I & M Mark 687 Series
3170 Wasson Road • Cincinnati, OH 45209 USA
Phone 513-533-5600 • Fax 513-871-0105
info@richardsind.com • www.jordanvalve.com
Warning: Jordan Valve pressure regulators must only be used, installed and repaired in accordance with these
Installation & Maintenance Instructions. Observe all applicable public and company codes and regulations. In the
event of leakage or other malfunction, call a qualified service person; continued operation may cause system failure
or a general hazard. Before servicing any valve, disconnect, shut off, or bypass all pressurized fluid. Before disassembling a valve, be sure to release all spring tension.
Please read these instructions carefully!
Your Jordan Valve product will provide you with long,
trouble-free service if it is correctly installed and maintained. Spending a few minutes now reading these instructions can save hours of trouble and downtime later.
When making repairs, use only genuine Jordan Valve
parts, available for immediate shipment from the factory.
Control Line
A control line must be connected to the regulator as
1. Connect one end of a 3/8” control line to the 1/4”
npt port in the center of the upper case.
2. Connect the other end to a straight run of pipe 3 to
5 feet in length downstream of the regulator.
3. DO NOT locate the control line tap in an elbow,
swage, or other changes in configuration of the pipeline where turbulence or abnormal velocities may
occur. Any connection should be at least 2 feet away
from such a fitting.
4. DO NOT locate the control line tap in a vessel located downstream of the valve. Instead, locate the
tap in the line leading to the vessel.
5. The control line should be sloped away from the
6. Install a shutoff valve (not a needle valve) in the
control line.
7. Ideally, a gauge should be installed in the control
line near the regulator to assist in setting the
With the inlet, outlet, and bypass shutoff valves closed, an
no pressure in the downstream line:
1. Fully open the control line shutoff valve.
2. Fully open the outlet shutoff valve.
3. Open the inlet shutoff valve just enough to hear flow
start running through the regulator. Observe the
downstream pressure gauge. Once pressure is seen
on this gauge, slowly open the inlet shutoff valve the
Installation & Maintenance Instructions for
Mark 687 Piloted Soft Seated Regulator
remainder of the way until fully open.
4. To change the set pressure, turn the adjusting screw
on the top of the pilot valve to get the regulated
pressure to the desired set point.
5. Secure the jam nut on the adjusting screw.
Caution: Ensure that the valve is de-pressurized
before loosening any fittings or joints. The following
steps are recommended before proceeding with any
maintenance on the valve.
1. Allow all pressure to bleed off through the downstream piping. Do not attempt to reverse the pressure through the regulator by bleeding the pressure
from the upstream piping.
2. When the pressure gauges indicate that all the pressure has been removed from the system, close the
outlet shutoff valve and control line shutoff valve.
Note: Refer to the drawing at the end of this document for descriptions and proper orientation of the
Pilot Valve
1. Remove the tubing that connects the pilot valve to
the main valve.
2. Unscrew the pilot from the pipe nipple on the main
Pilot Diaphragm
1. Release the spring tension of the range spring (5)
by turning the adjusting screw (1) counter-clockwise
until free.
2. Remove the spring housing bolts (7), spring housing (3), spring guide (4), range spring (5), and upper
diaphragm plate (6) from the pilot body (14).
3. Remove and replace pilot diaphragm, and assemble
in reverse order.
4. Spring housing bolts should be evenly cross-torqued
to 200 in-lbs.

Pilot Valve Seats
1. Carefully loosen the bottom cap (15) from the pilot
2. The return spring (16) and plug (17) will come out
with the bottom cap.
3. The strainer screen (not shown) should be pulled out
of the body cavity and cleaned.
4. Unscrew the pilot seat assembly (13) from the pilot
5. Replace the pilot seat assembly as a unit and re-install
all parts in reverse order.
6. Minimum torque on the pilot seat is 200 in-lbs and
50 ft-lbs on the bottom cap.
7. The use of a liquid Teflon paste or similar assembly
fluid is recommended for both the pilot seat and bottom cap.
Main Valve
Note: All work to the main valve can be accomplished
in-line. The only reason to remove the valve is if
the location makes it too difficult to work on the
Main Valve Diaphragm
1. Remove pilot valve tubing.
2. Remove the control line to the upper case.
3. ]Remove the actuator bolts (24) and nuts (25) from
the upper and lower actuator cases. Important leave two opposing bolts assembled.
4. Use caution when removing the final two bolts. The
upper case is spring-loaded by the internal return
spring (22).
5. Remove the return springs from the diaphragm plate
6. Remove the valve stem bolt (15) and seal washer
(27) from the diaphragm assembly.
7. Remove the diaphragm stop (12) from the center of
the diaphragm plate.
8. Lift off the diaphragm plate and remove the diaphragm (21).
9. Inspect and replace as required by reversing the
above steps.
10. When re-assembling, it is necessary to balance the
lower support plate (13) on top of the valve plug/
stem assembly (4). Make sure the valve stem bolt
engages all parts in the diaphragm assembly before
tightening. Use a new seal washer (27).
11. To tighten the valve stem bolt, hold the outside of
the diaphragm plate to prevent the assembly from
turning while tightening the bolt.
12. Make sure to locate the return springs on the
stamped guides in the diaphragm plate before assembling the upper case.
Main Valve Seats
1. Remove diaphragm as listed above.
2. Remove the actuator nut (11) from the lower case.
3. Lift the lower case assembly off of the bonnet.
4. Remove the 4 body bolts (not shown).
5. Lift off the bonnet assembly (1) from the main valve
plug / stem assembly (4).
6. Remove the plug / stem (4), spacer (28), and case
from the body bore. Note - the cage will normally
come out with the plug.
7. Remove the seat assembly and o-ring (7) from the
bore of the body.
8. Separate the plug / stem from the cage.
9. Remove plug -O-ring (18).
10. Clean all parts with a light solvent.
11. Replace o-ring numbers (7), (8), (18), & (19).
12. Use a light grease, such as Dow Corning #4 to lubricate all o-rings prior to re-assembly.
13. Place the seat o-ring (7) into the body bore, pushing
it all the way into the corners of the bore.
14. Place the seat ring (5) on top of the o-ring.
15. Insert a new Teflon seat (6) into the groove on the
seat ring.
16. Assemble the plug o-ring (18) to the plug groove.
Place an additional amount of grease on the outside
of the o-ring and carefully insert the plug / stem into
the cage being careful not to damage the o-ring.
17. Place the cage and plug / stem on top of the seat
assembly in the body.
18. Place a new spacer (28) on top of the cage.
19. Insert the bonnet (2) over the stem and onto the
20. Assemble the 4 body bolts using an even crosstorquing method. Torque to 75 ft-lbs.
21. Place the packing spring (26), retainer (29), new set
of packing (10), and the packing follower (9) into the
packing bore of the bonnet. Lubricate each piece of
packing upon installation.
22. Place the lower actuator assembly over the bonnet.
Make certain the port on the lower case is oriented
to the same side as when it was removed, and is 90°
to the flow direction.
23. Secure the actuator nut (11) to the lower case using
a minimum of 100 ft-lbs or torque.
24. Follow the steps outlined above under “Main Valve
Diaphragm” to finish assembling the actuator.