Jordan Valve 667M User Manual

I & M 667M Series
3170 Wasson Road • Cincinnati, OH 45209 Phone 513.533.5600 • Fax 513.871.0105 (f) •
Warning: Jordan Valve Control Valves must only be used, installed and repaired in accordance with these Installa­tion & Maintenance Instructions. Observe all applicable public and company codes and regulations. In the event of leakage or other malfunction, call a qualified service person; continued operation may cause system failure or a general hazard. Before servicing any valve, disconnect, shut off, or bypass all pressurized fluid. Before disassem­bling a valve, be sure to release all spring tension.
All Jordan Valve actuators are to be installed and maintained in accordance with instructions supplied by Jordan Valve.
This manual includes information on installing, main­taining and adjusting the 667M Actuator, sizes 30 to
70. Part numbers for the entire assembly is also in­cluded. For information on other equipment used with these actuators, consult the appropriate manuals.
Installation & Maintenance Instructions for the
667M Series Diaphragm Actuator
6. Align the indicator disc with the travel side on the actuator by adjusting the locknuts.
7. Raise the valve plug until the travel disc aligns with the top of the scale (full travel).
8. Clamp the actuator and valve body stems between the two stem connector halves. Insert and tighten both stem connector cap screws.
Note: Avoid clamping the tip of either the valve stem or the actuator stem in the stem connector. Failure to completely clamp the stems may strip the threads and affect proper operation. The length of each stem clamped in the stem connector should be equal to or greater than the diameter of that stem.
The 667M Diaphragm Actuator is usually delivered mounted on a Jordan Valve valve body. When in­stalling the valve body into the pipeline, consult the instructions for that particular valve body.
Should you have any questions during the installation procedure, consult your Jordan Valve Representative.
Actuator Mounting
2. If the valve is direct-acting, push the valve stem down to close the valve. If the valve is reverse-acting, push the valve stem down to open the valve.
3. Place the actuator onto the valve bonnet. If necessary, use a hoist or lift the actuator in order to slip the yoke locknut over the valve stem.
4. Screw the yoke locknut onto the bonnet secur­ ing the actuator to the bonnet.
5. Apply required supply pressure to actuator. If using a 6-30 signal, apply 35 psi. If using a 3-15 signal, apply 20 psi to move the actuator stem to the top of the travel.
9. Lift the travel indicator disc to the stem connector and thread the stem locknuts against the stem connector.
10. Realign the travel indicator scale to show the valve position.
Loading Connection
1. The loading pressure is connected to the 1/4­ inch NPT connection in the side of the yoke.
2. For the 667M Series Actuator Size 70, re­ move the 1/4-inch bushing in the 1/2-inch NPT female connection to increase the connection size if desired. Piping or tubing can be used, but should be kept as short as possible to avoid transmission lag in the control signal. If an accessory is attached to the actuator ensure that it has been properly secured.
3. If the valve positioner is provided as part of the original equipment, the loading pressure con­ nection will be made at the Jordan Valve manu­ facturing facility.
4. Check the valve stem travel by cycling the actuator several times. Ensure that the proper travel occurs when the correct pressure range is applied to the diaphragm.
667M SerieS DiaphragM actuator
Figure 1: Schematic of 667M Actuator
Loading Connection cont’d
5. If the valve stem travel or pressure range is in correct, refer to the “Adjustments” section of this manual.
Do not place the valve in service if it is not responding properly to diaphragm loading pressure changes.
1. Loosen and back off the stem locknuts and indicator disc from the stem connector.
2. Loosen the stem connector cap screws.
Note: Do not use wrenches or other tools directly on the valve stem as this could cause damage to the stem surface and valve packing.
3. Tighten the locknuts (Keys 14 and 20) and complete the adjustment by either screwing the valve stem into the stem connector to lengthen travel or out of the stem connector to shorten travel.
4. Cycle the actuator to ensure that the correct travel has been achieved and repeat the adjustment if necessary.
5. When the correct travel has been reached tighten the stem connector cap screws.
6. Raise the travel indicator disc by threading the stem locknuts against the stem connector.
7. Adjust the travel scale to match the disc.
For ease of service, ensure that the control valve is locat­ed for easy access and serviceability with room above for accessibility. Ensure that sufficient room is provided below should removal of the actuator and valve plug be necessary.
Refer to the nameplate on the yoke of the actuator for details on the specific construction and operating range of the control valve assembly.
The requirements of your specific application will dictate the spring and diaphragm used in your 667M Actua­tor, and when in service, the actuator should create full travel of the valve plug when diaphragm pressure is applied according to the range indicated on the name plate. Generally, the diaphragm pressure range is 3 to 15 PSI or 6 to 30 PSI, but other ranges may be used.
If the motion during the actuator travel differs from the travel stamped on the actuator nameplate, adjust ac­cording to the following directions. In order to adjust the travel of a direct-acting valve, slightly pressure the actuator to move the valve plug off of the seat. This reduces the chance of damaging the valve plug or seat during adjustments.
If the loading pressure range applied to reach the de­sired travel differs from that specified on the nameplate, a spring adjustment is required.
Check the “Bench Set” pressure range on the nameplate when the valve contains no pressure and the packing is loosely inserted in the bonnet. Refer to the “Diaphragm Pressure” range on the nameplate when the valve is controlling the specified pressure drop and the packing is tightened to stop leaks around the stem.
1. Monitor the loading pressure while making adjustments. Be sure not to exceed the pressure specifications of either the loading regulator or the actuator casings.
2. Each actuator spring has a fixed pressure span. Changing the spring compression shifts the span up or down to make the valve travel coincide with the loading pressure range.
Figure 2: Nameplate on the 667M Actuator
667M SerieS DiaphragM actuator
Spring Adjustments cont’d
3. To shift the span up, turn the spring adjustor (Key 11) into the yoke. To shift the span down, turn the spring adjustor out of the yoke.
For operation of the 667M Diaphragm Actuator the actuator stem and valve plug stem must move freely in response to the loading pressure change on the dia­phragm.
Actuator parts are subject to normal wear and tear and should be inspected regularly. The frequency of in­spection and replacement of parts is dependent on the severity of operating conditions.
WARNING: A sudden release of pressure or any uncontrolled process uid can cause personal injury or damage to property. Prior to any disassembly, be sure to:
Isolate the valve from the process,
Release all process pressure
Vent the actuator loading pressure, and
Relieve all spring compression.
Although the following instructions describe how the 667M Diaphragm Actuator can be completely disas­sembled, when inspection or repairs are required, only disassemble those parts required to accomplish the job. Key numbers refer to Figures 3 and 4.
1. Bypass the control valve and reduce the loading pressure to atmospheric.
2. Remove the tubing or piping from the con- nection in the top of the yoke (Key 9). For top- loaded construction also remove the piping or tubing from the connection in the upper diaphragm casing (Key 7).
3. Thread the spring adjustor (Key 2) off the stem (Key 3) to remove all spring compression.
4. If necessary remove the actuator from the valve body by separating the stem connector (Key 21) and removing the yoke locknut.
5. Remove the spring adjustor (Key 2) from the actuator stem (Key 3) and lift the spring seat and spring (Keys 4 and 1) out of the yoke.
6. Remove the diaphragm casing cap screws and nuts (Keys 10 and 14) and lift off the upper diaphragm casing (Key 7).
7. Remove the following parts: diaphragm (Key 6), diaphragm plate (Key 5), spacer (Key 32),
cap screw (Key 11) and actuator stem (Key 3). Be careful not to damage the O-rings (Key 25) when pulling the threads of the actuator stem through the seal bushing (Key 24). Remove the stem through the housing of the yoke so as not to pull the threads through the seal bushing.
8. Separate the parts of this assembly by removing the cap screw (Key 11).
9. To remove the seal bushing, remove the snap- ring (Key 30) and lift out the bushing.
10. Remove the cap screws (Key 19), the lower dia- phragm casing (Key 8) and the gasket (sizes 30 through 60) or O-ring (size 70) (Key 28).
11. If necessary, the down travel stops can be re- moved (Key 33).
1. Place a new gasket or O-ring (Key 28) on the yoke (Key 9) and apply lubricant to the O-ring.
2. Position the lower diaphragm casing (Key 8) on the yoke, align the holes and insert and tighten the cap screws (Key 19).
3. If the down travel stops (Key 33) were removed, insert and tighten them.
4. Coat the O-rings (Keys 28 and 29) with lubricant and place them in the seal bushing (24).
5. Fill the seal bushing with lubricant, slide the bushing into the yoke (Key 9) and install the snap ring (Key 30).
6. Insert the actuator stem (Key 3) through the spring housing of the yoke, then add the lower diaphragm plate (Key 29), diaphragm (Key 6), diaphragm plate (Key 5), and the travel stop cap screw and spacer (Keys 11 and 32).
7. Place this assembly in the actuator, being care ful when pushing the actuator stem through the seal bushing that the threads do not damage the O-rings.
Note: Over tightening the diaphragm cap screws and nuts can damage the diaphragm. Do not exceed 20 foot-pounds (27 Newton meters) torque.
8. Install the upper diaphragm casing (Key 7) and secure with cap screws and nuts (Keys 10 and
14). Tighten evenly using a crisscross pattern to ensure a proper seal.
9. Install the actuator spring (Key 1) and spring seat (Key 4). Apply lubricant to the threads of the actuator stem and to the surface of the spring adjustor (Key 2) that contacts the spring seat. Thread the spring adjustor onto the actuator stem.
10. Mount the actuator onto the valve, following procedures in the “Installation” section of this manual.
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