I & M Mark 6127 Series
3170 Wasson Road • Cincinnati, OH 45209
Phone 513.533.5600 • Fax 513.871.0105 (f)
info@richardsind.com • www.jordanvalve.com
Warning: Jordan Valve Control Valves must only be used, installed and repaired in accordance with these Installation & Maintenance Instructions. Observe all applicable public and company codes and regulations. In the event
of leakage or other malfunction, call a qualified service person; continued operation may cause system failure or
a general hazard. Before servicing any valve, disconnect, shut off, or bypass all pressurized fluid. Before disassembling a valve, be sure to release all spring tension.
The Jordan Valve Mark 6127 Pressure-Reducing/
Sustaining Valve is designed to perform the following
1. Reduce a higher upstream pressure into a lower,
constant downstream pressure.
2. Prevent upstream pressure from falling below
a predetermined minimum.
The 6127 consists of the following components:
1. Main Valve, a hydraulically-
operated, diaphragm-actuated globe or
angle valve which closes with an elastomer-on-
metal seal.
2. Pressure-Reducing Pilot, a two way, normally-
open pilot valve which senses downstream
pressure under its diaphragm and balances it
against an adjustable spring load. An increase
in downstream pressure tends to make the pilot
3. Pressure Sustaining Pilot, a two way,
normally-closed pilot valve which senses
upstream pressure under its diaphragm and
balances it against an adjustable spring load.
An increase in upstream pressure tends to make
the pilot open.
4. Ejector, a simple "tee" fitting with a fixed orifice
in its upstream port. It provides the proper
pressure to the diaphragm chamber of the
main valve, depending on the position of the
pressure-reducing pilot.
5. Flow Control Valve, a needle type valve which
provides adjustable, restricted flow in one
direction and free flow in the opposite direction
On the 6127, the flow control valve is
connected as an opening speed control.
Installation & Maintenance Instructions for the
Mark 6127Pressure Regulating Valve
6. Y-Strainer (standard on water service valves)
or Inline Strainer (standard on fuel service
valves).The strainer protects the pilot system
from solid contaminants in the line fluid.
7 A/B. Two Ball Valves (standard on water service
valves, optional on fuel service valves),
useful for isolating the pilot system for
maintenance or troubleshooting.
At user option, the Mark 6127 may also be equipped
with the following:
1. Visual Indicator.
2. Limit Switch Assembly (includes visual
3. Closing Speed Control

Mark 6127 SerieS PreSSure reducing ValVe
theory of operatIon
(Refer to Schematic Diagram)
A. Pressure- Reducing Action
To understand how the Mark 6127 operates, it is best
to start with the EJECTOR. Due to the orifice in its
upstreamport, the ejector creates a pressure drop
proportional to the flow through it. The flow through the
ejector is in turn controlled by the degree of opening
of the PRESSURE REDUCING PILOT. The wider the
pilot opens, the greater the flow through the ejector
and the lower the pressure downstream of the orifice.
Conversely, the more the pilot closes, the lower the
flow through the ejector and the greater the pressure
downstream of the orifice.
Now note that the diaphragm chamber of the MAIN
VALVE is connected to the branch port of the ejector
and is thus downstream of the orifice. In this manner,
the pressure in the diaphragm chamber of the main
valve is in fact controlled by the pressure-reducing
pilot. As the diaphragm pressure decreases, the main
valve opens; as the diaphragm pressure increases, the
main valve closes.
Putting it all together, as downstream pressure tends to
increase above the set point of the pressure-reducing
pilot, the pilot moves further closed. This results in an
increase in pressure in the diaphragm chamber of the
main valve. The main valve then closes slightly to
restore the downstream pressure to the set point.
Conversely, as downstream pressure tends to decrease
below the set point, the pilot moves further open. This
results in a decrease in pressure in the diaphragm
chamber of the main valve. The main valve then opens
wider to bring the downstream pressure back up to the
set point. The net result of all this is a constant
modulating action by the pilot and main valve and a
downstream pressure which remains constant despite
fluctuations in demand or inlet pressure.
B. Pressure- Sustaining Action
Action of the pressure-sustaining pilot is very similar
to that of the pressure-reducing, except that normally
upstream pressure is higher than the sustaining pilot's
set point. The pilot is therefore full open and has no
effect on the operation of the valve.
However, if demand should increase to such a point that
supply pressure should fall to the pilot's set point, the
pilot will begin to throttle, or modulate, and further close
the main valve to keep the pressure from falling any
further. Note that when this action occurs, downstream
pressure will necessarily fall below the set point of the
reducing pilot. Simply stated, the sustaining pilot is
there to protect the pump or supply system from too
low a pressure, and will come into effect only when
called upon to do so.
The 6127 is furnished fully factory-assembled and
ready for installation at the appropriate point in the
system. The user is referred to the Main Valve section
of this manual for full installation details.
Startup and Adjustment
The following procedures should be followed in the
order presented in order to effect an initial startup of the
Mark 6127:
1. Install pressure gauges of the proper range
upstream and downstream of the Mark 6127.
2. Remove the plastic cap from the pressure
reducing pilot, and loosen the adjusting screw
jam nut. Turn the adjusting screw clockwise to
a full stop.
3. Remove the plastic cap from the pressure
sustaining pilot, and loosen the adjusting screw
jam nut. Turn the adjusting screw clockwise to
a full stop.
4. Turn the adjusting screw of the flow control
valve fully clockwise, then back it off three
full turns.
5. Start the pump, or otherwise start the system
flowing. The main valve will at this time be
either fully closed or open only a very small
6. Carefully loosen one of the pipe plugs in the
main valve bonnet until fluid appears around
the threads. When only clear fluid (no air) is
discharging, retighten the plug.
7. Open downstream valves to give as much
demand as possible.
8. Slowly turn the adjusting screw of the pressure sustaining pilot counterclockwise until
upstream pressure falls to the desired minimum.
9. Check downstream pressure. If it is lower than
desired, close downstream valves as required
to build pressure to a value higher than desired.