ECL eCompass Series
Making Sense out of Motion…
ECL eCompass Series
♦ High Accuracy
⇒ Heading within 0.5° or better
⇒ Tilt within 0.2° or better
♦ Wide Operating Range
⇒ ±60° Pitch and Roll*
⇒ ±80° Dip angle range
⇒ Temperature -20° to 70°C
⇒ Local Hard Iron to ±1.5 Gauss
♦ Fast Response
⇒ 14 readings per second
⇒ Wake from standby in 75 msec
♦ Single Supply Operation
⇒ 6 to 30V unregulated DC or
⇒ 5V regulated DC
♦ Low Power
⇒ 15 mA in run mode
⇒ 5 mA in sample mode
⇒ 50 µA in standby mode
♦ Wide Selection of Output data
⇒ Heading, pitch, and roll
⇒ Magnetometer X, Y, and Z
⇒ Dip angle
⇒ Total, horizontal, and vertical magnetic field
⇒ Horizontal X and Y magnetic field strength
♦ Interface
⇒ Full-duplex RS-232 or TTL
♦ In-System Configuration and Test
⇒ PC or laptop can be connected while unit
operates in-situ
⇒ Perform hard and soft iron calibration
⇒ Monitor outputs and change user-definable
*with optional tilt sensor
Low Power Electronic Compass
General Description
The ECL eCompass series is a strap-down
electronic compass designed specifically for
commercial, industrial, and military users. The ECL
will be of particular interest to ROV and AUV
manufacturers who are concerned with power
usage and accurate heading in all types of
challenging conditions. In standby mode, it draws a
mere 50 µA and requires only 15 mA in run mode. It
provides accurate heading data in less than a tenth
of a second from wakeup. An extended range tilt
sensor is available that allows for +/-60° of pitch
and roll.
Other aspects of the ECL remain unchanged from
the original ECS including its quick-connect,
external serial interface. While the compass is inplace, and without disconnecting system wiring, a
serial cable or available USB cable can be
temporarily connected via the RJ12-style modular
jack. This allows easy access during installation for
calibration and tuning. It also provides a valuable
diagnostic port and can be used for an auxiliary
read-out when needed. In situations where a fixed
installation is not desirable, the RJ12 connection
can be used exclusively.
Among the host of user definable parameters is the
selection of NMEA output data and update rate,
operating mode as continuous or query-only, and
angle data in degrees, mils, radians, or 16-bit integer
(65536 counts per revolution). Compensation for
both hard and soft iron influences is built-in.
Recommended applications are unmanned vehicles,
robotics, weather buoys, antenna positioning, and
marine navigation.
Jewell Instruments offers a development kit that
includes the compass, serial cable, and software.
The ECL is covered by a full one-year replacement
Rev B
Jewell Instruments LLC 850 Perimeter Road, Manchester, NH 03103
sales@jewellinstruments.com • www.jewellinstruments.com • Tel (800) 227-5955
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ECL eCompass Series
Making Sense out of Motion…
Heading Performance
Parameter Value Comments
Response time 75 msec Minimum, no filter
Dip Angle Range
Tilt Range
Update rate 14 per second
Pitch and Roll Performance
Parameter Value Comments
Settling time 0.5 sec No damping
Parameter Value Comments
Supply Current
15 mA operating Typical
5 mA sample Typical
50 µA standby Typical
Supply Voltage (VDD)
Parameter Value Comments
Operating Temp -20° to 70 °C
Storage Temperature -40° to 125 °C
Humidity 0 to 90% Non-condensing
± 0.5° rms Typical, Tilt < 35°,Dip < 60°
± 0.2°
± 80°
± 42° ± 60° available
± 0.2°
± 0.15°
± 42° ± 60° available
Below values are the same color
Below values are the same color
6 – 30 Vdc unregulated
5.0 Vdc regulated 4.9 Vdc min
No filter
Factory calibrated
No filter
Rev B
Jewell Instruments LLC 850 Perimeter Road, Manchester, NH 03103
sales@jewellinstruments.com • www.jewellinstruments.com • Tel (800) 227-5955
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ECL eCompass Series
Making Sense out of Motion…
Enclosure Material
PCB Size 1.6"W x 3.0"L x 0.6"/0.8”H, H required for tilt sensor
PCB Mounting 4 #4 screws, 1.4" x 2.2" spacing
Connectors 8 pin, single-row, 0.1" friction header
6 pin RJ12 modular jack
Plastic Enclosure (P Option): (ABS) Flame Retardant UL94 VO
Aluminum Enclosure (A Option): Diecast Aluminum Alloy (Type 360.1)
Plastic Enclosure (P Option): 3.2 oz. (90.7 grams)
Aluminum Enclosure (A Option): 7.2 oz. (204.1 grams)
*Specifications subject to change without notice on account of continued product development
Signal type RS232 or TTL
Baud rate 2400, 4800, 9600, or 19200 bps
Character Format 8 data, no parity, 1 stop
Input Buffer Size 90 characters
Output Buffer Size 110 characters
Output Format NMEA 0183
Output Data Rate 1 to 1200 sentences per minute
Operating Modes Continuous or sample
Angle Units Degrees, mils, radians, 16-bit integer
How to Order
Rev B
Jewell Instruments LLC 850 Perimeter Road, Manchester, NH 03103
sales@jewellinstruments.com • www.jewellinstruments.com • Tel (800) 227-5955
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