T-4100 Single Temperature
Low Volume Output Thermostat
Single Temperature Low Volume Output Thermostat
Code No. LIT-1921695
Issued January 15, 2008
The T-4100 Thermostat is a low volume
output, single temperature thermostat.
Refer to T-4000 Series Pneumatic Room
Thermostat Product Bulletin (LIT-7171060P)
for important product information.
Repair Information
If the T-4100 Single Temperature Low Volume
Output Thermostat fails to operate within its
specifications, replace the unit. For a
replacement thermostat, contact the nearest
Johnson Controls® representative.
Selection Charts
T-4100 Thermostat
T-4100-1 Direct Acting, Fahrenheit
T-4100-3 Direct Acting, Celsius
T-4100-2 Reverse Acting, Fahrenheit
T-4100-4 Reverse Acting, Celsius
Accessories for T4100
R-3710 Series 0.005 or 0.007 inch Restrictors
• mounts vertically
• provided with exposed or concealed set
point adjustment
• available as Direct Acting (DIR) or
Reverse Acting (REV) model
• includes standard Fahrenheit and Celsius
• requires only one air connection with the
use of a remote restrictor
• available in vertical only
Technical Specifications
T-4100 Single Temperature Low Volume Output Thermostat
Sensitivity Adjustable from 1 to 3 psig/°F (12 to 38 kPa/°C)
Flow Capacity 45 SCIM (12 mL/s) with .007 in. Restrictor
Air Consumption 45 SCIM (12 mL/s) or 25 SCIM (7 mL/s) depending on Restrictor
Supply Pressure 13 to 25 psig (91 to 175 kPa)
Dial Range 55 to 85°F or 12 to 28°C
Air Connections One Restricted Supply/Output
Factory set at approximately 2.5 psig/°F (32 kPa/°C)
25 SCIM (7 mL/s) with .005 in. Restrictor
nominal 20 psig (140 kPa)
The performance specifications are nomina l and conf orm to accep table industr y standar ds. For ap plications a t condition s beyond th ese specification s, consult the local Johnson Controls o ffice.
Johnson Controls, Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products. © 2011 Johnson Controls, Inc.