System 450™ Series Control Modules with Analog Outputs
Installation Instructions
Part No. 24-7664-2780, Rev. A
Issued December 10, 2009
IMPORTANT: Use this System 450 Series Control
Module with Analog Output only as an operating
control. Where failure or malfunction of the System
450 control module could lead to personal injury or
property damage to the controlled equipment or
other property, additional precautions must be
designed into the control system. Incorporate and
maintain other devices, such as supervisory or
alarm systems or safety or limit controls, intended to
warn of or protect against failure or malfunction of
the System 450 control module.
System 450 is a family of modular, digital electronic
controls that is easily assembled and set up to provide
reliable temperature, pressure, and humidity control for
a wide variety of Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation,
and Refrigeration (HVACR), and commercial/industrial
process applications.
The System 450 Series allows you to configure custom
application-specific control systems with up to three
input sensors and ten (relay and/or analog) outputs,
including control systems that can monitor and control
temperature, pressure, and humidity applications
You can easily install and quickly configure a
stand-alone System 450 control module and sensor in
the field as a replacement control for almost any
temperature, pressure, and humidity control.
C450CxN-1 models are analog output control modules
with Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and four-button touch
pad User Interface (UI) that allows you to set up a
System 450 control system. C450CPN-1 models
provide one self-selecting analog output, C450CQN-1
models provide two self-selecting analog outputs.
Refer to the System 450 Series Technical Bulletin (LIT-12011459) for more detailed information on
designing, installing, setting up, and troubleshooting
System 450 Series control systems. The System 450
technical bulletin can be accessed and downloaded on
the Johnson Controls® Online Product Litera tu re Web
site at the following Web address:
Observe the following System 450 location guidelines:
•Ensure that the mounting surface can support the
module assembly, mounting hardware, and any
(user-supplied) panel or enclosure.
•Mount the modules in upright and plugged together
in a horizontal row where possible. DIN rail
mounting is highly recommended.
•Mount modules on flat even surfaces.
•Allow sufficient space for wires and connections.
•Mount the modules in locations free of corrosive
vapors and observe the ambient operating
conditions in the Technical Specifications
•Do not mount the modules on surfaces that are
prone to vibration or in locations where radio
frequency or electromagnetic emissions may
cause interference.
•Do not install the modules in airtight enclosures.
•Do not install heat-generating devices in an
enclosure with the modules that may cause the
temperature to exceed the ambient operating limit.
System 450™ Series Control Modules with Analog Outputs Installation Instructions1
Mounting System 450 Modules
Figure 2: C450CxN-1 Wiring Terminals
with Analog
Analog Output Terminals
Common terminals (C)
are internally
Mount System 450 modules on 35 mm DIN rail
(recommended) or directly to an even wall surface. To
mount the modules on DIN rail:
1. Provide a section of 35 mm DIN rail that is longer
than the module assembly width, and mount the
DIN rail horizontally in a suitable location using
appropriate mounting hardware/fasteners.
2. Clip the control module on the rail, position the
upper DIN rail clips on the top rail, and gently snap
the lower clips on to the rail.
3. Clip the remaining modules to the right of the
control module on to the DIN rail and plug together.
To direct mount modules to wall surfaces:
1. Plug the modules together, remove the module
covers, place the assembly against wall surface
horizontally in a suitable location, and mark the
mount hole locations on the surface.
IMPORTANT: Do not exceed the System 450
module electrical ratings. Exceeding module
electrical ratings can result in permanent da mage to
the modules and void any warranty.
IMPORTANT: Do not connect 24 VAC supply
power to the System 450 modules before finishing
wiring and checking all wiring connections. Short
circuits or improperly connected wires can result in
damage to the modules and void any warranty.
IMPORTANT: Run all low-voltage wiring and
cables separate from all high-voltage wiring.
Shielded cable is strongly recommended for input
and output cables that are exposed to high
electromagnetic or radio frequency noise.
2. Install appropriate screw fasteners, leaving screw
heads approximately one to two turns away from
flush to the surface.
FIG:sys450_anlg_c ntrl_wi r
3. Place the assembly over screw heads and on the
mounting slots, and carefully tighten mount screws.
Note: If you mount the modules on an uneven
surface, do not damage the housings when
tightening mounting screws. Use shims/washers to
mount module assembly evenly on the surface.
Refer to the control sensor installation instructions for
information on locating and mounting control sensors.
See Figure 2 and Table 1 for electrical termination
System 450
Control Module
locations and wiring information. See Technical
Specifications on page 11 for electrical ratings.
WARNING: Risk of Electric Shock.
Disconnect or isolate all power supplies
before making electrical connections.
More than one disconnect or isolation
may be required to completely
de-energize equipment. Contact with
components carrying hazardous voltage
can cause electric shock and may result
in severe personal injury or death.
IMPORTANT: Use copper conductors only. Make
all wiring in accordance with local, national, and
regional regulations.
System 450™ Series Control Modules with Analog Outputs Installation Instructions2
Figure 3: Example System 450 Heat/Cool System with Condenser Fan Speed Control
Analog Output
Active/Passive Sensor DIP Switches
DIP Switch 1 is Off; switch 2 is ON.
L1 L2
Table 1: System 450 Analog Output Control Module Terminal Wiring Information
LabelTerminal FunctionWire Sizes
24VAccepts 24 V AC supply power, when a C450YNN power module is not connected,
and provides power terminal for 24 VAC (humidity) sensors.
5VProvides 5 VDC power for active sensors.
S1, S2, S3Accepts passive or active (0-5 VDC) input signals from control sensors.
Provide low-voltage Common connections for 24 VAC power and passive or active
sensors connected to the 5V, Sn1, Sn2, and Sn3 terminals.
Note: The three C terminals are connected internally and can be connected to
ground in the field.
Provides a self-detecting analog output signal in conjunction with the COM
terminal; either 0–10 VDC or 4–20 mA.
COMProvides a self-detecting analog output signal in conjunction with the AO1 or AO2
terminal; either 0–10 VDC or 4–20 mA.
0.8 mm
28 AWG to 16 AWG
0.08 mm
28 AWG to 16 AWG
to 1.5 mm
to 1.5 mm
System 450™ Series Control Modules with Analog Outputs Installation Instructions 3
Displays a
Setup Value shown on the screen. Output
Numbers are automatically determined by
in the module assembly. ( = Output 4.)
Control Ramp Icon:
Displays whether an
Analog Output increases or decreases as
the sensor input increases, an d w hether the
output signal strength is at min imum or
maximum when the sensed property is at
Setpoint. The Control Ramp icon displayed
is determined by the Output's SP , EP, OSP,
and OEP setup values.
MENU Button:
Press to move through the
sensor and output setup-start-screens.
When moving through the status or setup
screens, press to return to the status start
screen or setup start screen.
Status or Setup Identifier:
Displays the
unit of me asurement, output, sensor number,
setup parameter for the displa yed Status or
Setup Value. (Setup Identifier repres ents
% Output Si gnal Strength at Setpoint.)
UP and DOWN Buttons:
Press or to select
a differ ent value for any flashing value in the
Setup Value field. In the Main/Default (Sensor
Status) sc r een, press and hold bot h and
for 5 seconds to access the Setup Start screens.
Status or Setup Value:
Displays th e current
input stat us, output status setup parameter
value for t he displayed input sensor or output.
select a different Parameter
Value when the value is fl ashing. ( = 100%.)
Press or to
Light-Emitting Diode (LED):
Green LEDs
associat ed Relay Out put is On or Off.
the (flashing) Setup Value and go to the
next setu p screen.
Figure 4: System 450 Control Module Output Analog LEDs, LCD, Four-Button Touch Pad User Interface
on Relay Control Module and R el ay
Expansion Modules (only) indicates if the
Output (or Sens or ) N um be r:
numerical value tha t identifies the Output
(or Sensor ) associated with the S tatus or
the outputs' physical positions (left to right)
FIG:sys450cntrl_m odul
NEXT Button:
press to scroll through the system status
screens. In a setup screen , press to save
In the Main /D efault screens,
Setup and Adjustments
System 450 Components
A System 450 control system consists of one control
module, one to three control sensors, and one to ten
outputs that provide analog control and/or On/Off
control. Figure 3 shows an example System 450
module assembly with two sensors and three outputs
(two analog outputs and one relay output).
Setting up a Module Assembly
To set up a System 450 module assembly:
1. Determine the controlled conditions, sensor types,
and value ranges required for your application, and
select the appropriate System 450 sensor types.
2. Determine the number and type (relay or analog) of
outputs required to control your application, and
select the appropriate System 450 control module
and expansion modules.
3. Assemble the control and expansion modules,
starting with the control module on the left .
Note: If you use a C450YNN-1 power module, it
must be plugged into the control module. Plug
remaining expansion modules to the right of the
power module.
4. Apply power to the module assembly.
Y ou ca n now set up the module assembly in the control
module UI.
Setting up a Control System in User Interface
System 450 control modules have a back-lit LCD and a
four-button touch pad User Interface (UI) that enable
you to set up all of the inputs (sensors) and outputs in
the module assembly (Figure 4).
Figure 7 provides an example System 450 setup
overview that corresponds to the control system
example shown in Figure 3 and the following setup
examples and procedures.
To set up a control system in the System 450 UI:
1. Build your control system module assembly and
connect it to power. See Setting up a Module Assembly on page 4.
IMPORTANT: Each time a module assembly is
powered ON, the control module polls all of the
modules to identify output type (relay or analog) and
assigns a sequential output number (1 to 9 [0= 10])
to each output starting with the control module
output on the left. The output numbers identify each
output’s setup screens in the UI. (See Figure 4.)
2. Access the System 450 setup screens in the UI.
See Accessing the System 450 Setup Screens
page 5.
3. Set up the control system inputs in the UI. See
Setting up System 450 Sensors
on page 5.
System 450™ Series Control Modules with Analog Outputs Installation Instructions4
4. Set up the control system outputs in the UI. See
Setting up System 450 Outputs
IMPORTANT: Do not change the module positions
after a System 450 control system is set up in the
System 450 UI. System 450 control logic is set up in
the UI according to the input Sensor T ypes, the output
types, and the output numbers. Changing modules or
module positions in a module assembly that is
already set up in the UI, can change the output
numbers, output types, and/or the setup values of the
assembly outputs, which will require setting up the
outputs again.
Use the worksheet provided on page 14 to plan and
record the settings for your System 450 control system.
Table 2: System 450 Main Screens and Status Screens Informatio n and Procedures
LCD ScreenName, Description/Function, User Action, and Example
Main (Input Status) Screen: During normal operation, the Main screen automatically scrolls through the
current status at each input sensor in your control system and displays the sensor number, the unit of
measurement, and the sensed condition value. See Figure 7.
Note: Main screens are view-only, selections are not made in Main screens.
Press NEXT repeatedly to scroll through and view the System Status screens for all inputs and
outputs in your control system.
Press and hold both UP and DOWN for 5 seconds to access your control system’s setup screens.
Note: In any system setup screen, you can return to the Main Screens by pressing both UP and DOWN
simultaneously. Also, the UI retu rns to the Main screen after 2 minutes of inactivity in any screen.
Examples show Sensor 1 sensing 232 psi and Sensor 2 sensing 74°F.
System Status Screens: The System Status screens display current status of all inputs and outputs in
your control system. Relay output status screens display output number and relay status (On/Off). Analog
output status screens display output number, signal strength, and control ramp icon. See Figure 7.
Note: System Status screens are view-only, selections are not made in Status screens.
Press NEXT repeatedly to scroll and view the System Status screens for the inputs and outputs in
your control system.
Examples show Output 1 relay is On and Output 3 signal strength is 64% of the total signal strength. The
control ramp icon in the bottom screen example indicates that the Analog Output is set up with SP<EP and
OSP<OEP. (See Setting up an Analog Output (OUTA
on page 7.
Viewing the Main and System Status Screens
After your control system is installed, wired, and setup,
the Main (Input Status) screen appears when you
connect power to your system. During normal
operation, the Main screen displays the current status
of each input (sensor) in your control system. See
Table 2 for more information on the Main screens.
The System Status screens can display an output
status screen for each output in your control system
along with the Input Status screens; in the Main (Input
Status) screen, press NEXT repeatedly to scroll
through and view all of the Output Status screens in
your control system. See Table 2 for more information
on the System Status screens.
#) for information about control ramp icons.)
Accessing the System 450 Setup Screens
You can access the setup screens from the Main
screen. To access the System 450 setup screens:
1. Apply power to your module assembly. After a
startup check, the Main screen appears on the
2. In the Main screen, press and hold UP and DOWN
simultaneously for 5 seconds to access the setup
screens and to go to the Sensor Setup Start
Note: The Sensor Setup Start screen is the first
screen displayed when you access the System 450
setup screens. From the Sensor Setup Start
screen, you can navigate to all of the remaining
setup screens for your control system.
System 450™ Series Control Modules with Analog Outputs Installation Instructions 5
3. Press MENU repeatedly to scroll through the setup
start screens. See Figure 7.
Note: The setup start screens are view-only;
selections cannot be made in setup start screens.
Press NEXT in a Setup Start screen to go to the
sensor or output setup screens.
Setting up System 450 Sensors
You must set up the input sensors for your control
system before you can set up any of outputs. T o set up
the input sensors you must access the setup screens.
See Accessing the System 450 Setup Screens
The Sensor Setup Start screen is the first screen
displayed when you access the system setup screens
in the System 450 UI.
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