LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User’s Guide8
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller
User's Guide
The LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller (UVC) seamlessly integrates into a
LONWORKS® network for the control of almost any Unit Ventilator Controller due
to its wide range of output types and LONMARK® certification.
The LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller controls the following equipment:
•up to four stages of mechanical heating or cooling
•modulating heating or cooling valves
•reversing valves for application requiring a heat pump
•floating valves for heating or cooling
•unit ventilator with or without an economizer
•up to three fan speeds or variable speed fans
•humidifier and dehumidifier
•an economizer that requires analog, digital, or Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
control signals
The UVC has five digital outputs supplying 1.0 ampere at 24 VAC. These outputs
produce digital or PWM signals.
There are also two tri-mode analog outputs on the circuit board. These outputs
provide the following signals:
•linear signals over a 0 to 10 VDC range
•10 VDC digital or PWM signals
•digital signals of 60 mA at 12 VDC
The controller has six inputs, each capable of one of 21 possible input types. Inputs
have 12-bit resolution and are configured completely by software.
For easy maintenance and installation, the controller is equipped with plug-in
connectors that accept flat cable or wires. The controller uses a TP/FT-10 78 kbps
network configuration.
The information in this guide helps you to set up the UVC, understand the
operation of the UVC, and troubleshoot problems of the device. Information is
organized to follow the UVC configuration wizard menu.
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide9
Sensor Configuration Wizard
The UVC incorporates the sensor configuration wizard. The wizard provides
powerful and simple configuration tools for the hardware inputs. You can select
the digital or analog inputs through the software, which means there are no circuit
board jumpers to move.
Analog input signal types - resistive, voltage, current - are selected in software
without hardware jumpers. Built-in conversion tables are provided for a large
number of thermistors or other sensor types. You can easily create custom
conversion tables by setting the offset, minimum, and maximum values in one
dialog box for the input.
The sensor configuration wizard also provides direct access to network properties
of the analog or digital input including the Standard Network Variable Type
(SNVT), Heartbeat, Send on Delta, Override, Default Value, and Throttle settings.
All input features are conveniently located on one screen, which avoids the hassle
of switching back and forth between screens to fully configure an input. In
addition, the wizard provides warnings of configuration errors as they occur,
enabling you to correct mistakes quickly.
Shown by the LX-UVL wizard view in FX Workbench, the sensor configuration
wizard exists as a separate object. A separate functional block represents each
hardware input. To configure an input, select the hardware input on the left side of
the LX-UVL wizard view of the device and click the Launch button. The sensor
configuration wizard allows you to control network inputs not directly controlled
by the Unit Ventilator Controller.
Control Features
The Unit Ventilator Controller provides Proportional plus Integral plus Derivative
(PID) loops for advanced control of humidity, discharge temperature, and space
temperature. Each PID loop has an individual, configurable deadpan. In addition,
each PID loop provides gain and time adjustment for the integral and derivative
terms, and gain adjustment for the proportional term.
Whereas space temperature control is done with a PI loop only , the presence of the
derivative term adds the ability to precisely adjust space temperature control to
provide better comfort and increased savings.
The PID loop is especially useful in controlling the CO2 concentration, since this
can vary quickly and greatly as individuals enter and exit meeting rooms, and work
areas. The quick response of the PID loop also maintains duct pressure within
acceptable limits.
Humidification and dehumidification sequences provide the UVC with the ability
to maintain the space humidity at the desired level. The Unit Ventilator Controller
also provides advanced control features often associated with air handlers. These
features include Optimum Start and load shedding.
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide10
The Optimum Start function maintains statistics that enable the Unit Ventilator
Controller to predict the warm-up or cool-down time period needed to make the
building ready for occupancy. The precise Optimum Start period is calculated
every day using the current outdoor air temperature.
LONMARK Functional Profile
The LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller uses LONWORKS network protocol and is
LONMARK certified for interoperability on any LONWORKS network. The Unit
Ventilator Controller is set up through its own configuration wizard and the Sensor
configuration wizard. You can use FX Workbench or any other network
management tool to install the device onto the network and bind variable
Figure 1 shows that the Unit Ventilator Controller meets the LONMARK standard
by providing the network variable inputs, network variable outputs, and
configuration properties specified by the profile. In addition, the Unit Ventilator
Controller provides many extra network variable inputs and outputs. These extra
network variables provide a greater flexibility and number of functions than
required in the LONMARK profile.
For example, you can use network input nviSlave, to slave the UVC to another
unit, whereas network output nvoUnitStatus, enables the UVC to act as the master
node. The Unit Ventilator Controller has network inputs that permit the use of
outside enthalpy sensors and space enthalpy sensors. These inputs provide better
calculation of the cooling or heating effect of the outside air upon the conditioned
The input object has conversion tables and hardware properties present as
configuration properties in the area marked Manufacturer Configuration
Properties. By choosing from a list of standard thermistors, you can select different
conversion properties. The conversion tables configuration property allows you to
create your own custom tables. Hardware properties, located in the same area,
allow you to modify your input from the software object.
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide11
SNVT_ temp_p
SNVT_ hvac_ mode
nviSetP tOffset
SNVT_ temp_p
nviOutdoorTem p
SNVT_ temp_p
nviOutdoorR H
SNVT_lev_ percent
SNV T_ lev_ percent
SNVT_ ppm
SNV T_ hvac_ emerg
Occ. Temperature Set Points (mandatory)
SNVT_ switch
SNVT_ switch
SNVT_ switch
nv iM ixed A ir Te m p
SNVT_ temp_p
SNVT_ occupancy
SNVT_ temp_p
SNVT_ switch
nviS lav e
SNVT_ hvac_ status
nviSupplyTem p
SNVT_ temp_p
nviOccCm d
SNV T_ tod_event
SNV T_ enthalpy
nviOutdoorE nth
SNVT_ enthalpy
SNVT_ temp_p
SNVT_ switch
SNVT_ temp_p
Manufacturer Configuration Properties
LX-UVL- 1 Unit Ventilator
Object Type # 808 0
Netw ork
Netw ork
C o n fig ura t io n P r o p e r tie s
Maximum S end Time (mandatory)
Minimum Send Time (optional)
Maximum R eceive Time ( optional)
CO 2 limit (optional)
Local Bypass Time (optional)
Netw ork
Please see the m anual for details.
Wizard for configuration provided.
SNVT_ temp_p
nv oU n itSta tu s
SNVT_ hvac_ status
nv oE ffe c tS e tp t
SNVT_ temp_p
SNVT_ switch
SNVT_ switch
nv oO ccS ta te
SNVT_ occupancy
SNV T_ lev_ percent
nvoCtrlO utput1
SNVT_ switch
nvoCtrlO utput7
SNVT_ switch
SNVT_ temp_p
Figure 1: LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller:
ONMARK Functional Profile
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide12
Figure 2 shows the Unit Ventilator Controller input object and the output object.
6 x LX-UVL-1 Hardware Input
Object Type #1
Configuration Properties
Offset ( optional)
Maximum Range (optional)
Minimum Range (optional)
Minimum Send Delta (optional)
Maximum Send Time (optional)
Minimum Send Time (optional)
Override Value (optional)
Manufacturer Configuration Properties
Object M ajo r Ve rsion
Object Minor Version
Input Signal Conditioning
Hardware Properties
Translation Table
Default Value
SNVT _xxx
SNVT _switch
Figure 2: LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller Inputs and Outputs
7 x LX-UVL-1 Hardware Output
Object Type #3
Configuration Properties
Maximum Receive Time ( optional)
Override Value (optional)
Manufacturer Configuration Properties
Ob je c t Major Ve rsion
Ob je c t Minor Ve rsion
Output Signal Conditioning
PWM Period
Hardware Properties
Default Value
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide13
The node object displays the nvoUVstate and nvoUValarm variables as
manufacturer’s variables. These variables provide information about the alarm
conditions in the Unit Ventilator Controller and about the operating state of the
device (Figure 3).
LX-UVL - 1 Node
Object Type #0
SNVT _obj_request
Configuration Properties
Location (optional)
Device Major Version (optional)
Device Minor Version (optional)
SNVT _obj_ status
SNVT _ address
SNVT _state_64
SNVT _state_64
Manufacturer Configuration Properties
Maximum Send Time
Figure 3: LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller
Node Object Type
Units in LONWORKS Networks
Note: Use this section if you are using the Imperial System of measure.
The Imperial System and the International System (SI) are the two main
measurement systems used today. Table 1 compares Imperial units and SI units.
Echelon® SNVTs are based upon SI units. Thus, the most basic structure of the
ONWORKS network is SI based. This basis can lead to some unavoidable
problems in data conversion if you are using Imperial units.
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide14
The LX-UVL wizard in FX Workbench provides some automatic conversion
between SI and Imperial units. However, these are not ideal conversions because a
whole number in one system becomes a long decimal fraction in the other. For
example, 72°F is approximately equal to 22.22222°C.
Value is written in
Imperial Units.
Data is displayed
for monitoring in
Imperial Units.
Value is translated
to SI units.
Value is rounded.
Value is stored
in SNVT.
Value is read
from SNVT.
Value is rounded.
Value is translated
to SI units.
Figure 4: Writing and Reading Data in Imperial Units in the
The values created by converting Imperial to SI or SI to Imperial are subject to
rounding errors. If you enter an Imperial value into a LONWORKS SNVT by using
the LX-UVL Controller configuration wizard, the value is converted after it is
entered, then rounded and written to the SNVT. When you want to monitor the
SNVT, the value must be read from the SNVT, converted, and rounded again
before it is displayed. Due to the two conversions and two rounding operations, the
value may differ slightly from what you originally entered (Figure 4).
The same process and resulting rounding error applies to Standard Configuration
Property Types (SCPTs).
Instructions for changing or modifying the units of measure used on your computer
are provided in the Selecting a Measurement System or Selecting a Language
Language Selection
The following may require you to change your language settings:
•You changed your regional settings by selecting a different region in the
Regional and Language Options dialog box.
•You are working on a site that is in a linguistic region other than your own.
•You are dissatisfied with the language displayed on program menus and dialog
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide15
You can change your language settings in the Advanced tab of the Regional and
Language Options dialog box. Instructions are provided in the following Selecting a Measurement System or Selecting a Language section.
Selecting a Measurement System or Selecting a Language
To select units of measurement or to select a language:
1. In Microsoft® Windows XP® operating system, click Start > Control Panel.
The Control Panel appears.
2. In the Control Panel, open Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options.
3. Under the list titled Pick a Task, select and open the second item titled Change
the format of numbers, dates, and times (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options Screen
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide16
4. Select your language region from the drop-down list provided. The number,
time, and date formats fill automatically (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Regional and Language Options Dialog Box
5. In the Number box, verify the number format uses a decimal point to indicate
numerals representing values less than 1. For example, use 123,456,789.00,
not 123 456 789,00. You must use a decimal point for the correct display of
6. In the Regional Options dialog box, click Customize.
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide17
7. Click on the drop-down arrow next to the box labeled Measurement system
and select Metric (Figure 7).
Figure 7: Customize Regional Options
8. Verify the Decimal symbol box contains a decimal symbol. If the Decimal
symbol box does not contain a decimal symbol, select the symbol in the box,
and click Apply.
9. Click OK.
10. Click the Advanced tab and choose a language region by selecting from the
drop-down list. Verify the correct language appears on program menus.
11. Click OK.
You have now set the units to appear in the LX-UVL wizard. If you have chosen to
display Imperial units, remember that the SNVTs are still using SI units. If you are
viewing the data in Imperial units, you are viewing a converted, rounded value.
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide18
Unit Ventilator Controller Installation Overview
Figure 8 shows one possible installation of the Unit Ventilator Controller. Inputs,
outputs, ducts, and heating or cooling units have been marked for your
Note: Not all possible sensors are shown.
LX-UVL- 1 Installation Overview
Unit Ventilator Enclosure
Intake A ir
Fresh Air
Unit Ventilator Enclosure
3 Fan
Coolin g
Unit Ventilator Enclosure
Sensor Symbols
Carbon Dioxide
Digital Input
Setpoint Offsett
MATMixed Air Temperature
OAHOutside Air Humidity
OATOutside Air Temperature
Conditioned Space
RATReturn Air Temperature
DATDischarge Air Temperature
Figure 8: Possible LX-UVL Installation
The Unit Ventilator Controller has six universal inputs. You can configure
universal inputs by using the Unit Ventilator Controller configuration wizard.
Universal inputs are configured as either:
•analog inputs sensing either current or voltage, or
•digital inputs or 10k ohm resistance inputs
Note: Because the Unit Ventilator Controller can connect to a maximum of six
sensors, you may want to connect some sensors using the LONWORKS
network. All valid network inputs have priority over hardware inputs.
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide19
10k Ohm or Digital Input
The universal input, when configured as a 10k ohm or digital input, accepts a 10k
ohm resistance input or a digital input such as a switch, also known as a cold
The 10k ohm resistance range accommodates 10k ohm thermistors used in space
temperature sensors or duct temperature sensors, or a 10k ohm potentiometer used
as a setpoint offset.
Use the conversion table for resistance input of more than 10k ohm. The digital
range accommodates the occupancy contact, bypass switch, and window switch.
See Figure 9 for wiring information for both 10k ohm resistance and digital inputs.
Both inputs are configured as 10 k Ohm
or Digital Input Configuration could be done
with either the LX -UVL wizard in or the
Hardware Input Wizard
Figure 9: 10k Ohm or Digital Input
+++ ++
10kO hm
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide20
Analog Inputs
Analog inputs include current inputs with a range of 4 – 20 mA, and voltage inputs
with a range of 0 – 10 VDC.
4 to 20 mA Analog Input, Externally Supplied
Current inputs require a power supply either on the sensor or wired in series with
the sensor. To construct the current input, a 500-ohm 0.25-watt resistor is placed
across the Unit Ventilator Controller’s input terminals. See Figure 10 and
Figure 11.
Ω −
Internal 24
Controller source
output 4 – 20 mA
Figure 10: Sensor Powered Analog Input
Ω −
Figure 11: Externally Powered Analog Input
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide21
Sensors and Switches
The following sensors and switches can be connected to the Unit Ventilator
Controller. See Table 3 for the sensor and switches preferred SNVT types.
Auxiliary Alarm Input
This input is used to relay an alarm from an external device onto the building
Bypass Contact Input
If the UVC is in unoccupied or standby mode, you can use switch closure on the
bypass contact input to cause the controller to enter occupied mode for the time
period time set as the bypass time.
CO2 Level Input
Use this input to monitor the CO2 concentration. The CO2 concentration can be
used for Demand Control Ventilation (DCV) and to set the minimum damper
position during heating or cooling operations.
If you do not want to use the CO2 concentration input, the minimum damper
position can be set in a fixed position, or as a fixed percentage of fresh air intake.
You can find the fresh air intake percentage by a calculation of the return air,
outdoor air, and mixed air temperatures.
Discharge Temperature Input
Use the discharge temperature input to maintain the discharge air temperature
between the minimum and maximum discharge air temperature.
The discharge temperature setpoint is determined by a linear equation between the
minimum and maximum discharge air temperature and the terminal load. When
there is a high heating demand, the discharge temperature setpoint moves to its
maximum temperature. Conversely, for a high cooling demand, the discharge
temperature setpoint moves to its minimum temperature. The discharge
temperature setpoint can be viewed in the nvoDischargSetPt.
Economizer Enable Input
Select this input to allow switch closure to enable the economizer . The economizer
position can then be controlled in several different ways. See the Ventilation
Emergency Contact Input
Use switch closure on this input to cause the UVC to begin emergency operation.
See the Emergency Operation
Fan Speed Selector Input
Fan speed selector gives the Unit Ventilator Controller the ability to select up to
three different fan speeds.
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide22
Fan State Input
The fan state input detects whether one of the three fan speeds is ON or OFF . If the
fan state input does not correspond with one of the fan outputs for a time period
known as the alarm delay, then an alarm becomes active. If the fan state input is
OFF, while one of the fan outputs is ON, then equipment requiring air circulation
remains OFF or does not modulate.
Note: All outputs except for the fan are disabled when the fan state is OFF.
Mixed Air Temperature Input
The mixed air temperature can be monitored by an alarm, thereby provide early
warning of any malfunction.
Without mixed air and discharge air temperatures, the outside air damper cannot
exceed the minimum position as determined by the Fresh Air Minimum Input
Damper Position on the General Settings screen of the LX-UVL configuration
See the Return Air Temperature Input section for more information.
Mode Selector
Mode Selector enables selection of different modes of operation by means of an
analog signal, such as resistance, voltage, or current input.
The modes of operation available for selection from this input are auto, heat, cool,
fan only, and OFF. Table 2 describes the modes of operation.
Table 2: Modes of Operation
Mode of
AutoOperates according to its setpoints and scheduled occupancy states; this means
HeatOperates according to the heating setpoints in heating mode only. The heating
CoolOperates accordin g to the cooling setpoints in cooling mode only. The cooling
Fan OnlyConfigures the fan ON during the scheduled occupied state. Heating and cooling is
OFFDisables the control loop to OFF. All outputs are in the OFF state.
that the Unit Ventilator Controller controls heating, cooling, duct pressure, and the
fresh air damper, according to the setpoints and the configuration properties you
enter. The Unit Ventilator Controller switches between unoccupied, occupied,
standby , and bypass modes according to its schedule, and between the occupancy
and bypass contacts if these contacts are present.
setpoint may change as the controller switches scheduled states. Cooling mode is
unavailable. The fan is ON when heating is ON; the fan is OFF at other times
unless configured as ON during occupied periods.
setpoints may change as the controller switches scheduled states. Heating mode
is unavailable. The fan is ON when cooling is ON; the fan is OFF at other times
unless configured as ON during occupied periods.
not available. Fan configuration is found on the Fan-Valve screen of the Unit
Ventilator Controller configuration wizard.
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide23
Occupancy Input
Use the switch closure on the occupancy input to set the Unit Ventilator Controller
to occupied mode. The UVC exits occupied mode when the switch is opened.
Unless the controller is in bypass mode, the occupied contact does not function if
the network variables nviOccCmd and nviOccManCmd are set to unoccupied.
Outdoor Enthalpy Input
Use outdoor air enthalpy to determine if free cooling is permitted. The Ventilator
Unit Controller also accepts input directly from an outdoor enthalpy sensor.
Outdoor Humidity Input
You can use outdoor humidity and temperature to calculate the outdoor enthalpy.
Outdoor enthalpy can be used to determine if free cooling is permitted.
Outdoor Temperature Input
If outdoor humidity is available, use outdoor temperature to calculate outdoor
enthalpy and Optimum Start times. Outdoor temperature or outdoor enthalpy is
used to determine if free cooling is permitted. See the Optimum Start and Ventilation sections for more information.
Return Air Temperature Input
The return air temperature is used to prevent the coils from freezing due to cold
bypass air. See the General Settings Configuration section.
Position the return air temperature sensor either before or after the bypass damper.
Indicate the position of the return air temperature sensor in the General Settings tab
of the Ventilation Controller configuration wizard.
When the return air temperature sensor is positioned before the bypass damper,
return air temperature can be used instead of the space temperature. To do this, the
fan must be ON and the space temperature must be unavailable.
When the return air temperature sensor is positioned after the bypass damper, use
the following temperatures to calculate the required amount of intake air:
•mixed air temperature
•outdoor air temperature
•return air temperature
Return air temperature can be monitored by an alarm. See the General Settings
Configuration section for more information.
Setpoint Offset Input
This input provides a means of varying the setpoint during occupied and standby
modes. The values from this input are added to the pair of active setpoints. See the
Calculating the Space Temperature Setpoint section.
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide24
Space Enthalpy Input
Use the space enthalpy input value and the outdoor space enthalpy to enable or
disable free cooling. The Rooftop Unit Controller also accepts input directly from
a space enthalpy sensor.
Space Humidity Input
Use the space humidity sensor to provide the UVC with the space relative
humidity. Relative humidity can be used as an input to the humidity control PID
The UVC can calculate space enthalpy when provided with relative humidity and
temperature. Space enthalpy can be compared to outside enthalpy to enable or
disable free cooling.
Space Temperature Input
The UVC uses the space temperature to control heating or cooling operations. One
of the following inputs must be present for the controller to work:
•space temperature
The space temperature sensor can be a 10k ohm thermistor or provide a voltage or
current input to the board.
Water Temperature Input
The Unit Ventilator Controller provides heating or cooling through a single
two-pipe system with a heating or cooling valve. If this system is used, the device
must know the state, either hot or cold, of the available water. When the hardware
water temperature input is used, the Unit Ventilator Controller determines if the
water is hot or cold enough for heating or cooling.
The network inputs nviHotW ater and nviWaterT emp are available for receiving the
water state or temperature. If nviHotWater state and value are zero, then the UVC
functions as if the water is cold. If nviHotWater state and value are not zero, then
the controller functions as if the water is hot. If the water temperature is colder
then the space temperature, the water is considered cold; if water temperature is
higher than the space temperature, the water is considered hot. Both inputs have
priority over the hardware input; however, if both values are received,
nviHotWater has priority over the nviWaterTemp.
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide25
Window Contact Input
If the Unit Ventilator Controller is in occupied, bypass, or standby mode, and the
ventilator is in operation (meaning that one of the fan speeds is ON), then a switch
closure on the window contact input causes the UVC to enter unoccupied mode.
All outputs are turned OFF until a demand from the unoccupied cooling and
heating space temperature setpoints arrives and commands the unit into heating or
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide26
The Unit Ventilator Controller has five digital outputs (DO1, DO2, DO3, DO4, and
DO5), and two analog outputs (AO1 and AO2). Descriptions of these outputs
Analog Output
The Unit Ventilator Controller analog outputs are versatile and can be configured
as analog, digital, or PWM outputs. When the analog output is configured with the
wizard as a digital output, it supplies 60 mA at 12 VDC. This ability is useful when
driving relays external to the board. See Figure 12.
The characteristics of the analog outputs are described in Table 4.
Analog Output Protection
Analog Outputs are protected by an auto-reset fuse with a maximum current
capacity defined by the following two points:
•100 mA at 68°F (20°C)
•0 mA at 140°F (60°C)
Connect a diode to
the relay terminal.
(Ir = 1A at Vr=25 V)
12Vdc Relay
Max load 200 Ohm
Figure 12: Analog Output Driving an External Relay
Table 4: Tri-Mode Analog Output Characteristics
ModeMaximum Current and VoltageVoltage Range
Digital60 mA at 12 VDC (200 ohm load)0 – 12 VDC
Analog50 mA at 10 VDC0 – 10 VDC (linear)
PWM50 mA at 10 VDC0 or 10 VDC
Digital Outputs
The digital outputs of the UVC use triacs to switch the output signal. Each digital
output is capable of conducting 1 ampere.
The digital outputs work as a switch to control the current (Figure 13). The current
source is separate from the transformers supplying the current for the UVC
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide27
The UVC uses a half-wave power supply. Any other half-wave power supply that
connects with the controller through the outputs or inputs must be in phase with the
power supply of the controller. Do not share grounds between a full-wave and a
half-wave power supply.
Power Supply
24 VAC
Max. Current
1A at 24 VAC
Figure 13: Unit Ventilator Controller Digital Outputs
You can reverse each of the digital output’s scales by using the Unit Ventilation
configuration wizard. Normally , ON is a 100% output; when the output is reversed,
ON is a 0% output.
You can override all digital outputs to a previously set value using the UVC object
override command. The override values are set during the configuration process.
The configuration wizard provides a menu for issuing object commands, including
the override command. See the Object Manage section for more information.
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide28
Staged Outputs
You can organize the outputs into stages when there are multiple heating or cooling
outputs. Stages turn on sequentially one after the other. The heating or cooling
stages (n) must be open for the period of time specified in the minimum heating
period before heating or cooling stage (n+1) can turn on. For example, heating
stage 1 must be open for the minimum heating period before duct heating stage 2
turns on. See Figure 14.
commanded to
100% ON at
this time.
Stage 1
turns ON.
Stage 1 ONStage 1 ON
Stage 2
turns ON.
Stage 2 ON
Stage 3
turns ON.
Stage 3 ON
Stage 2 ON
Stage 1 ON
Figure 14: Staged Outputs
Output Selections
There are 31 possible output selections. Several output selections are dependent
upon other output selections. For example, cooling 1–4 can be blocked depending
on the setting of the reversing valve.
Fan Speed 1–3
This output provides digital fan speed control. See the Fan Operation section for
more information on fan speed operation.
Heating Outputs 1–4
Heating outputs one to four are staged outputs that are turned ON after heating
valve outputs, if any, are 100% open.
Cooling Outputs 1–4
Cooling outputs 1-4 are staged outputs, which are turned ON after cooling valve
outputs, if any, are 100% open.
Reversing Valve
The reversing valve has two states. If the reversing valve is defined and is ON,
then cooling outputs 1–3 act as heating outputs.
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide29
Humidifier and Dehumidifier Outputs
Both digital and analog humidifier and dehumidifier outputs are available. The fan
must be ON to enable the humidifier and dehumidifier outputs.
The UVC uses the assigned outputs to maintain the humidity at a level defined by
the humidity setpoint on the general settings menu. A delay occurs when switching
between humidification and dehumidification. You can enter the time period for
the delay on the general settings screen. The Unit Ventilator Controller also offers
the ability to dehumidify with the cooling coil. See the Humidity Control section
for more information.
Minimum Fresh Air Enable (MIN_FRESH_AIR_ENABLE)
This output enables the fresh air damper to move to the minimum position.
Minimum fresh air is enabled when the occupancy state is OC_OCCUPIED, or
OC_BYPASS and the fan is ON.
Economizer Enable
When this output is ON, the economizer can be used for free cooling. This output
is enabled when the outdoor air temperature is below the economizer maximum
outdoor temperature.
Heat Valve ON-OFF
This output operates the digital heating valve.
Cool Valve ON-OFF
This output operates the digital cooling valve.
Heat Cool Valve ON-OFF
This output operates the digital heating-cooling valve according to the water
Heat Valve Open or Close
These outputs operate heating floating valves.
Cooling Valve Open or Close
These outputs operate cooling floating valves.
Heat Cool Valve Open or Close
These outputs operate heating-cooling floating valves according to the water
Fan Speed Modulate (FAN_SPEED_MOD)
Provides a variable speed fan control output.
LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide30
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