950J | 1050J

Purpose built.
Purpose built.
247 net hp
9.4- or 21.8 cu.-yd. blade
58,462-lb. typical operating weight
When Deere engineers set out to design the ulti-
mate waste handlers, they couldn’t have picked
better platforms. With their full-featured hydro-
static drivetrains, the 950J and 1050J Waste
Handlers deliver automatic power management,
infinite ground speeds, power turns, and all kinds
of hydrostatically driven productivity advantages.
But power and nimble performance are just the
beginning of the John Deere story. To make
them the best possible landfill dozers, Deere
engineers went right to the source — solid waste
managers — to think through the solutions a
purpose-built waste handler can provide. To see
how we applied what we learned, turn the page.

1050 J
335 net hp
11.6-, 15.3-, 25.8-, or 32.8 cu.-yd. blades
80,967-lb. typical operating weight
Rugged and reliable J-Series
are powerful performers,
designed and purpose-built
with extensive input from solid-
waste professionals like you.
John Deere’s full-featured
hydrostatic drivetrains
deliver production-boosting
advantages you don’t get
with other crawlers.
Cooling system enhancements
such as wide-fi n cooler
cores and hydraulic fans with
automatic reversers help
beat the heat, for maximum
uptime and productivity.
Available rear counterweight
“doghouse” provides conven-
ient storage and is an ideal
location for fi re-suppression
system components.

Five-fi n-per-inch engine and charge-air
coolers let dust and debris easily pass through
the cores. For more effi cient cooling and
easier clean-out.
Increases your uptime
Increases your uptime
while keeping its cool.
while keeping its cool.
Quarter-turn latches on the hinged front grille
allow quick and easy access for maintenance
and cleaning.
Hydraulically driven variable-speed suction fans
operate only as needed, reducing noise, fuel con-
sumption, component wear, and operating costs.
If you can’t take the heat, stay out of the landfi ll. We heard that loud and clear. So go ahead and put them
through their paces — the J-Series Waste Handlers have what it takes to keep their cool in a hostile world.

Three-millimeter perforations
in the hood and side shields
act as a “fi rst fi lter,” preventing
entry of most airborne debris.
Variable-speed engine/
charge-air- and hydraulic/
hydrostatic-cooler fans run
only as needed, reducing
noise, fuel consumption,
cooling component wear,
and operating costs.
No stacked coolers in these
crawlers. Radiators and
engine charge-air coolers
are mounted side-by-side, so
they’re easier to clean.
Suction-type fans
automatically reverse every
30 minutes to blow away
refuse and help prevent
plugging. They can also be
manually activated from the
seat as needed.

Traditional oval under-
carriage has only one
wear-causing forward-travel
fl ex point. Compared to the
three found on elevated
sprocket undercarriages,
which do you think will last
Heavy-duty ten-light package
includes four mounted on the
lift cylinders to help illuminate
the way. Lights are guarded
to minimize damage. Cab is
pre-wired for a beacon.
Cab waste barrier prevents
refuse from the tracks
from accumulating in the
Comprehensive hose-guard
system and internal routing
keep hydraulic hoses out of
harm’s way. Generous ground
clearance and smooth belly
guards resist catching and
carrying waste.
Dual-stage pre-cleaner
and under-hood fi lter
help prolong engine life.
Alternator incorporates a
hood-mounted fresh-air
pre-cleaner to help keep out
airborne abrasives.
Turbocharged diesels
deliver impressive power
at a low rpm for enhanced
longevity and optimum fuel
economy. Wet-type cylinder
liners dissipate heat for
reduced ring wear and oil