JRC Alpatron AlphaMidiCourse Installation And Operation Manual

Gyro Compass
Installation and Operation Manual
I Preface..........................................................................................................5
I.1 Revision History........................................................................................................................................................5
I.2 Points of Attention.....................................................................................................................................................5
I.4 Storage......................................................................................................................................................................6
II Caution........................................................................................................ 7
II.1 Warning Label..........................................................................................................................................................7
II.2 Location Warning Label...........................................................................................................................................7
II.3 Cautions................................................................................................................................................................... 7
III Introduction..............................................................................................12
III.1 Display and Alarm.................................................................................................................................................12
III.2 Types of Alarm Function.......................................................................................................................................12
III.3 Step Signal Type Repeater Signal Output Function.............................................................................................13
III.4 Serial Signal Type Repeater Signal Output Function...........................................................................................13
III.5 Automatic Speed Error Correction Function.........................................................................................................13
III.6 Timer Start............................................................................................................................................................ 14
III.7 Function of the External Heading Sensor............................................................................................................ 14
III.8 Warranty Conditions..............................................................................................................................................14
1 Installation Instructions...........................................................................15
1.1 Installation Guidelines............................................................................................................................................15
1.1.1 General and Specific Tools.......................................................................................................................... 15
1.1.2 Unpacking of the Gyro Compass................................................................................................................. 16
1.1.3 Fitting Master Compass Part 1.....................................................................................................................17
1.1.4 Fitting Master Compass Part 2.....................................................................................................................17
1.1.5 Remove Parts from Master Compass Mounting Ring..................................................................................18
1.1.6 Remove Packing Material from Shock Absorbers........................................................................................18
1.1.7 Unpacking of Sensitive Element Part 1........................................................................................................19
1.1.8 Unpacking of Sensitive Element part 2........................................................................................................ 19
1.1.9 Mounting of Sensitive Element Part 1..........................................................................................................20
1.1.10 Mounting of Sensitive Element Part 2........................................................................................................20
1.1.11 Filling with Damping Oil..............................................................................................................................21
1.1.12 Attach Connector.........................................................................................................................................21
1.2 Name and Function of Each Unit..........................................................................................................................22
1.3 Configuration.......................................................................................................................................................... 22
1.4 Mounting the Master Unit...................................................................................................................................... 23
1.5 Connecting the AlphaMidiCourse.......................................................................................................................... 24
1.6 Alarm List...............................................................................................................................................................24
1.7 DIP Switch Settings...............................................................................................................................................25
2 Operation...................................................................................................29
2.1 Operating panel......................................................................................................................................................29
2.2 Explanation of the Operating Panel.......................................................................................................................30
2.2.1 Steering Sensor Selection............................................................................................................................ 32
2.2.2 Setting of the Latitude Input......................................................................................................................... 32
2 | Contents
2.2.3 Setting of the Ship's Speed Input.................................................................................................................32
2.2.4 Setting of the Rate of Turn Filter Constant.................................................................................................. 33
2.3 Data Indications..................................................................................................................................................... 33
2.3.1 True Heading 1.............................................................................................................................................33
2.3.2 True Heading 2.............................................................................................................................................34
2.3.3 Master Heading.............................................................................................................................................34
2.3.4 Latitude..........................................................................................................................................................34
2.3.5 Ship Speed....................................................................................................................................................35
2.3.6 Rate of Turn..................................................................................................................................................35
2.3.7 Alarm Content...............................................................................................................................................36
2.4 Start and Stop Sequence...................................................................................................................................... 36
2.5 Start and Running..................................................................................................................................................38
2.5.1 Start...............................................................................................................................................................38
2.5.2 Set Timer Starting Time................................................................................................................................39
2.5.3 Set Start Heading..........................................................................................................................................39
2.5.4 Set Latitude Input System............................................................................................................................ 40
2.5.5 Synchronization of the Repeater Compass..................................................................................................41
2.5.6 Settling Time.................................................................................................................................................42
2.5.7 Set Ship Speed Input System...................................................................................................................... 42
2.5.8 Set Rate of Turn Filter Constant..................................................................................................................43
2.5.9 Confirmation of True Heading.......................................................................................................................44
2.5.10 True Heading Indication..............................................................................................................................45
2.6 System Selection................................................................................................................................................... 45
2.7 Monitoring while Running.......................................................................................................................................45
2.7.1 Confirmation of Alarm Status........................................................................................................................46
2.7.2 Confirmation of Gyro Compass True Heading.............................................................................................46
2.7.3 Confirmation of Latitude................................................................................................................................46
2.7.4 Confirmation of Ship Speed..........................................................................................................................46
2.8 Operation Procedure of Master Compass Power Switch (Option)........................................................................47
2.8.1 Operation Procedure.....................................................................................................................................47
2.8.2 Return Procedure..........................................................................................................................................47
2.9 Alarm...................................................................................................................................................................... 47
2.9.1 Alarm Content...............................................................................................................................................48
2.9.2 Corrective Measures GPS Communication Failure......................................................................................51
2.9.3 Corrective Measures External Heading Sensor Communication Failure......................................................51
2.9.4 Corrective Measures LOG (serial signal) Communication Failure................................................................51
2.9.5 Corrective Measures LOG (contact) Failure.................................................................................................52
2.10 Turning the Gyro Compass OFF.........................................................................................................................52
3 Specifications............................................................................................53
4 Maintenance.............................................................................................. 57
4.1 General Procedures...............................................................................................................................................57
4.2 Periodical Checks.................................................................................................................................................. 58
4.3 Warning Label Check.............................................................................................................................................58
4.4 Spare Parts............................................................................................................................................................58
4.5 Disposal Method.................................................................................................................................................... 59
4.6 Troubleshooting......................................................................................................................................................59
4.6.1 General..........................................................................................................................................................59
4.6.2 Before Troubleshooting.................................................................................................................................59
4.6.3 Corrective Measures.....................................................................................................................................60
4.6.4 Corrective Measures when an Alarm is Activated........................................................................................60
4.6.5 Failure Phenomena and Corrective Measures.............................................................................................60 Power Supply Failure (alarm code 1)..................................................................................................60 Power Supply Failure (alarm code 2)..................................................................................................61 Inverter Failure (alarm code 3)............................................................................................................61 Rotor Level Failure (alarm code 6)......................................................................................................61 Zero Cross Failure (alarm code 8)...................................................................................................... 61
3 | Contents System Communication Failure (1) (alarm code A).............................................................................62 System Communication Failure (2) (alarm code b).............................................................................62 GPS Communication Stop (alarm code c) or Failure of GPS data (alarm code d)..............................62 System Internal Communication Failure (1) (alarm code E) or System Internal Communication
Failure (2) (alarm code F).............................................................................................................................63 Master Compass Heading Failure (alarm code G)............................................................................63 External Heading Sensor Communication Stop (alarm code L) or External Heading Sensor Data
Failure (alarm code n)...................................................................................................................................63 LOG (serial signal) Communication Stop (alarm code P) or LOG (serial signal) Data Failure (alarm
code U).......................................................................................................................................................... 63 LOG Contact Failure (alarm code u).................................................................................................63 E5V Failure (alarm code r)................................................................................................................63 Gyro Compass does not Function, when Power Switch on the Operating Panel turned ON.............64 Alarm is Activated at the Same Time when Power Switch Turned ON............................................. 64 Others.................................................................................................................................................64 When Failures cannot be fixed On Board......................................................................................... 64
4.6.6 Fuse Replacement........................................................................................................................................65 Master Compass (Inverter fuse F1).....................................................................................................66
5 Appendices................................................................................................67
5.1 Drawings.................................................................................................................................................................67
5.1.1 Outline Control Unit (One Gyro Compass System)......................................................................................68
5.1.2 Operating Panel............................................................................................................................................69
5.1.3 Master Compass...........................................................................................................................................70
5.1.4 Stand Alone Type Control Unit of One Gyro Compass System...................................................................72
5.1.5 Connection Diagram......................................................................................................................................73
5.1.6 Cable Diagram..............................................................................................................................................74
5.1.7 Installation Drawing.......................................................................................................................................75
5.1.8 Terminal Board..............................................................................................................................................76
5.1.9 ITERM pwb................................................................................................................................................... 77
5.2 Periodic Check Tables...........................................................................................................................................77
5.2.1 Periodic Check Table 1................................................................................................................................ 78
5.2.2 Periodic Check Table 2................................................................................................................................ 79
5.2.3 Periodic Check Table 3................................................................................................................................ 80
5.3 Information to be supplied to Alphatron Marine.................................................................................................... 80
5.4 Accessories............................................................................................................................................................ 80
4 | Contents
I Preface
The AlphaMidiCourse Gyro compasses have been designated for any size of vessel to enhance the navigation capabilities and reliability. The gyro compasses eliminate the inconvenience and limitations of magnetic compasses, and provide a variety of electrical outputs to supply accurate and consistent heading information to other navigational equipment.
The AlphaMidiCourse Compact gyro is designed for vessels with speeds of up to 50 knots.
The AlphaMidiCourse complies with IMO A.424 (11) and Wheel Mark Specifications.
I.1 Revision History
Revision Nr. Description Date
V1.0 First Issue 19 February 2016 V1.1 Update Dip switch settings for
24 September 2018
I.2 Points of Attention
1. Thoroughly read this instruction manual before installation and operation of the equipment.
2. We recommend to keep this manual nearby the equipment to ensure ready access to it. Assign a person in charge
for maintaining this manual in an assigned place.
3. Users of this manual are assumed to be qualified personnel according to governmental law for ship's officers, or the corresponding laws.
4. Relevant drawings of the As Built plan of this system should be kept together.
5. Only qualified personnel as described above, or personnel under the supervision of a qualified person should operate
this system. Do not permit unqualified personnel operate this system.
6. If the manual is lost, request a new copy from ALPHATRON MARINE.
7. If labels become unreadable, or detached, request new ones from ALPHATRON MARINE.
5 | Preface
I.3 Glossary
The meaning of standard definitions and terms as used in this manual are explained in the table of Definitions Table 1: Table of Definitions on page 6.
Definition Explanation
External Heading Sensor General term for the Heading Detection Sensor for Magnetic Compass System,
Electronic Compass, GPS Compass, etc.
External Heading Sensor Signal Processing Unit
Fixed Error Error between this system and keel line depending on the installation. Last Azimuth This system can set and detect last azimuth of previous stop time. According to this
Leveling operation Operation to keep the sensor horizontal Magnetic Compass System The heading detector is mounted on the magnetic compass and detected heading signal
Rate of Turn Speed of ship's turning Sensitive Element Element to detect north of own ship Speed Error Correction Gyro-compass generates error from the North depending on the speed and position
Step Signal Three phase signal with resolution of 1/6°. Voltage is 24 V standard. 70 V / 35 V output
Table 1: Table of Definitions
Optional unit to this system. It enables to completely backup several circuits of the repeater signal (step signal / serial signal) by attachment of this unit when connected to the external sensor.
operation, system settling time can be reduced when started the system again.
from the heading detector is sent out as repeater signal and serial signal.
of ship's navigation. This system automatically calculates and corrects this error using speed and position data.
can be put out by expanding with the optional unit.
I.4 Storage
Observe the following items when storing:
1. Turn all power switches of this system to the OFF position to disconnect the power.
2. Storage temperature should be between –
3. Avoid a place with high humidity as much as possible.
4. Prevent the storage place from generating corrosive gas, breeding of bacteria such as mold or intrusion of insects
and small animals.
5. Cover the system with a plastic sheet, etc., when generation of dust is foreseen. When welding works, etc., are carried out near this system, provide suitable protection to prevent damage caused by sparks, etc.
6 | Preface
II Caution
To safely install and operate this instrument, so as not to adversely affect the warranty, the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS must be adhered to.
II.1 Warning Label
The following warning label is attached to this system.
II.2 Location Warning Label
The warning label is attached to the inside of the door of the Control Panel. See Figure 45: Stand alone type Control Unit of One Gyro Compass System on page 72
II.3 Cautions
WARNING - Clarification
Indicates potential risk of injury or death to users of the product.
WARNING - Operations
Improper operations caused by failure of this product, or malfunctions caused by operator's misunderstanding may cause collision or grounding and may result in property damage and environmental pollution. Also, death or serious injury may happen.
Full attention must be paid in the use of this product by understanding its limitations in performance and characteristics. Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the operation of this product.
WARNING - Operations
Carefully observe the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS prior to starting up and operating this product.
Read the Operator Manual of the automatic steering system carefully and prepare for the occurrence of trouble or alarm in this product. Ensure the emergency steering method is well understood to quickly respond to trouble.
WARNING - Maintenance
During maintenance or check of the product, touching internal parts may cause electric shock, because the ship's power supply is still connected to the system distribution board, even if the main power switch of this product is turned "OFF". Do not touch internal parts such as terminal boards, power supply unit, etc. If necessary, disconnect the power cable from the ship’s distribution board. A warning label is attached to point out this danger.
Matters requiring attention in starting up and operations during progress are described in chapter Operations and are punctuated with a CAUTION or a WARNING, which must be strictly observed.
Attentively read the Operator Manual of the automatic steering system carefully preparing for occurrence of trouble or alarm in this system. The emergency steering method should be well understood to easily respond to failures, or alarms.
WARNING - Power Supply Failure (alarm code 1)
Pay full attention to avoid electric shock when checking the power supply.
When checking fuses, turn "OFF" the power switch on the operating panel and further disconnect the power cable from the ship’s distribution board before checking fuses.
7 | Caution
WARNING - Inverter Failure (alarm code 3)
When checking fuses, turn "OFF" the power switch on the operating panel and disconnect the power cable from the ship’s Distribution Terminal Board.
When checking fuses, turn "OFF" the power switch, and further disconnect the power cable from the ship’s distribution terminal board.
CAUTION - Clarification
Indicates potential risk of damage to equipment.
CAUTION - Prohibition
Do not use insulation tester or other device to test system insulation as it will damage internal electrical components. Always disconnect the wiring connected to this system before testing related power distribution lines with such testers.
CAUTION - General use
This system displays Gyro Compass heading and outputs the heading information externally. Although the safety design such as the alarm function against failure, etc., is provided, at the present time there is no perfect safety design. In addition, as this system has many important functions, it is hard to say that any one can use this system without failure. Failures or malfunctions of this system may cause distress, and full attention should be paid in using this product. The use of this equipment does not absolve the user's responsibility and obligation in practicing proper navigational techniques.
Observe the following CAUTIONS:
Always perform daily check to maintain normal system condition.
When anomalies are detected as a result of daily checks, investigate and repair at once to restore to normal conditions and request advice from Alphatron service engineer.
When the alarm system is activated during use, always check to confirm the cause and reinstate.
CAUTION - Types of Alarm
When an alarm regarding GPS (alarm code "c" or "d") is activated and the Gyro Compass' True Heading has not been determined, first turn the steering mode to "MANUAL", or "Non Follow Up", then determine the True Heading, because wrong heading information (repeater signal and serial signal) may be sent out.
When an alarm regarding LOG (serial) (alarm code "P" or "U") is activated and the Gyro Compass' True Heading has not been determined, first turn the steering mode to "MANUAL" or "Non Follow Up", then determine the True Heading, because wrong heading information (repeater signal and serial signal) may be sent out.
When an alarm regarding LOG Contact (alarm code "u") is activated and the Gyro Compass' True Heading has not been determined, first turn the steering mode to "MANUAL" or "Non Follow Up", then determine the True Heading because wrong heading information (repeater signal and serial signal) may be sent out.
When an alarm regarding the EXTERNAL HEADING SENSOR (alarm code "E", "F", "L" and "N") is activated, the heading information immediately before the alarm was activated is sent. First turn the steering mode to "MANUAL" or "Non Follow Up", and then determine the true heading. Once True Heading has been determined, the system's heading is sent out.
When the system is turned on, first turn the automatic steering system to "MANUAL" or "Non Follow Up" to prevent course turning with larger angle.
CAUTION - Start Up
Start up this product after turning the automatic steering system to other mode than "AUTO".
CAUTION - Setting Latitude Input
Change of the latitude input system, or a large change of latitude value may cause a large change in the True Heading. When on automatic steering, first turn the steering mode of the automatic steering system to "MANUAL" to prevent a large change of course. Confirm the area around the ship is clear and turn to "AUTO" steering again.
CAUTION - Setting Latitude Input
When an alarm regarding GPS (alarm code "c" or "d") is activated and the Gyro Compass' True Heading has not been determined, first turn the steering mode to "MANUAL", or "Non Follow Up", then determine the True Heading, because wrong heading information (repeater signal and serial signal) may be sent out.
8 | Caution
CAUTION - Setting Latitude Input
When "GYRO" is selected for the latitude input system, latitude is automatically updated by the ship's speed and the Gyro Compass True Heading. (When the ship's speed input system is "MANUAL", it is not updated automatically.) During navigation, confirm once every two hours that the ship's actual latitude coincides with the indicated latitude.
CAUTION - Setting Latitude Input
Press ACK/ENT switch (4) to complete the setting. Changed setting is not updated unless pressing ACK/ENT switch (4).
CAUTION - Setting Speed Input
Change of the ship's input system or large change of ship's speed may cause large change of the True Heading. When on automatic steering, first turn the steering mode of the automatic steering system to "MANUAL" to prevent a large course change. Confirm the area around the ship is clear and turn to "AUTO" steering again.
CAUTION - Setting Speed Input
When an alarm regarding GPS (alarm code "c" or "d") is activated and the Gyro Compass' True Heading has not been determined, first turn the steering mode to "MANUAL", or "Non Follow Up", then determine the True Heading, because wrong heading information (repeater signal and serial signal) may be sent out.
CAUTION - Setting Speed Input
When an alarm regarding LOG (serial) (alarm code "P" or "U") is activated and the Gyro Compass' True Heading has not been determined, first turn the steering mode to "MANUAL" or "Non Follow Up", then determine the True Heading, because wrong heading information (repeater signal and serial signal) may be sent out.
CAUTION - Setting Speed Input
When an alarm regarding LOG contact (alarm code "u") is activated and the Gyro Compass' True Heading has not been determined, first turn the steering mode to "MANUAL" or "Non Follow Up", then determine the True Heading, because wrong heading information (repeater signal and serial signal) may be sent out.
CAUTION - Setting Speed Input
The setting of the ship's speed input system (and its values for "MANUAL") is automatically saved. When re­starting, the previous ship's speed system setting is activated. When "MANUAL" is selected, stop after ship's speed setting is set to zero knots. Also, when turning off and on again with "GPS" selected, confirm that GPS is operating properly.
CAUTION - Setting Speed Input
Press ACK/ENT switch to complete the setting. Changed setting is not updated unless pressing ACK/ENT switch.
CAUTION - Setting "Rate of Turn Filter Constant"
Press ACK/ENT switch to complete the setting. Changed setting is not updated unless pressing ACK/ENT switch.
CAUTION - Confirmation True Heading
When the Gyro Compass' True Heading is set again, the repeater indication value and the serial signal Gyro Compass True Heading will change by the altered angle. When on automatic steering, first turn the steering mode of the automatic steering system to "MANUAL" to prevent a large course change. Confirm the area around the ship is clear and turn to "AUTO" steering again.
CAUTION - Confirmation True Heading
Press ACK/ENT switch to complete the setting. Changed setting is not updated unless pushing ACK/ENT switch.
CAUTION - System Selection
System selection (switching) may cause a large change of True Heading. When on automatic steering, first turn the steering mode of the automatic steering system to "MANUAL" to prevent a large course change. Confirm the area around the ship is clear and turn to "AUTO" steering again.
CAUTION - Monitoring in Progress
9 | Caution
Change of the ship's Speed Input System and the Latitude Input System, or large change of the ship's speed and latitude, may cause a large change of the Gyro Compass True Heading. When on automatic steering, first turn the steering mode of the automatic steering system to "MANUAL" to prevent a large course change. Confirm the area around the ship is clear and turn to "AUTO" steering again.
CAUTION - Confirmation of Latitude
Change of the latitude input system or large change of the latitude may cause a large change of True Heading. When on automatic steering, first turn the steering mode of the automatic steering system to "MANUAL" to prevent a large course change. Confirm the area around the ship is clear and turn to "AUTO" steering again.
CAUTION - Confirmation of Ship Speed
Change of the ship's speed input system or large change of the ship's speed may cause a large change of True Heading. When on automatic steering, first turn the steering mode of the automatic steering system to "MANUAL" to prevent a large course change. Confirm the area around the ship is clear and turn to "AUTO" steering again.
CAUTION - System Selection
System selection (switching) may cause large change of True Heading. When on automatic steering, first turn the steering mode of the automatic steering system to "MANUAL" to prevent a large course change. Confirm the area around the ship is clear and turn to "AUTO" steering again.
CAUTION - Operating Procedure Master Compass Switch (Option)
DO NOT touch the Master Compass Power Switch while the Gyro Compass operates normally, to prevent serious damage to the sensitive element, reduce the life cycle of the product, or unexpected problems. The Master Compass Power Switch must be operated only when the master compass is in abnormal condition.
CAUTION - Alarms
When the following alarms are activated, the heading information from this system may not be sent at all, or may have a large error. All units operated by the heading information from this system (in particular, the automatic steering system, etc.) should be operated immediately according to the individual emergency operating procedure.
CAUTION - Corrective Measures GPS Communication Failure
When an alarm related to GPS (alarm code "c" or "d") is activated and the Gyro Compass' True Heading has not been determined, first turn the steering mode to "MANUAL", or "Non Follow Up", then determine the True Heading, because wrong heading information (repeater signal and serial signal) may be sent out.
CAUTION - Corrective Measures GPS Communication Failure
Determination of the True Heading may cause large change of sent heading information. During automatic navigation, great care should be taken, because large course changes may have happened.
CAUTION - Corrective Measures EXTERNAL HEADING SENSOR Communication Failure
When an alarm regarding the EXTERNAL HEADING SENSOR (alarm code "E", "F", "L" and "N") is activated, the heading information (repeater signal and serial signal) immediately before the alarm generated is sent. First turn the steering mode to "MANUAL" or "Non Follow Up", and then determine the True Heading. Once True Heading has been determined, the system's heading is sent out.
CAUTION - Corrective Measures EXTERNAL HEADING SENSOR Communication Failure
Determination of the True Heading may cause large change of sent heading information. During automatic navigation, great care should be taken, because large course changes may have happened.
CAUTION - Corrective Measures LOG Communication Failure
When an alarm regarding LOG contact (alarm code "u") is activated and the Gyro Compass' True Heading has not been determined, first turn the steering mode to "MANUAL" or "Non Follow Up", then determine the True Heading because wrong heading information (repeater signal and serial signal) may be sent externally.
CAUTION - Corrective Measures LOG Communication Failure
Determination of the True Heading may cause large change of sent heading information. During automatic navigation, great care should be taken, because large course changes may have happened.
CAUTION - Corrective Measures LOG Contact Communication Failure
10 | Caution
When an alarm regarding LOG Contact (alarm code "u") is activated and the Gyro Compass' True Heading has not been determined, first turn the steering mode to "MANUAL" or "Non Follow Up", then determine the True Heading because wrong heading information (repeater signal and serial signal) may be sent out.
CAUTION - Troubleshooting
When an alarm is activated, immediately confirm content of the activated alarm and take appropriate measures. take appropriate measures in non-hazardous sea area, stopping the ship as a rule.
CAUTION - Corrective Measures
Before checking and replacing of fuses, and disconnecting / connecting of each unit, connector, printed circuit, terminal cable, turn "OFF" the power switch of the operating panel, and disconnect the power cable from the ship’s distribution board, etc. It may cause electric shock and failure if left in "ON" position.
CAUTION - Failure Phenomena Corrective Measures
Whenever the internal setting of the system is changed, follow instructions of the Alphatron Service Engineer.
When another failure is activated than appeared in this clause, or a replaced fuse has blown again, turn "OFF" the power switch of the operating panel, disconnect the power cable from the ship’s distribution board and request repair from an Alphatron Service Engineer.
When a failure has occurred and it has not been repaired according to this clause, turn "OFF" the power switch of the operating panel and request an Alphatron Service Engineer to repair it on making a call to port. Even if it has been repaired, request an Alphatron Service Engineer to check it.
CAUTION - Rotor Level Failure (alarm code 6)
Turn OFF the power switch.
CAUTION - Zero Cross Failure (alarm code 8)
Determination of the Gyro Compass True Heading when alarm code 8 is activated, may cause a large change of the True Heading. During automatic navigation, take great care, because a large course change may have happened.
CAUTION - Master Compass Heading Failure (alarm code G)
When an alarm code G is activated, the Gyro Compass True Heading may have an error. New input of the True Heading may cause a large change of the True Heading. When on automatic navigation, first turn the steering mode to "MANUAL", then determine the True Heading to prevent turning course with larger angle. Confirm area around ship is clear and turn to "AUTO" steering again.
CAUTION - The Gyro Compass does not operate, when turned ON and the power switch on the operating panel is turned ON.
Be aware of electric shock when checking the main power supply.
When checking fuses, turn OFF the power switch on the operating panel and disconnect the power cable from the ship’s distribution board before checking fuses.
CAUTION - Not all repeaters operate
When checking fuses, turn OFF the power switch, and disconnect the power cable from the ship’s distribution terminal board.
CAUTION - No repeaters operate
When checking fuses, turn OFF the power switch, and disconnect the power cable from the ship’s distribution board.
CAUTION - Maintenance and check
Main units of this system consist of electronic circuits of high reliability. If a failure occurs, perform the check and maintenance as described in this chapter and correct the fault(s) to prevent further risk of failure and to maintain the system's performance. Failure to carry this out, the detection of the failure sign will be delayed and may cause accidents such as collision or grounding.
a failure has been activated, confirm area around the ship is clear to perform check and
11 | Caution
III Introduction
This Gyro Compass provides increased Rate of Turn and a broad range of input/output signals.
WARNING - Operations
Improper operations caused by failure of this product, or malfunctions caused by operator's misunderstanding may cause collision or grounding and may result in property damage and environmental pollution. Also, death or serious injury may happen.
Full attention must be paid in the use of this product by understanding its limitations in performance and characteristics. Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the operation of this product.
CAUTION - General use
This system displays Gyro Compass heading and outputs the heading information externally. Although the safety design such as the alarm function against failure, etc., is provided, at the present time there is no perfect safety design. In addition, as this system has many important functions, it is hard to say that any one can use this system without failure. Failures or malfunctions of this system may cause distress, and full attention should be paid in using this product. The use of this equipment does not absolve the user's responsibility and obligation in practicing proper navigational techniques.
Observe the following CAUTIONS:
Always perform daily check to maintain normal system condition.
When anomalies are detected as a result of daily checks, investigate and repair at once to restore to normal conditions and request advice from Alphatron service engineer.
When the alarm system is activated during use, always check to confirm the cause and reinstate.
It has the following features:
1. Automatic speed error correction.
2. Digital signal processing conform International Standards IEC61162.
3. Long service life.
This system has been designed to build an I - System : One gyro compass system. Depending on the output signal the following type is provided: Step type : System mainly uses the step signal (repeater
III.1 Display and Alarm
For navigational safety considerations, various indicators and indicator lamps required for the system's operation and alarm functions, have been built into the operating panel.
III.2 Types of Alarm Function
Alarms can be related to:
GPS (alarm code "c" or "d")
LOG (serial) (alarm code "P" or "U")
Log Contact (alarm code "u")
EXTERNAL HEADING SENSOR (alarm code "E", "F", "L" and "N")
System is switched
CAUTION - Types of Alarm
When an alarm regarding GPS (alarm code "c" or "d") is activated and the Gyro Compass' True Heading has not been determined, first turn the steering mode to "MANUAL", or "Non Follow Up", then determine the True Heading, because wrong heading information (repeater signal and serial signal) may be sent out.
When an alarm regarding LOG (serial) (alarm code "P" or "U") is activated and the Gyro Compass' True Heading has not been determined, first turn the steering mode to "MANUAL" or "Non Follow Up", then determine the True Heading, because wrong heading information (repeater signal and serial signal) may be sent out.
12 | Introduction
When an alarm regarding LOG Contact (alarm code "u") is activated and the Gyro Compass' True Heading has not been determined, first turn the steering mode to "MANUAL" or "Non Follow Up", then determine the True Heading because wrong heading information (repeater signal and serial signal) may be sent out.
When an alarm regarding the EXTERNAL HEADING SENSOR (alarm code "E", "F", "L" and "N") is activated, the heading information immediately before the alarm was activated is sent. First turn the steering mode to "MANUAL" or "Non Follow Up", and then determine the true heading. Once True Heading has been determined, the system's heading is sent out.
When the system is turned on, first turn the automatic steering system to "MANUAL" or "Non Follow Up" to prevent course turning with larger angle.
III.3 Step Signal Type Repeater Signal Output Function
This system can drive the ship's repeater by the step signal of the Gyro Compass. Even when the Gyro Compass is operated by the emergency power supply, the connected repeater can be driven (Repeater backup function).
Note Refer to the As Built plan kept on board for details of the repeater.
When the external heading sensor signal is connected to this system (magnetic compass system, etc.), the repeater operates as follows, when the system is switched, see System Selection on page 45:
When "GYRO" is selected: The step signal is sent by the Gyro Compass True Heading.
When "EXT" is selected: The step signal is sent by the True Heading of the external heading sensor.
III.4 Serial Signal Type Repeater Signal Output Function
This system can drive the ship's repeater by the serial signal of the Gyro Compass. Even when the Gyro Compass is operated by the emergency power supply, the connected repeater can be driven
(Repeater backup function) When this system's serial signal is not used for the repeater, the following serial signals may be sent:
1. Output conformed to IEC61162-1 ed. 2
2. Output conformed to IEC61162-2
These signals can be individually set for each circuit. Refer to the As Built plan kept on board for details of the repeater and the serial signal. When the external heading sensor signal (the magnetic compass system, etc.) is connected to this system, the repeater
operates as follows, when the system is switched: (Refer to System Selection on page 45, for system switching.)
When "GYRO" is selected: The serial signal is sent by the Gyro Compass' True Heading.
When "EXT" is selected: The serial signal is sent by the True Heading of the External Heading Sensor.
III.5 Automatic Speed Error Correction Function
This system has functions to calculate speed error, an inherent error to the Gyro Compass, and to correct it automatically.
Required data of latitude and speed to calculate the speed error, are selected and entered into the individual systems of {"GYRO" / "GPS"} and {"LOG (contact signal)" / "LOG (serial signal)" / "GPS" / "MANUAL"}.
Note For the selection of latitude and ship's speed input system, operate according to Set Latitude Input System
on page 40 andSet Ship Speed Input System on page 42 in chapter Operations. When "GPS" is selected as the input system, the serial signal conform IEC61162-1 / IEC61162-1 ed. 2 is received. When "LOG (serial signal)" is selected as the input system, the serial signal conform IEC61162 / IEC61162-1 ed. 2 is
received. Also, when other than "MANUAL" is selected as the input system, speed error correction can be performed in real time.
13 | Introduction
III.6 Timer Start
The Gyro Compass can be automatically started according to date and time set for the departure.
Note It can be set up to one month maximum. For setting up the departure date and time, operate according to Set Timer Starting Time on page 39 in chapter
III.7 Function of the External Heading Sensor
When the external heading sensor signal (the magnetic compass system, etc.) is connected to the AlphaMidiCourse, the repeater signal (serial signal or step signal) can be sent from this system by using the external heading sensor.
Also when the processing unit for the external heading sensor signal is built into the AlphaMidiCourse as an option, the repeater signal (2 circuits for serial signal and 1 circuit for step signal) can be backed up by using the external heading sensor, even if the Gyro Compass stops.
Note For the system selection, refer to System Selection on page 45 chapter Operation.
III.8 Warranty Conditions
For Warranty Conditions contact Alphatron Marine.
14 | Introduction
1 Installation Instructions
This chapter explains the configuration, specifications and structure of this system.
1.1 Installation Guidelines
Master Compass
1. Select a mounting location where the deck is horizontal, flat, has little vibration and pitch/roll is as small as possible.
Note Mounting location should have sufficient space for installation and servicing. Refer dimensional
drawing Figure 48: Installation Drawing on page 75.
2. Position the compass on or parallel to the vessel's horizontal center line, with the bow indication on the top of the
case pointing towards the vessel's bow.
3. Use the datum line in the front and back of the compass to line up the unit.
Note be sure to install all equipment cables more than 5m away from radio equipment feeders.
Connect terminals marked with the ground terminals of the vessel.
Note Shielded end of shielded cable to be finished close to the terminal board and connect to the ground terminals of the vessel.
5. Do NOT use a megger for any tests!
6. Ensure sufficient servicing space around the gyro compass. Refer dimensional drawing Figure 48: Installation
Drawing on page 75.
1.1.1 General and Specific Tools
General and Specific tools are required for installing the Gyro Sphere into the Master Compass, as shown in pictures labeled 001, 002 and 003.
Figure 1: Special and Specific Tools
15 | Installation Instructions
Special guide pins are required for installation of the sphere into the phantom ring.
Figure 2: Guide Pins for Phantom Ring Installation
1.1.2 Unpacking of the Gyro Compass
The three parts: Master Compass, Sensitive Element and Control Panel are supplied in two boxes as shown in pictures labeled 004 to 007.
Figure 3: Unpacking
16 | Installation Instructions
1.1.3 Fitting Master Compass Part 1
Fitting the Master Compass part 1, as shown in pictures labeled 008 to 011.
Figure 4: Fitting master Compass Part 1
1.1.4 Fitting Master Compass Part 2
Fitting the Master Compass part 2, as shown in pictures labeled 012 and 013.
Figure 5: Fitting Master Compass Part 2
17 | Installation Instructions
1.1.5 Remove Parts from Master Compass Mounting Ring
Remove parts from Master Compass mounting ring as shown in pictures labeled 014 to 018.
Figure 6: Remove parts
1.1.6 Remove Packing Material from Shock Absorbers
Remove packing material from shock absorbers as shown in pictures labeled 019 to 021.
Figure 7: Remove Packing Material Shock Absorbers
18 | Installation Instructions
1.1.7 Unpacking of Sensitive Element Part 1
Unpack Sensitive Element as shown in pictures labeled 022 to 025.
Figure 8: Unpacking Sensitive element part 1
Note Handle with care and keep packaging material for reuse when returning for servicing.
1.1.8 Unpacking of Sensitive Element part 2
Unpack Sensitive Element as shown in pictures labeled 026 and 027
Figure 9: Unpacking Sensitive Element part 2
Note Handle Sensitive Element with great care.
19 | Installation Instructions
1.1.9 Mounting of Sensitive Element Part 1
Mount the Sensitive Element as shown in pictures labeled 028 to 031.
Figure 10: Mounting of Sensitive Element part 1
1.1.10 Mounting of Sensitive Element Part 2
Mount the Sensitive Element as shown in pictures labeled 032 to 034.
Figure 11: Mounting of Sensitive Element part 2
20 | Installation Instructions
1.1.11 Filling with Damping Oil
Fill up container with Damping Oil as shown in pictures labeled 037 to 039.
Figure 12: Filling with Damping Oil
1.1.12 Attach Connector
Attach Connector and fix securely to Sensitive Element as shown in pictures below.
Figure 13: Attach Connector
21 | Installation Instructions
1.2 Name and Function of Each Unit
Names and functions of each unit.
No. Name Function
1. Master compass The sensitive element is built-in. It is a unit to detect the ship's heading.
2. Control Unit This unit has various indicators for True Heading, Latitude, Rate of Turn, Ship Speed and Alarms, and the operating switches.
3. Indicators It indicates operating conditions of this system and value data of all settings value data. Indicated contents can be selected by operating the switches.
4. Operating switches They are used for all kinds of operations required for this system.
Power switch It is used to start and stop this system. The indicator lamp in the power switch
alights when started.
Table 2: Name and function
1.3 Configuration
Figure 14: System Configuration
This system consists of the following units and the spare parts box.
1. Master Compass
2. Control Unit
3. Spare Parts box
For shipment, the sensitive element in the master compass is packed separately.
22 | Installation Instructions
1.4 Mounting the Master Unit
Mounting of the master compass unit is as shown in Figure 15: Mounting position on page 23.
Figure 15: Mounting position
Figure 16: Inverter Unit Location
1. Orientate the Inverter Unit at the back of the Master Compass to the Stern of the ship. Note Install the Gyro Compass with in 5˚ accuracy in order to be able to apply a correction by loosening the
fastening bolts and fine tune placement by turning the Mater Compass.
2. Fasten the compass to the deck with the four bolts provided. Note Locate the bolts in the center of the trails to be able to finely adjust the direction of the unit. With the aid
of the heading offset feature a small mounting offset may be made.
23 | Installation Instructions
1.5 Connecting the AlphaMidiCourse
Refer Connection Diagram and Cable Diagram for cable connections Figure 46: Connection Diagram on page 73, Figure 47: Cable Diagram on page 74.
1. Connect power and signaling cables as indicated in the connection diagram.
2. Use wire straps to fasten cables.
CABLE SPECIFICATIONS - See Connection Diagram and Cable Diagram Figure 46: Connection Diagram on page 73, Figure 47: Cable Diagram on page 74.
1.6 Alarm List
Alarm Content Possible Cause
1 Main power is abnormal When the main power (AC power source) was lost. 2 Power is abnormal When the power supply in the control unit went over-voltage or over-current. 3 Inverter is abnormal When the inverter in the master compass went over-voltage or over-current. 6 Rotor level is abnormal When the "rotor” (Sensitive Element) in the Master Compass behaves
8 Zero cross is abnormal When the reference heading of the master compass was not detected properly
or an failure is generated in heading calculation.
A System communication failure
b System communication failure
(2) c GPS communication break When GPS operation stopped or the serial signal from GPS has stopped. d Abnormality of GPS data When a failure is generated in the serial signal from the GPS. E System internal
communication failure (1)
F System internal
communication failure (2)
When a failure is generated in communication function of the master compass.
When a failure is generated in communication function of the control unit.
When the External Heading Sensor Signal Processing Unit stopped its operation, or the serial signal from the External Heading Sensor Processing Unit has stopped.
When a failure is generated in the serial signal from the External heading sensor signal processing unit.
G Master compass heading
failure L External heading sensor
communication off n External heading Sensor data
failure P LOG (serial) communication
U LOG (serial) data failure When a failure is generated in the serial signal from LOG.
u LOG contact failure When a failure is generated in the LOG contact.
r E5V failure When a failure is generated in the power supply for the serial signal.
Table 3:
When a failure is generated in the heading monitor signal of the master compass.
When the External heading sensor signal processing unit stopped its operation, or the serial signal of the external sensor has stopped.
When a failure is generated in the serial signal from the External heading sensor.
When the LOG stopped its operation, or the serial signal from LOG has stopped.
24 | Installation Instructions
1.7 DIP Switch Settings
The AlphaMidiCourse Gyro Systems include several Dip Switch Settings.
Figure 17: DIP Switch Settings
With the exception of the two switches on the ICIF board in the Control Unit, no switches require to be set when installing the system. These two switches have been set to configure the Control Unit to match the type of gyro system (Alphatron Midi and Alphatron Midi HS) and to activate an external heading sensor.
Note These Dip Switch Settings are read when the system is started up. Any changes made while the system is
running will therefore not take effect before the system is restarted.
Dip Switch Setting Master Compass
S1 Standard
NO.1 [OFF] Master Compass
NO.2 [OFF] Display of Master
NO.3 [OFF] Rate Limiter [ON] : Rotation of Master Compass
NO.4 [OFF] Start Up Sequence Standard [ON] : Leveling time is 2
Details Function Read
[OFF] : Standard [ON] : HSC Start Up
Compass Type
[ON] : In standard case displayed as "Std". In HSC case displayed as "HIGH". (LED on mcc PWB)
is stopped at turning rate of more than
minutes HSC [ON] : Special sequence for
dumping test
All Time
All Time
Start Up
NO.5 [OFF] Do Not Touch * NO.6 [OFF] Do Not Touch *
25 | Installation Instructions
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