you must select “Yes”)
6) And then Installing device driver.
7) According to indicating the install program, click “Next” program.
8) Reboot computer, if you had done installation successfully. The jWINSheriff
program icon will appear on window of your desktop.
jWINSheriff uses a specific data format. So, you must designate the specific
data file by using the setup program’s 'Storage Space' section after installation.
jWINSheriff will not record data without specific jWINSheriff storage space.
Main Screen Overview
Local Viewer: Run Local Viewer[Search]
Setup : Run Setup
Minimize/Close : Hide Button DVR Recorder in tray bar, and Close Button[Exit]
Video & Audio Recording Status : Status of Recording about Video and Audio
Warning: Display Warning Message
Screen Mode : Division of Display Screen [1,1/4,2/4,3/4,4/4,1/9,10/9,16,etc..]
Channel Rotation: Automatically Changing Channel
PTZ Control: PTZ basic button
PTZ Speed Control: Slide bar for PTZ moving speed
PTZ Extension: Button about expending PTZ control panel
Digital Out Switch: Switch button about Digital-out on Capture board
Exit: Exit Button
Local ViewerSetup
Video &
Screen Mode
Digital Out
Speed Control
Preset ID and Password
The preset ID is set in “Administrator,” Password is set in “Admin.”
Setup Tree
- Display Device
- Video Input Signal
- Communication Setup(WebCam Server)
- PTZ Setup
- Save Image Quality
- Font
- Use Full screen mode
- Check Daily Reboot
- Use Password
- User Add/Delete
- Windows Shell mode
- Site Name
Sensor / Alarm Setup
Camera / Motion Detection
- Camera Setup
- Motion Setup
- Overlay Setup
- PTZ Receiver Setup
Audio Setup
Schedule Setup
Holiday / Recording Frame
- Holiday Registration
- Event Recording Setup
- Motion recording Setup
- On Time recording Setup
- Sensor recording Setup
Storage Space
- Using Line Monitor
- Using Alert Mode
- Notify E-mail
Display Device
Basically, jWINSheriff support DirectX, but the graphic card of your computer
sometimes do not support above DirectX and YUV Overlay. In this case, you must set up
“Display Device” to “RGB Device” (The default value is “RGB Device”.)
Video Input Signal
jWINSheriff support both of Video signal NTSC and PAL type. In NTSC, maximum
recording speed is 30 fps, in PAL TYPE; maximum recording speed is 25fps on each
Setup the communication
1) Using TCP/IP
- Check “Use TCP/IP” in Check box.
2) Using Dynamic IP by DHCP of ADSL, Cable modem.
- First, verify the network connection and Internet connection is working.
- Check “Use TCP/IP” in Check box.
- Click “Web registration.”
- Click “Register Web server” -> Pop-up window will appear.
- Key in “www.inetdvr.com” in “Web server”
- In “Site Name” key in a characteristics name instead of IP address.
3) Using in network behind Firewall or internal IP.
- To set the Port settings, Select TCP/IP (default value 911 for Video, 912 for Audio),
You must notify it to your network manager for these changes.
(Please inquiry details to your network manager.)
4) Using Serial Device
- Check “Use Serial Device” in check box.
- Set up communication port and transfer rate.
5) Using PSTN (Public Subscriber Telephone Network) Dialup Modem.
- Check “Use serial device” in check box.
- Check “In Modem device.”
- Click “Find Modem” or set up communication port.
- Set up “Baud rate”
WebCam Server
1) Using a WebCam Server
Even if you have no client program at the remote site you can watch images to using a
web browser. Check “Web Cam Server” for this function.
The value of default port is 80, but the user can change the value of the default port. If
there is no display of the image due to the firewall. (The remote user can connect the
webcam server to the recorder without the network administrator authorization.
For broadband T1 and Dial up Connection
The user sets up the frame rate according to the communication speed of the on line
connection. The maximum number of frames that can be viewed is 30fps. The higher the
fps the more CPU resources will be needed from the server.
Therefore, the user can adjust the fps speed of upload from 1fps for PSTN Dial-up modem
or less than 300Kbps, 2fps for 512Kbps and 30fps for 10Mbps on the basis of 4 channels.
If you used Web Agent when you changed Web Server Port, WebAgent should be
2) Viewer
When the user is monitoring the image through web browser, the user must set up the
IP address of the server and port number, through the WebCam Sever set up port. If
WebCam Server set up default port, that is Web server port, so you could insert just IP
Address on web browser.
For example, enter “” or “” on
the location window of the web browser.
PTZ (Pan Tilt Zoom)
Set up communication port for control PTZ, transfer rate, parity.
The PTZ Receiver uses RS-485 communication protocol, and you can reserve that port for
DVR capture board. “COM1” or “COM2”, can only be used for (RS-232C) protocol.
jWINSheriff supports setting each PTZ Receiver by different ID number (in tab “Set up
Save Image Quality
jWINSheriff supports MJPEG and MPEG4 algorism.
MJPEG, provides higher image quality, While MPEG4 provides a higher compression rate.
When selecting MPEG4, you must to set Key Frame term.
Font Set up
User can change font of camera name.
Full Screen Mode
If there is no keyboard or mouse movement within a 60 second period the screen will
automatically be changed to the full screen mode.
Daily Reboot Feature
When the daily reboot function is checked, the system will automatically reboot itself at
the prescribed time. When systems are running for long periods of time they tend to
accumulate very large memory files which can cause the system to freeze up. This feature
is very useful for assigning dates and times to automatically reboot the system.
Use Password
Only authorized person can use the set-up page to change contents or shut the down.
Default User ID/Password is “Administrator/Admin”, “Anonymous/Guest”
It’s necessary to set authorizations for other User ID’s operation and Remote Access.
Specially, “Anonymous/Guest” is important when you used WebCam Server.
When you accessed Webcam server, the Server will be start to find “anonymous”. If the
User ID is existed, the Server is checked channel which camera channels are shown by
server setup.
Otherwise, If there is no ID:Anonymous (ex, ID:Anonymous was Erased), every camera is
not able to access by anyone.
User Add/Del
To register new user, click “User Add/Del” button, and then click “Add new user”.
Insert new ID and Password about new user. In user authority, “allow multiple
Access” have the function that multi user can do simultaneous access.
However, supervisor is not permitted multiple accesses (Person that have authority of
run/end, set up it.)
Window Shell Mode
If you wanted to use your computer for DVR, Check this box.
If you checked this, after computer rebooting, Only DVR runs on your computer without
any application.
Site Name
This system window with “Site Name” to distinguish another DVR’s from remote client
Program. (This is same with site name of “register Web Server” in “Set up -
This section defines the sensor/alarm action.
jWINSheriff supports 2 type of Sensor/alarm action.
“x”: If sensor works, record those images according to schedule.
From above “x,” click right mouse, you can use extension functions (Preset,
Light On, User Operation).
When PTZ was supported,
“P1 ~ P16”: When sensor works, camera operates to preset location.
“L”: When sensor works, turn on light.
“U”: This function controls the Aux 5 of PTZ Controller from user operation.
As above, only PTZ controller is supported. If not so, and you use to alarm control in
DVR Board, you can click alarm number connected with sensor number. You can set up
one Sensor/alarms or sensors/ an alarm.
You can set NC (Normal Close), NO (Normal Open) and Alarm out duration.
Digital out is worked by event on schedule, during how long time you set.
It’s not worked when you switched digital out.
For setup alarm out duration
Click D/O channel number
For setup NC, NO
Click Sensor number
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