Jewell Instruments C801 Selector Guide

Other Product Groups Available:
Geotechnical & Structural Engineering
Tilt monitoring is a low cost, high accuracy monitoring method for geotechnical and structural engineering. Using tiltmeters, geotechnical
engineers can directly monitor tilt deection on structural components,
sag on bridge decks and girders, settlement on building foundations, landslide slope stability, pitwall failures, and many other modes of structural movement. Because tiltmeters measure absolute position with respect to gravity, engineers can directly monitor and evaluate structural movement and performance over time. Tilts are also easily converted to mm/m
displacement to create linear movement proles. With no internal moving parts to break or wear-out, tiltmeters
maintain excellent repeatability over time, and many Jewell tiltmeters have been in service for over 15 years! Jewell’s high precision tilt sensors deliver reliable, high accuracy performance for geotechnical monitoring projects worldwide; contact us today about your engineering project.
Specialized Research
For over 30 years, Jewell tilt sensors have delivered high performance for scientic research applications. Our 500- Series products deliver unrivaled performance in the elds of
geophysical and geodetic research, with up to 5 nanoradian resolution, while our 700 Series is the instrument of choice for volcanology research. Jewell’s miniature tilt sensor packages offer similar precision for high-energy physics applications on synchrotrons and linear accelerator labs, where small size and peak performance are key. When precision and accuracy are essential, scientists choose Jewell Instruments.
Jewell’s high precision tiltmeters and inclinometers are preferred by volcanologists, seismologists, geophysicists, high-energy physics researchers, synchrotron laboratories and radio telescope engineers worldwide.
Force-Balanced Precision Accelerometer & Inclinometer
Rail Transportation Selector Guide
Rail Transportation Selector Guide
Force-Balanced Precision Inclinometer
Force-Balanced Precision Inclinometer Selector Guide
Jewell Instruments is a world leader in the manufacture and distribution of panel meters, avionics components, inertial sensors, and precision solenoids. From sales and design, manufacturing and testing, and delivery and support, Jewell Instruments offers complete customer care and engineering expertise. We also offer two, fully modernized manufacturing facilities, one in Manchester, New Hampshire and one in Barbados, West Indies to handle the most stringent manufacturing requirements with a cost-competitive advantage.
Selector Guide
Force-Balanced Precision Accelerometer Selector Guide
Force-Balanced Precision Accelerometer
Selector Guide
Electrolytic Tilt Sensors and Accessories
Selector Guide
FEATURING: Electrolytic Tilt Sensors and Accessories
Jewell’s electrolytic tiltmeters and inclinometers are high performance, rugged tilt transducers designed to measure angle and deection using an absolute gravity reference. Our precision electrolytic sensors respond to changes in slope as small as 5 nanoradians (0.01 arcsec), delivering exceptional performance for scientists, geotechnical engineers, measurement and control equipment, and industrial machinery. All Jewell tiltmeter packages also come with available DC analog , 4-20mA, or digital ASCII output, for peak signal performance.
Custom Application­Specific Solutions
Jewell Instruments provides both standard and custom solutions for a diverse group of industries, such as aerospace, medical, industrial, telecommunications, and rail markets. We manufacture our components completely in-house and work directly with our clients, maintaining control over the entire development processes. Our legacy of experience and success, and the expertise of our engineering
team, mean customers benet from
extensive resources at their disposal.
Connecting Experience, Quality & Expertise
For over 60 years, Jewell Instruments has provided commercial and industrial sensors and controls, meters and avionics, and industrial test equipment solutions to a range of global markets. Our ISO 9001:2008
certication ensures that our
customers receive products and systems with the dependability and reliability that their applications demand. Jewell Instruments’ experienced engineering team works with customers to produce high quality, reliable products that meet or exceed their requirements.
Exceptional Customer Service
We specialize in reliability, value and responsiveness. Cooperation and joint planning between our engineering groups and our clients drive our customer care experience. We work as an extension of our customers’ engineering and manufacturing teams to solve problems, improve applications, shorten lead-times and bring more value to their products and services. Superb customer support is the cornerstone of our many successful, long-term customer relationships.
OEM & Industrial
Jewell Instruments offers a variety of low cost, high performance tilt sensors, ideal for OEM and industrial applications. With analog, digital, and 4-20mA output options you
can customize Jewell sensors to your specic application requirements. Small and
lightweight, Jewell’s OEM sensor packages mount directly to critical system components without affecting performance. Our digital sensors also come with advanced, built-in
rmware features including sample/hold, null-set, and high/low tilt switch & trigger
functions. Jewell sensors are the instruments of choice for OEM providers worldwide; applications include robotics, industrial milling machinery, 4-20mA PLC systems,
hydropower & dam gate equipment, and specialized scientic instrument packages.
Custom Sensor Solutions
Jewell Instruments designs and manufactures a large selection of custom tilt sensor solutions for customers worldwide. From the enclosure to the electronics, our skilled engineering and sales staff can customize the ideal tilt sensor for your application. Jewell Instruments has provided custom sensor setups for deep-ocean research, offshore oil platforms, aerospace equipment, satellite testing facilities, radar positioning and control and more. No matter the requirements Jewell Instruments can design a sensor package to meet all your needs. Call us and see how our precision sensor solutions can help you make sense out of motion!
Distributed By:
© 2013 Jewell Instruments LLC | 850 Perimeter Road | Manchester, NH 03103 | 603-669-6400
Jewell Facilities
Jewell offers two, fully modernized manufacturing facilities, one in Manchester, New Hampshire and one in Barbados, West Indies.
Manchester Facility
Barbados Facility
900 Series
800 Series 700 Series 500 Series
Features & Benets
Analog Clinometer
• Small modular design
• User programmable sampling features
• Analog, digital, or 4-20mA output available
• Convenient OEM package
• Machine control systems
• ROV’s, Robotics, Autonomous vehicle control
Scientic instrument packages
• Data buoy pitch and roll measurement
Tulip 420
IRIS Tilt-switch & Controller
Performance Specs
Angular Range¹ ±10° ±25° ±50° ±10° ±25° ±50° ±10° ±25° ±50°
Resolution 0.005° 0.01° 0.02° 0.005° 0.01° 0.02° 0.005° 0.012° 0.025°
Repeatability 0.01° 0.02° 0.04° 0.01° 0.02° 0.04° 0.01° 0.01° 0.02°
Scale Factor 4.0 10.0 25.0 1.25 3.125 6.25 -
Scale Factor Unit °/V °/mA -
Non-Linearity, Half span (%)² 1.2 1.2 1.0
Time Constant (sec) 0.15 0.15 0.15
Natural Frequency (Hz) 10 10 7
Ks Temp Coefcient (%/°C)³ ±0.03 ±0.03 ±0.03
Kz Temp Coefcient (bias/°C)
(arc sec) ±10 ±10 ±10
• GPS Compatible -- Trimble, NMEA XDR
• Robust IP65 housing
• Precision meets affordability
• Analog, 4-20mA, or digital output available
Platform leveling & positioning
Machine/construction equipment, position & guidance
• Construction monitoring
• PLC control systems
±10° ±25° ±50° ±10° ±25° ±50° ±10° ±25° ±50°
0.005° 0.01° 0.02° 0.005° 0.01° 0.02° ±5.0° ±5.0° ±5.0°
0.01° 0.02° 0.04° 0.01° 0.02° 0.04° 0.01° 0.01° 0.02°
4.0 10.0 25.0 1.25 3.125 6.25 -
°/V °/mA -
1.2 1.2 1.0
0.15 0.15 0.15
10 10 7
±0.03 ±0.03 ±0.02
±10 ±10 ±10
Clinometer 420
Digital Clinometer
Little Dipper
• Waterproof to 72 psi
• High accuracy, low drift
• Embeds directly into soil, concrete, or slurry walls
• Slope stability studies
• Landslide monitoring
• Pit-wall and excavation stability
• Building foundation monitoring
±12° ±30°
0.005° 0.01°
0.01° 0.01°
4.0 10.0
Tuff Tilt
• Highly repeatable -- up to 0.0002° or better
• Rugged IP65 waterproof design
• Excellent linearity over total range
• High precision measurement and control
Radial gate, radar platform, & industrial machinery positioning
Geotechnical & structural engineering
(building, bridge, & construction monitoring)
±0.5° ±3° ±50° ±0.5° ±3° ±50° ±3° ±50°
.0001° 0.0006° 0.01° 0.0001° 0.0006° 0.01° 0.0001° 0.002°
0.0002° 0.001° 0.02° 0.0002° 0.001° 0.02° 0.0003° 0.004°
0.1 0.6° 10.0° .0625° 0.375° 6.25° - -
°/V °/mA -
< 1.0 1.0 0.5 < 1.0 1.0 0.5 <0.1 <0.1
1.75 1.75 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
3 3 7 3 3 7 3 7
±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.02
±0.7 ±0.7 ±7.2 ±0.7 ±0.7 ±7.2 ±.07 ±14.4
Tuff Tilt 420
Tuff Tilt Digital
• +3500 psi pressure rating
• Heavy duty 316 SS enclosure (6Al-4V Ti available)
• Highly corrosion resistant, excellent for marine applications
• Critical position/leveling on dry docks, offshore platforms,
& marine equipment
• Subsea trenching and equipment positioning
• Deep ocean research
• Marine construction equipment guidance systems
±3° ±50° ±3° ±50° ±5° ±50°
0.0006° 0.01° 0.0006° 0.01° 0.002° 0.02°
0.001° 0.02° 0.001° 0.02° 0.002° 0.02°
0.6 10.0 0.375 6.25 - -
°/V °/mA -
1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 .2 .2
1.75 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
3 7 3 7 3 7
±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.04 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.02
±0.7 ±7.2 ±0.7 ±7.2 ±.07 ±14.4
DeepWater 420
DeepWater Digital
Portable Tiltmeter
• <0.0002 mm/m sensitivi­ty in a handheld package
• Out of the box “plug and play” operation
• Robust 304 SS, waterproof design
• Construction monitoring
• Tilt surveying
Excavation & pit-wall
• Structure monitoring
±3.6 arc sec
Platform Mount
Digital Platform
Floor Mount
Digital Floor Mount
• High precision, to <0.000005° or better
• Powerful electronics drive cables to 1000m in length
Available in oor and wall mount congurations
• IP65 waterproof versions available
Radio telescope & radar antenna/platform leveling and positioning
• Advanced physics, astronomy, and geophysical research
High accuracy geotechnical engineering; bridge deection, sag, and pier monitoring
• Precision component alignment and metrology applications
±0.46° ±8° ±0.5° ±5° ±0.46° ±8° ±0.5° ±5° ±70°
.000005° .00005° 0.00005° 0.0005° .000005° .00005° .000005° 0.00005° 0.0001°
.000057° .00011° <0.0002° 0.0005° .000057° .00011° <0.0002° 0.0005° 0.001°
0.005 1.0 - - 0.005 1.0 - - -
°/V - - °/V - - -
1.0 1.0 0.4 0.1 1.0 1.0 0.4 0.1 0.1
7.5, 0.5 7.5, 0.5 0.15 0.15 7.5, 0.5 7.5, 0.5 0.15 0.15 0.15
0.8 1.3 3 3 0.8 1.3 3 3 7
±0.05 ±0.05 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.05 ±0.05 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.02
±0.6 ±3.6 ±0.72 ±0.72 ±0.6 ±3.6 ±0.72 ±0.72 ±14.4
Geodetic Tiltmeter
• Ultra-high 5-10 nanoradian resolution
• Excellent signal to noise ratio for preci­sion measurements
• Micrometer leveling
legs deliver rst class
leveling performance
• Precision metrology
• Geodetic and earth movement research
±1400 µrad
< 0.01 µrad
0.01 µrad
10, 0.1
±2.0 µrad
Borehole Tiltmeter
• Ultra-high 5 nanoradian resolution
• +/-10 Self-Leveling range
Powerful rmware: selectable sample/hold, on-board memory, and power mode features
• Geodetic, Volcano, and Geophysical Research
• Micro-deformation monitoring, fracture engineering
• Ground subsidence
±330 µrad
0.005 µrad
0.005 µrad
±3.0 µrad/°C
Available Channels X-tilt, Y-tilt,°C X-tilt,°C X-tilt, Y-tilt,°C, S/N
Sensor Output ±2.5V DC, 0-5V DC 4-20mA ±15 to ±10
Power Requirements 8-24V DC 112-29V DC ±25
X-tilt, Y-tilt, °C X-tilt, °C X-tilt, Y-tilt, °C, S/N
±2.5V DC, 0-5V DC 4-20mA ASCII, RS232/RS422
8-24V DC 12-29V DC 7-28V DC
X-tilt, Y-tilt, °C
±3V DC
8-24V DC
X-tilt,°C X-tilt, Y-tilt,°C X-tilt, Y-tilt, °C, S/N
±5V DC 4-20mA ASCII, RS232/RS422
9-24V DC 12-29V DC 7-28V DC
X-tilt,°C X-tilt, Y-tilt,°C X-tilt, Y-tilt, °C, S/N
±5V DC 4-20mA ASCII, RS232/RS422
9-24V DC 12-29V DC 7-28V DC
Operating Temperature Range -40° to +85°C -40° to +85°C -30°C to +70°C
Storage Temperature Range -40° to +85°C -40° to +85°C -40°C to +70°C
Seal/Depth Rating - - -
-40° to +85°C -40° to +85°C -40° to +85°C
-40° to +85°C -40° to +85°C -40° to +85°C
IP65 IP65 IP65
-25° to +70°C
-25° to +70°C
72 psi, Waterproof
-25° to +70°C -40° to +85°C -25° to +70°C
-30° to +100°C -40° to +85°C -30° to +100°C
IP65 IP65 IP65
-25° to +70°C -40° to +85°C -25° to +70°C
-30° to +100°C -40° to +85°C -30° to +100°C
3500 psi, Submersible 3500 psi, Submersible 3500 psi, Submersible
Weight 0.5 oz. (15 g) 0.5 oz. (15 g) 1.1 oz. (31 g)
Dimensions in cm (LxWxH) 5.1 x 5.1 x 1.6
11 x 2.3 x 2.3
Enclosure OEM OEM OEM
NOTE: Specications are subject to change without notice. For complete specications, instrument capabilities, and ordering information please visit 1 - Custom Ranges also available on request 2 - Linearity represents maximum deviation from linear regression line, typical; <.05% linearity or better achievable using a 5th order polynomial 3 - Ks = % change in scale factor per °C 4 - Kz = bias shift per °C .
11 x 2.3 x 2.3 6.7 x 6.7 x 2.5
16 oz. (400 g) 16 oz. (400 g) 19 oz. (550 g)
12 x 8 x 6 12 x 8 x 6 12 x 8 x 6
Powder Coated,
Die-cast Al
Powder Coated,
Die-cast Al
Powder Coated,
Die-cast Al
12 oz. (350 g)
24 x 3.9 O.D.
ABS Plastic
24 oz. (600 g) 17.6 oz. (500 g) 24 oz. (600 g)
12 x 8 x 6 12 x 8 x 6 12 x 8 x 6
Powder Coated,
Die-cast Al
Powder Coated,
Die-cast Al
Powder Coated,
Die-cast Al
11 lb. (5 kg) 11 lb. (5 kg) 11 lb. (5 kg)
15.2 x 10.2 x 8.9 15.2 x 10.2 x 8.9 15.2 x 10.2 x 8.9
316 SS
6Al-4V Ti
316 SS
6Al-4V Ti
316 SS
6Al-4V Ti
±5V DC
9-24V DC
-25° to +70°C
-30° to +100°C
IP65, Waterproof
6 lb. (2.7 kg)
11.1 x 6.2 x 3.2
304 SS,
Powder Coated Plastic
X-tilt, Y-tilt,°C X-tilt, Y-tilt, °C, S/N X-tilt, Y-tilt,°C X-tilt, Y-tilt, °C, S/N
±8V DC ASCII, RS232/RS422 ±8V DC ASCII, RS232/RS422
±12V DC 7-28V DC ±12V DC 7-28V DC
-8° to +70°C -25° to +70°C -8° to +70°C -25° to +70°C
-25° to +70°C -30° to +100°C -25° to +70°C -30° to +100°C
Waterproof Epoxy IP65 Waterproof Epoxy IP65
3 lb. (1.4 kg) 3 lb. (1.4 kg) 3 lb. (1.4 kg) 3 lb. (1.4 kg)
15 x 15 x 10 15 x 15 x 10 15 x 15 x 10 15 x 15 x 10
Anodized, Painted Al
Anodized, Painted Al
Anodized, Painted Al
Anodized, Painted Al
X-tilt, Y-tilt, °C
±8V DC
±12V DC
-8° to +70°C
-8° to +70°C
Nitrile O-ring
10 lb. (4.5 kg)
9.1 x 9.1 x 5.0 inches
Anodized Al
X-tilt, Y-tilt,°C, S/N
Compass, Timestamp
ASCII, RS232/RS422
7-28V DC
-8° to +85°C
-25° to +85°C
3000 psi, Submersible
10 lb. (4.5 kg)
91.5 x 5.1 O.D.
304 SS,
6Al-4V Ti