Pascalstr. 8 47506 Neukirchen-Vluyn
Since this is a situation of traic lights, the lighting time of each
individual LED should be exactly the same as in a real traic light. In this
program we will use the Arduino delay function to control the delay time.
int redled =10; // Initialises digital Pin 8
int yellowled =7; // Initialises digital Pin 7
int greenled =4; // Initialises digital Pin 4
void setup() {
pinMode(redled, OUTPUT); // Sets Pin with red LED to „Output“
pinMode(yellowled, OUTPUT);// Sets Pin with yellow to „Output“
pinMode(greenled, OUTPUT);// Sets Pin with green LED to „Output“
void loop() {
digitalWrite(greenled, HIGH); // turns on green leed
delay(5000); // Waits 5 Seconds
digitalWrite(greenled, LOW); // turns off green LED
for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { // flashes 3x
digitalWrite(yellowled, HIGH); // turns on the yellow LED
digitalWrite(yellowled, LOW); // turns on the yellow LED
digitalWrite(redled, HIGH); // turns on the red LED
digitalWrite(redled, LOW); // turns on the red LED
Once the file has been uploaded, the traic lights are visible. The green
light will stay on for 5 seconds and then turn o. Then the yellow light will
flash 3 times and then the red light for 5 seconds, so that a circuit is for-
Lesson 5: LED hunting eect
We oen see billboards, which are equipped with coloured LEDs. These
change constantly to create dierent eects. In this experiment, a program is created which simulates the LED hunting eect. This is needed:
Mega2560 board
USB cable