LCF-3000 Tri-Axis Inclinometer
Making Sense out of Motion…
Input Ranges From ±3.0°
to ±90° With High Reliability,
High Resolution, and Three
The Jewell LCF 3000 Series
tri axis inclinometer is a rugged,
high accuracy version of the LCF
Series. It is available with a wide Outline Diagram
range of options including single
ended input power, internal
temperature sensor and 4-20mA.
• Ranges Available from ±3° to ±90°
• Operating Temp Range of -40°C
• Shock Survival of 1000g
• High Level of ±5 Vdc Output
Pin Out (Options: C-connector, P-Pin)
• Barge & Offshore Platform Leveling
• Crane Overturning-Moment Alarms
• Electronic Level Applications
• Marine Data Bouy Applications
Jewell Instruments LLC , 850 Perimeter Road, Manchester, NH 03103
sales@jewellinstruments.com • www.jewellinstruments.com • Tel (800) 227-5955

Making Sense out of Motion…
Performance Specifications
Input Range, °: ±3 ±14.5 ±30 ±90
Full Range Output (FRO -Note 1) VDC ±1%:
±5.00 ±5.00 ±5.00 ±5.00
Scale Factor, Volts/g, nominal:
95.54 20 10 5
Scale Factor Temp. Sensitivity (SFTS), PPM /°C maximum:
100 100 100 100
Bandwidth (-3 dB), Hz nominal:
3.00 30.00 30.00 30.00
Output Axis Misalignment, ° maximum:
0.4 0.4 0.7 0.7
Pendulous Axis Misalignment, ° maximum:
0.35 0.35 0.71 0.71
0° Output, Volts range:
±0.25 ±0.075 ±0.05 ±0.05
0° Output Temp. Sensitivity, Volts /°C maximum:
0.005 0.001 0.0005 0.0003
Resolution and Threshold, µradians maximum:
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Number of Axes: 3 Weight oz: 16
Input Voltage Range, (VDC): ±12 to ±18 Seal: Mil-Std 202, Mtd 112
Input Current, mA, max: 30
Output Impedance, Ohms, nom: 100
Noise, Vrms, maximum: 0.002
Storage Temp Range:
Vibration grms:
Notes: Note 1: Full Range is defined "from negative full input angle to positive full input angle."
Custom Capabilities
• Unit Power Connections can be easily adapted for operations from single-ended, floating power
supplies of 24 to 36 Volts DC
• Internal Temperature Sensor
LCF-3000-3/3/3 471300-001
LCF-3000-14.5/14.5/14.5 471300-002
LCF-3000-30/30/30 471300-003
LCF-3000-90/90/90 471300-004
Jewell Instruments LLC , 850 Perimeter Road, Manchester, NH 03103
sales@jewellinstruments.com • www.jewellinstruments.com • Tel (800) 227-5955
1000g, 0.001 sec., ½ sine
Note 2: Nonlinearity is specified as deviation of output referenced to theoretical sine function value, independent of misalignment.