T600xxx-4 and T600xxx-4+PIR Series
T600xxx-4 and T600xxx-4+PIR Series Thermostat Controllers
Thermostat Controllers
The T600xxN-4 and T600xxN-4+PIR Series
Non-programmable and T600xxP-4 and
T600xxP-4+PIR Series Programmable
Thermostat Controllers are specifically
designed for control of single-stage,
multi-stage, and heat pump commercial
heating and cooling equipment. The
T600xxP-4 and T600xxP-4+PIR Series
Thermostat Controllers are also specifically
designed for control of rooftop units (with and
without economizers).
The T600xxx-4+PIR Series Thermostat
Controllers have occupancy sensing capability
built into the device. These are stand-alone
devices that maximize up to 30% energy
savings in high-energy usage light commercial
buildings, such as schools and hotels, during
occupied times by using additional setpoint
The T600xxx-4 and T600xxx-4+PIR Series
Thermostat Controllers provide exceptional
temperature control in an easy-to-use and
flexible package. All models have over
20 configurable parameters, enabling the
thermostat controllers to adapt to a variety of
The T600xxx-4 and T600xxx-4+PIR Series
Thermostat Controllers include several
models: single-stage (T600HCx-4 and
T600HCx-4+PIR Series), heat pump
(T600HPx-4 and T600HPx-4+PIR Series),
multi-stage (T600MSx-4 and T600MSx-4+PIR
Series), and economizer (T600MEP-4 and
T600MEP-4+PIR). All models employ a
unique, Proportional-Integral (PI)
time-proportioning algorithm that virtually
eliminates temperature offset associated with
traditional, differential-based thermostat
Refer to the T600xxx-4 and T600xxx-4+PIR
Series Thermostat Controllers Product Bulletin
(LIT-12011583) for important product
application information.
• onboard occupancy sensor (Passive
Infrared [PIR] Models) — provides energy
savings without additional installation
• password protection option — protects
against undesired thermostat controller
• backlit Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) —
offers real-time control status of the
environment in easy-to-read, English plain
text messages with constant backlight that
brightens during user interaction
• simplified setpoint adjustment — enables
the user to change the setpoint by simply
pressing the UP/DOWN arrow keys
• five easy-to-use interface keys — allow for
easy commissioning and adjustment of the
thermostat controller and eliminates the
need for DIP switches
• three Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) —
provide fan, heating, and cooling status at
a glance
Code No. LIT-1900616
November 13, 2009
• two configurable digital inputs — provide
additional inputs for advanced functions
such as remote night setback, occupancy
override, and service or filter alarms
• over 20 configurable parameters – enable
the thermostat controller to adapt to any
application, allowing installer parameter
access without opening the cover
• configurable auxiliary output — provides
24 VAC control for exhaust fans, lighting,
and other auxiliary functions
• economizer output (T600MEP-4 and
T600MEP-4+PIR models) — controls
economizer operation for single- and
multi-stage unitary rooftop equipment
Repair Information
If either the T600xxx-4 or T600xxx-4+PIR
Series Thermostat Controller fails to operate
within its specifications, replace the unit. For a
replacement thermostat controller, contact the
nearest Johnson Controls® representative.
Code Number Description
SEN-600-1 Remote Inside Air Temperature Sensor
SEN-600-4 Remote Inside Air Temperature Sensor with Occupancy Override and LED
1. Additional TE-63xx-x Series 10k ohm Johnson Controls Type II Thermistor Sensors are available; refer to the TE-6300 Series Temperature Sensors
2. The TEC-3-PIR Accessory Cover can be used to replace the existing cover on a non-PIR T600xxx-4 Series Th ermost at Con troller to provide occupancy sensing
The performance specifications are nomina l and conf orm to accep table industr y standar ds. For ap plications a t condition s beyond th ese specification s, consult the local Johnson Controls o ffice.
Johnson Controls, Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products. © 2012 Johnson Controls, Inc.
Product Bulletin (LIT-216320) for more de tails. When a TE-63xx-x Se ries Sensor is installe d according to remote sensing wiring, the thermost at controller controls
based off the temperature sensed by the TE-63xx-x Series Sensor.
Duct Mount Air Temperature Sensor
Outside Air Temperature Sensor
Cover with Occupancy Sensor
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T600xxx-4 and T600xxx-4+PIR Series Thermostat Controllers (Continued)
T600xxx-4 Series Thermostat Controller (Left) and
T600xxx-4+PIR Series Thermostat Controller (Right)
Dimensions, in. (mm)
Selection Chart
Code Number Description Onboard
T600HCN-4 Single-Stage No Fan Coil Units, Unit Heaters, and Single-Stage Packaged Heating/Cooling Equipment
T600HCN-4+PIR Single-Stage Yes Fan Coil Units, Unit Heaters, and Single-Stage Packaged Heating/Cooling Equipment
T600HPN-4 Heat Pump No Heat Pump with Up to Three Heating Stages and Two Cooling Stages
T600HPN-4+PIR Heat Pump Yes Heat Pump with Up to Three Heating Stages and Two Cooling Stages
T600MSN-4 Multi-Stage No Multi-Stage Packaged Heating/Cooling Equipment
T600MSN-4+PIR Multi-Stage Yes Multi-Stage Packaged Heating/Cooling Equipment
T600HCP-4 Single-Stage No Fan Coil Units, Unit Heaters, and Single-Stage Packaged Heating/Cooling Equipment
T600HCP-4+PIR Single-Stage Yes Fan Coil Units, Unit Heaters, and Single-Stage Packaged Heating/Cooling Equ ipment
T600HPP-4 Heat Pump No Heat Pump with Up to Three Heating Stages and Two Cooling Stages
T600HPP-4+PIR Heat Pump Yes Heat Pump with Up to Three Heating Stages and Two Cooling Stages
T600MEP-4 Economizer No Packaged Rooftop Units with Economizers
T600MEP-4+PIR Economizer Yes Packaged Rooftop Units with Economizers
T600MSP-4 Multi-Stage No Multi-Stage Packaged Heating/Cooling Equipment
T600MSP-4+PIR Multi-Stage Yes Multi-Stage Packaged Heating/Cooling Equipment
The performance specifications are nomina l and conf orm to accep table industr y standar ds. For ap plications a t condition s beyond th ese specification s, consult the local Johnson Controls o ffice.
Johnson Controls, Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products. © 2012 Johnson Controls, Inc.
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