Johnson Controls VMA1200 Series, VMA1220, VMA1210 Technical Bulletin

Systems Manual 1162
VMA1200 Section
Issue Date 0501
Variable Air Volume Modular Assembly (VMA) 1200 Series
Overview and Engineering Guidelines
VMA1200 Series Overview and Engineering Guide......................... *3
Key Concepts.....................................................................................................*4
VMA1200 Series Models...............................................................................................*4
Definition of Terms........................................................................................................*6
Theory of Operation.......................................................................................................*9
Establish Zones.............................................................................................................12
Room Sensor Placement...............................................................................................12
Pressure Independent VMA...........................................................................................13
VMA Airflow Rate........................................................................................................*13
Power Source.............................................................................................................. *14
Network Topology..................................................................................... *17
Inputs and Outputs...................................................................................................... *19
CablePRO................................................................................................................... *21
Software Too ls ............................................................................................................ *21
Related Documentation............................................................................................... *22
Procedure Overview......................................................................................... 23
Detailed Procedures ........................................................................................*24
Determining VAV Box Requirements........................................................................... *24
Establishing the Room Schedule...................................................................................25
Developing Bills of Material and Placing Orders............................................................26
Configuring the VMA .....................................................................................................27
*Indicates those sections where changes have occurred since the last printing.
© 2001 Johnson Controls, Inc.
Appendix A: Reference Information ............................................... *28
Introduction....................................................................................................... 28
VMA Wiring List........................................................................................................... *29
VMA Wiring Interface Diagram....................................................................................*31
VMA Parts List............................................................................................................. *32
FCC Part 15 Label.........................................................................................................33
VMA Specifications ..................................................................................................... *34
Fabricating Your Own Interconnection Cable...............................................................*38
Sensor Interface.......................................................................................................... *39
Appendix B: Application Example.................................................. *42
Single Duct Application Example................................................................................. *42
*Indicates those sections where changes have occurred since the last printing.
VMA1200 Series Overview and Engineering Guidelines
VMA1200 Series Overview and Engineering Guide
The Variable Air Volume Modular Assembly (VMA) 1200 Series is a configurable, integrated module that includes a Variable Air Volume (VAV) controller, actuator, and differential pressure sensor. The VMA is offered as two models: cooling only and cooling with reheat. The models, which use the LonTalk protocol, are designed for pressure independent, single duct systems. The reheat model can be used with parallel or series fan powered boxes.
This manual is a reference tool for engineering VMA1200 installations and applications. It is also a training tool to learn about the VMA1200 Series controllers. It is task oriented for easy reference to specific tasks. Refer to the appendixes at the end of this document for wiring tables and diagrams, a parts list, specifications, and an application example.
This document describes how to:
determine VAV box requirements
establish the room schedule
develop bills of material and place orders
configure the VMA
Key Concepts
VMA1200 Series Models
Table 1 lists VMA1200 Series features. Table 2 shows available VMA1200 models.
Table 1: Feature Checklist
VMA Features Comments
Pattern Recognition Adaptive Control (PRAC) on Zone Proportional Plus Integral (PI) Temperature Loops
Adaptive Flow Control Loops No manual tuning, improved control and energy savings Single Duct, Pressure Independent VAV Meets most VAV applications. Side Loops without Interlocking Single Analog Input (AI) to Analog Output (AO)/Binary
Fan Powered Boxes Series or parallel Incremental, Proportional, and Three Stages
of Box Heat Incremental, Proportional Two Position, or
One Stage Supplemental Heat
Damper Actuator
Clockwise (CW)/Counterclockwise (CCW) Rotation Selection
Ability to Download Code Firmware Firmware code is upgradeable without removing the VMA.
Moving Average Flow/Temperature Diagnostic
Actuator Duty Cycle Diagnostic Indicates shaft slippage.
Balancing Tool with Automatic K-factor Calculation
24 VAC Isolation Eliminates 24 to 24 VAC transformer and polarity concerns. Multiple VMAs Powered by a 100 VA
Transformer Isolated Communication, Binary Outputs, and
24 VAC Ability to Drive Low Current Relays Down to
25 mA 13-Bit Analog Input/8-Bit Analog Output
Resolution Analog Input Jumpers Eliminated All analog inputs are preset reducing labor.
Continued on next page . . .
Eliminates manual tuning and seasonal retuning.
Output (BO)
Up to three stages or normally open/closed valves
Normally open or closed valves
Set via M-Pro software, VMA1200 Balancing Tool (VBT) software, or network management tool for either direction to close.
Provides standard measure of control loop performance over time.
Palm compatible handheld device (Version 2.0 or later operating system) on Zone Bus
Up to 14 cooling only. Number of reheat/fan units depends on power consumption of valve/fan relays.
Saves installed cost and improved electrical noise rejection.
Eliminates relay chatter.
High accuracy and good device control
VMA1200 Series Overview and Engineering Guidelines
VMA Features (Cont.) Comments
Differential Pressure Transducer
Dead Ended Transducer No filters or maintenance required. Capacitive Technology Improved stability Industry Accepted Flow Measurement
Temperature Sensors
Variety of Sensors Nickel, 1K platinum, 2.25K NTC Temporary Occupied Button On TMZ1600, TE-6700, TE-7000 (Europe only) Series
Temporary Occupied Light-Emitting Diode (LED)
LED Indicator for Operation Power/Communication
Small, One Piece Assembly 102 x 153 x 102 mm (4 x 6 x 4 in.)
Plenum Plastic Housing Rating UL 94-5VB plenum flammability may eliminate metal box
Removable Input/Output (I/O) Screw Terminals
Node Installation
Service Pin Message Local pushbutton and remote access from Palm compatible
Wink Function
Bar Code Label
Even for flows below 250 fpm (1.25 m/s) typical
room sensors On TMZ1600, TE-6700, TE-7000 (Europe only) Series
room sensors for Occupied and Unoccupied modes Verifies operation and power connections.
Prewired to reduce installed cost.
(check local codes). Two or three position accessory kits
handheld device Initiate via Palm compatible handheld device or network
management tool. Two removable bar code labels printed with Neuron ID
Table 2: VMA1200 Series Models
Inputs/Outputs Points Rating VMA1210
Analog Inputs: Zone Temperature Zone Setpoint Humidity, Dewpoint, or Sideloop Supply Air Temperature or
Supplemental Heat Temperature Velocity Pressure
Binary Inputs: Temporary Occupied/
Standby/Room Sensor LED Occupied Off or Window or Shutdown Analog Outputs: Proportional Heat AO-1 0-10 VDC @ 10 mA Binary Outputs: Fan Box Heat--Incremental Valve or
1-3-stage Electric Supplemental Heat--Incremental
Valve or 1-3-stage Electric
Actuator Motor
AI-1 AI-2 AI-3 AI-4
BI-2 BI-3
BO-1 to BO-5
1K Ni or Pt or 2.25K NTC
1.6K ohm Potentiometer (Pot.) 0-10 VDC 1K Ni or Pt or 2.25K NTC
0-1.75 inch W.C. (0-436 pa)
Dry contact
Dry contact Dry contact
24 VAC triac @ 0.5A
✔ ✔
✔ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔
Definition of Terms
Auto Calibration
The VMA has an Auto Calibration mode that runs periodically to adjust the pressure sensor calibration due to offset tolerance and mounting position.
A process performed by a network management tool that connects Network Variable Outputs (NVOs) and Network Variable Inputs (NVIs). These connections provide for peer-to-peer data transfers.
Verification of controller inputs and outputs and modification of the controller configuration properties to meet installation specifications.
Configuration Properties
Data stored in non-volatile memory (Flash) in the controller that is accessible from a network management tool.
VMA1200 Series Overview and Engineering Guidelines
Building an application within the controller to establish the required control sequence, setting the functionality of the controller.
Writing the Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) application data and configuration properties to the controller. This is accomplished using a software tool with a Personal Computer (PC).
Network management system protocol for LONW
Network Services (LNS
) Protocol
LONWORKS FTT-10A Transceiver
The Free Topology Transceiver (FTT) interface between the VMA1200 and the physical network.
A software tool used to configure and download controllers. M-Pro software is part of the System Tools in M-Tool.
The microprocessor used in the VMA. Each neuron has a unique 48-bit ID for node identification.
term for Network Variable Inputs/Outputs. These
variables may be read/written by network management tools. They may be bound to other network variables in a system.
Palm Compatible Handheld Device
A handheld computer that uses software to configure and balance the VMA1200. The PalmPilot unit is an example of this device.
LONM Configuration Property Type.
LONM A SNVT/UNVT defines the units, structure, and resolution of the configuration properties, NVIs and NVOs.
terms for Standard Configuration Property Type and User
term for Standard/User Network Variable Types.
Test and Balance (TAB)
Test and Balance (TAB) is a function performed to ensure the installed system operates to design specifications. Balancing of the VMA zone indicates whether the VAV terminal box achieves minimum/maximum airflow settings. TAB must also be performed for the air handler and the air duct distribution to the VAV box.
Variable Air Volume (VAV) Controller
An Application Specific Controller (ASC) used for digital control of single duct, dual duct, fan powered, and supply/exhaust VAV box applications.
Variable Air Volume Modular Assembly (VMA)
Includes a digital controller with integrated pressure transducer and actuator.
Zone Bus
A local interface between the controller and the room sensor. By connecting a Palm compatible handheld device with the proper software to the CablePRO or CVTPROx00-0 and room sensor, the Zone Bus allows you to monitor and commission directly through the room sensor.
Theory of Operation
VAV systems are most easily understood by considering them as cooling applications. As the zone temperature increases due to heat produced by people, computers, or other heat sources, the VMA opens the VAV box damper and lets cooler air in. The size of the space and the internal and external heat loads dictate the volume of air required to maintain a zone temperature setpoint. In addition, since the size of the VAV box dictates its maximum cooling capacity, VAV box performance is dependent upon the design engineer sizing the box for each zone. If the installed unit is too small, insufficient cooling results, and excessive flow rates cause audible noise. If the installed unit is too large, proper control is difficult to maintain, since a small change in damper position causes excessive airflow change. Boxes are sometimes oversized to ensure quiet operation or to reserve cooling capacity as zone usage changes.
A cooling only VAV system maintains a constant zone temperature while varying the flow of air to the space. This is unlike a constant volume system that maintains a constant volume of airflow to the space but varies the temperature of the air stream in response to space temperature changes. VAV systems are predominantly single duct, but some are dual duct designs. The VMA can be configured for most single duct pressure independent VAV applications. The M-Pro software (part of M-Tool Release 2.0) is used to configure and download VMA1200 applications.
VMA1200 Series Overview and Engineering Guidelines
The actuator drives the damper from full open to full closed in 90 seconds. The VMA incorporates flow feedback to accurately position the damper and to minimize position hunting and motor runtime. Control performance metrics are recorded and are available via network variables to the Metasys Operator Workstation (OWS). Figure 1 shows the VMA1200 in the Metasys Network. Figure 2 is a functional block diagram of the VMA1200.
Operator Workst at i on (with OWS, M-Pro, and LNS S of tware)
Network Control Module (NCM)
Network Bus
Palm Compatible Handheld Device
CVTPRO Converter
CablePRO Converter
Palm Compatible Handheld Device
Figure 1: VMA1200 Controllers in Metasys Network Diagram
VMA1200 Series Overview and Engineering Guidelines
L W Network
Window Open
Occupancy Sensor
Temp Occ Button
Space Temperature
Space Set point
Auxiliary Temperature
Auxiliary 0-10V
Digital Inputs
(DP) Sensor
IO Processor
Analog Output
TE-670 0, TMZ1600, or Palm Compatible Handheld Device
Heating Valve
Five 24 VAC Outputs for Fan, Staged Heating, etc.
Figure 2: VMA1200 Functional Block Diagram
Establish Zones
When designing VMA systems, establishing zones correctly is critical to take maximum advantage of the VMA’s exceptional accuracy and rapid response capabilities.
The designer strives for the most uniform indoor environmental conditions possible. A single thermostatic device (room sensor) controls each area. A zone could also be thought of as an area where the load is considered the same for every square foot of floor space.
HVAC system zones fall into two major categories: exterior zones and interior zones. Exterior zones are spaces directly affected by outdoor weather conditions. Heat losses or outdoor air conditions do not influence interior zones. Interior zones usually have cooling or ventilation requirements only.
Further divisions of interior/exterior zones may be required to accommodate different occupancy schedules and/or solar loads. Variations in internal loading dictate the selection of separate zones. For example, in a restaurant, the kitchen has vastly different heating and cooling requirements from the seating area.
Room Sensor Placement
Consider room sensor placement for each zone, making sure to:
Verify that the room sensor is the correct one for the application.
Review architectural requirements such as furniture height and
location, aesthetics, and type of mounting. Wall plates are required if mounting on a conduit handibox.
Review room sensor location. The best room sensor location is on
an interior wall, about five feet above the floor, out of direct sunlight, out of the direct path of supply air from the diffuser, away from heat sources, such as equipment, machines, and perimeter radiation, and away from doors and other draft sources. Mounting height may be affected by local codes or the accessibility needs of persons with disabilities.
Do not locate a sensor near zone boundaries where primary
influence is from an adjacent zone.
VMA1200 Series Overview and Engineering Guidelines
Pressure Independent VMA
The pressure independent VMA employs patented self-tuning, cascaded proportional/integral control loops. The zone temperature loop samples space temperature and resets the airflow setpoint between the minimum and maximum flow settings. Since inlet duct static pressure influences the amount of air passing through the VAV box, the VMA airflow loop samples airflow via a flow pickup in the box inlet. It modulates the damper to control the flow. Thus, the VAV box flow is independent of duct static pressure.
The engineering basis for this method of control is that the temperature of a space with a constant load is linearly proportional to the flow of conditioned air into the space. The engineer must accurately determine the required maximum and minimum flow for each space based on heating, cooling, and ventilation loads.
VMA Ai r fl o w Ra t e
The VMA determines airflow rate by dynamic pressure measurement. The VMA contains a Differential Pressure Transmitter (DPT) to sense differential pressure in pressure independent VAV applications.
The DPT is connected to the VAV box airflow pickups. It measures differential pressure and generates a proportional voltage signal. The voltage signal from the DPT is read by the VMA and converted to airflow in cubic feet per minute (cfm) or liters per second.
The DPT provides maintenance-free performance within the control range of 1.25 to 18 m/s (250 to 3500 feet per minute [fpm]) when used as recommended.
The minimum 1.25 m/s (250 fpm) velocity and the gain of the airflow pickup produce an accurately measured pressure difference.
The VMA Auto Calibration function helps reduce the temperature effect error by zeroing offset errors. As the ambient temperature swings relative to the temperature at which the Auto Calibration occurred, an offset error may occur (typically ±0.179 Pa/°C [±0.0004 inch W.C./°F]). When calibration occurs, this error becomes zero.
The error envelope becomes smaller with increased airflow pickup gain and with smaller ambient temperature deviations at the transmitter location.
Power Source
You can use one 24 VAC power trunk to power multiple VMAs. In this case, transformers of up to 100 VA are centrally located, and the secondary run is without conduit and without concern about polarity.
Notes: The 24V power transformer must be UL/CSA listed as
NEC Class 2 Power Limited. See NEC Article 725/Class 2 (30 VRMS maximum) and
(100 VA maximum).
The VMA1210 draws 7 VA including the internal damper actuator. Therefore, 14 VMAs can be powered from one 100 VA transformer without conduit. The number of VMA1220s is dependent on the binary output loads and reheat actuators. The reheat actuators must be added to the 7 VA of the controller, then divided into the 100 VA transformer power. For example, the VMA1220 draws 7 VA without loads. If there were only a single VA-8020 reheat valve per VMA, its 4 VA must be added to the VMA for a total of 11 VA. Then nine VMA/VA8020s can be powered from one 100 VA transformer.
Table 3 shows the power rating for several cooling/heating coil valve actuators. The valve power plus the VMA power must not exceed 100 VA. If a device is not listed in the following table, refer to the product literature for that device.
Table 3: Actuator VA Power Rating
Actuator Type Power Rating
VA-8020 VA-8050 VA-7200 J Series Electric Zone Valve VA-8022 VA-8052 VA-7202 VA-7450 VA-7452 VA-7050 VA-7310 VA-7312 VA-7010 VA-7150 VA-7152
Incremental 4 VA Incremental 6 VA Incremental 6.7 VA On Off 7 VA Voltage (0 to 10 VDC) 4 VA Voltage (0 to 10 VDC) 6 VA Voltage (0 to 10 VDC) 6.7 VA Incremental 2.5 VA Voltage (0 to 10 VDC) 2.5 VA Thermal (DAO) 3 VA Incremental 2 VA Voltage (0 to 10 VDC) 2 VA On/Off 7 VA Incremental 2.7 VA Voltage (0 to 10 VDC) 4.7 VA
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