JUMO GmbH & Co. KG
Delivery address: Mackenrodtstraße 14
36039 Fulda, Germany
Postal address:
36035 Fulda, Germany
Phone: +49 661 6003-0
Fax: +49 661 6003-607
E-mail: mail@jumo.net
Internet: www.jumo.net
JUMO Instrument Co. Ltd.
JUMO House
Temple Bank, Riverway
Harlow, Essex CM20 2DY, UK
Phone: +44 1279 635533
Fax: +44 1279 635262
E-mail: sales@jumo.co.uk
Internet: www.jumo.co.uk
JUMO Process Control, Inc.
6733 Myers Road
East Syracuse, NY 13057, USA
Phone: 315-437-5866
Fax: 315-437-5860
E-mail: info.us@jumo.net
Internet: www.jumousa.com
Push-in RTD Temperature Probe
with Connecting Cable
■ Temperature range from -50 to +400 °C
■ As single or double RTD temperature probe
■ In 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire-circuit
■ Connecting cable PVC, silicone, PTFE, metal braiding
Push-in RTD temperature probes are mainly used for measuring temperature in liquids and gasses. The application areas, among others, are the air conditioning and refrigeration industry, in
the construction of heating systems/furnaces/equipment, and in laboratory technology.
Depending on the version, the connection cables are suitable for dry or moist rooms with a temperature range between -50 to +400 °C. The connecting cable transition points are strainrelieved. An anti-kink protection is available as an option.
A Pt100 temperature sensing element according to DIN EN 60751, class b in 2-wire circuit is
used as a measuring insert by default – versions with Pt500 or Pt1000 are also possible. The
connection is also available in 3-wire and 4-wire circuits as an option.
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Technical data
Connection Cable ends stripped bare, with ferrules
available with push-on contacts or multi-pole plug connector
Connecting cable PVC, ambient temperature -5 to +80 °C (+105 °C)
Protection tube Stainless steel 1.4571, Ø 3 mm, Ø 4 mm, Ø 5 mm, Ø 5.2 mm, Ø 6 mm, and Ø 8 mm
Measuring insert Pt100 temperature sensing element, DIN EN 60751, class B, 2-wire circuit
Response times In water 0.4 m/s / in air 3.0 m/s
Accessories For pipe screw connections and flanges refer to data sheet 909750
PUR, ambient temperature -5 (+5) to +105 °C
Silicone, ambient temperature -50 to +180 °C
PTFE, ambient temperature -50 to +260 °C
Metal braiding, ambient temperature -50 to +260 °C (+350 °C / +400 °C)
Ø 6 mm: water t
Ø 8 mm: water t
approx. 4 s, t
approx. 7 s, t
approx. 10 s / in air t
approx. 18 s / in air t
approx. 32 s, t
approx. 50 s, t
approx. 98 s
approx. 140 s
JUMO GmbH & Co. KG
Delivery address: Mackenrodtstraße 14
36039 Fulda, Germany
Postal address:
36035 Fulda, Germany
Phone: +49 661 6003-0
Fax: +49 661 6003-607
E-mail: mail@jumo.net
Internet: www.jumo.net
JUMO Instrument Co. Ltd.
JUMO House
Temple Bank, Riverway
Harlow, Essex CM20 2DY, UK
Phone: +44 1279 635533
Fax: +44 1279 635262
E-mail: sales@jumo.co.uk
Internet: www.jumo.co.uk
JUMO Process Control, Inc.
6733 Myers Road
East Syracuse, NY 13057, USA
Phone: 315-437-5866
Fax: 315-437-5860
E-mail: info.us@jumo.net
Internet: www.jumousa.com
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