Pneumatic Test and Adjustment Equipment
Selection Chart
Pneumatic Test and Adjustment Equipment (Part 1 of 2)
Figure Code Number Description and Use
JC 5216 Squeeze Bulb
Test Probe Assembly
Used to insert in test plug fitting and all plug-in connections on JCI
apparatus. Includes two hypodermic needles and 6 in. of hose.
Code No. LIT-1929100
Issued January 15, 2008
JC 5361
JC 5384
JC 5310
JC 5312
JC 5313
JC 5385
JC 5386
Spare hypodermic needles (12 per ki t)
Order gauge separately.
Test Gauge
Control Line
Fits Thermostat Test Opening
A Gauge & Adaptor complete
B Adaptor only (1/8 in. NPT)
C O-ring for Adaptor
Transmission Gauge
2-1/2 in. Multiple Scale Gauge for Adjusting Pneumatic
Transmission Systems; Accuracy of ± 2% of Span; Air Connection
1/8 in. NPT, U-Clamp for Flush Mounting
Scales °F:
50 to 150
0 to 100
20 to 120
-40 to 160
60 to 85
40 to 240
40 to 65
50 to 100
Scales °C:
JC 5387
10 to 35
-15 to 35
10 to 60
0 to 100
Test Gauge
1-1/2 in.
For Two-Position T-8000, T-8020, T-5312, and P-8000
Includes: 0 to 30 psig Gauge, Adaptor,
6 in. of 1/8 in. Tubing, 1/8 in Tee, and Instruction Sheet
The performance specifications are nomina l and conf orm to accep table industr y standar ds. For ap plications a t condition s beyond th ese specification s, consult the local Johnson Controls o ffice.
Johnson Controls, Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products. © 2011 Johnson Controls, Inc.

Pneumatic Test and Adjustment Equipment (Continued)
Pneumatic Test and Adjustment Equipment (Part 2 of 2)
Figure Code Number Description and Use
Premium Pocket T est Gauge
3 in. gauge for pneumatic system setup and troubleshooting
0 to 30 psig, ±0.5% Accuracy, ASME B40.1 Grade 2A
Adjustable “zero” Set point
Includes: Fitting: size 5/32 or 1/4 x 1/8;
White faceplate and mirrored band on the dial to improve reading
accuracy; stainless steel cover; cushioned carry case.
JC 5383A
JC 5383B
JC 5214
JC 5247
JC 5247A
JC 5238
JC 5238A
JC 5248
JC 5248A
JC 5249
Calibration Kit and Simulator
For N-9000, T-9000, and T-5800 Series Controllers
Simulator Kit
Use to add simulators to existing JC 5383 kits
Pocket Thermometer
0 to 200°F with Case
Pocket Thermometer
Dial Type
0 to 220°F with Pocket Case and Clip,
1 in. dia, 5 in. Stem
0 to 160°F
Sling Psychrometer
30 to 110°F, 1 in. dia, 7-1/2 in. Long
Replacement Thermometer
Wick Kit (Kit Includes Four Wicks)
The performance specifications are no minal a nd conform t o accept able ind ustry stand ards. For app lication s at condi tions be yond these specifications, cons ult the local Johnso n Controls office.
Johnson Controls, Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products. © 2011 Johnson Controls, Inc.