Safety contact mats

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2 | ABB JOKAB SAFETY - Safety mats

When should I use safety mats?
A safety mat is used as personal
protection within dangerous areas.
The ABB JOKAB SAFETY contact mat is used for safeguarding
sections in hazardous areas around machines, presses, robots
and other types of active equipment. When connected to a
suitable monitoring system, stepping on the mat surface triggers
a control signal to the stop circuit of the potentially hazardous
motion. This fast contact occurs due to the area switch design
on the inside of the mat.
An anti-slip surface is also implemented into the design. The
safety mat and its connection cabling can be supervised by a
suitable ABB JOKAB SAFETY safety relay, Vital Controller or
Pluto Safety PLC which provides PL d.
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Safety mat construction
The basic construction of the ABB JOKAB SAFETY mat consists of two conductive plates which are separated by a proprietary
isolating layer. These plates are completely potted in a polyurethane material so that they are impervious to oil, water and dirt. The
top consists of a slip resistant dotted pattern. This surface provides excellent resistance against oil and grease. Mounting to the
floor can be realized with either aluminum ramp rails or integrated rubber ramp trim.
Safety mat surface layer
Safety mats are normally supplied with a dotted polyurethane non-slip surface layer that
withstands tough conditions very well (oil, acid or caustic substances) and has anti-slip
properties. If required, other patterns can be supplied, or for special requirements, even other
materials. Please contact us for more information about these alternatives.
Safety mat electrical connection
Safety mats must be connected to a suitable monitoring unit (e.g. ABB JOKAB SAFETY safety relays RT6, RT7A/B, RT9, Vital
with Tina 6A or Pluto Safety PLC). The monitoring unit monitors the functionality of the contact protection and detects any
breaks or short-circuits in the lines. Several safety mats can be connected in series while still retaining the same level of safety.
When pressure is applied, the active surface of the contact area in the contact protection is closed and the safety output on the
monitoring unit trips. A stop signal will be sent to the machine’s safety circuits preventing any dangerous movements. Safety
mats are supplied with a 4 conductor 10m cable exiting out the middle of the long side. Conductors 1 and 3 are connected to
the top plate (Safety channel 1) and conductors 2 and 4 are connected to the bottom plate (Safety channel 2).
Note: If alternative units are used rather than the recommended ABB JOKAB SAFET Y relays, it is essential that the
user checks their suitability with ABB JOKAB SAFET Y before use. Failure to do so may result in incorrect operation
and/or damage to the safety mat and invalidate warranty.
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