J-tech digital JTECH-HT4K70 User Manual

1. S ou rce equip ment
HD MI s ou rce devic e (co mpute r gr ap hi cs c ard , DV D, PS3 , HD
mo ni toring equi pm en t etc).
2. D is pl ay d evice s: Wi th H DM I IN PU T po rt , SDT V, HDTV, proj ec tor
3. N et wo rk c ables : UT P/ ST P CAT 5E/CAT 6/ CAT 6A/CAT 7 net work cabl es, w hich fo ll ow ing the stand ar d of I EEE-5 68B
Tran smi tter
DC12V: Input DC12V power. HDBT OUT: Output HD Bas eT si gna l. HDMI INPUT: I npu t HDM I sig nal . IR IN: Connect to IR r ece ive r extension cable. IR OUT: Co nne ct to I R bla ste r extension cable. RS232: RS232 Serial inte rface.
To indicate the powe r sta tus o f the device. The LED will on once transmitte r and rece ive r are c onn ected. The LED lights up when there i s HDM I input and the display has an i mag e.