You have made an excellent choice.
JULABO thanks you for the tr ust y ou hav e plac ed in us.
This operati ng manual has been designed t o help you gain an understanding of the operation and possible
applicati ons of our ci rculators. For optimal utili z ation of all functions, we recomm end that you thor oughly study
this manual prior to beginning operation.
The JULABO Quality Management System
Temperature contr ol devices f or research and indu stry are dev eloped, pr oduced, and
distribut ed ac c or ding to the requirements of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Certificate
Registrati on No. 01 100044846
Unpacking and inspect ing
Unpack the instrument and accessories and inspect t hem for possible transport damage. Dam age shoul d be
reported to the responsible carrier, rail way, or postal authority, and a damage report should be requested. These
instructions must be followed fully for us to guarantee our full support of your claim for pr otecting against loss
from concealed damage. The form required for filing such a claim will be provided by the carrier.
Printed in Germany Changes without prior notification reserved
11. REMOTE CONTROL .............................................................................................................. 60
11.1. S etup for remote control ............................................................................................. 60
11.2. Com munication with a PC or a superordinat ed data system ........................................ 61
11.3. List of commands........................................................................................................ 62
11.4. Status messages / error messages ............................................................................. 65
12. CLEANING / REPAIRING THE UNIT ...................................................................................... 67
Operating manual
1. Intended use
The High Temperatur e Cir c ulator HT30-M1 is to be employed especially f or closed temper ing circuits in the
laboratory, t he technical institution or the production, like e.g. for distillati on plants, reaction vessels, autoclaves,
injection moulding tools.
JULABO circulators are not suitable for direct t em per ature c ontrol of foods, semi-luxury foods
and tobacco, or pharm ac eutical and medical products. Dir ec t t em per ature control means
unprotected cont ac t of the object with the bath medium (bath fluid).
1.1. Description
The structure of the High Temperat ure Circulator HT30 is sub-divided in three zones:
•The cold zone (on t op) with the electronics for contr olling and monitoring, the t em per ature c ontrol and the
pump motor.
•The cooling z one with the cooling coil, the fl oat f or the lev el indication, a temperature sensor for monitoring
the temperatur e, t he c onnec tion for inert-gas, the connecti on for the expansion vessel as well as an
overflow nozzl e. At t his pl ac e the t em per at ur e monitor ing is independant from the other safety devices.
•The heati ng zone (down) with the heating element, t he pum p, t he temper ature sensors and the flow nozzl e.
The M1 control electronics is connected to the HT30-circulato r via a cont rol cable.
•The local oper ation of the control electronics M1 is effected via a splash-water protected keypad. The
Microprocessor technology allows to set three different temperatur e v alues, to store and to indicate them via
the digital display LCD – the working temperature and the values for the excess and lower temperature
warning functi ons.
•With the integrated programmer the instructions for setpoint and time for six different temperature pr ofiles
can be stored and called in.
• Via an analog i nterface REG+E-PROG an analog programmer can be connec ted for the setpoint.
• At the same tim e this interface is provided with three analog outputs for the recorder. For the best resolution
the output setti ngs can be adjusted via the menu delete surface - should j ust be M enu.
The remote control via the digital RS232/RS485 int erface according to NAMUR allows the most m oder n
process technology without additional interface.
•The excess temper ature protection i s a safety equipm ent which does not depend on the control circl e. Its
safety value is shown and can be adjusted by the MULTI-DISPLAY (LED).
•The level of liquid is acquired in the cooling z one, indicated to the control el ectr onic s via the control cable.
There they are made vi sibl e by an 8-grade level indication.
The C.U.-cooling unit can be installed firmly and fulfills two tasks.
•The temperature of the tempering liquid in the cooling zone is supervised. If it is necessary the cooling water
is led through the integr ated cooling coil in order to reduce the temperature (without C.U.-cooling unit t he
cooling coil c an be connect ed dir ec tly to the cooling water).
•With a separate cooling circuit through the C.U.-cooling unit a rapid cooli ng of t he temper ing liquid becomes
Operator responsibi lity – Safety instructions
2. Operator responsibility – Safety instructions
The products of JULABO ensure safe operation when installed, operated, and mai ntained according to common
safety regulati ons. This section explains the pot ential dangers that m ay arise when operating the circulat or and
also specifies the most important safety precautions to preclude t hese dangers as far as possible.
The operator is responsible for the qualific ation of the personnel operating the units.
The personnel operating the units should be regularl y instruct ed about the dangers involved with their job
activiti es as well as m easures to avert these dangers.
Make sure all persons tasked with operating, install ing, and maintaining the unit hav e r ead and under stand
the safety inform ation and operating instruc tions.
When using hazardous mat eri als or materials that could become hazardous, the circ ulator may be operated
only by persons who are absolutel y familiar with these materi als and the ci r c ulator. These persons must be
fully aware of possible r isks.
If you have any questions concerning the operation of your unit or the information in this manual, please cont ac t
Safety instru ctions for t he operator:
Avoid strikes to t he housi ng, vibrations, damage to the operating-element panel ( k ey pad, display), and
Make sure the product is checked for proper condition regular ly (depending on the conditions of use).
Regularly check ( at least every 2 years) the proper condition of the mandatory, warning, pr ohibition and
safety labels.
Make sure that the mains power supply has l ow im pedanc e to avoid any negativ e eff ects on the instr um ents
being operated on the same mains.
This unit is designed f or oper ation in a controlled electromagnetic environment. This means that transmitti ng
devices (e.g., cellular phones) should not be used in the immediate vicinity.
Magnetic radiation may affect other devic es with c om ponents sensi tive to magnetic fields (e.g., monitors).
We recommend maintai ning a mi nim um distanc e of 1 m.
Permissible am bient temperature: max. 40 °C, min. 5 °C.
Permissible r elative humidity: 50% (40 °C).
Do not store the unit in an aggressive atmosphere. Protect t he unit f r om cont ami nation.
Do not expose the unit to sunlight.
Only qualified per sonnel is authorized to confi gur e, install, maintain, or repair the circulator.
Persons who operate the circulator must be trained in the part icular tasks by qualified personnel. The
summarized user guidance ( short manual) and the specification table with inform ation on individual parameters
are sufficient for this.
is not permitted!
The bath can be filled wit h flammable materials. Fire hazard!
There might be chemic al danger s dependi ng on the bath medium used.
Observe all warnings f or the used m aterials (bath fluids) and t he r espect ive instructions (safety data sheets).
Insufficient ventilation may result in the formation of explosive mixtures. Only use the unit in well venti lated
Only use recommended m aterials (bath fluids). Only use non-acid and non c or r oding materials.
When using hazardous mat eri als or materials that could become hazardous, the operator must affix the
enclosed safety labels (1 + 2) to the front of the unit so they are highly visible:
Particular care and at tention is necessary because of the wide operat ing range.
There are thermal danger s: B ur n, scald, hot steam, hot parts and surfac es that can be touched.
Observe the instruc tions in the manuals for instruments of a different make that you connec t t o the cir c ulator,
particularly the corresponding safety instr uc tions. Also observe the pi n assignment of plugs and technical
specifications of the products.
Warning label W00: Colors: yellow, black
Danger area. Attention! Observe instructions.
(operating manual, safety data sheet)
Mandatory l abel M 018: Colors: blue, white
Carefully read the user i nformation prior to begi nning operation.
Scope: EU
Semi S1-0701 Table A1-2 #9
Carefully read the user i nformation prior to begi nning operation.
Warning label W26: Colors: yellow, black
Hot surface warning.
(The label is put on by JULABO)
2.1. Disposal
The product may be used with oil as bath fluid. These oils fully or partially consist of mineral oil or synthetic oil.
For disposal, f ollow the instructions in the materi al safety data sheets.
Valid in EU countries
See the current official journal of the European Union – WEEE directive.
Directive of t he European Par liament and of the Council on waste electrical and electronic
equipment (WEEE ).
This directive r equir es el ec trical and electronic equipment marked with a crossed-out trash
can to be disposed of separately in an environmentally friendly manner.
Contact an authoriz ed waste m anagement company in your countr y .
Disposal with household waste ( unsort ed waste) or simi lar collections of munici pal waste
Operator responsibi lity – Safety instructions
2.2. EC Conformity
Operator responsibi lity – Safety instructions
2.3. Warranty conditions
JULABO GmbH warrants its products against defects in material or in workmanshi p, when used under
appropriate conditions and in accordance with appr opr iate operating instr uc tions
for a period of ONE YEAR.
Extension of the warranty period – free of charge
With the ‘1PLUS warranty’ t he user rec eives a free of charge extensi on to the warranty of up to 24 months,
limited to a maximum of 10 000 worki ng hour s.
To apply for this ext ended warrant y the user must register the unit on t he J ULABO web site
indicati ng the seri al no. The extended warranty will apply from the dat e of JULA BO GmbH’s original invoice.
JULABO GmbH reserves the right to decide the validity of any warranty cl aim . In case of f aults arising either
due to faulty materials or workmanship, parts will be r epair ed or r eplac ed free of charge, or a new replacement
unit will be suppli ed.
Any other compensation claims are excluded from this guarantee.,
2.4. Technic al sp eci fic at io ns
HT30-M1 HT30-M1-C.U.
Working temperature range
70 ... 400 40 … 400
Temperature stability external
±0,01 ... ±0.1
Display accurac y
±0.5 ±1Digit
Temperature selec tion
via keypad
indicati on on LCD DIALOG-DISPLAY
remote control via PC
indication on monitor
Temperature indication
Multi-Display (LED)
DIALOG-Display (LCD)
Absolute Temperature Calibration
(ATC 1)
(ATC 2)
Temperature control
ICC - Intelligent Cascade Control,
Cascade, parameter c an be c alled-in and modified
Heater wattage (at 230 V)
C.U.-cooling unit:
at 2 l/min flow of cooling water
Pressure pump:
Max. pressure max. at 0 liters
0.8 … 1.2
Flow rate max. at 0 bar
14 … 18
Electrical connections:
See page 12
Filling volume
litre 2 Overall dimensi ons (W x Dx H) M1
25x25x18 25x25x18
27 35
Ambient temperature
5 ... 40
Mains power connection 230 V/50 HZ
V / Hz
230 ±10 % / 50
Current draw (at 230 V)
Mains power connection 230 V/60 HZ
V / Hz
230 ±10 % / 60
Current draw (at 230 V)
Temperature <IntAct>
Cooling capacity
Overall dimensi ons (W x Dx H) HT30 Cm 23x23x58 43x23x58
All measurements have been carried out at:
rated voltage and frequency ambient temperat ur e: 20 °C
Technical changes without prior notification reserved.
----- 350 250 150 75
----- 12 8 4 1
Operator responsibi lity – Safety instructions
Electrical connections:
Computer interf ac e RS232 or RS485 or Profi
Programmer input 0 - 10 V / 0 - 20 mA
Temperatur rec or der outputs Channel 1 / 2 0 - 10 V /
Channel 3 0 - 20 mA / 4 - 20 mA
Stand-by input
External alarm devic e Switching capaci ty max. 30 W / 40 VA
Switching voltage max. 125 V∼/−
Switching cur r ent max. 1 A
External measurem ent and control sensor Pt100, 4-lead technique
Safety install at io ns according to IEC 61010-2-010:
Excess temperatur e pr otection adjustable fr om 0 °C to 420 °C
Low liquid level protection float switch
Liquid level indication optical 8-graded
Rèpartition par cl asse selon DIN 12876-1 Classe III FL
Supplementary safety installations
High temperat ur e warning func tion optical + audible (in intervals)
Low temperature warning function optical + audible (in intervals)
Supervision of the worki ng sensor plausi bility control
Reciprocal sensor monitoring between
working and safety sensors difference >100 K
Alarm indicati on optical + audi ble ( permanent)
Environment al condi tion s according to IEC 61 010-1:
• Use only indoor.
• Altitude up t o 2000 m - normal zero.
• Ambient tem per ature: see Technical specifications
• Air humidity:
Max. rel. humidity 80 % for temper atures up to +31 °C,
linear decrease down to 50 % relative humidity at a temperature of +40 °C
• Max. mains fluctuations of ±10 % are permissible.
• Overvoltage category II
• Pollution degr ee 2
The unit is not for use in expl osive environment
Protection class according to IEC 60 529: IP21
The unit corresponds to Class I
Standards for interference resistance accor ding to EN 61326-1
This unit is an ISM device classified in Group 1 (using high frequenc y for internal purposes) Class A (industrial
and commercial range).
2.5. Cooling water connection
Avoid putri d water.
7.5 to 9.0
Sulfate [SO4 2- ]
< 100 ppm
Hydrocarbonate [HCO 3-]/sulfate [SO4 2-]
Hardness [Ca 2+, Mg 2+]/[HCO 3-]
> 0 .5 °dH
60 ppm < [HCO 3-] < 300 ppm
< 500 μS/cm
Chloride (Cl -)
Phosphate (PO4 3-)
< 2 ppm
Ammonia (NH3)
< 0.5 ppm
Free chlorine
< 0.5 ppm
Trivalent iron ions (Fe 3+)
< 0.5 ppm
Manganese ions (Mn 2+)
< 0.05 ppm
Carbon dioxide ( CO2)
< 10 ppm
Hydrogen sulfide ( H2S )
< 50 ppm
Content of oxygen
< 0.1 ppm
Algae growth
Suspended solids
Cooling water pressure (IN / OUT ) max. 4.5 bar
Differenc e pressure (I N - O U T ) 2.0 to 4.5 bar
Rate of flow typical 2 l/min
Cooling water tem per ature <20 °C
Danger of corrosion of heat exchanger due to unsuitable quality of cooling water.
•Due to its high content of lime, hard water is not suitable for cooling and causes scale in
the heat exchanger.
•Ferrous water or water contai ning ferrous particles wil l cause f ormation of rust even in
heat exchangers made of stainless steel.
• Chlorinat ed water will cause pitting corrosi on in heat exchangers made of stai nless steel .
• Due to their corrosive characteristic s, distilled water and deioniz ed water ar e unsui table
and will cause corrosion of the bath.
• Due to its corrosive characteristics, sea water i s not suitable.
• Due to its microbiological (bacterial) components, which settle in the heat exchanger,
untreated and unpurified river water and water from c ooling towers is unsuitable.
• Avoid partic ulate matter in cooling water.
Recommended quality of cooling water:
> 1 ppm
< 50 ppm
Operating controls and functional elements
3. Operating controls and functional elements
M1 – control electronic
1 Mains power switch, illuminated
Start / stop key
Working temperature T
Key for automatic filling and aeration
High temperat ur e warning limit
Low temperature warning lim it
Safety temperature
Adjustable exc ess temperature protection ( safety temperature)
Control type: internal/external control
/ /
MULTI-DISPLAY (LED) temperature indication
Display of internal/external actual value
Indicator li ghts:
Temperature indication - external actual value
Alarm / Cooling / Heating
DIALOG-DISPLAY (LCD) for indication of:
Line 1: Setpoint or or
Line 2: Internal or exter nal actual value
Line 3: Heating power in %
Line 4: Control type: internal / external control
MENU key - for selecting the menu functions
Cursor keys - Select menu items
P-key Selecting paramet er s
Numeral keypad: numerals 0 to 9; minus / decimal point
Enter key 1) Store value / paramet er
2) Next lower menu level
Escape key 1) Cancel entries
2) Return to a higher menu level
Socket for exter nal m easurement and control sensor Pt100
8-grade liquid level indication
Operating controls and functional elements
Rear view
Interface RS232/RS485
Programmer input and tem per ature r ec or der output
Stand-by input (f or ext er nal em er genc y switc h-off)
Alarm output (for exter nal alarm signal)
Control exit Connector for control cable of circulat or HT30
Mains circuit break er s (resettable): 16 A,
Mains fuses: fuse holder with fein-wire fuses T16A
Mains circuit break er s (resettable): Fuses 4 A, for C.U. -cool ing unit
38 Mains power cable with pl ug
HT30 High Temperature Circulator with C.U.-cool in g un it (o pti on)
Front view:
Cold zone
Cooling zone
Heating zone
Rear view:
Presentation: Cooling unit divided from HT30
Operating controls and functional elements
40 Stand rod attac hm ent wit h mouting screw; ∅12; M8
41 Connector for liquid level indicator or
second expansion vessel; M 16x1 / ∠37°
42 Drain plug for bat h liquid; M16x1
43/43a Expansion vessel / Connect or for ex pansi on v essel; M16x1
(When filling it serves as funnel)
Cooling water connectors at the HT30, M12 / ∠37°
OUT – outlet (44), IN – inlet (45)
• Connection for cooling water or
• Connection for clocked cooling water with magnetic valve or
• Connection for clocked cooling water out of t he CU-unit
Cooling water connectors at the C.U.-cooling unit; ∅10
IN –inlet, OUT – outlet
Overflow connector ∅15,5 / G ¼ ″ Internal thread
54 Drain plug for cooling water; M10x1
55 Control cable wit h 16-c hannel plug for
Control cable wit h 6-c hannel plug for connection of the C.U.-cooling unit
Inert gas connector ∅10; M 8x 1 Internal thread
Pump connector f or ext er nal temper atur application
Return; M16x1
Pump connector for external temperatur application
Feed ; M16x1
Pump connector f or C.U.-cooling unit - Return; M16x1
(Cooling cir c uit )
Pump connector f or C.U.-cooling unit - Feed; M16x1
(Cooling cir c uit )
connection of the M 1 contr ol elec tronics
Control exit for C.U.-cooling unit
Control exit for magnet ic valve (for clocked cooling water)
4. Safety notes for the user
surroundings can be dam aged.
Indicates usage ti ps and other useful information.
valid safety instructions for working places must be followed.
Employ suitable connecting tubing.
4.1. Explanation of safety notes
In addition to the safety warnings listed above, warnings are posted t hr oughout the manual.
These warnings are designat ed by an ex cl am ation mark inside an equilateral triangle.
“Warning of a dangerous situation (Attenti on! Please follow the documentation).”
The danger is classifi ed usi ng a si gnal word.
Read and follow these im por tant instructions.
Describes a possibl y highly danger ous sit uation. If these instruc tions are not followed, serious
injury and danger to life could result.
Describes a possibl y danger ous sit uation. If this is not avoided, slight or minor injuries could
result. A warning of possibl e pr oper ty damage may also be contai ned in the t ex t.
Describes a possibl y harmf ul si tuation. If this is not avoided, the pr oduc t or anything in its
4.2. Explan ation of ot her no te s
Draws attention to something special.
4.3. Safety instructions
Follow the safet y recommendations to prevent dam age to persons or propert y . Further, the
• Only connect the unit to a power socket with earthing contact (PE – protective earth)!
• The power supply plug serves as safe disconnecting device from the line and must be
always freely accessible.
• Place the i nstr um ent on an even surface on a pad made of non-flammable material.
• Do not stay in the area below the unit.
• Make sure you read and understand al l instructions and safety precauti ons li sted in this
manual before installing or operating your unit .
• Set the safet y tem per ature.
• Never operate the unit without bath fluid in the bath.
• Pay attention to the thermal expansion of bath oil during heating to avoid overflowing of
the fluid.
• Prevent water f r om penetr ating into the hot bath oil.
• Do not drain the bat h fluid while it is hot!
Check the temperature of the bath fluid prior to drai ning (by switching the unit on for a
short moment for example).
Safety notes for the user
method of decontami nation.
•Avoid sharp bends in t he tubing, and maintain a suffi ci ent distance from surrounding
• Make sure that t he tubing is securely attached.
• Regularly check the tubing for material defects (e.g. for cracks).
• Never operate damaged or leaking equipm ent.
• Always turn off the unit and disconnect the mains cable f r om the power source before
performing any servi c e or mai ntenance pr oc edur es, or before moving the unit.
•Always turn off the unit and disconnect the mains cable f r om the power source before
cleaning the unit .
• Transport the unit with care.
• Sudden jolts or drops may cause damages in the interior of the unit.
• Observe all warni ng labels.
• Never rem ov e warning l abels.
• Never operate equipment with damaged mai ns power cables.
• Repairs are to be car ri ed out only by qualified servic e personnel.
Some parts of the bath cover and the pump c onnec tions may become extremely warm during
continuous operation. Therefore, ex er ci se parti c ular caution when touching these part s.
The temperatur e contr olling i.e. of fluids in a react or constit utes normal temperature system
We do not know which substances are contained within these vessels.
Many substances are:
• inflammable, easily ignited or explosiv e
• hazardous to health
• environmentally unsafe
i.e.: dangerous
The user alone is responsib le for the handling of these substances!
The following questions shall help to recognize possible dangers and to r educ e the risks to a
•Are all tubes and electrical cables connected and installed?
sharp edges, hot surfac es i n oper ation, moving machine parts, et c .
•Do dangerous steams or gases arise when heating?
Is an exhaust needed when working?
•What to do when a dangerous substance was spilled on or in the unit?
Before starting to work, obtain informati on c onc er ning the substanc e and determine the
When you have finished the appl ication, it is recommended to keep on circulating the liquid in
the bath or the external system for some time. Simultaneously set the working temperatur e to
+20 °C to allow the temperatur e in the system to decrease slowly.
Thus fractional ov er -heating of the bath liquid is prevented.
Check the safety inst all at io ns at least twice a year!
•Excess temperature protecti on according to IEC 61010-2-010
With a screw driver turn back the adjustable excess temper ature protection until the shutdown point (act ual temper ature).
•Low level prot ec tion
To check the function of the float of this unit it cannot be operated manually.
The 5-graded level display shoul d therefore be observed whenv er r efilling.
If the bath liquid thickens or cracks, the instrument should be cleaned and checked by
qualified per sonnel .
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