J&M Roll Tarp GRAIN CARTS User Manual

Grain Cart Roll Tarp Parts List and Set Up Instructions
# Part # Description Qty
1 525CT Tarp w/ Ri vets (525) 1 1 620T Tarp w/ Rivets (620) 1 1 750CT Tarp w/ Ri vets (750) 1 1 875T Tarp w/ Rivets (875) 1 1 1050T Tarp w/ Rivets (1050) 1 1 1075T-1822 Tarp w/ Rivets (1075) 1 2 116TB Bows for Tarp (525) 2 2 137TB Bows for Tarp (620)
Bows for Tarp (750, 875)
Bows for Tarp (1050) (1050TB) 5 2 134TB Bows for Tarp (1075) 4 3 150RT 1 1/ 4" Square Roll Tube (525) 1 3 164RT 1 1/ 4" Square Roll Tube (620) 1 3 174RT 1 1/ 4" Square Roll Tube (750) 1 3 198RT 1 1/ 4" Square Roll Tube (875) 1 3 230RT 1 1/ 4" Square Roll Tube (1075) 1 3 1050RT 1 1/4" S quare Roll Tube (1050) - 270"L 1
4 144TT 1" S quare Tiedown Tube (525) 1 4 158TT 1" S quare Tiedown Tube (620) 1 4 168TT 1" S quare Tiedown Tube (750) 1 4 192TT 1" S quare Tiedown Tube (875) 1 4 224TT 1" S quare Tiedown Tube (1075) 1 4 1050TT 1" S quare Tiedown Tube (1050) - 264"L 1 5 119FP Front End Panel (525) 1 5 14012FP Front End P anel (620, 750, 875, 1050) 1 5 137FP Front End Panel (1075) 1 6 119RP Rear End Panel (525) 1 6 14012RP Rear End Panel (620, 750, 875, 1050) 1 6 137RP Rear End Panel (1075) 1 7 CUJ-1N Crank with Splined U-Joi nt (525) 1 7 CUJ-1LN Crank wi th Spli ned U-Joint (620, 750, 875) L 1 7 CUJ-1EL Crank with Splined U-Joint (1075, 1050) X-L 1 8 ABS-2 Adjustable Bow Supports (525)
Adjustable B ow S upport s (750, 875) 8 ABS-2L Adjustable Bow Supports (620) L
Adjustable B ow S upport s (1075) L
Adjustable B ow S upport s (1050) R 9 CH-1N Crank Holder 1
10 ABCH-1 Adj. B ar for Crank Holder (525) 1
For Grain Cart Models:
750-14, 750-16, 750-18
875-16, 875-18 1050-18, 1050-22 1075-18, 1075-22
# Part # Description Qty
10 ABCH-1L Adj. B ar for Crank Holder (620, 750, 875) 1 10 ABCH-1EL Adj. B ar for Crank Holder (1075, 1050) 1 11 TSB-1 Tarp Stop Bracket w/Sleeve (525 thru 1075)
Tarp Stop Brac ket w/ Sleeve (1050) 12 316C-150 3/16" Cable (525) 4 12 316C-164 3/16" Cable (620) 4 12 316C-174 3/16" Cable (750) 4 12 316C-198 3/16" Cable (875) 4 12 316C-1050 3/16" Cable (1050) - 270"L 4 12 316C-240 3/16" Cable (1075) 4 13 381-HB 3/8" x 1" Hex B olt (525, 620)
3/8" x 1" Hex B olt (750, 875)
3/8" x 1" Hex B olt (1075)
3/8" x 1" Hex B olt (1050) 14 384JB 3/8" J-Bolt 8 15 38-FW 3/8" F lat Washer (all c art s exc e pt 1050)
3/8" F lat Washer (1050) 16 382-HB 3/8" x 2" Hex Bolt (al l carts exc ept 1050)
2 3
2 3 2 4 5
17 HLN-38 3/8" Hex Loc k Nut (525, 620)
18 1434-HHMB 1/4" x 3/4" Hex Bolt (525, 620)
19 HLN-14 1/4" Hex Loc k Nut (525, 620)
21 14212-HB 1/4" x 2 1/2" Hex Bolt 1 22 316CC 3/16" Cable Clam p 8 24 381-SB 3/ 8" x 1" S t ove Bolt (525, 750, 875)
25 PT-129 1/2" P l as t i c Tube x 141" (525) 1 25 PT-150 1/2" P l asti c Tube x 160" (620 thru 1075) 1 27 BC-156 3/8" B ungee Cord x 150" (525) 1 27 BC-180 3/8" B ungee Cord x 170" (620 thru 1075) 1 28 TL-144 Tightening Li p x 144" (525) 1 28 TL-158 Tightening Li p x 158" (620) 1 28 TL-168 Tightening Li p x 168" (750) 1 28 TL-192 Tightening Li p x 192" (875) 1 28 TL-264 Tightening Li p x 264" (1050) (2 pcs L/R) 1 30 SPG-1 Square Plastic Grommet 1 31 14STS 1/ 4" S elf Tapping Screw 1 32 BCC-1 Bungee Cord Clip 4 33 12114HB 1/ 2" x 1 1/4" Hex Bolt 1 34 12LN 1/2" Lock Nut 1 35 516EB 5/16" Eyebolt with Nut 1
3/8" x 2" Hex B olt (1050)
3/8" Hex Loc k Nut (750, 875)
3/8" Hex Loc k Nut (1075)
3/8" Hex Loc k Nut (1050)
1/4" x 3/4" Hex Bolt (750, 875)
1/4" x 3/4" Hex Bolt (1075)
1/4" x 3/4" Hex Bolt (1050)
1/4" Hex Loc k Nut (750, 875)
1/4" Hex Loc k Nut (1075)
1/4" Hex Loc k Nut (1050)
3/8" x 1" St ove Bolt (620)
3/8" x 1" St ove Bolt (1075, 1050)
3 4
10 14 18 22
3 4 4
5 22 26 30 34
16 20 24 28 17 21 25 29
Roll T arps for Grain Carts
Installing the Tightening Lip, Bows and End Panels
Place Tightening Lip on top of low side of grain
tank and clamp ends with a vise grips. (NOTE: Grain Cart models 750-18, 1075-18 and 1075-22 have the Tightening Lips built into the grain cart extension. For these model carts, this step can be ignored.)
Position the Front End Panel (with wind lip) over the front end of the tapered top extensions of the grain cart. Align and drill 1/4” holes through the top two pre-drilled holes on each end of the front panel and attach using 1/4” x 3/4” hex bolts and 1/4” lock nuts. Repeat to mount the Rear End Panel to the rear rear tapered top extension of the grain cart.
Place the Bows between the sides of the grain
cart tank. Align the pre-punched holes in the Bows with the pre-punched holes in the Tightening Lip and side extension. Att ach the Bows using 1/4” x 3/4” hex bolts and 1/4” hex lock nuts.
Tightening Lip
1/4” x 3/4” hex bolt and lock nut
Clamp ends with Vise Grips
Front End Panel with Wind Lip
Tarp Bow
1/4” x 3/4” hex bolt and lock nut
Position the Bow Supports under the Bows. Attach
the Bow Supports to the steel cross members of the grain cart by drilling a 3/8” holes in the cross member and securing with 3/8” x 1” bolt and 3/8” lock nut. Adjust the height of the Bow Support so the top of the support cradles the Bow. Secure the top and bottom of the Bow Supports using a 3/8” x 1” bolt and 3/8” lock nut.
Tightening Lip
3/8” x 1” Flange Bolt with Whiz Nut
Steel Cross Member
Tarp Bow
Adj. Bow Supports (Top and Bottom)
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