PC-Systeme - made in Germany*
Kurzanleitung / Quick Guide
für Komplett PCs
* JOY-iT PCs werden in Deutschland gefergt, die verbauten Komponenten können aber aus anderen Ländern stammen
Time for more

Brief Instructions
Thank you very much for buying this PC system – the following brief instructions shall help you
when assembling the PC.
Please read the complete manual!!!
This is a general manual, the illustrations are therefore to be understood as examples and may
deviate, just as may the equipment components, the illustrations show the maximum equipment

Connection and Installation
You find the updated drivers on the homepage of the mainboard manufacturer.
You find the model and brand name on the flyer accompanying the PC or directly on the mainboard.
Please also visit our homepage www.joy-it.net, where you find the current information and links to the
various manufacturers.
Manufacturer websites for mainboards:
Biostar: www.biostar-europe.com Foxconn: www.foxconnchannel.com
Elitegroup: www.ecs.com.tw Nvidia: www.nvidia.de
ATI / AMD www.amd.de Gigabyte: www.gigabyte.de
Asus www.asus.de ASRock www.asrock.de
1. Please first connect all the cables and only then switch the power ON.
2. Should you have bought the PC with a pre-installed operating system, all you need do is switch your
PC ON. The operating system and the drivers have already been installed. All you still need do is to
enter some information to round off the installation.
If you have bought the PC without an operating system, please place your operating system CD into
the drive. The system boots automatically from the CD or DVD inserted.
3. Install the operating system. (see next page)
Should you have any questions please contact the manufacturer of the operating system or the company from which you bought the operating system.
4. Please then insert the driver CD for the mainboard. Follow the instructions of the installation program
and install the drivers.
5. Then insert the CD for the WLAN adapter (optional) and here again please follow the instructions of
the installation program.
Attention! The drivers supplied with the PC are, as a rule, for the operating systems Vista & Windows7,
partly also for Windows XP. If you would like to use other operating systems, this is of course possible.
However, we would like to expressly point out that these have not been tested and perfect function
cannot be assured.
Maintenance / upgrade
Before opening the PC casing remove the power cable and touch a metal part of the casing for earthing.
The PC system can be damaged by static charge!
You should only open the casing if you intend to upgrade or clean the PC (remove dust). Both intentions call for a certain amount of specialist know-how therefore we shall not go into more detail on this
point. If you have not experience in this field, please contact a trusted PC dealer.
Liability disclaimer:
We assume no liability whatsoever for errors, data loss or incompleteness.
Please make backups of your data at regular intervals