Jung KNX 4092M-01 Operating Instructions Manual

Room controller display module 2-gang
Room controller display module 2-gang
Art. No. : RCD .. 4092M-01
Operating instructions

1 Safety instructions

2 Device components

Figure 1
Figure 2
(1) Display (2) Text area (3) Buttons 1 and 2 (4) Operating and status LED (5) Status icons
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Room controller display module 2-gang

3 Function

System information
This device is a product of the KNX system and complies with the KNX directives. Detailed technical knowledge obtained in KNX training courses is a prerequisite to proper understanding.
The function of this device depends upon the software. Detailed information on loadable soft ware and attainable functionality as well as the software itself can be obtained from the manufacturer´s product database. Planning, installation and commissioning of the device are carried out with the aid of KNXcertified software. The latest versions of product database and the technical descriptions are available on our website.
Intended use
Operation of loads, e.g. light on/off, dimming, blinds up/down, brightness values, tempera
tures, calling up and saving light scenes, etc.  Measurement and feedback control of the room temperature  Mounting only in the wall box listed under Mounting

4 Operation

Operating a function or load
Depending on the programming, a button can have up to three functions assigned to it – upper/left, lower/right, entire surface. Operation depends on the specific function.
o Switching: Short press on button. o Dimming: Long press on the button. The dimming process ends when the button is
o Move Venetian blind: Long press on button. o Stop or adjust Venetian blind: Short press on button. o Call up light scene: Short press on button. o Save light scene: Long press on button. o Set value, e.g. brightness or temperature setpoint: Short press on button.
Operating modes and icons
The device compares the current room temperature with the setpoint temperature and controls heating or cooling devices according to the current demand. The setpoint temperature depends on the current operating mode and can be changed by the user, depending on the program ming. The operating modes and the current controller status are shown in the display.
ó: Operating mode Comfort ô: Operating mode Standby õ: Operating mode Night ö: Operating mode Frost/heat protection. At temperatures below 41 °F
(5 °C), the icon flashes.
÷: Dew point operation display; controller is disabled óõ: Comfort extension Night óö: Comfort extension Frost protection Ü: Information mode is active. When the button is pressed, the display shows a text for the trig
gered function.
òñ...: Fan controller with fan level display. ë= Fan off. ÝÞ...â: Heating mode with display of the heating stage ãä...è: Cooling mode with display of the cooling é: Energy requirement; currently there is heating or cooling. þ: Operating display for switching channels 1...4 switched on: øùúû or ýüþ Û: Buttons disabled
0: No setpoint shift ...– – 0 or 0 – –... : Setpoint temperature reduced or increased manually
82574805 J0082574805
Room controller display module 2-gang
o: Switch off buttonpress display, dim darker, move blind down, decrease value. Is activated for approx. 3 seconds when pressed.
n: Switch on buttonpress display, dim brighter, move blind up, increase value. Is activated for approx. 3 seconds when pressed.
Text display
The text area (2) in the display shows texts, e.g. music tracks, values, time, date, temperatures, etc. A total of up to 12 lines on 4 pages are available. With appropriate programming, additional icons in the text area can display more states, e.g. weather data, level information or scrolling text with up to 2 x 14 characters.
Toggling between pages – depending on programming – can take place automatically by press ing a button or can be controlled from other devices, e.g. a timer.
Second operating level
The second operating level contains functions for setting the room temperature control and operating an alarm control center, if present, etc. The following settings are available. Some items are not visible, depending on the programming.
Continuous controller
Comfort mode: setpoint temperature
Heating standby: temperature reduction
Cooling standby: temperature increase
Heating night reduction: temperature reduction
Cooling night reduction: temperature increase
Heat protection: setpoint temperature
Frost protection: setpoint temperature
Cooling mode max.: limit value
Cooling mode max.: difference  Alarm control center
The texts are sent from the alarm control center.  Information mode
Onetouch operation / doubletouch operation / Off  Presence
Switched on / switched off  Setpoint shift
Increase / reduction  Operating mode
Standby mode / Night mode / Frost/heat protection / Comfort mode  Fan levels
Off / Manual: Level 1 ... Level 8 / Automatic operation  Device information
RCS .. 4092 M .. / Firmware x V xx  Display
Pixel test  Save  Cancel
Operate second operating level
The second operating level is programmed and not disabled.
o Open: Simultaneously press the buttons 1 and 2 at the top (figure 1). o Press button 1 at top or bottom.
The current setting is switched or the displayed value is increased or decreased. o Press button 2 at top or bottom.
The display switches to the previous or next menu entry.
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+ 5 hidden pages