Complies with new SOLAS regulations
MSC 232(82) performance standard for
ECDIS, e ective from 1 January 2009.
– JRC’s new high performance ECDIS represents a signi cant step change in terms of cost-e ectiveness
18.1 or 19−inch high visibility displays
Simultaneous display vector and raster charts
Multiple and wide screen viewing
Flexible black box confi guration
Cost effective installation

– performance features
Unique features
The new JAN-2000 is a high-performance and fully type
approved ECDIS system with excellent on-screen menus,
which will greatly shorten most users’ learning period.
Cost-effective solution
The new JAN-2000 ECDIS system is fully type approved,
and because of its controlled interface it is also highly
cost-e ective. It only has gyro, log, GPS 1 & 2 and AIS as
standard. TCS and radar overlay is not possible.
This makes the JAN-2000 an economical and well- tted
ECDIS solution yet still integrates the high performance
standard you would expect from JRC.
GPS 1+2
AIS targets
The AIS is an important key device used to indicate AIS target symbol and information
on the ECDIS. These targets are very useful, as it provides the maneuvering conditions
of other ships at a glance, allowing for safe and e ective navigation. The name of
the vessels, and bearing, range, speed,
length, heading and much more AIS target
speci cs from other ships are received and
displayed. The AIS symbols are continuously
displayed on-screen without the in uence
of the radar characteristics. The AIS targets
are never shielded by ground, rain or cloud
re ections, nor are they eliminated by
adjustments of anti-sea or anti-rain clutter.
Also, it is easy to active, deactivate
and switch between AIS target
symbols. This simply can be done
with an integrated AIS lter,
prioritising the targets within a
dedicated area.
1. vessels’ position
2. ring area
3. sector area
4. heading area
Multiple and wide screen viewing is possible with the new
JAN-2000. You can divide the chart screen into two sections,
in which the same or di erent charts can be displayed, in a
mixture of ways. In this eld of view, it provides a ‘look-ahead’
capability, especially useful in coastal areas. With the wide
screen view function, an additional screen in the display area,
showing a segment of the chart, allows viewing at a glance.
JAN-2000 ECDIS – fully type approved and ec