I & M Mark 40/46
Supplement to Mark 70 & Mark 711 I&M
3170 Wasson Road • Cincinnati, OH 45209 USA
Phone 513-533-5600 • Fax 513-871-0105
info@richardsind.com • www.jordanvalve.com
Warning: Jordan Valve products must only be used, installed and repaired in accordance with these Installation &
Maintenance Instructions. Observe all applicable public and company codes and regulations. In the event of leakage or other malfunction, call a qualied service person; continued operation may cause system failure or a general
hazard. Before servicing any valve, disconnect, shut off, or bypass all pressurized uid. Before disassembling a valve,
be sure to release all spring tension.
Please read these instructions carefully!
Your Jordan Valve product will provide you with long,
trouble-free service if it is correctly installed and maintained. Spending a few minutes now reading these instructions can save hours of trouble and downtime later.
When making repairs, use only genuine Jordan Valve
parts, available for immediate shipment from the factory.
Installation & Maintenance Instructions for
Mark 40/46 Float/Lever Control Valves
Start Up
Follow the start-up procedure outlined in the Mark 70
Follow the maintenance procedures and cautions in the
Mark 70 I&M for valve seat disassembly and reassembly.
1/4” through 2” Sizes
To be used with the Mark 70 I&M
The Mark 40 Float Valve and the Mark 46 Lever Valve are
of the same construction with the exception of the actuator. The Mark 40 is supplied with a oat actuator; the
Mark 46 is supplied with a lever, with a series of drilled
holes, for attachment to a customer supplied actuator.
Follow the installation procedure and cautions outlined
in the Mark 70 I&M with the following additional comments:
Make the installation of the valve so that the oat (or
lever) is properly positioned relative to the tank (or actua-
tor). Note that the actuator assembly can be positioned
in any direction on the valve body by loosening the yoke
screw (19) and rotating the actuator to the desired position. If, however, the actuator is to be rotated more than
90 degrees, the spring pin (21) should be removed from
the stem clevis (22) and the lever (24) removed from
the slot in the stem clevis. This will allow the actuator to
rotate without rotating the clevis pin on the stem (10),
which changes the seat adjustment. After the actuator is
in the proper position, check that the yoke (18) is properly seated on the body (1) and tighten the yoke screw.
Engage the lever in the stem clevis slot and replace the
spring pin.
The oat (34) can be adjusted up or down by loosening
the nut (25) and adjusting the oat to the desired position.
Replace Stem & Disc Pin
Remove the valve seat per instructions in Mark 70 1.
I&M “Valve Seats” section.
Loosen the yoke screw (19) and rotate the actuator 2.
assembly counter-clockwise until the stem clevis
(22) screws off the stem (10). Remove the actuator
Loosen the lock nut (9). Rotate the disc pin (8) 3.
counter-clockwise while pulling the stem (10) up.
Do not remove the stem; lift it only enough to remove the disc pin.
Reassemble in reverse order and adjust seats per 4.
instructions in “Seat Adjustment” section.
Replace Packing
Remove the valve from the line and remove the 1.
valve seat per instruction in Mark 70 I&M “Valve
Seats” section.
Loosen the yoke screw (19) and rotate the actuator 2.
assembly counter-clockwise until the stem clevis
(22) screws of the stem (10). Remove the actuator
Remove the two nuts (17) and lift off the packing 3.
ange (15) and packing follower (14).
Loosen the locknut (9) and rotate the stem (10) 4.
counter-clockwise to screw it out of the disc pin
(8). Remove the locknut from the stem and pull the
stem out of the body.
Remove the packing (13), packing retainer (12), and 5.
packing spring (11).
Clean all parts, including the packing bore, thor-6.
oughly with solvent.
Reassemble in reverse order and adjust seats per 7.
instruction in “Seat Adjustment “ section.

Seat Adjustment
Remove the valve from the line.1.
For Float Rises to Open Valve: Lift the end of the 2.
lever (24) until it stops against the spring pin (21).
For Float Drops to Open Valve: push the end of
the lever (24) down until it stops against the travel
bushing (23).
With the lever in the position of 2A or 2B the seats 3.
should be full open, and the orices should be in
perfect alignment.
If the seats are not in perfect alignment, remove 4.
the spring pin (21) from the stem clevis (22) and
remove the lever (24) from the slot in the stem
clevis. Rotate the stem clevis in 180º increments,
checking alignment each 180º, until proper alignment is attained.
Reassemble actuator. Recheck seat alignment and 5.
replace valve in the line.
in any direction on the valve body, in 60º increments, by
removing the yoke bolts (23), and loosening the locknut
(28) and rotating the actuator assembly to the desired
position. If, however, the actuator is to be rotated more
than 60º, remove the spring pin (26) from the steam
clevis (27) and remove the lever (31) from the slot in the
stem clevis. This will allow the actuator to rotate without
rotating the stem clevis on the stem (15), which changes
the seat adjustment. After the actuator is in the proper
position, engage the lever in the stem clevis and replace
the spring pin. Replace the yoke bolts and tighten the
lock nut.
The oat (38) can be adjusted up or down by loosening
the screw in the pipe clamp (35) and adjusting the oat
to the desired position.
Changing Valve Action
Follow the procedure outlined in the Mark 70 I&M sheet.
Leakage or insufcient ow:
Valve seats may be out of adjustment. Check and
readjust if necessary.
Foreign material may be on seats. Clean the seats.
Float will not rise or drop:
Binding of seats, stem or linkage. Clean parts that
are binding.
Excessive pressure drop: reduce pressure with
pressure regulating valve (available from Jordan
Valve) or use longer level and/or larger oat.
2-1/2” through 6” Sizes
To be used with the Mark 711 I&M
The Mark 40 Float Valve and the Mark 46 Lever Valve
are of the same construction with the exception of the
actuator. The Mark 40 is supplied with a oat actuator;
the Mark 46 is supplied with a lever for attachment to a
customer supplied actuator.
Follow the installation procedure and cautions outlined
in the Mark 711 I&M with the following additional comments:
Make the installation of the valve so that the oat (or
lever) is properly positioned relative to the tank (or actuator). Note that the actuator assembly can be positioned
Follow the maintenance procedures and cautions in the
Mark 711 I&M for valve seat disassembly and reassembly.
Replacing Packing or Replacing Stem and Disc Pin
Remove the valve seat from the line. See cautions 1.
in Mark 711 I&M before removing the valve from
the line.
Remove the yoke bolts (23), remove the spring pin 2.
(26) from the stem clevis (27), and lift the actuator
assembly off of the valve body. Remove the stem
clevis (27) and locknut from the stem (15).
Remove the seats following instructions and cau-3.
tions in the Mark 711 I&M “Valve Seat” section.
Remove the two nuts (22), the packing ange (20), 4.
and the packing follower (19).
Loosen the locknut (14) and unscrew the disc pin 5.
(13) from the stem (15). Carefully remove the stem.
Remove the packing (18), packing retainer (17), and 6.
packing spring (16).
Clean all parts, including the packing bore, with 7.
Reassemble using new packing set and/or new 8.
stem and/or disc pin in reverse order.
Adjust seats per “Seat Adjustment” section below.9.
Seat Adjustment
Remove the valve from the line. See cautions in 1.
Mark 711 I&M before removing the valve from the
The oat arm (37) may be removed from the lever 2.
by loosening the screw in the pipe clamp (35) to
facilitate maintenance. The lever (31) must remain
assembled to the valve.
For Float Rises to Open Valve3. : raise one end of
the lever (31) until it stops against the adjusting
screw (29). For Float Drops to Open Valve: lower
the end of the lever (31) until it stops against the
spring pin.
With the lever in the proper position of 3A or 3B, 4.