Juniper STRM 2008.2R2 - UPGRADING TO STRM 2008.2R2 REV 2, STRM 2008.2R2 Upgrade Manual

Before You Begin 1
RELEASE 2008.2R2
This document provides information for upgrading to STRM 2008.2 including:
Before You Begin
Troubleshooting Your Upgrade
Clearing the Cache
You must upgrade the systems in your deployment in the following order:
Caution: The upgrade process must be complete on your STRM Console and you must be able to access the STRM user interface on your system hosting the Console before you upgrade any other systems in your deployment.
Remote Event Processors
Remote Event Collectors
Classification Engines
Flow Processors
Flow Collectors
Before You Begin Before you upgrade to STRM 2008.2, note the following:
To upgrade to STRM 2008.2r2, you must be running STRM 2008.2r1. If you are
not running STRM 2008.2r1, contact Juniper Networks Customer Support for assistance with your upgrade.
Make sure you log out of STRM and any instance of the STRM Administration
Make sure all browsers are closed during the upgrade process.
Make sure you upgrade all systems in your deployment hosting VIS
components. If you do not upgrade these systems, error messages may appear in the log files until the affected systems are upgraded.
Custom configuration to the crontab is not maintained after the upgrade. The
default crontab configuration is applied by the upgrade process. We recommend that you backup your crontab configuration prior to the upgrade using the the upgrade, do not replace the default crontab configuration with the backup
crontab –l > /tmp/crontab_backup command. However, after
version since this results in lost changes for STRM 2008.2. You must re-apply your custom crontab configuration after the upgrade process.
Make sure that you have Java Runtime Environment installed on your system.
You can download Java version 1.5.0_12 at the following web site:
Upgrading to STRM
Step 1 Go to the Juniper Networks web site to access the STRM 2008.2 software:
Step 2 Click the Management Software link and log in. Go to the Security Threat
Step 3 Copy the file to the /tmp folder on your system.
Step 4 Log in as root. Step 5 Create a folder named cdrom
Step 6 Run the following command:
Step 7 Enter the following command:
To upgrade to STRM 2008.2 from STRM 2008.1:
Note: Before you begin the upgrade process, make sure you review the Before
You Begin section. This section outlines requirements that must be satisfied before
you begin the upgrade process.
Response Manager Link to download the software.
Note: Make sure you copy the appropriate upgrade file for your operating system to the /tmp folder.
mkdir /media/cdrom
mount –t iso9660 –o loop /tmp/STRM2008.2.iso /media/cdrom
Step 8 Read the messages and answer the prompts.
The following prompt appears:
About to upgrade your STRM from 2008.1 to 2008.2. Continue (Y/[N])?
Step 9 To continue, enter Y.
If STRM was previously upgraded, a prompt appears informing you that a previous backup was found.
Step 10 Enter y to proceed with the upgrade.
If the current operating system kernel is older than the version in the upgrade, a prompt appears informing you this kernel will be replaced.
Step 11 Enter y to proceed with the upgrade.
Wait for upgrade process to complete. This process may require up to several minutes, depending on your system. When the process is complete, a message appears:
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